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Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 1 Table Iof IContents Table I of I Contents 1 Chapter I01: IIntroduction Ito INursing Chapter I02: ITheory, IResearch, Iand IEvidence-Based IPractice IChapter I03: IHealth, I Wellness, I and I Health I Disparities IChapter I04: IHealth Iof Ithe IIndividual, IFamily, Iand ICommunity IChapter I05: ICultural IDiversity Chapter I06: IValues, IEthics, I and I Advocacy IChapter I07: ILegal IDimensions Iof INursing IPractice IChapter I08: ICommunication Chapter I09: ITeaching Iand ICounseling Chapter I10: ILeading, IManaging, Iand IDelegating IChapter I11: IThe IHealth ICare IDelivery ISystem Chapter I12: ICollaborative IPractice Iand ICare ICoordination IAcross ISettings Chapter I13: IBlended ICompetencies, IClinical IReasoning, Iand IProcesses Iof IPerson- ICentered ICare Chapter I14: IAssessing Chapter I15: IDiagnosing Chapter I16: IOutcome IIdentification Iand IPlanning IChapter I17: IImplementing Chapter I18: IEvaluating Chapter I19: IDocumenting Iand IReporting IChapter I20: INursing IInformatics Chapter I21: I Developmental I Concepts IChapter I22: IConception IThrough IYoung IAdult IChapter I23: IThe IAging IAdult Chapter I24: IAsepsis Iand IInfection IControl IChapter I25: IVital ISigns Chapter I26: IHealth IAssessment Chapter I27: ISafety, ISecurity, Iand IEmergency IPreparedness IChapter I28: IComplementary Iand IIntegrative IHealth Chapter I29: IMedications Chapter I30: IPerioperative INursing IChapter I31: IHygiene Chapter I32: ISkin IIntegrity Iand IWound ICare IChapter I33: IActivity Chapter I34: IRest Iand ISleep Chapter I35: IComfort Iand IPain IManagement IChapter I36: INutrition Chapter I37: IUrinary IElimination IChapter I38: IBowel IElimination Chapter I39: IOxygenation Iand IPerfusion Chapter I40: IFluid, IElectrolyte, Iand IAcid-Base IBalance IChapter I41: ISelf-Concept Chapter I42: IStress Iand IAdaptation IChapter I43: ILoss, IGrief, Iand IDying IChapter I44: ISensory IFunctioning IChapter I45: ISexuality Chapter I46: ISpirituality 2 11 20 29 37 45 54 62 69 77 86 93 100 109 117 125 135 142 150 158 164 173 182 190 200 211 220 230 239 250 260 269 279 289 298 307 316 326 336 346 356 365 375 384 393 403 Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 2 Chapter I01: IIntroduction Ito INursing 1. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iaccurately Idescribe Ian Ielement Iof Inursing? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) The Iskills Iinvolved Iin Inursing Iare Iprimarily Itechnical Iin Inature. B) The Iprimary Ifocus Iof Inursing Iis Ito Iassist Iindividuals Ito Irecover Ifrom Iillness. C) The Iscience Iof Inursing Iis Ithe Iknowledge Ibase Ifor Ithe Icare Ithat Iis Igiven. D) The Iart Iof Inursing Iis Ithe Icollection Iof Iknowledge Ithrough Iresearch. E) Nursing Iis Iconsidered Ito Ibe Iboth Ian Iart Iand Ia Iscience. F) Nursing Iis Ia Iprofession Ithat Iused Ispecialized Iknowledge Iand Iskills. 2. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iset Iof Iterms Ibest Idescribes Inursing Iat Ithe Iend Iof Ithe IMiddle IAges? A) continuity, Icaring, Icritical Ithinking B) purpose, Idirection, Ileadership C) assessment, I interventions, I outcomes D) advocacy, Iresearch, Ieducation 3. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Icharacteristic Iof Inursing Ipracticed Ifrom Iearly Icivilization Ito Ithe I16th Icentury? A) Most Iearly Icivilizations Ibelieved Ithat Iillness Ihad Isupernatural Icauses. B) The Iphysician Iwas Ithe Ipriest Iwho Itreated Idisease Iwith Iprayer. C) The Inurse Iwas Ia Inun Icommitted Ito Icaring Ifor Ithe Ineedy Iand Ihomeless. D) Nursing Ichanged Ifrom Ia Ispiritual Ifocus Ito Ian Iemphasis Ion Iknowledge Iexpansion. 4. In Iwhat Itime Iperiod Idid Inursing Icare Ias Iwe Inow Iknow Iit Ibegin? A) pre-civilization B) early Icivilization Ito I16th Icentury Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 5 B) Cognitive C) Interpersonal D) Ethical/Legal 13. Which Ione Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iexamples Iof Inursing Iactions Iwould Ibe Iconsidered Ian Iethical/legal Iskill? A) A Inurse Ihelps Ia Ipatient Iprepare Ia Iliving Iwill. B) A Inurse Iobtains Ia Iurine Isample Ifor Ia Iurinalysis. C) A Inurse Iexplains Ithe Irationale Ifor Ia Ipatients Iplan Iof Icare. D) A Inurse Iholds Ithe Ihand Iof Ia Iwoman Iwhose Ibaby Idied Iin Ichildbirth. 14. A Inurse Ipractitioner Iis Icaring Ifor Ia Icouple Iwho Iare Ithe Iparents Iof Ian Iinfant Idiagnosed Iwith IDowns ISyndrome. IThe Inurse Imakes Ireferrals Ifor Ia Iparent Isupport Igroup Ifor Ithe Ifamily. IThis Iis Ian Iexample Iof Iwhich Inursing Irole? A) Teacher/Educator B) Leader C) Counselor D) Collaborator 15. A Inurse Iis Iproviding Inursing Icare Iin Ia Ineighborhood Iclinic Ito Isingle Ipregnant Iteens. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iactions Iis Ithe Ibest Iexample Iof Iusing Ithe Icollaborator Irole Ias Ia Inurse? A) Discussing Ithe Ilegal Iaspects Iof Iadoption Ifor Iteens Iwishing Ito Iplace Itheir Iinfants Iwith Ia Ifamily B) Searching Ithe I nternet Ifor Iinformation Ion Ichild Icare Ifor Ithe Iteens Iwho Iwish Ito Ireturn Ito Ischool C) Conducting Ia Ipatient Iinterview Iand Idocumenting Ithe Iinformation Ion Ithe Ipatients Ichart D) Referring Ia Iteen Iwho Iadmits Ihaving Isuicidal Ithoughts Ito Ia Imental Ihealthcare Ispecialist 16. A Inurse Iinstructor Iexplains Ithe Iconcept Iof Ihealth Ito Iher Istudents. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iaccurately Idescribes Ithis Istate Iof Ibeing? A) Health Iis Ia Istate Iof Ioptimal Ifunctioning. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 6 B) Health Iis Ian Iabsence Iof Iillness. C) Health Iis Ialways Ian Iobjective Istate. D) Health Iis Inot Idetermined Iby Ithe Ipatient. 17. A Inurse Iincorporates Ithe Ihealth Ipromotion Iguidelines Iestablished Iby Ithe IU.S. IDepartment Iof IHealth Idocument: IHealthy IPeople I2010. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Ihealth Iindicator Idiscussed Iin Ithis Idocument? A) cancer B) obesity C) diabetes D) hypertension 18. A Inurse Iconducts Ia Ismoking-cessation Iprogram Ifor Ipatients Iof Ia Ineighborhood Iclinic. IThis Iis Ian Iexample Iof Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iaims Iof Inursing? A) promoting I health B) preventing I illness C) restoring Ihealth D) facilitating Icoping Iwith Idisability Ior Ideath 19. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Icriteria Ithat Idefines Inursing Ias Iprofession? A) an Iundefined Ibody Iof Iknowledge B) a Idependence Ion Ithe Imedical Iprofession C) an Iability Ito Idiagnose Imedical Iproblems D) a Istrong Iservice Iorientation 20. Although Iall Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iare Inursing Iresponsibilities, Iwhich Ione Iwould Ibe Iexpected Iof Ia Inurse Iwith Ia Ibaccalaureate Idegree? A) providing Idirect Iphysical Icare Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 7 B) using Iresearch Ifindings Ito Iimprove Ipractice C) administering Imedications Ias Iprescribed D) collaborating Iwith Iother Ihealthcare Iproviders 21. Amy IJones, Ia Ihigh Ischool Isenior, Iwants Ito Ibecome Ia Igeriatric Inurse Ipractitioner. IWhat Inursing Idegree Iwill Ishe Ineed Ito Iattain Ithis Igoal? A) licensed Ipractical Inurse B) associate Idegree C) baccalaureate Idegree D) masters Idegree 22. Why Iare Inursing Iorganizations Iimportant Ifor Ithe Icontinued Idevelopment Iand Iimprovement Iof Inursing Ias Ia Iwhole? A) to Iprovide Isocialization Iand Inetworking Ifor Imembers B) to Iregulate Iwork Iactivities Ifor Imembers C) to Iset Istandards Ifor Inursing Ieducation Iand Ipractice D) to Iprovide Iinformation Ito Inurses Iabout Ilegal Irequirements 23. