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A series of questions and answers related to the first chapter of teex wastewater treatment. It covers topics such as the goals and purpose of water and wastewater management in texas, the measurement of dissolved solids, the characteristics of non-settleable solids, and the bod test. Useful for students studying wastewater treatment and provides a basic understanding of key concepts.
Typology: Exams
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The goals and purpose of the state of Texas for water and wastewater are : - - - correct answer ✅The purpose of the state for maintaining water quality are: 1, protect public health, 2 protect wildlife, 3, help operating industries, 4, protect economic development, 5, Promote wastewater collection, and disposal systems, 6, Implement the state water plan
How are Total Dissolved Solid measured - - - correct answer ✅Total dissolved solids, are measured by pouring wastewater through a filter, then weighing the filter. What are the settling characteristics, of non settleable solids - - - correct answer ✅Non Settleable solids that do not settle, when left standing for one hour, in an Imhoff cone. How are Volatile solids measured - - - correct answer ✅Volatile solids, (VSS) are measured, by burning the residue, from the total solids , in a muffle furnace. The fraction that is burned off, (volatile) represents, volatile organic solids. What do floatable solids consist of - - - correct answer ✅Floatable solids, consist of small particles, that will not settle out. Their specific gravity, is less than that of water. Floatable solids, would be included, in a TSS measurement. What does the inorganic solids consist of - - - correct answer ✅The inorganic solids consists of sand, grit, and minerals, which are suspended, or dissolved, in the water. Dissolved inorganic minerals, include, chlorides, sulfates, nitrates, phosphates
Describe Organic, or Volatile Solids - - - correct answer ✅Organic solids can be suspended, or dissolved, and constitute, about 65%, of the total solids. What is the BOD of raw wastewater - - - correct answer ✅The BOD of raw wastewater, varies from 100, to 300, mg/L. Approximately, 0.17 lbs of BOD, contributed daily, by each person is called, the BOD, population equivalent. Describe the first stage of the BOD test - - - correct answer ✅First stage of BOD, is called, Carbonaceous, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, oxygen demand, is due to bacterial stabilization, of carbonaceous material. Describe the second stage of the BOD test - - - correct answer ✅The second stage of BOD, called, Nitrogenous, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, requires DO levels, to be above 2 mg/L., the nitrifying bacteria, Nitrosomonas, and Nitrobacter, convert ammonia, to nitrites, and nitrates. How much does flow, to the wastewater treatment plant, vary, from total water consumption - - -
correct answer ✅Flow to the plant, 70%, to 130%, of total water consumption What are three factors that impact D.O. saturation levels - - - correct answer ✅D.O. saturation levels, are impacted by temperature, barometric pressure, and dissolved salts. How does temperature, impact D.O. saturation - - - correct answer ✅As the water temperature increases, the DO saturation level decreases; and as the temperature decreases, the DO saturation level, increases What is one difference, in the COD test and BOD test - - - correct answer ✅The COD test, uses strong chemical oxidation, rather than microbial action Why are COD values higher, than BOD values - - - correct answer ✅COD values are higher, than BOD value, because COD tests, utilize a chemical oxidation , of the organic matter, which is more complete
How long, does it take to run a COD - - - correct answer ✅COD testing, require 2, to 4 hours to run. generally, what will the range, of COD values , for raw domestic wastewater be - - - correct answer ✅COD values, will range from, 200, to 750 mg/L. The ratio, of the COD test result, to the BOD5, test result, on the same sample, is usually - - - correct answer ✅2.5, to, 1.