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PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank
Chapter 3: Anatomy and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. Test Bank TRUE/FALSE 1. Mature cells that comprise the human body are highly specialized and complex. ANS: T DIF: Synthesis REF: Page 67 TOP: Functional Anatomy of Cells Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 2. An important function of the cell membrane is the maintenance of cell integrity. ANS: T DIF: Synthesis REF: Page 69 (Table 3-3) TOP: Cell Membrane 3. Peroxisomes contain enzymes that detoxify harmful substances. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 76 TOP: Peroxisomes 4. The outer portion of the cell membrane is hydrophobic, or water-loving. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 70 TOP: Cell Membrane 5. Ribosomes attached to the endoplasmic reticulum are responsible for making proteins to be exported out of the cell. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 73 TOP: Rough ER Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 10. The number of mitochondria in a cell is basically related to its degree of activity. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 77 TOP: Mitochondria 11. The cell’s internal supporting framework is called the cytoskeleton. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 79 TOP: Cytoskeleton 12. The size of a cell’s nucleolus is indirectly related to the amount of protein the cell produces. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 78 TOP: Nucleus 13. Heart muscle cells are joined by gap junctions to facilitate the movement of electrical impulses. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 83 TOP: Cell Connections Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 14. Cell connections called desmosomes are like Velcro holding cells together. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 19. Generally, the more active a cell is, the fewer mitochondria it will contain. ANS: F DIF: Application REF: Page 77 TOP: Mitochondria 20. Light microscopy is inferior to electron microscopy. ANS: T DIF: Synthesis REF: Page 80 (Figure 3-15) TOP: Cell Fibers 21. The “typical” cell described in Chapter 3 is very similar to most of the cells in the human body. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 68 TOP: The Typical Cell 22. The watery fluid in the cell is called cytosol. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 69 (Table 3-3) TOP: Cell Structures Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 23. Water-soluble substances easily pass through the cell membrane. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 71 Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. TOP: Cell Membrane 24. Glycoproteins on the cell membrane would prevent someone with type A blood from accepting type B blood. ANS: T DIF: Application REF: Page 72 TOP: Cell Membrane 25. Rough endoplasmic reticulum looks rough because there are mitochondria attached to it. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 73 TOP: Endoplasmic Reticulum 26. Proteins in the cell membrane can control the movement of material through the cell membrane. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 72 TOP: Cell Membrane 27. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the organelle that supplies membrane material for use throughout the cell. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. Page 74 TOP: Golgi Apparatus Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 32. In certain situations, cells “commit suicide.” This function would be carried out by the lysosomes. ANS: T DIF: Application REF: Page 76 TOP: Lysosomes 33. The catalase in the peroxisomes reacts to detoxify carbon dioxide. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 77 TOP: Peroxisomes 34. The inner folds of the mitochondria are called cisterna. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 77 TOP: Mitochondria 35. It is likely that a muscle cell would have more mitochondria than a fat cell. ANS: T DIF: Application REF: Page 77 TOP: Mitochondria Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 36. One of the main functions of the mitochondria is to supply the cell with ATP. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 67 TOP: Introduction 42. The largest human cell is the female ovum or egg cell. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 67 TOP: Functional Anatomy of Cells 43. Another term for cytosol is intracellular fluid. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 69 TOP: Cell Structures 44. The fluid mosaic model describes the chromatin material found in the nucleus. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 70 TOP: Cell Membrane 45. One function of the smooth ER is to help maintain a low Ca+ Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. + concentration in the cell’s interior. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 74 Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. TOP: Endoplasmic Reticulum 46. A major part of ribosomes is deoxyribonucleic acid. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 74 TOP: Ribosomes 47. The proteasomes contain enzymes that assist in protein synthesis. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 76 TOP: Proteasomes 48. Proteasomes only destroy abnormal or misfolded proteins in the cell. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 76 TOP: Proteasomes 49. Small proteins called ubiquitins assist the proteasomes in accomplishing their function. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. Page 71 TOP: Membrane Structure Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 54. Hormones attach to special cholesterol molecules in the cell membrane. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 72 TOP: Membrane Function 55. Three ribosomal subunits must come together to form a functioning ribosome. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 74 TOP: Ribosomes 56. Many ribosomes can work on the same mRNA strand at the same time; when this occurs, the structure is called a polyribosome. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 74 TOP: Ribosomes 57. A complete ribosome only exists when it is making a protein. ANS: T DIF: Application REF: Page 74 TOP: Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. Ribosomes 58. In order for the Golgi apparatus to function correctly, both the ribosomes and the rough endoplasmic reticulum must be functioning also. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 81 TOP: Centrosomes 63. Small protein structures called molecular motors pull loads form one part of the cell to another along the cytoskeleton. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 81 | Page 82 TOP: Molecular Motors 64. All of the cell extensions—microvilli, cilia, and flagella—have basically the same structure. They only differ in number per cell and length. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 82 | Page 83 TOP: Cell Extensions 65. Primary cilia are unable to move because they lack the central pair of microtubules and motor molecules. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: Page 82 | Page 83 TOP: Cell Extensions Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The basic unit of structure and function in the human body is a(n): Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. A. atom. B. cell. C. gene. D. DNA molecule. ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 67 TOP: Introduction 2. Which of the following recognize and destroy nonself cells? A. Gland cells B. Immune cells C. Nerve cells D. Red blood cells ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 67 (Table 3-2) TOP: Examples of Cell Types 3. Main cell structures include all of the following except: Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. A. lysosome. B. Golgi apparatus. C. ribosome. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. D. centriole. ANS: A DIF: Memorization REF: Page 76 TOP: Lysosomes 6. The major function of ribosomes is to synthesize: A. proteins. B. carbohydrates. C. fats. D. cholesterol. ANS: A DIF: Memorization REF: Page 74 TOP: Ribosomes 7. The organelles that can digest and destroy microbes that invade the cell are: A. peroxisomes. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. B. mitochondria. C. ribosomes. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. ANS: A DIF: Memorization REF: Page 82 | Page 83 TOP: Cell Extensions 10. Granules or threads within the nucleus are called: A. microfilaments. B. chromatin. C. nucleotides. D. microtubules. ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 78 TOP: Nucleus 11. Skin cells (epithelial) are held tightly together by: A. gap junctions. B. desmosomes. C. tight junctions. D. adhesions. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 83 TOP: Cell Connections 12. The major energy production site of the cell is the: A. Golgi apparatus. B. mitochondrion. C. endoplasmic reticulum. D. ribosome. ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 77 TOP: Mitochondria 13. The cell extension that assists epithelial cells in absorption is: A. cilia. B. flagella. C. microvilli. D. desmosomes. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. ANS: A DIF: Application REF: Page 82 | Page 83 TOP: Cell Extensions Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 16. An area of cytoplasm that coordinates the building and breaking of microtubules is called: A. cytoplasm A. B. mitochondria. C. centrosome. D. ribosomes. ANS: C DIF: Memorization REF: Page 80 TOP: Centrosome 17. The structure that separates the contents of a cell from the surrounding tissue is known as: A. Golgi apparatus. B. plasma membrane. C. cytoplasm. D. centrosome. ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. Page 70 TOP: Cell Membrane 18. A cell’s digestive system is the: Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. A. mitochondria. B. cilia. C. peroxisomes. D. lysosomes. ANS: D DIF: Memorization REF: Page 76 TOP: Lysosomes 19. Tiny indentations of the plasma membrane that resemble caves are called: A. mitochondria. B. caveola. C. cisternae. D. vesicles. ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 71 (Box 3-1) TOP: Caveolae Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. A. Manufacture of mRNA B. Protein synthesis C. DNA replication Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. D. Housing of DNA ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 74 TOP: Ribosomes 23. ATP production occurs within which organelle? A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum B. Golgi apparatus C. Flagellum D. Mitochondrion ANS: D DIF: Application REF: Page 77 TOP: Mitochondria 24. Preparation of protein molecules for cellular exportation is the function of which of the following organelles? A. Golgi apparatus Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. B. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum C. Rough endoplasmic reticulum D. Mitochondria Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 78 TOP: Nucleus 27. The largest human cell, measuring about 150 µm, is a: A. white blood cell. B. female sex cell or ovum. C. liver cell. D. male sex cell or sperm. ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 67 TOP: Introduction 28. In the cell membrane, the hydrophilic part of the phospholipid molecule: A. faces the exterior of the cell. B. faces the interior of the cell. C. is in the center of the phospholipid bilayer. D. is both A and B. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. ANS: B DIF: Application REF: Page 70 TOP: Cell Membrane Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 29. In the cell membrane, the hydrophobic part of the phospholipid molecule: A. faces the exterior of the cell. B. faces the interior of the cell. C. is in the center of the phospholipid bilayer. D. is both A and B. ANS: C DIF: Application REF: Page 70 TOP: Cell Membrane 30. The presence of which substance in the cell membrane keeps it from breaking too easily? A. Cholesterol B. Protein C. Phospholipids D. Glycoproteins ANS: A DIF: Memorization REF: Page Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. TOP: Endoplasmic Reticulum 33. Which of the following is not true about ribosomes? Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. A. Make protein B. Composed of a large and small unit C. Surrounded by a membrane structure D. Made of RNA ANS: C DIF: Application REF: Page 74 TOP: Ribosomes 34. The membranous structure containing substances that protect the cell from harm are: A. ribosomes. B. lysosomes. C. peroxisomes. D. both B and C. ANS: D DIF: Application REF: Page 76 | Page 77 TOP: Lysosomes and Peroxisomes 35. Which of the following statements does not describe the Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. nucleolus? A. It is found in the nucleus. B. It has a membrane similar to the nucleus. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. D. All cell extensions contain microfilaments. ANS: A DIF: Memorization REF: Page 82 TOP: Cell Extensions 38. Which of the following organelles is considered a membranous organelle? A. Lysosome B. Ribosome C. Nucleolus D. Both A and B ANS: A DIF: Memorization REF: Page 69 (Table 3-3) TOP: Some Major Cell Structures and Their Functions 39. Which of the following organelles is considered a nonmembranous organelle? A. Golgi apparatus Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. B. Ribosome C. Mitochondria Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. D. Both A and B ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 69 (Table 3-3) TOP: Some Major Cell Structures and Their Functions 40. The barrier function of the plasma membrane is accomplished by the: A. receptor proteins. B. glycoproteins. C. rafts in the cell membrane. D. phospholipid bilayer. ANS: D DIF: Application REF: Page 70 | Page 72 TOP: Cell Membrane 41. Which structures in the cell membrane are a stiff grouping of membrane molecules that are rich in cholesterol? A. Glycoproteins Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. C. peroxisomes. D. lysosomes. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. ANS: C DIF: Memorization REF: Page 76 | Page 77 TOP: Peroxisomes 44. Which of the following structures contains DNA? A. Nucleus B. Mitochondria C. Ribosome D. Both A and B ANS: D DIF: Application REF: Page 77 | Page 78 TOP: Mitochondria and Nucleus 45. Damage to the centrosome and centrioles in a cell would have the greatest impact on which cell function? A. Energy production B. Protein synthesis C. Cell division Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. D. Synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. G. lysosome H. mitochondria I. peroxisomes J. rough endoplasmic reticulum K. proteasomes 1. tubular network in the cell with no ribosomes that synthesize lipids and carbohydrates 2. outer boundary of the cell made up of phospholipids and proteins 3. functions in processing and packaging of