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TESOL Final Exam Questions with Verified Answers latest Update 2025, Exams of Literature

TESOL Final Exam Questions with Verified Answers latest Update 2025 The demographic imperative --- correct answer ---refers to the need to address the needs of a swiftly changing population profile in the U.S ELF refers to --- correct answer ---English as a Foreign Language

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TESOL Final Exam Questions with Verified

Answers latest Update 2025

The demographic imperative --- correct answer --- refers to the need to address the needs of a swiftly changing population profile in the U.S

ELF refers to --- correct answer --- English as a Foreign Language

Which of the following is an example of using comprehensible input to increase student vocabulary? --- correct answer --- A teacher assigns a short reading paragraph that incorporate both familiar and unfamiliar words.

Reya is struggling in her honors world history class despite the high marks she received in the class at her previous school, where classes were taught in her native language. She turns in all of her written work and gets good grades on reading and writing assignments, which she completes on her own outside of class. However, she struggles to keep up with the lectures and reading assignments. What might be the cause of Reya's struggles? --- correct answer --- A lack of comprehensible input

L-1 and L-2 refer, respectively, to --- correct answer --- Primary or native language and new or foreign language being acquired

Teachers of culturally and linguistically diverse learners should have the following credentials: --- correct answer --- Have significant facility with the language of the learners, Have preparation or professional development in teaching CLDs

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages is abbreviated by: --- correct answer --- TESOL

Lucia enjoys listening to songs in English. She memorizes the choruses and sings them to herself throughout the day, noting words she does not recognize and integrating phrases from the songs into everyday language practice. When

responding to questions, Lucia uses single words and short phrases, but still has difficulty in producing any complete sentences. What stage of language acquisition is Lucia in? --- correct answer --- Early production

During which stage of literacy development will students focus on the sounds of language and how they combine to form words? --- correct answer --- emergent

Which of the following is appropriate assignment for an ESL student who is in the silent period of second language acquisition? --- correct answer --- Complete a matching activity, pairing words with their illustrations

Predictable routines and signals are advantageous in language learner classrooms - -- correct answer --- To reduce anxiety, To provide visual reminders, requiring less reliance on oral directions, To assist newcomers in feeling like part of the classroom community, To better understand expectations

(all of the above)

New Gateway states --- correct answer --- Are entry points for immigrants that have emerged in the last wave of immigration, Include North Carolina and Georgia, Are in addition to states like California, Texas, Florida, and New York who have a long- standing history of immigrant entry, Include entry from documented and undocumented immigrants in significant numbers

(all of the above)

Which takes longer to develop, BICS or CALP? --- correct answer --- CALP

Subtractive bilingualism is most likely to occur in second-language learners who --- correct answer --- have little opportunity to continue using their first language

A class is doing a project about a kitchen they have been in. The project can be based on a grandparent's kitchen or that of a friend; an outdoor "kitchen," such as at a campground or on a deck; a play kitchen that they recall from pre-school; or any other type of kitchen. The students can work individually or in a small group of their choosing. some students are drawing and painting, while others are creating 3-dimensional models. One group is creating a play that takes place in a kitchen.

One child is writing about her grandmother, who cooks tortillas on a hot hot rock. Another is creating a shoe-box diorama that depicts a fisherman smoking a fish in a temporary smoke-house. The teacher has reviewed vocabulary with the students, but a number of them approach her for help with English words. What has the teacher created this project to do? --- correct answer --- Encourage students to be curious about and respectful of differences in culture.

Pull factors in immigration include all EXCEPT: --- correct answer --- Existing publicly funded community support systems for immigrants in rural areas.

Students arriving with limited or interrupted formal schooling: --- correct answer - -- Face additional barriers due to limited or no native language literacy to support the academic experience, Are also referred to as Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE), Often have difficulty with coursework and do poorly on standardized tests, without literacy or knowledge of the organization and structures of schools.

