Download Communication Terms: Process, Exchange, Meaning, Models, Noise, Context, Feedback and more Quizzes Communication and Development studies in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Communication Apprehension DEFINITION 1 A fear or anxiety pertaining to the communication process TERM 2 Intercultural Communication Apprehension DEFINITION 2 A fear or anxiety pertaining to communication with people from different cultural backgrounds TERM 3 Interpersonal Communication DEFINITION 3 The process of message transaction between two people to create and sustain shared meaning TERM 4 Process DEFINITION 4 When used to describe interpersonal communication, an ongoing, unending, vibrant activity that always changes TERM 5 Message Exchange DEFINITION 5 The transaction of verbal and nonverbal messages being sent simultaneously between two people TERM 6 Meaning DEFINITION 6 What communicators create together though the use of verbal and nonverbal messages TERM 7 Communication Models DEFINITION 7 Visual, simplified representations of complex relationships in the communication process TERM 8 Linear Model of Communication DEFINITION 8 A characterization of communication as a one-way process that transmits a message from a sender to a receiver TERM 9 Sender DEFINITION 9 The source of a message TERM 10 Message DEFINITION 10 Spoken, written, or unspoken information sent from a sender to a receiver TERM 21 Social-emotional Context DEFINITION 21 The relational and emotional environment in which communication occurs TERM 22 Historical Context DEFINITION 22 A type of context in which messages are understood in relationship to previously sent messages TERM 23 Interactional Model of Communication DEFINITION 23 A characterization of communication as a two-way process in which a message is sent from sender to receiver and from receiver to sender TERM 24 Feedback DEFINITION 24 A verbal or nonverbal response to a message TERM 25 Internal Feedback DEFINITION 25 The feedback we give ourselves when we assess our own communication TERM 26 External Feedback DEFINITION 26 The feedback we receive from other people TERM 27 Transactional Model of Communication DEFINITION 27 A characterization of communication as the reciprocal sending and receiving of messages, builds shared meaning TERM 28 Field of Experience DEFINITION 28 The influence of a person's culture, past experiences, personal history, and heredity on the communication process TERM 29 Relational History DEFINITION 29 The prior relationship experiences that two people share TERM 30 Relational Rules DEFINITION 30 Negotiable rules that indicate what two relational partners expect and allow when they talk to each other TERM 31 Relational Uniqueness DEFINITION 31 The ways in which the particular relationship of two relational partners stands apart from other relationships they experience TERM 32 Self-Actualization DEFINITION 32 The process of gaining information about ourselves in an effort to tap our full potential, our spontaneity, and our talents, and to cultivate our strengths and eliminate our shortcomings TERM 33 Relationship Level DEFINITION 33 The information contained in a message that indicates how the sender wants the receiver to interpret the message TERM 34 Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication DEFINITION 34 Negative communication exchanges, such as manipulation, deceit, and verbal aggression, between people TERM 35 Bright Side of Interpersonal Communication DEFINITION 35 Altruistic, supportive, and affirming communication exchanges between people TERM 46 Selective Perception DEFINITION 46 Directing our attention to certain stimuli while ignoring other stimuli TERM 47 Organizing DEFINITION 47 The second stage of the perception process We place what are often a number of confusing pieces of information into an understandable, accessible, and orderly arrangement TERM 48 Relational Schema DEFINITION 48 Mental framework or memory structure that we rely on to understand experience and to guide our future behavior in relationships TERM 49 Stereotyping DEFINITION 49 Categorizing individuals according to a fixed impression, whether positive or negative, of an entire group to which they belong TERM 50 Interpreting DEFINITION 50 The third stage of the perception process We assign meaning to what we perceive TERM 51 Retrieving DEFINITION 51 The fourth and final stage of the perception process We recall information stored in our memories TERM 52 Selective Retention DEFINITION 52 Recalling information that agrees with our perceptions and selectively forgetting information that does not TERM 53 Sex DEFINITION 53 The biological makeup of an individual (male or female) TERM 54 Gender DEFINITION 54 The learned behaviors a culture associates with a being male or female, known as masculinity or femininity TERM 55 Gender Role Socialization DEFINITION 55 The process by which women and men learn the gender roles appropriate