Download Test 1, part 3 | BIOL 2221 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I and more Quizzes Physiology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Stored energy that has the capacity to do work? DEFINITION 1 potential energy TERM 2 Energy in motion; energy that is doing work: DEFINITION 2 kinetic energy TERM 3 What are the four different forms of energy? DEFINITION 3 1. chemical2. electrical3. mechanical4. radiant or electromagnetic TERM 4 Energy stored in the bonds DEFINITION 4 chemical TERM 5 energy resulting from the movement of a charge: DEFINITION 5 Electrical TERM 6 Energy that moves an object: DEFINITION 6 mechanical TERM 7 Energy that travels in waves: DEFINITION 7 radiant or electromagnetic TERM 8 T/F: All energy conversions in the human body liberate heat? DEFINITION 8 true TERM 9 4 elements that comprise 96% of living matter: DEFINITION 9 carbonhydrogenoxygennitrogen TERM 10 The building blocks for all elements: DEFINITION 10 atoms TERM 21 An atom that contain a valence shell that has less than 8 electron or is not full: DEFINITION 21 unstable atomreactive TERM 22 Atomic number: DEFINITION 22 the number of protons and electrons TERM 23 Mass number: DEFINITION 23 the mass of the atom nucleus or protons and neutrons TERM 24 Isotopes: DEFINITION 24 variations of the same atom; differences in the number of neutrons TERM 25 Atomic weight: DEFINITION 25 average masses of all the isotopes of the atom TERM 26 Atomic decay is a.k.a: DEFINITION 26 radioactivity TERM 27 the time it takes for half of the atom to decompose: DEFINITION 27 half life TERM 28 Two or more atoms held together by a chemical bond: DEFINITION 28 molecule TERM 29 charged atom or molecule: DEFINITION 29 ion TERM 30 Electron donors: DEFINITION 30 cationcatabolismoxidized TERM 31 Electron acceptors: DEFINITION 31 anionanabolismreduced TERM 32 A transfer of electrons: DEFINITION 32 ionic bond TERM 33 Two or more different atoms chemically bonded: DEFINITION 33 compound TERM 34 Sharing of electrons: DEFINITION 34 covalent bonds TERM 35 What do cells do during cellular respiration? DEFINITION 35 break down glucose TERM 46 intermolecular bonds that bond different parts of large molecules giving it a specific three dimensional shape: DEFINITION 46 hydrogen bonds TERM 47 Occurs when bonds are broken, rearranged, or formed: DEFINITION 47 chemical reactions TERM 48 A chemical reactions written in symbolic form: DEFINITION 48 chemical equation TERM 49 Reacting substances: DEFINITION 49 reactant TERM 50 The result of the chemical reaction: DEFINITION 50 product TERM 51 The number of reactant in cellular respiration: DEFINITION 51 two TERM 52 The number of products of cellular respiration: DEFINITION 52 3 TERM 53 What type of energy do chemical bonds represent? DEFINITION 53 stored/ potential energy TERM 54 What type of reactions are coupled in cells? DEFINITION 54 exergonic and endergonic TERM 55 Three different types of mixtures: DEFINITION 55 1. solution2. colloid3. suspension TERM 56 two or more substances physically mixed: DEFINITION 56 solution TERM 57 What is being dissolved: DEFINITION 57 solute TERM 58 What does the dissolving: DEFINITION 58 solvent TERM 59 What does having a 40% glucose solution mean? DEFINITION 59 40% is glucose60% is water TERM 60 The study of chemical composition and reactions in living matter: DEFINITION 60 biochemistry TERM 71 What is released when bases dissolve in water? DEFINITION 71 hydroxyl ions TERM 72 What is the pH scale based on? DEFINITION 72 the number of free hydrogen ions TERM 73 What happens to the pH of a mixture of an acid and base? DEFINITION 73 it become neutral TERM 74 What is the product of an acid and base mixture? DEFINITION 74 salt and water TERM 75 Why is pH important in body homeostasis? DEFINITION 75 because proteins and living cells are very sensitive to changes in pH TERM 76 Molecules that resist changes in the pH of body fluids: DEFINITION 76 buffers TERM 77 What is the carbonic acid-bicarbonate system an example of: DEFINITION 77 a buffer TERM 78 Which buffer helps maintain the pH of the blood? DEFINITION 78 carbonic acid-bicarbonate system TERM 79 When dissolved this water, this inorganic