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TCEQ WW C license 2024-2025. Questions and Correct Verified Answers. Graded A, Exams of Water and Wastewater Engineering

TCEQ WW C license 2024-2025. Questions and Correct Verified Answers. Graded A

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Available from 11/19/2024

wilfred-mburu 🇬🇧



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Download TCEQ WW C license 2024-2025. Questions and Correct Verified Answers. Graded A and more Exams Water and Wastewater Engineering in PDF only on Docsity!

TCEQ WW C license 2024-2025. Questions

and Correct Verified Answers. Graded A

1 acre - ANS43, Accidental Discharge must notify TCEQ within - ANS24 hours Administrative Penalty for discharge violation - ANSup to 25000 per day Anaerobic ponds - ANSdissolved oxygen is absent Area of a Cirlce - ANS3.14 x r^ Biological growth on media is called - ANSzoogleal mass Bod % removed in standard trickling filter - ANS80%-85% BOD per person - ANS0.17 lbs BOD stands for - ANSBiochemical Oxygen Demand C-Factor is a - ANSPipe's coefficient of roughness or rating for smoothness Centrifugal pump - ANSmust be primed

Collection pipes and manholes must be - ANSlocated at least 9 feet from all water supply pipes Detention Time - ANSTank Capacity Gallons / Flow rate Disinfection Destroys Microorganisms called - ANSPathogens Facultative ponds - ANShave aerobic and anaerobic layers Fresh Wastewater is usually - ANSdishwasher gray with slight odor Gas Chlorinator feed rates are indicated by - ANSRotameter in pounds per day I & I - ANSinflow and infiltration If the BOD on the plant is high - ANSDO levels should be increased Imhoff Tanks are - ANS2 story units with 3 compartments Liquid Chlorine is - ANSreddish-yellow (amber) Manhole covers - ANS30 inches or larger Manhole spacing (pipe diameter 6-15 inches) - ANS500 feet

Minimum manhole inside diameter - ANS48 inches Minimum velocity to keep solids in suspension - ANS2ft per sec Minutes in a day - ANS Mixture of Raw Wastewater and Microorganisms - ANSMixed Liqour Most common used valve to isolate a pump - ANSGate valve Normal Oxygen content in the air - ANS21% One surface Arce furnishes treatment for - ANSabout 300 people PH scale ranges from - ANS0- Primary causes of stoppage are - ANSroots and grease Primary sludge is about - ANS94%-96% water Purple Pipe means - ANSReclaimed Water Line Quality Sludge is - ANSBrown and has musty odor

Secondary sludge is about - ANS99% water Septic Wastewater is usually - ANSDark with a disagreeable odor Sludge disposal solid content - ANS20% Stabilization Ponds - ANSuses sunlight for energy TCEQ shares authority with agencies including - ANSParks and Wildlife department There are _____ basic parts of a trickling filter - ANSfour tiny dark-colored moths - ANSFilter Flies Two Categories of Water Contamination - ANSpoint and non-point source Velocity - ANSFeet / Seconds Volume of a Cylinder - ANS3.14 x r^2 x L Water velocity in a Grit chamber is - ANS1 ft per sec Zoogleal mass must remain - ANSwet or it will die