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Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology, Exams of Anatomy

Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology

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Available from 09/22/2024

joseh-karis 🇰🇪



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Download Test Bank for Anatomy &physiology and more Exams Anatomy in PDF only on Docsity! Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, 9th Edition By Kenneth Saladin Table of Content Part One Organization of the Body 1 Major Themes of Anatomy and Physiology ATLAS A General Orientation to Human Anatomy 2 The Chemistry of Life 3 Cellular Form and Function 4 Genes and Cellular Function 5 The Human Tissues Part Two Support and Movement 6 The Integumentary System 7 Bone Tissue 8 The Skeletal System 9 Joints 10 The Muscular System ATLAS B Regional and Surface Anatomy 11 Muscular Tissue Part Three Internal Coordination and Control 12 Nervous Tissue 13 The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Somatic Reflexes 14 The Brain and Cranial Nerves 15 The Autonomic Nervous System and Visceral Reflexes 16 Sense Organs 17 The Endocrine System Part Four Circulation and Defense 18 The Circulatory System: Blood 19 The Circulatory System: Heart 20 The Circulatory System: Blood Vessels and Circulation 21 The Lymphatic and Immune Systems Part Five intake and Output 22 The Respiratory System 23 The Urinary System 24 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid - Base Balance 25 The Digestive System 26 Nutrition and Metabolism Part Six Reproduction and the Life Cycle 27 The Male Reproductive System 28 The Female Reproductive System 29 Human Development and Aging TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T’ if the statement is true and 'F" if the statement is false. 1) The frontal plane passes vertically through the body or an organ and divides it into equal right and left portions. © true © false 2) The cut of a guillotine (decapitation) is an example of a section done in the midsagittal plane. © true © false 3) The appendicular region consists of the head, neck, and trunk. © true © false 4) The appendix is typically found in the right lower quadrant. © true © false 5) The liver is proximal to the diaphragm. © true © false 6) When the abdomen is divided into nine regions, the most superior horizontal line is called the midclavicular line. © true © false Version 1 1 A) Arms at sides B) Standing upright C) Face and eyes facing forward D) Feet flat on the floor E) Palms facing hips s vertically through the body or an organ and divides it into anterior called the. plane. 16) The plane that pa: and posterior portions A) | sagittal B) frontal C) median D) transverse E) oblique 17) The interscapular region is. tothe scapular region. A) anterior B) posterior C) medial D) lateral E) superior 18) The sternum (breastbone) is. to the vertebral column. A) anterior B) posterior C) superior D) inferior E) medial Version 1 4 23) The visceral pericardium is to the parietal pericardium. A) lateral B) medial C) superficial D) deep E) anterior 24) The lumbar vertebrae are. to the thoracic vertebrae. A) anterior B) superior C) cephalic D) _ posterior E) inferior 25) Most of the stomach is located in the. of the abdomen, A) right upper quadrant (RUQ) B) right lower quadrant (RLQ) C) left upper quadrant (LUQ) D) left lower quadrant (LLQ) E) left middle quadrant (LMQ) 26) The superolateral regions of the abdomen are called the regions. A) epigastric B) inguinal C) hypochondriac D) hypogastric E) lateral abdominal Version 1 27) The urinary bladder is located in the A) epigastric B) umbilical C) hypogastric D) inguinal E) hypochondriac 28) _ In the appendicular region, the wrist is called the called the. region. A) B) manual; pedal brachial; crural crural; antebra carpal; tarsal metacarpal; metatarsal hial 29) ‘The spineencloses the. thoracic cavity abdominal cavity pelvic cavity vertebral canal cranial cavity 30) The brain and spinal cord are protected by the. Version 1 region. region, and the ankle is