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iorganizations Ihas Iestablished Istandards Ifor Iclinical Inursing Ipractice? A) American INurses IAssociation B) National ILeague Ifor INursing C) International ICouncil Iof INurses D) State IBoard Iof INursing 24. What Iis Ithe Iprimary Ipurpose Iof Istandards Iof Inursing Ipractice? A) to Iprovide Ia Imethod Iby Iwhich Inurses Iperform Iskills Isafely B) to Iensure Iknowledgeable, Isafe, Icomprehensive Inursing Icare Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 10 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. D 28. A 29. D Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 11 Chapter I02: ITheory, IResearch, Iand IEvidence-Based IPractice 1. What Iphrase Ibest Idescribes Ithe Iscience Iof Inursing? A) application Iof Iclinical Iskills B) body Iof Inursing Iknowledge C) holistic Ipatient Icare D) art Iof Iindividualized Inursing 2. The Ipractice Iof Ichanging Ipatients Ibedclothes Ieach Iday Iin Iacute Icare Isettings Iis Ian Iexample Iof Iwhat Itype Iof Iknowledge? A) authoritative B) traditional C) scientific D) applied 3. A Istudent Inurse Ilearns Ihow Ito Igive Iinjections Ifrom Ithe Inurse Imanager. IThis Iis Ian Iexample Iof Ithe Iacquisition Iof Iwhat Itype Iof Iknowledge? A) authoritative B) traditional C) scientific D) applied 4. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Isources Iof Iknowledge Iis Ibased Ion Iobjective Idata? A) authoritative B) traditional C) scientific Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 12 D) applied 5. A Ipatient Iundergoing Ichemotherapy Ifor Ia Ibrain Itumor Ibelieves Ithat Ihaving Ia Igood Iattitude Iwill Ihelp Iin Ithe Ihealing Iprocess. IThis Iis Ian Iexample Iof Iwhat Itype Iof Iknowledge? A) science B) philosophy C) process D) virtue 6. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iexamples Irepresents Ithe Itype Iof Iknowledge Iknown Ias Iprocess? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) A Inurse Idispenses Imedications Ito Ipatients. B) A Inurse Ichanges Ithe Ilinens Ion Ia Ipatients Ibed. C) A Inurse Istudies Ia Inursing Ijournal Iarticle Ion Iinfection Icontrol. D) A Inurse Iconsults Ian Iethics Icommittee Iregarding Ian Iethical Idilemma. E) A Inurse Ibelieves Iin Iproviding Iculturally Icompetent Inursing Icare. F) A Inurse Imonitors Ithe Ivital Isigns Iof Ia Ipostoperative Ipatient. 7. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iaccurately Idescribes IFlorence INightingales Iinfluence Ion Inursing Iknowledge? A) She Idefined Inursing Ipractice Ias Ithe Icontinuation Iof Imedical Ipractice. B) She Idifferentiated Ibetween Ihealth Inursing Iand Iillness Inursing. C) She Iestablished Itraining Ifor Inurses Iunder Ithe Idirection Iof Ithe Imedical Iprofession. D) She Iestablished Ia Itheoretical Ibase Ifor Inursing Ithat Ioriginated Ioutside Ithe Iprofession. 8. During Ithe Ifirst Ihalf Iof Ithe I20th Icentury, Ia Ichange Iin Ithe Istructure Iof Isociety Iresulted Iin Ichanged Iroles Ifor Iwomen Iand, Iin Iturn, Ifor Inursing. IWhat Iwas Ione Iof Ithese Ichanges? A) More Iwomen Iretired Ifrom Ithe Iworkforce Ito Iraise Ifamilies. B) Women Ibecame Imore Idependent Iand Isought Ihigher Ieducation. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 15 B) develop Itechnology Ito Iprovide Ihands-on Inursing Icare C) apply Iknowledge Ito Ibecome Iindependent Ipractitioners D) become Ifull-fledged Ipartners Iwith Iother Icare Iproviders 17. What Iwas Isignificant Iabout Ithe Ipromotion Iof Ithe INational ICenter Ifor INursing IResearch Ito Ithe Icurrent INational IInstitute Iof INursing IResearch I(NINR)? A) Increased Inumbers Iof Iarticles Iare Ipublished Iin Iresearch Ijournals. B) NINR Igained Iequal Istatus Iwith Iall Iother INational I nstitutes Iof IHealth. C) NINR Ibecame Ithe Imajor Iresearch Ibody Iof Ithe I nternational ICouncil Iof INurses. D) It Idecreased Iemphasis Ion Iclinical Iresearch Ias Ian Iimportant Iarea Ifor Inursing. 18. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iterms Iare Ipart Iof Iquantitative Iresearch? A) process B) concept C) ethnography D) variable 19. A Inurse Iuses Ithe Iprocess Iof Iquantitative Iresearch Ito Istudy Ithe Iincidence Iand Icauses Iof Ihospital-acquired Ipneumonia Iin Iher Ihospital. IThe Istatement Iof Iwhat Ithe Iresearcher Iexpects Ito Ifind Iin Ithese Istudies Iis Icalled Ithe: A) variable B) data C) hypothesis D) instrument 20. Information Iis Icollected Ifor Ianalysis Iin Iboth Iquantitative Iand Iqualitative Iresearch. IWhat Iis Ithe Iinformation Icalled? A) surveys Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 16 B) answers C) interviews D) data 21. A Ipatient Iin Ia Iclinical Iresearch Istudy Ihas Igiven Iinformed Iconsent. IThis Imeans Ithat Ithe Ipatient Ihas Icertain Irights. IThese Irights Iinclude Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) confidentiality B) free Imedical Icare C) refusal Ito Iparticipate D) protection Ifrom Iharm E) guarantee Iof Itreatment F) consent I knowledgeably 22. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Irepresents Ithe Ibasic Iframework Iof Ithe Iresearch Iprocess? A) Qualitative Idata B) Quantitative Idata C) Nursing I Process D) Nursing I Theory 23. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Iresponsibility Iof Ian Iinstitutional Ireview Iboard I(IRB)? A) secure Iinformed Iconsent Ifor Iresearchers B) review Iwritten Iaccuracy Iof Iresearch Iproposals C) determine Irisk Istatus Iof Iall Istudies D) secure Ifunding Ifor Iinstitutional Iresearch 24. Before Ideveloping Ia Iprocedure, Ia Inurse Ireviews Iall Icurrent Iresearch-based Iliterature Ion Iinsertion Iof Ia Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 17 nasogastric Itube. IWhat Itype Iof Inursing Iwill Ibe Ipracticed Ibased Ion Ithis Ireview? A) institutional I practice B) authoritative I nursing C) evidence-based I nursing D) factual-based Inursing 25. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iare Iexamples Iof Icharacteristics Iof Ievidence-based Ipractice? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) It Iis Ia Iproblem-solving Iapproach. B) It Iuses Ithe Ibest Ievidence Iavailable. C) It Iis Igenerally Iaccepted Iin Iclinical Ipractice. D) It Iis Ibased Ion Icurrent Iinstitutional Iprotocols. E) It Iblends Ithe Iscience Iand Iart Iof Inursing. F) It Iis Inot Iconcerned Iwith Ipatient Ipreferences. 26. One Istep Iin Iimplementing Ievidence-based Ipractice Iis Ito Iask Ia Iquestion Iabout Ia Iclinical Iarea Iof Iinterest Ior Ian Iintervention. IThe Imost Icommon Imethod Iis Ithe IPICO Iformat. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iaccurately Idefines Ithe Iletters Iin Ithe IPICO Iacronym? A) P I= Ipopulation B) I I= Iinstitution C) C I= Icompromise D) O I= Ioutput 27. A Ibeginning Istudent Iis Ireading Ia Ipublished Iresearch Iarticle. IWhere Iin Ithe Iarticle Iwould Ithe Istudent Ifind Ithe Iabstract? A) in Ithe Iintroduction B) in Ithe Imethods Isection Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 20 Chapter I03: IHealth, IWellness, Iand IHealth IDisparities 1. What Iphrase Ibest Idescribes Ihealth? A) individually Idefined Iby Ieach Iperson B) experienced Iby Ieach Iperson Iin Iexactly Ithe Isame Iway C) the Iopposite Iof Iillness D) the Iabsence Iof Idisease 2. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Imost Iaccurately Idefines Iillness? A) the Iinability Ito Icarry Iout Inormal Iactivities Iof Iliving B) a Ipathologic Ichange Iin Imind Ior Ibody Istructure Ior Ifunction C) the Iresponse Iof Ia Iperson Ito Ia Idisease D) achieving Imaximum Ipotential Iand Iquality Iof Ilife 3. A Ipatient Imakes Ia Idecision Ito Iquit Ismoking Iand Ijoins Ia Ismoking Icessation Iclass. IThis Iis Ian Iexample Iof Iwhich Iof IDunns Iprocesses Ithat Ihelp Ia Iperson Iknow Iwho Iand Iwhat Ihe Ior Ishe Iis? A) being B) belonging C) becoming D) befitting 4. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iaccurately Idescribes Ithe Iconcepts Iof Idisease Iand Iillness? A) A Idisease Iis Itraditionally Idiagnosed Iand Itreated Iby Ia Inurse. B) The Ifocus Iof Inurses Iis Ithe Iperson Iwith Ian Iillness. C) A Iperson Iwith Ian Iillness Icannot Ibe Iconsidered Ihealthy. D) Illness Iis Ia Inormal Iprocess Ithat Iaffects Ilevel Iof Ifunctioning. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 21 5. A Irapid Ionset Iof Isymptoms Ithat Ilast Ia Irelatively Ishort Itime Iindicates Iwhat Ihealth Iproblem? A) a Ichronic Iillness B) an Iacute Iillness C) actual Irisk Ifactor D) potential Ifor Iwellness 6. A Inurse Icaring Ifor Ipatients Iwith Idiabetes Iknows Ithat Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Icharacteristic Iof Ia Ichronic Iillness: A) It Iis Ia Itemporary Ichange. B) It Icauses Ireversible Ialterations Iin IA&P. C) It Irequires Ispecial Ipatient Ieducation Ifor Irehabilitation. D) It Irequires Ia Ishort Iperiod Iof Icare Ior Isupport. 7. What Imanifestation Iis Ithe Imost Isignificant Isymptom Iindicating Ian Iillness? A) bleeding B) runny Inose C) pain D) itching 8. A Inurse Icalls Iin Ito Ihis Iunit Ito Ireport Ihe Ihas Ithe Iflu Iand Iwill Inot Ibe Iat Iwork. IWhat Istage Iof Iillness Ibehavior Iis Ihe Iexhibiting? A) experiencing I symptoms B) assuming Ithe Isick Irole C) assuming Ia Idependent Irole D) achieving Irecovery Iand Irehabilitation Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 22 9. A Ipatient Iaccepts Ithe Ifact Ithat Ihe Ineeds Ibypass Isurgery Ifor Ia Iblocked Iartery Iand Iis Iadmitted Iinto Ithe Ihospital. IWhich Ione Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istages Iof Iillness Iis Ithis Ipatient Iexperiencing? A) Stage I1 B) Stage I2 C) Stage I3 D) Stage I4 10. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ian Iexample Iof Ia Icharacteristic Iof Ithe IStage I2 Iof Iillness? A) A Iperson Itells Ihis Ifamily Ithat Ihe Iis Isick Iand Iallows Ithem Ito Itake Icare Iof Ihim. B) A Iperson Iexperiences Ia Iheadache Iand Isore Ithroat Iand Itakes Ian Iaspirin. C) A Iperson Ivisits Ia Iphysician Ito Ireceive Itreatment Ifor Isymptoms Iof Ian Iinfection. D) A Iperson Ibegins Irehabilitation Ifollowing Ia Istroke Ithat Ileft Ihim Iparalyzed Ion Ione Iside. 11. A I4-year-old Ichild Ihas Ileukemia Ibut Iis Inow Iin Iremission. IWhat Idoes Iit Imean Ito Ibe Iin Iremission Iwhen Ione Ihas Ia Ichronic Iillness? A) The Ichronic Idisease Ihas Ibeen Icured. B) Nothing Ifurther Ican Ibe Idone Iin Iterms Iof Itreatment. C) Severe Isymptoms Iof Ithe Ichronic Iillness Ihave Ireappeared. D) The Idisease Iis Ipresent, Ibut Isymptoms Iare Inot Iexperienced. 12. What Imay Ihappen Ito Ithe Ifamily Iwhen Ian Iillness Ioccurs Iin Ione Iof Ithe Ifamily Imembers? A) alterations Iin Ivalues Iand Ireligious Ibeliefs B) more Ipublic Idisplays Iof Iaffection C) changes Iin Iroles Ifor Ithe Ipatient Iand Ifamily D) increased Iresistance Ito Istress 13. A Ibaby Iis Iborn Iwith IDown Isyndrome, Iwhich Iinfluences Ihis Ihealthillness Istatus. IThis Iis Ian Iexample Iof Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ihuman Idimensions? Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 25 B) Why Ishould II Ilose Iweight? I ll Istill Ibe Ifat. C) My Isister Iis Ithin, Ibut II Idont Ithink Ishe Ilooks Ithat Igood. D) My Ihusband Iloves Ime Ithis Iway. 21. A Icamp Inurse Iis Iteaching Ia Igroup Iof Iadolescent Igirls Iabout Ithe Iimportance Iof Imonthly Ibreast Iself- Iexamination. IWhat Ilevel Iof Ipreventive Icare Idoes Ithis Iactivity Irepresent? A) primary B) secondary C) tertiary D) restorative 22. On Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Icomponents Iis IRosenstocks Ihealth Ibelief Imodel Ibased? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) perceived Isusceptibility Ito Ia Idisease B) perceived Iconsequences Iof Itreating Idisease C) perceived Iseriousness Iof Ia Idisease D) perceived Ibenefits Iof Iaction E) perceived Iimmunity Ito Idisease F) perceived Ibenefits Iof Ihealth Iinsurance 23. A Inurse Irefers Ia I67-year-old Imale Ipatient Ito Igroup Icounseling Ifor Ialcohol Icessation. IAccording Ito IRosenstocks Ihealth Ibelief Imodel, Ithe Ipatients Iknowledge Iof Ithe Idiseases Ithat Imay Ioccur Iwith Ialcoholism Iis Ia: A) demographic Ivariable B) sociopsychological I variable C) structural Ivariable D) intellectual Ivariable 24. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Imodels Iof Ihealth Ipromotion Iand Iillness Iprevention Iwas Ideveloped Ito Iillustrate Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 26 how Ipeople Iinteract Iwith Itheir Ienvironment Ias Ithey Ipursue Ihealth? A) the Ihealth Ipromotion Imodel B) the Ihealth Ibelief Imodel C) the Ihealthillness Icontinuum D) the Iagenthostenvironment Imodel 25. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ifactors Iconstitute Ithe Ienvironment Icomponent Iof Ithe Iagenthostenvironment Imodel Iof Ihealth Iand Iillness I(Leavell Iand IClark, I1965)? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) bacteria/viruses B) chemical Isubstances C) health Ihabits D) family Ihistory E) cultural I factors F) biologic I factors 26. Nurses Iuse Inew Iresources Ifor Ihealthcare Ipractices Ito Ipromote Ihealth Iand Iserve Ias Ian Iadvocate Ifor Ipatients Iand Ifamilies Iin Iall Isettings. IWhich Ione Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iresources Ihas Ibeen Imost Iinstrumental Iin Iimproving Iaccess Ito Icare Ifor Ipeople Iliving Iin Irural Ior Iunderserved Iareas Iof Ithe Ination? A) telehealth Ipractice B) industrial I programs C) community I centers D) nontraditional Ihealthcare Isites 27. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iexplain Iwhy Imodels Iof Ihealth Ipromotion Iand Iillness Iprevention Iare Iuseful Iwhen Iplanning Ihealthcare? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) They Ihelp Ihealthcare Iproviders Iunderstand Ihealth-related Ibehaviors. B) They Iare Iuseful Ifor Iadapting Icare Ito Ipeople Ifrom Idiverse Ibackgrounds. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 27 C) They Ihelp Iovercome Ibarriers Irelated Ito Iincreased Inumber Iof Ipeople Iwithout Ihealthcare. D) They Iovercome Ibarriers Ito Icare Ifor Ithe Ipredicted Idownward Itrend Iin Iminority Ipopulations. E) They Iovercome Ibarriers Ito Icare Ifor Ilow-income Iand Irural Ipopulations. F) They Iexplain Iwhy Ipeople Itake Iadvantage Iof Ilow-cost Iscreens Iand Ihealthcare Iinformation. 28. What Iis Ithe Inurses Iprimary Irole Iin Ipromoting Ihealth? A) educating Iothers Iabout Ihealth Ipromotion Iactivities B) avoiding Ismoking Ior Idrinking Iin Ipublic C) being Ia Irole Imodel Ifor Ihealth Ipromotion D) implementing I stress I reduction I activities Answer IKey 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. C Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 30 D) asking Ihis Imother Iwhat Iare Ihis Ifavorite Ifoods 5. A I75-year-old Iman Iis Ibeing Idischarged Ito Ihis Ihome Ifollowing Ia Ifall Iin Ihis Ikitchen Ithat Iresulted Iin Ia Ifractured Ipelvis. IThe Ihome Ihealth Inurse Imakes Ia Ihome Iassessment Ithat Iwill Ibe Iused Ito Idesign Iinterventions Ito Imeet Iwhich Ipriority Ineed? A) sleep Iand Irest B) support Ifrom Ifamily Imembers C) protection Ifrom Ipotential Iharm D) feeling Ia Isense Iof Iaccomplishment 6. A Inurse Icaring Ifor Ia Ipatient Iin Ia Ilong-term Ihealth Icare Ifacility Imeasures Ihis Iintake Iand Ioutput Iand Iweighs Ihim Ito Iassess Iwater Ibalance. IThese Iactions Ihelp Ito Imeet Iwhich Iof IMaslows Ihierarchy Iof Ineeds? A) physiologic B) safety Iand Isecurity C) love Iand Ibelonging D) self-actualization 7. What Iaction Iby Ia Inurse Iwill Ihelp Ia Ipatient Imeet Iself-esteem Ineeds? A) verbally Inegate Ithe Ipatients Inegative Iself-perceptions B) freely Igive Icompliments Ito Iincrease Ipositive Iself-regard C) independently Iestablish Igoals Ito Iimprove Iself-esteem D) respect Ithe Ipatients Ivalues Iand Ibelief Isystems 8. A Inurse Icaring Ifor Ia Ifemale Ipatient Iwith ITB Iwho Iis Iin Iisolation Iis Iaware Ithat Ithe Ipatients Ilove Iand Ibelonging Ineeds Imay Inot Ibe Iproperly Imet. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Inursing Iaction Iwould Ihelp Ito Imeet Ithese Ineeds? A) respecting Ithe Ipatients Ivalues Iand Ibeliefs B) focusing Ion Ithe Ipatients Istrengths Irather Ithan Iproblems C) using Ihand Ihygiene Iand Isterile Itechnique Ito Iprevent Iinfection Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 31 D) encouraging Ifamily Ito Ivisit Iand Ihelp Iin Ithe Icare Iof Ithe Ipatient 9. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iaccurately Idescribes Ihow IMaslows Itheory Ican Ibe Iapplied Ito Inursing Ipractice? A) Nurses Ican Iapply Ithis Itheory Ito Ithe Inursing Iprocess. B) Nurses Ican Iidentify Imet Ineeds Ias Ihealthcare Ineeds. C) Nurses Icannot Iuse Ithe Itheory Ion Iinfants Ior Ichildren. D) Nurses Iuse Ithe Itheory Ifor Iill, Ias Iopposed Ito Ihealthy Ipatients. 10. Jim Iand IAlice Iwere Irecently Imarried. IEach Ihas Ipreviously Ibeen Imarried Iand Ihad Itwo Ichildren. IWhat Iname Iis Igiven Ito Ithis Itype Iof Ifamily? A) extended Ifamily B) nuclear Ifamily C) blended Ifamily D) cohabiting Ifamily 11. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Igroups Iinvolves Iall Iparts Iof Ia Ipersons Ilife Iand Iis Iconcerned Iwith Imeeting Ibasic Ihuman Ineeds Ito Ipromote Ihealth? A) peers B) family C) community D) healthcare Iproviders 12. David Iand ISusan Iare Iin Ia Icommitted Irelationship Iand Ilive Itogether Iwith Itheir Iadopted Itwin Iboys. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ibest Idescribes Ithis Itype Iof Ifamily? A) nuclear Ifamily B) extended Ifamily C) blended Ifamily Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 32 D) adoptive Ifamily 13. When Iproviding Inursing Icare Ito Ia Ipatient, Ithe Inurse Iprovides Ifamily-centered Inursing Icare. IWhat Iis Ione Irationale Ifor Ithis Inursing Iaction? A) The Inurse Idoes Inot Iwant Ithe Ipatient Ito Ifeel Ilonely. B) The Ipatient Iwill Ibe Imore Icompliant Iwith Imedical Iinstructions. C) The Ifamily Iwill Ibe Imore Iwilling Ito Ilisten Ito Iinstructions. D) Illness Iin Ione Ifamily Imember Iaffects Iall Ifamily Imembers. 14. A Imother Iteaches Iher Ison Ito Irespect Ihis Ielders. IThis Iis Ian Iexample Iof Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ifamily Ifunctions? A) physical B) economic C) affective Iand Icoping D) socialization 15. What Iis Ithe Ipurpose Iof Ithe Iaffective Iand Icoping Ifunction Iof Ithe Ifamily? A) providing Ia Isafe Ienvironment Ifor Igrowth Iand Idevelopment B) ensuring Ifinancial Iassistance Ifor Ifamily Imembers C) providing Iemotional I comfort Iand I identity D) transmitting Ivalues, Iattitudes, Iand Ibeliefs 16. A Inurse Iprovides Ihealth Ipromotion Iand Iaccident Iprevention Iprograms Ifor Ia Ifamily Iwith Iadolescents Iand Iyoung Iadults. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Itask Iof Ia Ifamily Iat Ithis Istage? A) Establish Ia Imutually Isatisfying Imarriage. B) Adjust Ito Icost Iof Ifamily Ilife. C) Maintain Isupportive Ihome Ibase. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 35 A) by Idemonstrating Ia Ihealthy Ilifestyle B) by Ibecoming Ia Imember Iof Ia Ifamily C) by Imeeting Iown Ibasic Ineeds D) by Iexhibiting Iself-actualization Answer IKey 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. D 15. C 16. C Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 36 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. C 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. A Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 37 Chapter I05: ICultural IDiversity 1. How Iis Iculture Ilearned Iby Ieach Inew Igeneration? A) ethnic Iheritage B) involvement Iin Ireligious Iactivities C) formal Iand Iinformal Iexperiences D) belonging Ito Ia Isubculture 2. A Inurse Icaring Ifor Ipatients Iin Ia Iculturally Idiverse Ineighborhood Iknows Ithat Iculture Iaffects Ithe Inurses Iinteractions Iwith Ipatients. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Icharacteristic Iof Iculture? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) Culture Iguides Iwhat Iis Iacceptable Ibehavior Ifor Ipeople Iin Ia Ispecific Igroup. B) Modeling Ibehavior Iis Ithe Iprimary Imeans Iof Itransmitting Iculture. C) Culture Iis Igenerally Inot Iaffected Iby Ithe Igroups Isocial Iand Iphysical Ienvironment. D) Cultural Ipractices Iand Ibeliefs Imainly Iremain Iconstant Ias Ilong Ias Ithey Isatisfy Ia Igroups Ineeds. E) Culture Iinfluences Ithe Iway Ipeople Iof Ia Igroup Iview Ithemselves, Ihave Iexpectations, Iand Ibehave. F) Because Iof Iindividual Iinfluences, Ithere Iare Idifferences Iboth Iwithin Iand Iamong Icultures. 3. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iis Itrue Iof Icultural Iassimilation? A) Mutual Icultural Iassimilation Ioccurs Iwhen Icharacteristics Ifrom Itwo Igroups Iare Itraded. B) Cultural Iassimilation Iis Ithe Iintegration Iof Ia Imajority Igroup Iwith Ia Iminority Igroup. C) Moving Ito Ia Idifferent Iculture Imay Iresult Iin Ipsychological Idiscomfort. D) Cultural Iassimilation Iis Iidentifying Iwith Ia Icollective Icultural Igroup, Iprimarily Ibased Ion Icommon Iheritage. 