protein molecules to be exported from the cell 4. protein factory made up of two subunits 5. structure in the cell nucleus that makes ribosomes 6. major source of ATP synthesis, the “power house” of the cell Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 7. vesicles or sacs in the cell that can destroy large molecules or even the cell itself Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 8. vesicles that contain catalase that are important in metabolic reactions involving hydrogen peroxide 9. structures that destroy improperly folded protein molecules that could possibly harm the cell 10. one of the largest structures in the cell, contains DNA 11. broad flattened sacs that extend from the nucleus and have ribosomes attached to them 1. ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 73 | Page 74 TOP: Endoplasmic Reticulum 2. ANS: A DIF: Memorization REF: Page 70 | Page 71 TOP: Cell Membrane 3. ANS: C DIF: Memorization REF: Page 74 Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 10. ANS: E DIF: Memorization REF: Page 78 TOP: Nucleus Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 11. ANS: J DIF: Memorization REF: Page 73 TOP: Endoplasmic Reticulum Match each term to the phrase that describes it best. A. microtubules B. intermediate filaments C. microfilaments D. centrosomes E. cilia F. flagella G. microvilli H. desmosomes I. tight junctions J. gap junctions K. primary cilium L. centrioles Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 12. cell fiber that can be found in muscle cells 13. cell extension that is found on the sperm cell Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 23. cell extension that lacks the center pair of microtubules and can function as sensory organelles; not found in blood cells, but most other cells have them 12. ANS: C DIF: Memorization REF: Page 80 TOP: Cell Fibers 13. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: Page 83 TOP: Cell Extensions 14. ANS: H DIF: Memorization REF: Page 83 TOP: Cell Connections 15. ANS: G DIF: Memorization REF: Page 82 TOP: Cell Extensions 16. ANS: A DIF: Memorization REF: Page 80 TOP: Cell Fibers Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 17. ANS: D DIF: Memorization REF: Page 80 TOP: Centrosome Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 18. ANS: J DIF: Memorization REF: Page 83 TOP: Cell Connections 19. ANS: B DIF: Memorization REF: Page 80 TOP: Cell Fibers 20. ANS: E DIF: Memorization REF: Page 82 | Page 83 TOP: Cell Extensions 21. ANS: I DIF: Memorization REF: Page 83 | Page 84 TOP: Cell Connections 22. ANS: L DIF: Memorization REF: Page 81 TOP: Centrosomes 23. ANS: K DIF: Memorization REF: Page 82 | Page 83 Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. 4. Name and give the functions of the membranous organelles of the cell. ANS: Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. Answers will vary. DIF: Memorization REF: Page 69 (Table 3-3) TOP: The Typical Cell 5. Name and give the functions of the nonmembranous organelles of the cell. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Memorization REF: Page 69 (Table 3-3) TOP: The Typical Cell 6. Name and explain the function of the three types of cell fibers in the cell. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Memorization REF: Page 79 | Page 80 TOP: Cell Fibers 7. What is the function of the centrosome and by what other name is it Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. known? ANS: Answers will vary. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. TOP: Cell Extensions 11. Explain the structure and function of the primary cilium in the cell. Which cell type does not have a primary cilium? ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Memorization REF: Page 82 | Page 83 TOP: Cell Extensions 12. Describe the structure and function of the nucleus. Include the structure and function of the nucleolus. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Memorization REF: Page 78 TOP: Nucleus 13. Name and describe the three types of cell connections. Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Memorization TOP: Cell Connections REF: Page 83 | Page 84 Test Bank 7th Edition or Anatomy PattonThibodeau Physiology- Test Bank Chapter 3: Anatomy of Cells Latest Updated 2023 Examination Study Guide. OTHER 1. Challenge: Joanne, a 75-year-old patient, has an active peptic ulcer. Describe the cellular organelles involved in synthesizing digestive enzymes for the stomach. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Synthesis REF: Page 69 (Table 3-3) TOP: Cytoplasm and Organelles 2. Challenge: Rebecca received a second-degree sunburn and was very uncomfortable for several days. Her skin began to heal and some of the epithelial tissue began to peel off in layers. Explain the cell connections that allow the skin cells to hold on to each other in a sheet. ANS: Answers will vary. DIF: Synthesis REF: Page 83 | Page 84 TOP: Cell Connections 3. Challenge: Explain the process by which a protein is processed in