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TAP EOPA Study Guide Exam Questions with Correct Answers 100% 2024, Exams of Advanced Education

This study guide provides a comprehensive set of questions and answers for the TAP EOPA exam, covering key educational topics like theories, legislation, and teaching practices. It helps students prepare by offering a structured format of questions and correct answers. Topics include the five factor theory, AFT, progressive education, Title IX, pedagogical cycle, cognitive development, Bloom's Taxonomy, national board certified teacher requirements, teacher's unions, Elementary & Secondary Education Act, Horace Mann's contributions, effective teaching, technology integration, No Child Left Behind, Brown vs. Board of Education, public school funding, Pickering vs. Board of Education, goals of public education, dropout rates, schools of choice, moral education, Lau vs. Nichols, cooperative learning, multiple intelligences, standardized testing, teacher salaries, zero-tolerance punishment, fair use, culturally inclusive classrooms, professional development, and diagnostic testing.

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Available from 01/05/2025

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ANSWERS 100% 2024

The "Five Factor theory" includes leadership, high expectations, school mission, safe climate - CORRECT ANSWERS-and monitoring of student success The AFT is best described as a - CORRECT ANSWERS-professional organization Learning by doing is a foundation of - CORRECT ANSWERS-progressive education Which legislative act protects students from discrimination based on gender?

  • CORRECT ANSWERS-Title IX Realizing that students learn in different ways helps teachers to - CORRECT ANSWERS-facilitate learning The Pedagogical Cycle includes structure, question, respond and - CORRECT ANSWERS-react Cognitive Development was introduced as a theory of development by - CORRECT ANSWERS-Piaget The lowest level and highest level of the Blooms chart are - CORRECT ANSWERS-knowledge and evaluation Undergoing extensive observations and portfolio reviews are a part of - CORRECT ANSWERS-becoming a National Board Certified Teacher Teacher's unions negotiate salary and - CORRECT ANSWERS-benefits The Elementary & Secondary Education Act - CORRECT ANSWERS-develops metal resources and skills of students Horace mann is most known for - CORRECT ANSWERS-establishing public schools

Knowledge of subject areas and using proper instructional skills are part of - CORRECT ANSWERS-effective teaching Which characteristic is MOST important for a teacher to possess? - CORRECT ANSWERS-a strong work ethic Effective schools have clear expectations, small class sizes, teachers that engage students and - CORRECT ANSWERS-a belief that all students can learn Technology integration includes student engagement, group work, teacher interaction and - CORRECT ANSWERS-feedback Which legislative act requires that federally funded schools give standardized tests? - CORRECT ANSWERS-No Child Left Behind Which legislative act was responsible for the desegregation of public schools? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Brown vs BOE Which entities are responsible for funding public schools? - CORRECT ANSWERS-federal, state, and local governments Pickering vs BOE protects a teacher's right to - CORRECT ANSWERS-free speech Four goals of public education are academic, vocational, social/civic and - CORRECT ANSWERS-personal Unrealistic expectations for the workplace have been linked to - CORRECT ANSWERS-increased drop-out rates Schools are more competitive because of what? - CORRECT ANSWERS- schools of choice Moral education is a combination of moral stages of dev, values education, character edu and - CORRECT ANSWERS-values clarification Lau vs Nichols was a case based on discrimination because of - CORRECT ANSWERS-national origin Which kind of class environment would benefit from cooperative learning? - CORRECT ANSWERS-a diverse class The theory that intelligence fits into various modalities is called - CORRECT ANSWERS-multiple intelligences

The fairest way to test a large number of students is - CORRECT ANSWERS- standardized testing What is the average starting salary for a beginning teacher in GA with a 4- year degree? - CORRECT ANSWERS-$36, High stakes test scores most likely contribute to - CORRECT ANSWERS-drop- out rates Zero-tolerance punishment means - CORRECT ANSWERS-punishing regardless of circumstance Fair Use allows the use of copyrighted material on a website - CORRECT ANSWERS-without permission from the copy right holder Accommodating individual cultural differences is part of - CORRECT ANSWERS-a culturally inclusive classroom Which Act ensures high-quality professional development for teachers? - CORRECT ANSWERS-No Child Left Behind Which type of test is used to establish a baseline of a student's abilities? - CORRECT ANSWERS-diagnostic