(all of the above)

Which of the following is FALSE? --- correct answer --- Singling out new ESL students to present interesting information about their cultures in school assemblies is the best way to display a positive attitude toward ESL students

Pragmatics is concerned with --- correct answer --- Meaning in context

Immigrants in the most recent wave of US immigration differ from previous groups: --- correct answer --- They face ever increasing barriers to legal immigration to the US, Come from different parts of the world than previous waves of immigrants, They are entering the US and settling in areas that previously did not have high numbers of immigrants and are not prepared for academic and community needs.

(all of the above)

A teacher is having difficulty with her fifth grade ESL students. She pre-teaches lessons by giving students specialized vocabulary they will need, reminds them of

prior knowledge, and writes important information on the board in her clearest cursive handwriting. She asks the ESL students if they understand; the students nearly always nod and smile in agreement. She speaks very slowly and loudly and is careful to use a few of the most current slang expressions to make the students feel she "speaks their language." Nonetheless, the students demonstrate little understanding of the material when tested in an essay format. They do only a little better when asked to choose the correct answer on tests. What is the teacher doing wrong? --- correct answer --- Some of the ESL student may not be able to interpret cursive handwriting, When asked a question directly, many students will agree whether or not they understand what is begin asked, to avoid embarrassment, The teacher's use of slang that has not been taught as idiom is likely to confuse students, rather than clarify meaning, Speaking slowly and clearly is important, but increasing volume will not improve comprehension.

(all of the above)

Materials that take into account students' backgrounds, experiences, and interests are said to be --- correct answer --- Culturally appropriate materials

Maintaining more or less distance between or among people is an example of --- correct answer --- a cultural norm

Research indicates that the Silent/Receptive stage of second language acquisition typically lasts up to________, during which time a learner understands and can respond to roughly ___________ words. --- correct answer --- Six months; 500

Mr.s Jackson, a content area science teacher, counts classroom participation as part of daily grades for students. Classroom participation includes participating in whole class discussions and asking questions during lectures. Why might this be unfair for ESL students in his classroom? --- correct answer --- Some ESL students might come form collectivist cultures that expect students to play a more passive role in the classroom.

Current research suggests that employing a student's L1 in support of his or her L is likely to: --- correct answer --- Increase comprehensibility

When did the United States begin enacting laws that restricted immigration? --- correct answer --- in the late 1800s

Which of the following is true about the Migrant Education Program? --- correct answer --- It currently has programs in every state.

When does Special Education law apply to LEPs? --- correct answer --- Always

Two-Way Immersion programs include all EXCEPT the following components --- correct answer --- Is most often utilized at the high school level

With the implementation of NCLB, states were required to use Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) and English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessments. Because many states did not already have these in place, a consortium of states was created to assist states in developing them. What was this organization called? --- correct answer --- WIDA

Funding for Title III programs in the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is directly related to outcomes from which of the following court case(s)? --- correct answer --

- Castañeda v. Pickard

Proposition 227 --- correct answer --- Is a measure passed by voters in California in 1998 that influenced numerous other states to advance similar action, Is an English Only measure, promoting and normalizing the use English as the language of instruction in public education, Was repealed in CA in 2016. Arizona alone in our nation continues as an English Only state

(all of the above)

Immersion Bilingual Education --- correct answer --- Provides academic and language instruction in two languages, as in Canada's national education model.

Which of the following is NOT true? --- correct answer --- Culture and language are separate and unrelated.

English-Language Development Programs --- correct answer --- Come in a variety of formats, but is always multi-modal in delivery, Includes pull-out programs in

which ELLs leave the regular classroom for instruction, Allows for multiple means of demonstrating knowledge, Attends to comprehensible input for all students

(all the above)

In December 2015, a new version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was passed. What is it called? --- correct answer --- ESSA, (Every Student Succeeds Act)

Lau v. Nicols (U.S. Supreme Court, 1974) determined that ELLs must be given what right? --- correct answer --- To instruction that they have the skills to understand

Which of the following is NOT a requirement of ELL programs as a result of the 1981 Castañeda v. Pickard case? --- correct answer --- The program must offer bilingual instruction for the first year of enrollment.

