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A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the tceq wastewater license exam for the years 2024-2025. It covers a wide range of topics related to wastewater treatment, including primary and secondary treatment processes, disinfection, sludge management, and regulatory requirements. Valuable for individuals preparing for the tceq wastewater license exam, offering insights into the exam's format and content.
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(This one is opposite) A = Influent B = Aeration Tank C = Clarifier D = Waste Activated Sludge E = Return Activated Sludge - ANSWhat does A-F represent? About ___ pounds of BOD are contributed daily by each person (The BOD population equivalent) - ANS0. Any plant with a design flow above ___ MGD is required to install instrumentation for continuous flow totalizing - ANS0.5 MGD At what percentage of exposure can hydrogen sulfide begin to harm you? - ANSExposure for 2-15 minutes at 0.01% impairs the sense of smell. Exposure to amounts of 0.07-0.1% rapidly causes acute poisoning, paralyzing the lungs At what population does a city may have to establish a water pollution control and abatement program? - ANS10,000 or more
BOD analysis should begin no later than after __ hours of sampling (after being refrigerated to __C) to be assured of representative results - ANS6 hours, 6 degrees Celsius Does septic or freshwater have a lower pH? Why? - ANSSeptic has lower pH due to volatile acids formed from wastewater decomposition Domestic wastewater is ___% water and ___% solids - ANS99.9% water, 0.1% solids Each stage of the RBC process should have sufficient volume to provide for a contact time of about: - ANS1 hour Floatable scum is usually removed from wastewater in the: - ANSPrimary clarifier How can a chlorine leak be located or detected? - ANSUsing an ammonia soaked rag or spray bottle How can the operator control the scum blanket in an anaerobic digester? - ANSproper mixing and heat control How did the state get its authority to control water pollution? - ANSThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) delegated that authority to the individual states. How do Rotating Biological Contactors spin? - ANSEach unit is driven either by a motor with a gear reducer or by air trapped in air cups
In advanced treatment processes, what is the most important factor affecting filter performance? - ANSthe quality of the secondary effluent being applied to the filter - low in solids In advanced treatment, a filtration process should remove about ____ of the TSS applied - ANS70%-90% In Rotating Biological Contactors, what is the biological growth like? - ANSThe entire wetted surface area of the disc becomes covered by a 0.05-0.1 inch film of gray to brown biological growth. It contains approximately 50,000 mg/L of solids Infiltration - ANSGroundwater that enters the collection system through holes, cracks, etc. Inflow - ANSSurface runoff that enters the collection system Is BOD or COD test better for process control? - ANSCOD because it has a shorter testing time, which means faster feedback regarding the treatment process Lift stations are built when wastewater is: - ANS- Raised to a higher elevation
Name the presence of the four different microorganisms in good quality sludge with good settling in order from most prominent to least prominent - ANS1. Free swimming ciliates
Solids remain in an anaerobic digester for ___ days - ANS15-20 days. Each time sludge is pumped into a digester, an equal volume of sludge is transferred to the secondary digester TCEQ's goals regarding water pollution control are: - ANS- To maintain state water quality
Types of ponds used in treatment are: - ANS- aerated (mechanic aeration to mix oxygen, organics, and microorganisms)
What are colloidal particles? What can be used to get rid of them? - ANSVery small particles that carry an electric charge which makes it very difficult for them to flocculate and settle. Coagulants can be used to neutralize the charge and enable them to flock together. What are different types of preliminary treatment? - ANSracks, screens, grinders, grit channels What are four methods of dewatering stabilized sludge? - ANSbelt press, centrifuge, plate and frame press, drying beds and lagoons What are pathogens? What are two viral diseases that could be carried in wastewater? - ANSPolio and infectious hepatitis What are precautions individuals can take to protect against pathogens in the collection system? How do communities overall prevent waterborne disease? - ANS- Wear cut-resistant gloves
What can advanced treatment processes do that secondary treatment can't? - ANSAdvanced treatment processes strive to provide a higher removal level of specific compounds, suspended solids, and oxygen-demanding materials that cannot be achieved through secondary treatment alone. What can an operator do to reduce the effluent BOD of a Trickling Filter? - ANSRaise recirculation rate. What did the Clean Water Act do? - ANS- Created pollution control programs
What does preliminary treatment do? - ANSIt protects the treatment system from large obstructions in the raw influent, unnecessary wear on process equipment, and fluctuations of flow and pollutant strength What does primary treatment do? It should remove what percentage of settleable solids, suspended solids, BOD, and total organic matter? - ANSPrimary treatment is the removal of settleable solids from the raw wastewater It should remove:
What is "ponding" in a trickling filter? - ANSa condition that occurs when the hollow spaces between the media become plugged so much that water passage through the filter is inadequate. It occurs due to excessive slime growths, trash, or media breakdown What is a trickling filter? - ANSA fixed film process where wastewater trickles over media, usually rock or plastic. Wastes are then consumed by layers of bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and other organisms that live on the media. What is adsorption? - ANSWhen a material clings to the surface of a second material, usually a solid What is an accidental discharge? When must TCEQ be notified about it? - ANSAn act or omission through which waste or other substances are inadvertently discharged into water in the state. TCEQ must be notified within 24 hours if one occurs. What is an unauthorized discharge? - ANSAny discharge of wastewater into or adjacent to waters in the state at a location not permitted as an outfall. Ex: SSO What is carbon dioxide? (CO2) - ANSA colorless, odorless gas that has a suffocating effect. When inhaled at higher than normal concentrations, it can produce a sour taste in the mouth and a stinging sensation in the nose and throat. What is carbon monoxide? (CO) - ANSA colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas
What is chlorine demand? - ANSThe difference between the dose and the residual concentration What is F/M? - ANSThe ratio of the amount of food applied per day to the microorganisms in the aeration tanks What is free chlorine? - ANSThe combination of dissolved chlorine gas, hypochlorous acid, and hypochlorite ion What is Gould Sludge Age? - ANSHow long, in days, a pound of solids stays in the aerator What is grit and why is it removed during preliminary treatment? - ANSGrit consists of non-biodegradable particles including sand, , rocks, coffee grounds, etc. It is removed to remove the heavy, inorganic waste that doesn't break down during treatment and to prevent equipment damage. What is Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)? When does it occur? - ANSA colorless, toxic, and flammable gas that resembles the smell of rotten eggs. It results from the bacterial breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. It is heavier than air. What is Mean Cell Residence Time? - ANSEstimates how long the living cells are kept in the plant What is Methane? (CH4) What percentage of methane is in digester gas? - ANSA colorless, odorless, and highly flammable gas. Methane is an asphyxiant and is
lighter than air. Digester gas contains 65% methane and is used for heating fuel or operating equipment. What is primary sludge and its moisture content? - ANSSuspended solids that have been settled out in primary sedimentation tanks or primary clarifiers. The moisture content is 94-96% moisture (4-6% solids) What is super important about the distribution arms on a trickling filter? - ANSOrifices or nozzles on the rotating arms should be inspected daily for clogging and cleaned if necessary. There should be no trash or large debris through the filter. What is the activated sludge process? - ANSUses living organisms in an oxygen- rich environment to remove organic wastes from wastewater What is the average domestic contribution to the collection system? (Per person/day) - ANS100 gallons per day What is the best chemical to use for pond odor control? - ANSSodium Nitrate What is the definition of a flow-weighted composite sample? - ANSA combination of portions of samples collected at regular intervals and combined according to flow What is the detention time of a clarifier? - ANS2 hours
What is the EPA's primary wastewater legislation? - ANSThe Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972. As amended in 1977, this law commonly became known as the Clean Water Act What is the gas composition in a well-run digester? - ANS65-75% methane, and 25-35% carbon dioxide What is the holding time for TSS after being collected in a wastewater treatment plant? - ANS7 days What is the imhoff cone used to measure? - ANSSettleable solids What is the material that sloughs off the trickling filter that settles in the clarifier?
25 days for extended aeration plant
What is the purpose of recirculating trickling filter effluent? - ANSTo keep a constant hydraulic load on the trickling filter What is the purpose of Return Activated Sludge (RAS)? - ANSPumps continuously send RAS to the aeration tank, which reseeds the biological reaction in the aeration tank and removes accumulating sludge from the clarifier What is the purpose of wastewater treatment? - ANS- Dispose of solids
What problem is indicated by organic material in removed grit? - ANSthat flow velocities are too low in the grit channel. What should an operator do if an anaerobic digester is noticing that the volatile acid/alkalinity ratio is increasing? - ANSTo cure a souring digester, the operator should reduce the sludge feed and removal rate from the digester and ensure adequate mixing is occurring What would be the cause of rising sludge and gas bubbles in the final clarifier? - ANSDenitrification When can TCEQ revoke an operator's permit? - ANSIf the operator:
Why is oil and grease a concern if present in wastewater? - ANSIt may cause explosions, fires, line blockages, and odor