compound dissociates and releases cations and anions other than hydrogen and hydroxyl: DEFINITION 79 salt TERM 80 Give an example of a use for electrolytes in the human body: DEFINITION 80 the sodium potassium pump is used to contract muscles TERM 81 ions that conduct electrical currents while in solution: DEFINITION 81 electrolytes TERM 82 How are salts, acids, and bases a source of electrolytes in the body? DEFINITION 82 They dissociate in water which turns them into an electrolyte and gives them the ability to conduct a current in solution TERM 83 Process by which a large molecule is made by removing water and forming a covalent bond between the smaller molecules: DEFINITION 83 dehydration synthesis TERM 84 Molecule is made by breaking water and covalent bonds: DEFINITION 84 hydrolysis TERM 85 The classes of carbohydrate: DEFINITION 85 1. monosaccharide2. disaccharide3. polysaccharide TERM 96 What causes unsaturated triglycerides to be an oil at room temp.? DEFINITION 96 double bonds between carbons TERM 97 oils that have be solidified by the addition of hydrogen atoms? DEFINITION 97 trans fats TERM 98 Example of phospholipid: DEFINITION 98 cell membrane TERM 99 What composes a phospholipid? DEFINITION 99 phosphorus headglycerol moleculetwo fatty acid chains TERM 100 What is the most important steroid in the human body? DEFINITION 100 cholesterol TERM 101 Where is cholesterol located? DEFINITION 101 with in the phospholipid cell membranes TERM 102 What is the function of cholesterol? DEFINITION 102 1. gives fluidity to cells2. used to make vitamin D3. used to make steroid hormones4. used to produce bile salts TERM 103 What distinguishes proteins from one another? DEFINITION 103 the R group TERM 104 Which elements make up all proteins? DEFINITION 104 oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen TERM 105 The building blocks of proteins: DEFINITION 105 amino acids TERM 106 The types of bonds between multiple amino acids? DEFINITION 106 peptide bonds TERM 107 What is structurally unique to proteins? DEFINITION 107 1. contain an acid/ carboxyl group2. contain an amine group3. contain an R group4. have a carbon nitrogen bond5. peptide bonds TERM 108 How many a.a. does a dipeptide bond have? DEFINITION 108 two TERM 109 How many amino acids does a polypeptide have? DEFINITION 109 10 or more TERM 110 How many a.a. does a protein have? DEFINITION 110 50 + TERM 121 What are the three types of RNA DEFINITION 121 mRNAtRNArRNA TERM 122 The chemical composition of ATP: DEFINITION 122 adenosine nitrogenous basethree phosphates5 carbon ribose TERM 123 Why is ATP a high energy molecule? DEFINITION 123 because it contain phosphorus bonds that are high in stored energy TERM 124 A chemical reaction in which a phosphate molecule is added to another molecule: DEFINITION 124 phosphorylation TERM 125 What is the product of a reaction between water and ATP? DEFINITION 125 ADPphosphateenergy TERM 126 Total of all the chemical reactions occurring in the body cells? DEFINITION 126 metabolism TERM 127 Two body cavities: DEFINITION 127 dorsalventral TERM 128 Two subdivisions of the dorsal cavity: DEFINITION 128 1. cranial2. spinal TERM 129 Two subdivisions of the ventral: DEFINITION 129 1. thoracic2. abdominopelvic TERM 130 Which cavity contain the pericardial cavity? DEFINITION 130 mediastinum TERM 131 double layered, moist membrane: DEFINITION 131 serous membrane TERM 132 sensor that responds to the stimuli: DEFINITION 132 receptor TERM 133 intergration center: DEFINITION 133 control center TERM 134 Afferent: DEFINITION 134 approaches control center TERM 135 efferent: DEFINITION 135 exits control center TERM 146 packages, modifies, and segregates proteins: DEFINITION 146 golgi apparatus TERM 147 support the cell and give it shape: DEFINITION 147 microtubules TERM 148 site of intracellular digestion: DEFINITION 148 lysosomes TERM 149 organize a microtubule network during mitosis: DEFINITION 149 centrioles TERM 150 centrosomes: DEFINITION 150 organize microtubules TERM 151 protein inserted into the phospholipid bilayer: DEFINITION 151 integral protein TERM 152 attached to the integral protein on the cytoplasmic side: DEFINITION 152 peripheral protein