What 1982 Supreme Court case established for undocumented immigrant children the right to a free education? --- correct answer --- Plyer v. Doe; 14th amendment

The primary approach to teaching English to non-native speakers prior to 1960 was: --- correct answer --- Immersion

In 1981 the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit overturned a 1978 federal ruling in the case of Castañeda v. Pickard. As a result, a three-pronged assessment was established to ensure that bilingual programs met requirements established by what act? --- correct answer --- Equal Educational Opportunities Act

What is the Language Experience Approach also known as? --- correct answer --- LEA

The bold part of the word re(build)ing is --- correct answer - -- a stem or root

A teacher is having difficulty with her fifth grade ESL students. She pre-teachers lessons by giving students specialized vocabulary they will need, reminds them of prior knowledge, and writes important information on the board in her clearest cursive handwriting. She asks the ESL students if they understand; the students nearly always nod and smile in agreement. She speaks very slowly and loudly and

is careful to use a few of the most current slang expressions to make the students feel she "speaks their language." Nonetheless, the students demonstrate little understanding of the material when tested in an essay format. They do only a little better when asked to choose the correct answer on tests. What is the teacher doing wrong? --- correct answer --- Some of the ESL student may not be able to interpret cursive handwriting, When asked a question directly, many students will agree whether or not they understand what is begin asked, to avoid embarrassment, The teacher's use of slang that has not been taught as idiom is likely to confuse students, rather than clarify meaning, Speaking slowly and clearly is important, but increasing volume will not improve comprehension

(all of the above)

Which of the following presents effective ways a third-grade teacher can help students expand their vocabulary? --- correct answer --- Teach a unit on prefixes and suffixes. Offer some examples of each. Next, group the students into teams and see which team comes up with the most words that use prefixes and suffixes. Challenge them by asking for a word with both a prefix and a suffix.

Ms. Perez wants to raise her students' competency in CALP. Her strategies include "thinking aloud" to demonstrate cognitive process, differentiating instruction by teaching explicitly, and --- correct answer --- Asking "what if" questions, Maintaining high expectations of all students, Teaching test-taking and study skills and strategies as well as content

(all of the above)

Current research suggests that employing a student's L1 in support of his or her L is likely to: --- correct answer --- Increase comprehensibility

Which answer best describes the stages of language development? --- correct answer --- Pre-production stage; early production stage; speech emergence stage; intermediate fluency stage

How can a teacher best simplify a text for ELLs at the beginning and intermediate stages? --- correct answer --- Shorten the text; abbreviate sentences; substitute

simple, concrete language for more complex language; break complex sentences into two of three simpler, more direct sentences; omit detail that enhances the text but doesn't change or clarify meaning.

In terms of models, which bilingual approach does research indicate is least effective? --- correct answer --- Pull-out ESL classes

A class is doing a project about a kitchen they have been in. The project can be based on a grandparent's kitchen or that of a friend; an outdoor "kitchen," such as at a campground or on a deck; a play kitchen that they recall from pre-school; or any other type of kitchen. The students can work individually or in a small group of their choosing. some students are drawing and painting, while others are creating 3-dimensional models. One group is creating a play that takes place in a kitchen. One child is writing about her grandmother, who cooks tortillas on a hot hot rock. Another is creating a shoe-box diorama that depicts a fisherman smoking a fish in a temporary smoke-house. The teacher has reviewed vocabulary with the students, but a number of them approach her for help with English words. What has the teacher created this project to do? --- correct answer --- Encourage students to be curious about and respectful of differences in culture.

In which of the following would a speaker most likely have rising intonation? --- correct answer --- Do you want to watch a movie?

The new ESL teacher is compiling a file of information for each of her students. Her files include level of L1 education and literacy; level of L2 competency in the four modalities of speaking, writing, listening, and reading; the type of depth of English study the student has undertaken; the student's interests and personality type; and the most effective learning styles for the particular student. What does the teacher most likely intend to use these files for? --- correct answer --- She will use the information they contain to vary instruction to meet each students' specific needs.

Long-term English learners (LTELs) demonstrate all of the following EXCEPT: --- correct answer --- Typically in grades K- 5

A learner-centered class is likely to: --- correct answer --- All of the above (have a teacher who uses multiple sources to find out personal and academic information about students, Engages in collaborative activities, projects and inquiry, Makes connections between learners' life experience and academic content, Utilizes a variety of group configurations (pairs, small groups, whole class).)