to their sex. TERM 56 Gender Schema DEFINITION 56 A mental framework we use to process and categorize beliefs, ideas, and events as either masculine or feminine in order to understand and organize our world TERM 57 Self-Concept DEFINITION 57 A relatively stable set of perceptions we hold of ourselves TERM 58 Symbolic Interactionism Theory DEFINITION 58 The theory that our understanding of ourselves and of the world is shaped by our interactions with those around us TERM 59 Self-Awareness DEFINITION 59 Our understanding of who we are TERM 60 Self-Esteem DEFINITION 60 An evaluation of who we perceive ourselves to be TERM 71 Attribution Theory DEFINITION 71 A theory that explains how we create explanations or attach meaning to another person's behavior or our own TERM 72 Worldview DEFINITION 72 A unique personal frame for viewing life and life's events TERM 73 Fact DEFINITION 73 A piece of information that is verifiable by direct observation TERM 74 Inference DEFINITION 74 A conclusion derived from a fact, but it does not reflect direct observation or experience TERM 75 Relational Uppers DEFINITION 75 People who support and trust us as we improve self-concept TERM 76 Intercultural Communication DEFINITION 76 Communication between and among individuals and groups from different cultural backgrounds TERM 77 Culture DEFINITION 77 The shared, personal, and learned life experiences of a group of individuals who have a common set of values, norms, and traditions TERM 78 Enculturation DEFINITION 78 Occurs when a person- either consciously or unconsciously- learns to identify with a particular culture and a culture's thinking, way of relating, and worldview TERM 79 Acculturation DEFINITION 79 Occurs when a person learns, adapts to, and adopts the appropriate behaviors and rules of a host culture TERM 80 Community DEFINITION 80 The common understanding among people who are committed to coexisting TERM 81 Co-culture DEFINITION 81 A culture within a culture TERM 82 Culture Clash DEFINITION 82 A conflict over cultural expectations and experiences TERM 83 Global Village DEFINITION 83 The concept that all societies, regardless of size, are connected in some way Can also be described as how communication technology ties the world into one political, economic, social, and cultural system TERM 84 Outsourcing DEFINITION 84 A practice in which a nation sends work and workers to a different country because doing so is cost-efficient TERM 85 Cultural Variability Theory DEFINITION 85 A theory that describes the four value dimensions (uncertainty avoidance, distribution of power, masculinity- femininity, individualism-collectivism) that offer information regarding the value differences in a particular culture TERM 96 In-Group DEFINITION 96 A group to which a person feels he or she belongs TERM 97 Out-Group DEFINITION 97 A group to which a person feels he or she does not belong TERM 98 Cultural Imperialism DEFINITION 98 The process whereby individuals, companies, and/or the media impose their way of thinking and behaving upon another culture TERM 99 Cultural Empathy DEFINITION 99 The learned ability to accurately understand the experiences of people from diverse cultures and to convey that understanding responsively TERM 100 Cultural Relativity DEFINITION 100 The ability to avoid judging or condemning any practice in which any other culture engages TERM 101 Content Aggregation DEFINITION 101 The process of collecting online data from different and multiple sources to suit a particular need, such as populating a search engine or preparing digital slides for a presentation TERM 102 Convergence DEFINITION 102 The integration of various technologies, such as online radio or cell phones with cameras TERM 103 Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) DEFINITION 103 The use of various technologies to facilitate communication with others TERM 104 Technological Determinism DEFINITION 104 A theory stating that technology is irreversible, inevitable, and inescapable TERM 105 Global Village DEFINITION 105 The concept that communication technology ties the world into one political, economic, social, and cultural system TERM 106 Web 1.0 DEFINITION 106 The earliest incarnation of the Web, which was used primarily as a storehouse of online information and tools that could be accessed to achieve an end, such as finding a website, emailing a friend, or purchasing a product TERM 107 Web 2.0 DEFINITION 107 The latest incarnation of the Web, which is increasingly used as a means of interactivity and personal expression; establishing online communities, sharing files, and blogging exemplify Web 2.0 TERM 108 Hate Speech DEFINITION 108 Extremely offensive language that is directed toward a particular group of people TERM 109 Flaming DEFINITION 109 Exchanging malicious, hostile, or insulting comments over the Internet TERM 110 Avatar DEFINITION 110 A fantastical digital representation of a user in a virtual world