Download Test 1, Study Guide Answers and Questions - Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 1200 and more Study notes Introduction to Cultural Anthropology in PDF only on Docsity! Know the following terms, definitions, and concepts: Four fields of anthropology -Archaeology: the subfield that focuses on the study of prehistoric and historic cultures through the excavation of material remains. EXAMPLE: prehistoric archeologist -Cultural: the scientific study of cultural similarities and differences wherever and whatever form they may be found. EXAMPLE: international business consultant -Linguistic- the scientific study of human communication within its sociocultural context. EXAMPLE: translator/interpreter -Biological- studies both human biological evolution and contemporary racial variations among peoples of the world. EXAMPLE: primatologist Subsistence strategies H&G (foraging)- involves the exploitation of wild pants and animals that already exist in the natural environment. ! Kung Horticulture- A form of small-scale cultivation characterized by the use of simple technology and the absence of irrigation, use slash and burn techniques, shifting cultivation. Yanomamo Pastoralist- A food-getting strategy based on animal herding. Sami & Masai (not egalitarian) Agriculture- A form of food production that requires intensive working of the land with plows and draft animals and the use of techniques of soil and water control. USA -Ethnocentrism- The practice of viewing the customs of other societies in terms of one’s own. -Cultural relativism- The idea that cultural traits are best understood when viewed within the cultural context of which they are a part. -Holism- A perspective in anthropology that attempts to study a culture by looking at all parts of the system and how those parts are interrelated. -Participant observation- A fieldwork method in which the cultural anthropologist lives with the people under study and observes their everyday activities. -Fieldwork- The practice in which an anthropologist is immersed in the daily life of a culture in order to collect data and test cultural hypotheses. -Ethnography- The anthropological description of a particular contemporary culture by means of direct fieldwork. -Ethnology- The comparative study of cultural differences and similarities -Egalitarian- societies that recognizes few differences in status, wealth, or power -Caste- rigid form of social stratification in which membership is determined by birth and social mobility. -Class- ranked group w/in a stratified society characterized by achieved by status and considerable social mobility. Relatedness-Kinship and all the terms from class including: -Affinal- kin connections through marriage (in-laws) -Fictive- unrelated individuals/ based on interpersonal relationships (friends) -Consanguineal- kin connections through bloodline -Collaterality- distinction between those who are in a “direct” or “indirect” line to ego (usually gets inheritance). -Biforcation- kin terms on “M” side differ from those of “F” side. NONE IN ENGLISH -Relative age- age of person relative to ego. (Such as oldest sister, youngest brother) -Parallel cousin- MZC or FBC -Cross cousin- MBC or FSC (Yanomamo practice cousin marriage) **Distinction made because of the incest taboo Post-marital residence patterns -neolocal- union moves to a new place -patriclocal- w/ or near the grooms family -matrilocal- w/ or near the brides family -avonolocal- w/ or near the grooms brother -natolocal- w/ or near your own family Descent- Tracing one’s kinship connections back through a number of generations. Unilateral descent- tracing descent through a single line -patrilineal- primary kinship through fathers (USA) -matrilineal- primary kinship through mothers Bilateral descent- tracing descent through two lines Nonunilineal Descent- tracing descent through both females and males *(examples of each) Marriage- social and economic union, usually but not always between men and women. -Exogamy- marry out of a defined social group -Endogamy- marry in a defined social group -Universal incest taboo -Levirate- man must marry brother’s widow -Sororate- woman must marry sister’s widower -Monogamy- one spouse at a time -Pologamy- more than one spouse at a time -Polyandry-one woman with more than one husband (fraternal) -Polygyny- one man with more than one wife *Co-wives (head wife, in charge) Economic marriage transaction -Brides wealth- husband’s family gives gifts and services to brides family -Bride service- husband works for bride’s family for a certain period of time -Exchange of females- equal age -Gift exchange- equal gifts from each family -Dowry- gifts & services from bride’s family to the bride Family -mom, dad, siblings, grandmother, grandfather, cousins, aunt, uncles