Students arriving with limited or interrupted formal schooling: --- correct answer - -- all of the above (Face additional barriers due to limited or no native language literacy to support the academic experience, Are also referred to as Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE), Often have difficulty with coursework and do poorly on standardized tests, without literacy or knowledge of the organization and structures of schools.)

North Carolina is recognized as a new Gateway State. This means: --- correct answer --- The state has become home to large numbers of immigrants in recent history, though this was not historically true until the last few decades.

Immigrants in the most recent wave of US immigration differ from previous groups: --- correct answer --- all of the above (They face ever increasing barriers to legal immigration to the US, Come from different parts of the world than previous waves of immigrants, They are entering the US and settling in areas that previously did not have high numbers of immigrants and are not prepared for academic and community needs.)

How can ESOL teachers best assist students with Interrupted Formal Education? --- correct answer --- By providing students with individual attention on a regular basis.

Which of the following activities results in the rehearsal of receptive skills, supportive of emergent language learners? --- correct answer --- reading a poem

Legislation supporting the rights of language learners in the US: --- correct answer --- Has been closely tied to the Civil Rights Movement in the US, evolving into the present.

ESL teachers are often called upon to advocate for ELLs and their families outside of the school setting. In doing so, ESL teachers often have to act as cultural liaisons by doing what? --- correct answer --- Helping ELL families and established community members communicate and work with each other

Because the US began as a melting pot of people from many different nationalities and ethnic groups, bilingual communities and education were a matter of course. It was essential for business people who served members of a particular culture to know that language, and immigrant children who did not speak English were often taught in their language of origin. By WWI, the US began to develop a strong sense of itself as a nation and English emerged as the "national" language. Non-English- speaking children were no longer taught in any language other than English. When did this trend begin to reverse, once again and why? --- correct answer --- In the 1960s; Cuban immigrants established a successful bilingual program, and the Civil Rights movement put attention on correcting educational and social agendas that were prejudiced in favor of the white middle class.

Historically, and currently, factor(s that push people to immigration include: --- correct answer --- all of the above (Political instability, Religious, ethnic or racial oppression, War and human rights abuses, Lack opportunity for education and/or employment)

Pull factors in immigration include all EXCEPT: --- correct answer --- Existing publicly funded community support systems for immigrants in rural areas.

Which of the following describes an English language learner with intrinsic motivation? --- correct answer --- Margot likes working in small groups because she understands the work better when she has the opportunity to discuss it with other students.

Mr. Muñoz is preparing to deliver the first oral language quiz to his ELL class. Students will be expected to listen to a conversation and answer questions about what they understand. Which of the following would be the most appropriate

method of scaffolding for his newest students? --- correct answer --- Present students with the specific questions they will be expected to answer.

Differentiation may occur in several places in the learning process, including: --- correct answer --- all of the above (In the content that is being considered, In the learning process, In the product or outcome that is required)

Why is total physical response (TPR) most useful when working with beginning language learners? --- correct answer --- Because students are not required to speak

What is the primary emphasis in pull-out ESOL programs? --- correct answer --- Developing English skills that prepare learners for their content area classes

Realia means --- correct answer --- Concrete objects used in demonstrations to develop vocabulary and encourage discourse

An ESL teacher has several students who have attained BICS fluency. What must she do to help the students achieve CALP? --- correct answer --- Develop tier 2 vocabulary; teach specialized vocabulary essential to a particular subject area; teach, offer ample practice opportunities, monitor, and re-teach more complex syntactical structures; offer instruction and practice in organizing ideas in terms of text

What should a teacher working with an ESL student who is at the preproduction stage do? --- correct answer --- Incorporate gestures, pictures, manipulatives, and other extra-verbal tools into her teaching

L2 development are complicated by which of the following? --- correct answer --- all of the above (Idiomatic expressions, Vocabulary words that have multiple meanings, Carrying grammatical rules, vocabulary, and pronunciation from L1 and applying them to L2)

Cooperative learning is a teaching approach that combines students at varying scholastic levels and with various learning styles into small groups for learning activities that encourage interaction. All students have ample opportunity to speak, and groups foster a sense of mutual respect. Additionally, students at different

levels and with different learning styles observe one another and expand their learning skills and strategies. This approach is most effective when: --- correct answer --- Learning tasks are authentic, challenging, and meaningful

Krashen's Monitor Approach includes all EXCEPT --- correct answer --- Universal Grammar Hypothesis

A key element of the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach is --- correct answer --- Task-based learning (TLB)

Total Physical Response --- correct answer --- uses physical modeling and response as a means of gaining verbal proficiency.

When considering age as a factor in language acquisition, one myth that persists is: --- correct answer --- Children learn a second language more easily than adults because a critical period of processing ability that has been documented in research

Cummins posits that --- correct answer --- Common underlying proficiency (CUP) assumes that L1 and L2 have a shared foundation about language use, thus L2 is provided support for L1 acquisition

Second language acquisition is dependent on --- correct answer --- all of the above (Interaction and opportunities, structured and unstructured, to engage in discourse, Psychological factors in learners' background including past academic success, Sociocultural factors including family acculturation and support for identity, Social-Emotional factors including self-esteem, motivation, and anxiety levels)

Political and social factors that impact language learners include --- correct answer --- all of the above (unequal funding for education in high poverty residential areas, deficit perspectives of immigrants and undocumented minorities in the media, low expectations of language learners through linguistic racism, perpetuating social- class inequities)

Examples of comprehensible input as described by Krashen include --- correct answer --- use of simple, leveled reading material for independent reading by language learners

Which of the following terms refers to how the level of a language learner's negative feelings and motivation correlates to their ability to acquire new language skills? --- correct answer --- Affective filter

Mr. A notices that a few of his ESL students have not been doing classwork or homework assignments because they lack motivation to learn about certain topics. Mr. A can best increase his students' intrinsic motivation to learn by --- correct answer --- Determining their interests and incorporating them into classroom lessons

An ESL teacher is conducting a lesson on the woolly mammoth. Sandra, an intermediate-level ELL, is having trouble taking notes on the characteristics of the animal during the lesson. Based on Sandra's needs, the ESL teacher should provide her with a --- correct answer --- graphic organizer with a word bank about the woolly mammoth

Which of the following strategies will NOT be effective in creating a culturally responsive classroom? --- correct answer --- Devising ways to reward student participation to encourage speaking

A first grade teacher recently welcomed a new ELL named Hassan into the classroom. Hassan's record shows that he had limited exposure to English classes in his home country and is currently functioning at the beginning level of English- language proficiency. Which of the following instructional strategies would most appropriately assist Hassan in increasing his communication skills? --- correct answer --- Having Hassan use pictures and gestures when interacting with others

Ms. Yamamoto teaches an introductory writing class composed of learners from a variety of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Her primary objective is to encourage her students to brainstorm ideas on a given topic and develop their English writing skills as a result of brainstorming. Which of the following is the

most effective strategy Ms. Y can use to benefit the ELLs in the class during the brainstorming process? --- correct answer --- Encouraging ELLs to use their first languages and cultural knowledge in brainstorming discussions

Melvil tries to participate in his ESOL classes each day. However, he finds it difficult to focus when there is no movement involved in the lesson. What kind of learning preference is Melvil demonstrating? --- correct answer --- Kinesthetic learning

Mr. Osborne is working on a banking and finance unit with his students. He is hoping to create some hands-on activities that will simulate real financial transactions. What might Mr. O use in his lessons to make students' experience feel more authentic? --- correct answer --- Realia such as deposit slips, checks, and account statements

Best practices for teaching English literacy include --- correct answer --- all of the above (A language-rich environment that encourages students to interact with English in multiple ways, Teaching students strategies to aid them in their language learning, Use instructional strategies and approaches that bridge language and content learning, Correlate language standards and assessments with content area standards and assessments whenever possible)

A 7th grade ESOL teacher has asked students to write down a description of what it is like to order lunch in the cafeteria, a common experience that all students share. She plans to use the students' accounts to develop their new target language objectives and create a role-playing lesson in which students use the target language to create scripts and act out common occurrences. Which of the following explains how the activity may be beneficial to the students? --- correct answer --- Students are preparing to work in a context that they will use outside of the classroom

Ms. Worth has asked her students to write an updated version of their favorite Greek myth. What genre of writing should she review with them before students begin the task? --- correct answer --- Narrative

How does the affective domain influence language learning? --- correct answer --- It controls students' emotional responses to learning experiences

How does Chomsky's theory of Universal Grammar differ from the behaviorist theories that existed before his? --- correct answer --- It assumes an innate, genetic capacity to learn language.

Which of the following is NOT true? --- correct answer --- Culture and language are separate and unrelated.

Pull-out ESOL instruction is most commonly found in which academic setting? --- correct answer --- elementary level

Mylee is interested in doing extra credit for her science class. Her teacher tells her to write a report about the chemical reactions that occur between metals and acids. Which rhetorical pattern is Mylee being asked to write in? --- correct answer --- Cause and effect

What is unique about the SIOP model of instruction? --- correct answer --- Students are in a self-contained classroom in which they learn both content and language skills

Xiang is highly motivated in his English class. He strives for high grades, rarely misses an assignment, and asks thoughtful questions in class. How can Xiang's teacher continue to encourage his motivation? --- correct answer --- By providing him with small-group opportunities

Examples of comprehensible input as described by Krashen include --- correct answer --- use of simple, leveled reading material for independent reading by language learners

According to the SIOP model, how frequently should students' learning be addressed? --- correct answer --- daily

The Eight Components of SIOP include all of the following, EXCEPT: --- correct answer --- Organization

Which assignment would allow students to practice applying the standard conventions of written English? --- correct answer --- Editing a friend's history essay

Subtractive bilingualism is most likely to occur in second-language learners who --- correct answer --- have little opportunity to continue using their first language

Many linguists subscribe to the theory that a second language is both acquired and learned. Describe the distinctions between the two: --- correct answer --- Language acquisition is natural, subconscious, and concerned with message content. Language learning is formal, concerned with grammatical rules and conscious.

Which of the following is considered best practice for working with ESOL students? --- correct answer --- Correlate academic and linguistic standards whenever possible

Mr. Jenkins, an ESL teacher, recently took his students on a field trip to a museum. The following day, Mr. J asks the class to recount their trip to the museum as he transcribes their dictated speech. Next, Mr. J distributes copies of the transcriptions and has students work in groups to find and correct errors. Finally he has the students expand the corrected transcriptions into a narrative essay as a homework assignment. Which of the following best describes the instructional approach being utilized by Mr. J? --- correct answer --- Language experience approach

Mrs. Holz has decided to try the Language Experience Approach to developing literacy with her ESL class. She pulls students one by one to her desk and has them tell her a story about what they did over the weekend. As students tell the story, the teacher writes down what they say. She makes sure that her written words match the vocabulary that the child uses. She then has the children swap papers to read about what classmates did over the weekend. As the teacher moves around the room, she notices that the students are struggling to read the papers. Where in her implementation of the LEA did the teacher make a mistake in this approach? --- correct answer --- She has students swap papers to read about classmates weekends

Pragmatics is concerned with --- correct answer --- Meaning in context

Why are Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) usually easier for ESOL students to acquire than Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) skills? --

- correct answer --- BICS are most often context driven, whereas CALP requires more advanced knowledge

Total Physical Response --- correct answer --- uses physical modeling and response as a means of gaining verbal proficiency.

Which of the following classroom activities BEST incorporates Stephen Krashen's input hypothesis? --- correct answer --- having students listen to a pre-recorded conversation that incorporates both familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary

A first grade teacher recently welcomed a new ELL named Hassan into the classroom. Hassan's record shows that he had limited exposure to English classes in his home country and is currently functioning at the beginning level of English- language proficiency. Which of the following instructional strategies would most appropriately assist Hassan in increasing his communication skills? --- correct answer --- Having Hassan use pictures and gestures when interacting with others

Which of the following is an appropriate assignment for an ESL student who is in the silent period of second language acquisition? --- correct answer --- complete a matching activity, pairing words with their illustrations

An ESL teacher has noticed that one of her new students is very good at recognizing similarities in vocabulary between her first language and the English she is learning. The student is demonstrating which element of second language acquisition? --- correct answer --- positive transfer

A teacher is having difficulty with her fifth grade ESL students. She pre-teachers lessons by giving students specialized vocabulary they will need, reminds them of prior knowledge, and writes important information on the board in her clearest cursive handwriting. She asks the ESL students if they understand; the students nearly always nod and smile in agreement. She speaks very slowly and loudly and is careful to use a few of the most current slang expressions to make the students feel she "speaks their language." Nonetheless, the students demonstrate little

understanding of the material when tested in an essay format. They do only a little better when asked to choose the correct answer on tests. What is the teacher doing wrong? --- correct answer --- All of the above (Some of the ESL student may not be able to interpret cursive handwriting, When asked a question directly, many students will agree whether or not they understand what is begin asked, to avoid embarrassment, The teacher's use of slang that has not been taught as idiom is likely to confuse students, rather than clarify meaning, Speaking slowly and clearly is important, but increasing volume will not improve comprehension)

Which activity results in the rehearsal of receptive skills? --- correct answer --- reading a poem

Which of the following activities demonstrates the sue of problem-based (PBI) or task-based instruction (TBI)? --- correct answer --- Students organize and then advertise a clear-up for the local playground and recruit volunteers to help

Which of the following materials are likely to be found in a classroom in which the ESOL teacher uses Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)? --- correct answer --- a box of magazine and take-out menus in English

Regional and social dialects are important points of study in --- correct answer --- sociolinguists

The area of communicative competence that deals with being able to recognize and repair instances of communication breakdown is --- correct answer --- strategic competence

Translanguaging --- correct answer --- is an approach to the use of language that considers the language of bilinguals as a single linguistic repertoire with features constructed of the L1 and L

Examples of authentic tasks include all EXCEPT --- correct answer --- completing algebraic equations from a worksheet

The study of word forms and their component parts is --- correct answer --- morphology

Syntax is concerned with --- correct answer --- how words are formed into phrases or sentences, aligned with grammar

Semantics, the study of meaning in language includes --- correct answer --- all of the above (connotation, denotation, use of idioms)

During which stage of first-language acquisition do children first begin using words with intentional meaning? --- correct answer --- one-word stage

Negative transfer, or interference --- correct answer --- occurs when students incorrectly apply rules from L1 to L2.

Ms. Holly notices that Ana usually substitutes the /h/ sound each time the /j/ sound should be used in a word. What should she do in order to help Ana develop her pronunciation skills? --- correct answer --- Plan activities, including online and video practice focusing on sound production and accent.

Morphemes --- correct answer --- all of the above (Are the smallest unit of language that can convey meaning, may appear as affixes or stand-alone words, in toddlers in their native language, generally reflects a pattern of acquisition order in acquiring language)

Second language learners develop inter-language --- correct answer --- to help them move forward in L2 acquisition

Which of the following is an example of using comprehensible input to increase student vocabulary --- correct answer --- A teacher assigns a short reading passage that incorporates both familiar and unfamiliar words.

Phonemic awareness includes all EXCEPT --- correct answer --- semiotic skills

Emergent Literacy skills include --- correct answer --- all of the above (Phonemic awareness, Concepts of print, Skills with print, Morphemic awareness)

All of the following are concepts of print, EXCEPT --- correct answer --- Segmentation

Best practices in fostering emergent literacy include... --- correct answer --- all of the above (Chanting, singing, and reading lyrics together, Commercial books, student-written books, comic books or graphic novels, Role-playing or play-act reading and writing activities, Read-alouds and shared book experiences)

Words that do not conform to phonetic rules --- correct answer --- all of the above (are referred to as 'sight words', make up about 10 per cent of the English written words, cannot be decoded readily)

Best practices in vocabulary development and acquisition include all EXCEPT --- correct answer --- sequential decoding

The Language Experience Approach sequence --- correct answer --- students recount an event orally --> teacher transcribes --> teacher reads account--> student reads the account

Grammar instruction --- correct answer --- all of the above (should be connected to social functions of language in daily life, is best offered to provide error correction that takes place indirectly, in the works best in the context of school assignments rather than threatening self confidence in overt public, oral correction, includes syntax, parts of speech, use of tenses.)

Subtractive bilingualism is most likely to occur in second-language learners who --- correct answer --- have little opportunity to continue using their first language

Which best states the purpose of the ACCESS assessment? --- correct answer --- to measure student progress in English language proficiency

Which of the following choices states the most significant purpose of assessment for English learners? --- correct answer --- to ensure student instructional needs are being met and learning is taking place

Which of the following describes an assessment that ranks students according to predetermined average based on the performance of a peer group? --- correct answer --- norm referenced

How might the outcomes of a norm-referenced assessment be unreliable due to bias? --- correct answer --- The population sample tested initially is not representative of the students being assessed

With respect to English learners, what stipulation does the Individuals with Disabilities education Act make? --- correct answer --- Low achievement due to second-language acquisition is not an appropriate reason for learning disability designation

Which is an example of a performance-based classroom assessment? --- correct answer --- a teacher photographs students solving problems with manipulative

the parents of a first-grade LEP student do not want her placed in a special education classroom; they feel that she is better off in a regular classroom at her grade level. The classroom teacher, ESL teacher, school counselor, and diagnostician are all certain that she has several interrelated learning disabilities, as well as some emotional issues. Given that she is unlikely to thrive in a regular classroom, may require services and attention beyond the mainstream teacher's ability, and potentially be disruptive to other students, can she be place in special education classes? --- correct answer --- No; parental permission is required

Ms. Lewis, a new ESL teacher, is evaluating several assessments that were used by the previous ESL teacher. Because of the diverse cultural backgrounds of his students. Ms. Lewis wants to ensure that the assessments she chooses to incorporate into the curriculum do not exhibit any cultural bias. Which of the following is the most appropriate question for Ms. Lewis to use as a guideline when screening the assessments for cultural bias? --- correct answer --- What were the primary languages of students who were previously in the program?

Which of the following situations most likely indicates that an ELL may require testing for special education services? --- correct answer --- The ELL exhibits an English-language pattern that is highly unusual compared to that of others who speak the same L1

Which determines when an English learner no longer requires English language programs and services? --- correct answer --- the students' scores on state-selected tests meet designated cutoff points.

An ESL teacher plans to evaluate the students' midyear progress by referencing various examples of their work taken from the current semester. Which of the following will most accurately assist the teacher in assessing the students' English- language development? --- correct answer --- Individualized portfolios that include all essays, presentation rubrics and tests

Which of the following choices states the main purpose of a standardized test? --- correct answer --- to provide a formal measure of student achievement using predetermined and established scoring criteria

Which of the following best describes the WIDA Consortium? --- correct answer --- The WIDA Consortium supplies standardized English learner materials to member states

Who is required by law to follow a student's IEP? --- correct answer --- all teachers who work with the student

A middle school English teacher has selected a reading passage on the history, rules, and importance of baseball in the U.S. for an upcoming reading comprehension test. The English teacher is worried that the ELLs in the class may have difficulty reading and understanding the passage and consults the ESL teacher for feedback. To best address the English teacher's concern, the ESL teacher should advise the English teacher to closely examine the passage for which of the following? --- correct answer --- Cultural content that may bias the test against the ELLs

A social studies teacher plans to administer a chapter test that includes multiple- choice and short-answer questions. Which of the following testing accommodations would be most appropriate for the intermediate-level ELLs in the class? --- correct answer --- Allotting the ELLs more time to complete the test

Which best states the purpose of a diagnostic assessment? --- correct answer --- to determine the instructional needs of a student

Which of the following documentation is NOT relevant prior to assessing an English learner for special education services? --- correct answer --- documentation that shows a restricted ability to communicate knowledge and ideas in the English language

In contrast to collectivist cultures, individualist cultures are more likely to --- correct answer --- regard personal ambition and initiative favorably