4. Mr. IPerez Iis Ia IMexican Iimmigrant Iwho Imigrated Ito Ithe IUnited IStates Iand Ilives Iin Ia ISpanish-speaking Icommunity Iwith Iother Irelatives. IHe Iis Itaken Ito Ithe IER Ifollowing Ia Ifall Iat Iwork Iand Iis Iadmitted Ito Ithe Ihospital Ifor Iobservation. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ithe Inurse Icaring Ifor IMr. IPerez Iaware Ithat Ihe Iis Iat Irisk Ifor? Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 40 C) grandmother D) children 12. A I40-year-old Inurse Iis Itaking Ia Ihealth Ihistory Ifrom Ia I20-year-old IHispanic Iman Iand Inotes Ithat Ihe Ilooks Idown Iat Ithe Ifloor Iwhen Ihe Ianswers Iquestions. IWhat Ishould Ithe Inurse Iunderstand Iabout Ithis Ibehavior? A) The Ipatient Iis Iembarrassed Iby Ithe Iquestions. B) This Iis Iculturally Iappropriate Ibehavior. C) The Ipatient Idislikes Ithe Inurse. D) The Ipatient Idoes Inot Iunderstand Iwhat Iis Ibeing Iasked. 13. An Iolder Iadult Iwoman Iof IChinese Iancestry Irefuses Ito Ieat Iat Ithe Inursing Ihome, Istating, I m Ijust Inot Ihungry. IWhat Ifactors Ishould Ithe Istaff Iassess Ifor Ithis Iproblem? A) The Iwoman Idoes Inot Ilike Ito Ieat Iwith Iother Iresidents Iof Ithe Ihome. B) The Iwoman Iis Iusing Ithis Ias Ia Imeans Iof Igoing Ihome. C) The Ifood Iserved Imay Inot Ibe Iculturally Iappropriate. D) The Ifood Iserved Imay Iviolate Ireligious Ibeliefs. 14. Although Iall Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iare Ifactors Ito Iconsider Iwhen Icaring Ifor Ipatients Iwith Ilimited Iincome, Iwhich Ione Iis Ithe Imost Iimportant? A) basic Ihuman Ineeds Imay Igo Iunmet B) limited Iaccess Ito Ireliable Itransportation C) decreased Iaccess I to Ihealthcare Iservices D) risk Ifor Iincreased Iincidence Iof Idisease 15. The Inurse Iis Iproviding Ihome Icare Ifor Ia Ipatient Iwho Itraditionally Idrinks Iherbal Itea Ito Itreat Ian Iillness. IHow Ishould Ithe Inurse Irespond Ito Ia Irequest Ifor Ithe Iherbal Itea? A) We Ido Inot Iallow Iour Ipatients Ito Idrink Iherbal Itea. B) Why Iin Ithe Iworld Iwould Iyou Iwant Ito Idrink Ithat Istuff? Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 41 C) Let Ime Icheck Iwith Ithe Idoctor Ito Imake Isure Iit Iis Iokay Iwith Iyour Imedicines. D) I Ihave Ito Ifill Iout Ia Ilot Iof Iforms Ithat Iyou Iwill Ihave Ito Isign Ibefore II Ican Ido Ithat. 16. A Inurse Iin Ia Ilarge Imetropolitan Icity Ienjoys Iworking Iin Ia Ihealth Iclinic Ithat Iprimarily Iserves IHispanic Ipatients. IWhat Idoes Ithis Istatement Iimply Iabout Ithe Inurse? A) The Inurses Iknowledge Iand Iskills Iare Inot Iadequate Ito Icare Ifor Ipatients Iwith Iacute Iillnesses. B) The Inurse Irespects Iand Ivalues Iproviding Iculturally Icompetent Icare. C) The Inurse Iis Iattempting Ito Iovercome Icultural Iblindness. D) This Iemployment Imakes Ithe Inurse Ifeel Isuperior Ito Ia Iminority Igroup Iof Ipeople. 17. A Inurse Iis Iproviding Icare Ifor Ia ICambodian Ipatient. IThe Inurse Isays, IYou Ihave Ito Iget Iup Iand Iwalk Iwhether Iyou Iwant Ito Ior Inot. IWhat Iis Ithis Istatement Ian Iexample Iof? A) culture Ishock B) stereotyping C) cultural Iimposition D) cultural Icompetence 18. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iare Iconsidered Icultural Inorms Iof Ithe Ihealthcare Isystem? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) inability Ito Idefine Ihealth Iand Iillness B) frequent Iuse Iof Ijargon Iand Idocumentation C) professional Ideference Ito Ipecking Iorder D) use Iof Ia Iproblem-solving Imethodology E) belief Iin Ithe Ifallibility Iof Itechnology F) use Iof Icertain Iprocedures Ifor Ibirth Iand Ideath 19. A Inurse Iis Icaring Ifor Ian IAfrican IAmerican Iin Ian Iacute Icare Isetting. IWhich Ione Iof Ithe Ifollowing Imight Ibe Ia Ispecial Inursing Iconsideration Ifor Ithis Ipatient? A) The Ipatient Imight Irequest Ia Ivisit Ifrom Ia Ifolk Ihealer. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 42 B) The Ipatient Imay Ibe Iupset Iby Idrawing Iblood Ifor Ia Itest. C) The Ipatient Imay Iperceive Iillness Ias Ia Ipunishment Ifrom IGod. D) The Ipatient Imay Iexpect Ithe Icaregiver Ito Ideduce Ithe Iproblem Iby Iinstinct. 20. In Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ipopulations Ishould Ithe Inurse Icarefully Iassess Ithe Ipatients Iuse Iof Iover-the- Icounter Imedications? A) African IAmerican B) Hispanic C) White Imiddle Iclass D) Asian 21. A Inurse Iis Icaring Ifor Ian IAppalachian Ipatient Ifollowing Iher Ihysterectomy. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing IAppalachian Ivalues Iand Ibeliefs Ishould Ibe Iconsidered Iwhen Iplanning Inursing Icare Ifor Ithis Ipatient? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) Isolation Iis Iconsidered Ias Ia Iway Iof Ilife. B) Dependence Iand Iself-determination Iare Ivalued. C) Lifestyle Iis Imore Irevered Ithan Icompliance Iwith Ihealthcare Iissues. D) They Imay Ibe Ifatalistic Iabout Ilosses Iand Ideaths. E) There Iis Ia Ideep Ilove, Irespect, Iand Iaffection Ibetween Ipeople Iand Ithe Iland. F) Death Iis Iseen Ias Ia Ipart Iof Ilife Iand Inot Ifeared. 22. What Iis Ione Iway Iin Iwhich Inurses Ican Idevelop Icultural Iself-awareness? A) Ask Ipeers Iand Icolleagues Iabout Ipracticing Icultural Icompetence. B) Objectively Iexamine Iown Ibeliefs, Ivalues, Iand Ipractices. C) Realize Inothing Ican Ibe Idone Ito Ichange Iones Ivalues Iand Ibeliefs. D) Assert Ito Iothers Ithat Ipersonal Ibiases Icannot Ibe Ichanged. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 45 Chapter I06: IValues, IEthics, Iand IAdvocacy 1. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iphrases Ibest Idescribes Ia Ivalue? A) questions Iabout Ihow Ione Ishould Iact Iand Ilive B) the Iprocess Iby Iwhich Ione Idecides Iwhat Iis Iimportant Iin Ilife C) a Ibelief Iabout Ithe Iworth Iof Isomething Ito Iguide Ibehavior D) dispositions Iof Icharacter Ithat Imotivate Igoodness 2. Mrs. IJones Ialways Ithanks Iclerks Iat Ithe Igrocery Istore. IHer I6-year-old Idaughter Iechoes Iher Ithank Iyou. IThe Ichild Iis Idemonstrating Iwhat Imode Iof Ivalue Itransmission? A) modeling B) moralizing C) reward Iand Ipunishment D) responsible Ichoice 3. What Iis Ione Inegative Iaspect Ifor Ichildren Iof Ilearning Ivalues Ithrough Ithe Imoralizing Imode Iof Itransmission? A) little Ilikelihood Iof Ideveloping Iacceptable Ibehaviors B) can Ilead Ito Iconfusion Iand Iconflict C) unacceptable Ibehaviors Iare Ipunished D) not Imuch Iopportunity Ito Iweigh Ivalues 4. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Imodes Iof Ivalue Itransmission Iis Imost Ilikely Ito Ilead Ito Iconfusion Iand Iconflict? A) modeling B) moralizing C) laissez-faire Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 46 D) responsible Ichoice 5. A Inurse Iin Ia Iwomens Ihealth Iclinic Ivalues Iabstinence Ias Ithe Ibest Imethod Iof Ibirth Icontrol. IHowever, Ishe Ioffers Icompassionate Icare Ito Iunmarried Ipregnant Iadolescents. IWhat Iis Ithe Inurse Idemonstrating? A) modeling Iof Ivalue Itransmission B) conflict Iin Ivalues Iacceptance C) nonjudgmental Ivalue Ineutral Icare D) values Iconflict Ithat Imay Ilead Ito Istress 6. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iare Iexamples Iof Ia Inurse Idemonstrating Ithe Iprofessional Ivalue Iof Ialtruism? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) The Inurse Iarranges Ifor Ian Iinterpreter Ifor Ia Ipatient Iwhose Iprimary Ilanguage Iis ISpanish. B) The Inurse Icalls Ithe Iphysician Iof Ia Ipatient Iwhose Ipain Imedication Iis Inot Istrong Ienough. C) The Inurse Iprovides Iinformation Ifor Ia Ipatient Iso Ihe Iis Icapable Iof Iparticipating Iin Iplanning Ihis Icare. D) The Inurse Ireviews Ia Ipatient Ichart Ito Idetermine Iwho Imay Ibe Iinformed Iof Ithe Ipatients Icondition. E) The Inurse Idocuments Ipatient Icare Iaccurately Iand Ihonestly Iand Ireviews Ithe Ientry Ito Iensure Ithere Iare Ino Ierrors. F) The Inurse Iencourages Ilegislation Ifor Inationalized Ihealthcare Iinsurance Ifor Ilow-income Ifamilies. 7. Values Itheorists Idescribe Ithe Iprocess Iof Ivaluing Ias Ifocusing Ion Ithree Imain Iactivities. IWhat Iis Ithe Ifirst Iactivity Iin Ithe Ivaluing Iprocess? A) choosing B) prizing C) acting D) doing 8. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iillustrates Ithe Iactivity Iof Iacting Iin Ivalues Iclarification? A) respecting Ithe Ihuman Idignity Iof Iall Ipatients Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 47 B) seeking Ipublic Iaffirmation Ifor Iactions C) disregarding Iseveral Ialternatives Iwhen Ichoosing D) considering Iconsequences Iof Iactions 9. While Iat Ilunch, Ia Inurse Iheard Iother Inurses Iat Ia Inearby Itable Italking Iabout Ia Ipatient Ithey Idid Inot Ilike. IWhen Ithey Iasked Ihim Iwhat Ihe Ithought, Ihe Ipolitely Irefused Ito Ijoin Iin Ithe Iconversation. IWhat Ivalue Iwas Ithe Inurse Idemonstrating? A) the Iimportance Iof Ifood Iin Imeeting Ia Ibasic Ihuman Ineed B) basic Irespect Ifor Ihuman Idignity C) men Ido Inot Igossip Iwith Iwomen D) a Ilow Ivalue Ion Icollegiality Iand Ifriendship 10. A Imiddle-aged Iman Iis Ihaving Iincreasing Idifficulty Ibreathing. IHe Inever Iexercises, Ieats Ifast Ifood Iregularly, Iand Ismokes Itwo Ipacks Iof Icigarettes Ia Iday. IHe Itells Ithe Inurse Ipractitioner Ithat Ihe Iwants Ito Ichange Ithe Iway Ihe Ilives. IWhat Iis Ione Imeans Iof Ihelping Ihim Ichange Ibehaviors? A) ethical Ichange Istrategy B) values Ineutrality Ichoices C) values Itransmission D) values Iclarification 11. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iwords Iis Imost Iclosely Iassociated Iwith Ithe Iterm Iethics? A) values B) modeling C) reward D) conduct 12. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iaccurately Idescribe Ia Icharacteristic Iof Iethics? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) The Iability Ito Ibe Iethical Ibegins Iin Iyoung Iadulthood. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 50 20. A Ipatient Inearing Ithe Iend Iof Ilife Irequests Ithat Ihe Ibe Igiven Ino Ifood Ior Ifluids. IThe Iphysician Iorders Ithe Iinsertion Iof Ia Inasogastric Itube Ito Ifeed Ithe Ipatient. IWhat Isituation Idoes Ithis Icreate Ifor Ithe Inurse Iproviding Icare? A) nurse Imust Ifollow Ithe Iphysicians Iorders B) an Iinability Ito Iprovide Icare Ifor Ithe Ipatient C) an Iethical Idilemma Iabout Iinconsistent Icourses Iof Iaction D) a Ibarrier Ito Iestablishing Ian Ieffective Inursepatient Irelationship 21. A Inurse Iwho Iforgets Ito Igive Ia Ipatient Iher Imedication Ithrows Iaway Ithe Imedicine Iand Idocuments Ithat Iit Iwas Idispensed Ion Ithe Ipatient Ichart. IThe Inurse Ithen Ibecomes Iuneasy Iabout Iher Iaction Iand Ivows Inever Ito Ifalsify Ia Irecord Iagain. IThis Iis Ian Iexample Iof Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing? A) ethical Iuncertainty B) ethical I distress C) ethical I residue D) ethical I disengagement 22. Two Ichildren Ineed Ia Ikidney Itransplant. IOne Iis Ithe Ichild Iof Ia Ifamous Isports Ifigure, Iwhereas Ithe Iother Ichild Icomes Ifrom Ia Ilow-income Ifamily. IWhat Iethically Irelevant Iconsideration Iis Iimportant Ito Ithe Inurse Ias Ian Iadvocate Ifor Ithese Ipatients? A) balance Ibetween Ibenefits Iand Iharms Iin Ipatient Icare B) norms Iof Ifamily Ilife C) considerations Iof Ipower D) cost-effectiveness Iand Iallocation 23. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ian Iexample Iof Ipaternalistic Ibehavior? A) telling Ia Ipatient Ithat Ia Ipainful Iprocedure Iwill Inot Ihurt B) intercepting Ia Ivisitors Igift Iof Icandy Ito Ia Ipatient Iwith Idiabetes C) deciding Ito Iclose Ithe Iintensive Icare Iunit Iwhen Iall Ibeds Iare Ifull Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 51 D) discussing Ia Ipatients Icondition Iwith Ithe Ipatients Iroommate 24. A Istudent Inurse Iis Iworking Iin Ithe Ilibrary Ion Iher Iplan Iof Icare Ifor Ia Iclinical Iassignment. IThe Ipatients Iname Iis Iwritten Iat Ithe Itop Iof Iher Iplan. IWhat Iethical Iresponsibility Iis Ithe Istudent Iviolating? A) confidentiality B) accountability C) trust D) informed Iconsent 25. A Inurse Iis Iconcerned Iabout Ithe Ipractice Iof Iroutinely Iordering Ia Ibattery Iof Ilaboratory Itests Ifor Ipatients Iwho Iare Iadmitted Ito Ithe Ihospital Ifrom Ia Ilong-term Icare Ifacility. IAn Iappropriate Isource Iin Ihandling Ithis Iethical Idilemma Iwould Ibe Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing? A) the Ipatients Ifamily B) the Iadmitting Iphysician C) the Inurse Iin Icharge Iof Ithe Iunit D) the Iinstitutional Iethics Icommittee 26. A Ipatient Itells Ithe Inurse Ithat Ihe Idoes Inot Iwant Ito Ihave Ia Ipainful Iprocedure. IBy Irespecting Iand Isupporting Ithe Ipatients Iright Ito Imake Idecisions, Iwhat Iis Ithe Inurse Idemonstrating? A) confidentiality B) advocacy C) altruism D) justice 27. A Ipatient, Iunsure Iof Ithe Ineed Ifor Isurgery, Iasks Ithe Inurse, IWhat Ishould I Ido? IWhat Ianswer Iby Ithe Inurse Iis Ibased Ion Iadvocacy? A) If I Iwere Iyou, I Isure Iwould Inot Ihave Ithis Isurgical Iprocedure. B) Gosh, II Idont Iknow Iwhat II Iwould Ido Iif II Iwere Iyou. C) Tell Ime Imore Iabout Iwhat Imakes Iyou Ithink Iyou Idont Iwant Isurgery. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 52 D) Let Ime Italk Ito Iyour Idoctor Iand II Iwill Iget Iback Ito Iyou Ias Isoon Ias II Ican. Answer IKey 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. A, IB 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. D 12. A, IC, ID, IE, IF 13. B 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. B, ID, IF 19. D Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 55 D) the Ihospital 5. What Itype Iof Ilaw Iregulates Ithe Ipractice Iof Inursing? A) common Ilaw B) public Ilaw C) civil Ilaw D) criminal Ilaw 6. What Iis Ithe Ilegal Isource Iof Irules Iof Iconduct Ifor Inurses? A) agency Ipolicies Iand Iprotocols B) constitution Iof Ithe IUnited IStates C) American INurses IAssociation D) Nurse IPractice IActs 7. A Inurse Imoves Ifrom IOhio Ito IMissouri. IWhere Ican Ia Icopy Iof Ithe INurse IPractice IAct Iin IMissouri Ibe Iobtained? A) Ohio IState IBoard Iof INursing B) Missouri IState IBoard Iof INursing C) federal Igovernment Inursing Iguidelines D) National ILeague Ifor INursing 8. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ibest Idescribes Ivoluntary Istandards? A) Voluntary Istandards Iare Iguidelines Ifor Ipeer Ireview, Iguided Iby Ithe Ipublics Iexpectation Iof Inursing. B) Voluntary Istandards Iset Irequirements Ifor Ilicensure Iand Inursing Ieducation. C) Voluntary Istandards Imeet Icriteria Ifor Irecognition, Ispecified Iarea Iof Ipractice. D) Voluntary Istandards Idetermine Iviolations Ifor Idiscipline Iand Iwho Imay Ipractice. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 56 9. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iaccurately Idescribe Ian Iaspect Iof Ithe Icredentialing Iprocess Iused Iin Inursing Ipractice? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) Credentialing Irefers Ito Ithe Iway Iin Iwhich Iprofessional Icompetence Iis Iensured Iand Imaintained. B) Accreditation Iis Ithe Iprocess Iby Iwhich Ithe Istate Idetermines Ia Iperson Imeets Iminimum Irequirements Ito Ipractice Inursing. C) Certification Igrants Irecognition Iin Ia Ispecified Ipractice Iarea Ito Ipeople Iwho Imeet Icertain Icriteria. D) Legal Iaccreditation Iof Ia Ischool Ipreparing Inursing Ipersonnel Iby Ithe Istate IBoard Iof INursing Iis Ivoluntary. E) Once Iearned, Ia Ilicense Ito Ipractice Iis Ia Iproperty Iright Iand Imay Inot Ibe Irevoked Iwithout Idue Iprocess. F) A Inurse Imust Ibe Ilicensed Iby Ithe Istate Iboard Iof Inursing Iin Ieach Istate Iin Iwhich Ihe Ior Ishe Idesires Ito Ipractice. 10. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iaccreditations Iis Ia Ilegal Irequirement Ifor Ia Ischool Iof Inursing Ito Iexist? A) National ILeague Ifor INursing IAccrediting ICommission B) American IAssociation Iof IColleges Iof INursing Iaccreditation C) State IBoard Iof INursing Iaccreditation D) educational I institution Iaccreditation 11. In Icomparison Iwith Ilicensure, Iwhich Imeasures Ientry-level Icompetence, Iwhat Idoes Icertification Ivalidate? A) innocence Iof Iany Idisciplinary Iviolation B) specialty Iknowledge Iand Iclinical Ijudgment C) more Ithan I10 Iyears Iof Inursing Ipractice D) ability Ito Ipractice Iin Imore Ithan Ione Iarea 12. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ithe Imost Ifrequent Ireason Ifor Irevocation Ior Isuspension Iof Ia Inurses Ilicense? A) fraud B) mental Iimpairment Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 57 C) alcohol Ior Idrug Iabuse D) criminal Iacts 13. A Inurse Idoes Inot Iassist Iwith Iambulation Ifor Ia Ipostoperative Ipatient Ion Ithe Ifirst Iday Iafter Isurgery. IThe Ipatient Ifalls Iand Ifractures Ia Ihip. IWhat Icharge Imight Ibe Ibrought Iagainst Ithe Inurse? A) assault B) battery C) fraud D) negligence 14. A Ipatient Irefuses Ito Ihave Ia Ipain Imedication Iadministered Iby Iinjection. IA Inurse Isays, I f Iyou Idont Ilet Ime Igive Iyou Ithe Ishot, II Iwill Iget Ihelp Ito Ihold Iyou Idown Iand Igive Iit. IWith Iwhat Icrime Imight Ithe Inurse Ibe Icharged? A) assault B) battery C) negligence D) defamation 15. Two Inurses Iare Idiscussing Ia Ipatients Icondition Iin Ian Ielevator Ifull Iof Ivisitors. IWith Iwhat Icrime Imight Ithe Inurses Ibe Icharged? A) defamation Iof Icharacter B) invasion Iof Iprivacy C) unintentional Inegligence D) intentional Inegligence 16. A Ilawsuit Ihas Ibeen Ibrought Iagainst Ia Inurse Ifor Imalpractice. IThe Ipatient Ifell Iand Isuffered Ia Iskull Ifracture, Iresulting Iin Ia Ilonger Ihospital Istay Iand Ineed Ifor Irehabilitation. IWhat Idoes Ithe Idescription Iof Ithe Ipatient Irepresent Ias Iproof Iof Imalpractice? A) damages Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 60 A) collective Ibargaining B) written Ior Iimplied Icontracts C) competent Ipractice D) patient Ieducation 24. A Inurse Ihas Itaken Ia Itelephone Iorder Ifrom Ia Iphysician Ifor Ian Iemergency Imedication. IThe Idose Iof Ithe Imedication Iis Iabnormally Ihigh. IWhat Ishould Ithe Inurse Ido Inext? A) administer Ithe Imedication Ibased Ion Ithe Iorder B) question Ithe Iorder Ifor Ithe Imedication C) refuse Ito Iadminister Ithe Imedication D) document Iconcerns Iabout Ithe Iorder 25. A Ipatient Igets Iout Iof Ibed Ifollowing Ihip Isurgery Iand Ifalls Iand Ire-injures Iher Ihip. IThe Inurse Icaring Ifor Iher Iknows Ithat Iit Iis Iher Iduty Ito Imake Isure Ian Iincident Ireport Iis Ifiled. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iaccurately Idescribes Ithe Icorrect Iprocedure Ifor Ifiling Ian Iincident Ireport? A) The Iphysician Iin Icharge Ishould Ifill Iout Ithe Ireport. B) The Inames Iof Ithe Istaff Iinvolved Ishould Inot Ibe Iincluded. C) The Ireports Iare Iused Ifor Idisciplinary Iaction Iagainst Ithe Istaff. D) The Ireport Ishould Icontain Iall Ithe Ivariables Irelated Ito Ithe Iincident. Answer IKey 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 61 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. A, IC, IE 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. A, ID, IE 18. A, IB, IE 19. D 20. A 21. D 22. A, ID, IE, IF 23. C 24. B 25. D Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 62 Chapter I08: I Communication 1. A Inurse Itouches Ia Ipatients Ihand Ito Iindicate Icaring Iand Isupport. IWhat Ichannel Iof Icommunication Iis Ithe Inurse Iusing? A) auditory B) visual C) olfactory D) kinesthetic 2. A Inurse Iis Iteaching Ia Ihome Icare Ipatient Ihow Ito Iadminister Ia Itopical Imedication. IThe Ipatient Iis Iwatching Itelevision Iwhile Ithe Inurse Iis Italking. IWhat Imight Ibe Ithe Iresult Iof Ithis Iinteraction? A) The Imessage Iwill Ilikely Ibe Imisunderstood. B) The Istimulus Ifor Icommunication Iis Iunclear. C) The Ireceiver Iwill Iaccurately Iinterpret Ithe Imessage. D) The Icommunication Iwill Ibe Ireciprocal. 3. A Inurse Igives Ia Ispeech Ion Inutrition Ito Ia Igroup Iof Ipregnant Iwomen. IWhat Iis Ithe Ispeech Iitself Iknown Ias? A) stimulus B) source C) message D) channel 4. The Ifamily Iof Ia Ipatient Iin Ia Iburn Iunit Iasks Ithe Inurse Ifor Iinformation. IThe Inurse Isits Iwith Ithe Ifamily Iand Idiscusses Itheir Iconcerns. IWhat Itype Iof Icommunication Iis Ithis? A) intrapersonal B) interpersonal C) organizational Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 65 A) to Iprovide Ihands-on Iphysical Icare B) to Iensure Isafety Iwhile Icaring Ifor Ithe Ipatient C) to Iassist Ithe Ipatient Ito Iidentify Iand Iachieve Igoals D) to Ifacilitate Ithe Ipatients Iinteractions Iwith Iothers 13. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Icharacteristic Iof Ithe Ihelping Irelationship? A) it Ioccurs Ispontaneously B) it Iis Isimilar Ito Ia Isocial Irelationship C) it Iis Ian Iunequal Isharing Iof Icommunication D) it Iis Ibased Ion Ithe Ineeds Iof Ithe Inurse 14. What Iaction Iby Ithe Inurse Iwill Ifacilitate Ithe Ihelping Irelationship Iduring Ithe Iorientation Iphase? A) providing Iassistance Ito Imeet Iactivities Iof Idaily Iliving B) introducing Ihimself Ior Iherself Ito Ithe Ipatient Iby Iname C) designing Ia Ispecific Iteaching Iplan Iof Icare D) preparing Ifor Itermination Iof Ithe Irelationship 15. Which Iof Ithe Inursing Iroles Iis Iprimarily Iperformed Iduring Ithe Iworking Iphase Iof Ithe Ihelping Irelationship? A) teacher Iand Icounselor B) provider Iof Icare C) leader Iand Imanager D) researcher 16. A Inurse Iwho Iis Idischarging Ia Ipatient Iis Iterminating Ithe Ihelping Irelationship. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iactions Imight Ithe Inurse Iperform Iin Ithis Iphase? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) making Iformal Iintroductions Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 66 B) making Ia Icontract Iregarding Ithe Irelationship C) providing Iassistance Ito Iachieve Igoals D) helping Ipatient Iperform Iactivities Iof Idaily Iliving E) examining Igoals Iof Irelationship Ifor Iachievement F) helping Ipatient Iestablish Ihelping Irelationship Iwith Ianother Inurse 17. What Iterm Idescribes Ia Inurse Iwho Iis Isensitive Ito Ithe Ipatients Ifeelings Ibut Iremains Iobjective Ienough Ito Ihelp Ithe Ipatient Iachieve Ipositive Ioutcomes? A) competent B) caring C) honest D) empathic 18. What Iis Ithe Iprimary Ifocus Iof Icommunication Iduring Ithe Inursepatient Irelationship? A) time Iavailable Ito Ithe Inurse B) nursing Iactivity Ito Ibe Iperformed C) patient Iand Ipatient Ineeds D) environment Iof Ithe Ipatient 19. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ian Iexample Iof Ia Iclosed-ended Iquestion Ior Istatement? A) How Idid Ithat Imake Iyou Ifeel? B) Did Iyou Itake Ithose Idrugs? C) What Imedications Ido Iyou Itake Iat Ihome? D) Describe Ithe Itype Iof Ipain Iyou Ihave. 20. A Ipatient Itells Ithe Inurse Ithat Ihe Iis Ivery Iworried Iabout Ihis Isurgery. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iresponses Iby Ithe Inurse Iis Ia Iclich? Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 67 A) Tell Ime Iwhat Iyou Iare Iworried Iabout. B) What Iis Iit Ithat Iyou Iare Iworried Iabout? C) Do Iyou Iwant Ito Icancel Iyour Isurgery? D) Dont Iworry, Ieverything Iwill Ibe Ifine. 21. A Inurse Itells Ia Ipatient, IWhy Iwont Iyou Iget Iout Iof Ibed? IAre Iyou Ialways Ithis Ilazy? IThis Iis Ian Iexample Iof Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ibarriers Ito Icommunication? A) using Icomments Ithat Igive Iadvice B) using Ijudgmental Ilanguage C) using Ileading Iquestions D) using Iprobing Iquestions 22. A Inurse Iis Icaring Ifor Ia Ipatient Iwho Iis Ivisually Iimpaired. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Irecommended Iguideline Ifor Icommunication Iwith Ithis Ipatient? A) Ease Iinto Ithe Iroom Iwithout Iacknowledging Ipresence Iuntil Ithe Ipatient Ican Ibe Itouched. B) Speak Iin Ia Ilouder Itone Iof Ivoice Ito Imake Iup Ifor Ilack Iof Ivisual Icues. C) Explain Ireason Ifor Itouching Ipatient Ibefore Idoing Iso. D) Keep Icommunication Isimple Iand Iconcrete. Answer IKey 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. D Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 70 D) cannot Ibe Imeasured 5. A Inursing Ifaculty Imember Iis Iteaching Ia Iclass Iof Isecond-degree Istudents Iwho Ihave Ian Iaverage Iage Iof I32. IWhat Iis Iimportant Ito Iremember Iwhen Iteaching Iadult Ilearners? A) a Ifocus Ion Ithe Iimmediate Iapplication Iof Inew Imaterial B) a Ineed Ifor Isupport Ito Ireduce Ianxiety Iabout Inew Ilearning C) older Istudents Imay Ifeel Iinferior Iin Iterms Iof Inew Ilearning D) all Istudents, Iregardless Iof Iage, Ilearn Ithe Isame 6. A Inurse Iis Idesigning Ia Iteaching Iprogram Ifor Iindividuals Iwho Ihave Irecently Iimmigrated Ito Ithe IUnited IStates Ifrom I raq. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iconsiderations Iis Inecessary Ifor Iculturally Icompetent Ipatient Iteaching? A) Use Imaterials Ideveloped Ipreviously Ifor IU.S. Icitizens. B) Use Iall Ivisual Imaterials Iwhen Iteaching Icontent. C) Use Ia Ilecture Iformat Ito Iteach Icontent Iwith Ifew Iquestions. D) Develop Iwritten Imaterials Iin Ithe Ipatients Inative Ilanguage. 7. What Ipatient Icharacteristic Iis Iimportant Ito Iassess Iwhen Iusing Ithe Ihealth Ibelief Imodel Ias Ithe Iframework Ifor Iteaching? A) developmental Ilevel B) source Iof Iinformation C) motivation Ito Ilearn D) family Isupport 8. According Ito IRosenstock, Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iare Ihealth Ibeliefs Icritical Ifor Ipatient Imotivation? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) Patients Iview Ithemselves Ias Isusceptible Ito Ithe Idisease Iin Iquestion. B) Patients Iview Ithe Idisease Ias Ia Iserious Ithreat. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 71 C) Patients Ibelieve Ithere Iare Iactions Ithey Ican Itake Ito Ireduce Ithe Iprobability Iof Icontracting Ithe Idisease. D) Patients Ibelieve Ithe Ithreat Iof Itaking Ithese Iactions Iis Igreater Ithan Ithe Idisease Iitself. E) Patients Iview Ithemselves Ias Ivictims Iof Ithe Idisease Iin Iquestion. F) Patients Ifeel Ipowerless Ito Imodify Itheir Iperception Iof Idisease Isusceptibility. 9. The INational IPatient ISafety IFoundation Irecently Icollaborated Iwith Ithe IPartnership Ifor IClear IHealth ICommunication I(2007) Ito Icreate Iawareness Iof Ithe Ineed Ifor Iimproved Ihealth Iliteracy Iand Ideveloped Ithe IAsk IMe I3 Itool. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ian IAsk IMe I3 Iquestion? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) Who Iwill Ibe Imy Ihealthcare Iprovider? B) What Iis Imy Imain Iproblem? C) What Ido II Ineed Ito Ido? D) Where Iwill I Iget Ihelp? E) Why Iis Iit Iimportant Ifor Ime Ito Ido Ithis? F) When Iwill I Istart Imy Iprogram? 10. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istrategies Imight Ia Inurse Iuse Ito Iincrease Icompliance Iwith Iteaching? A) Include Ithe Ipatient Iand Ifamily Ias Ipartners. B) Use Ishort, Isimple Isentences Ifor Iall Iages. C) Provide Iverbal Iinstruction Iat Iall Itimes. D) Maintain Iclear Irole Ias Ithe Iauthority. 11. A Inurse Iteaching Ia Inew Imother Ihow Ito Ibathe Iher Iinfant Iuses Ithe Iacronym ITEACH Ito Imaximize Ithe Ieffectiveness Iof Ithe Iteaching Iplan. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iare Iguidelines Ibased Ion Ithis Iacronym? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) Tune Iout Ithe Iindividual Ipatient. B) Edit Ipatient Iinformation. C) Act Ion Ievery Iteaching Imoment. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 72 D) Always Irefer Ia Ipatient Ito Icounseling. E) Clarify Ioften. F) Honestly Ianswer Ipatient Iquestions. 12. A Iyoung Imother Iasks Ithe Inurse Iin Ia Ipediatric Ioffice Ifor Iinformation Iabout Isafety, Idiet, Iand Iimmunizations Ifor Iher Ibaby. IWhich Inursing Idiagnosis Iwould Ibe Iappropriate Ifor Ithis Ipatient? A) Knowledge IDeficit: I nfant Icare B) Impaired IHealth IMaintenance C) Readiness Ifor IEnhanced IParenting D) Readiness Ifor IEnhanced ICoping 13. Developing Ia Iteaching Iplan Iis Icomparable Ito Iwhat Iother Inursing Iactivity? A) documenting Iin Ithe Inurses Inotes B) formulating Ia Inursing Icare Iplan C) performing Ia Icomplex Itechnical Iskill D) using Ia Istandardized Iform Ior Iformat 14. A Istudent Iis Ideveloping Ia Iteaching Iplan Ifor Iher Iassigned Ipatient. IThe Istudent Iwants Ito Iteach Ithe Ipatient Iabout Iwhat Isymptoms Ito Ireport Iafter Ichemotherapy. IWhat Iwould Ithe Istudent Ineed Ito Ido Ifirst? A) Ask Iother Istudents Iwhat Ishould Ibe Iincluded Iin Icontent. B) Ask Ithe Ipatient Iwhat Ihe Ior Ishe Iwants Ito Iknow. C) Tell Ithe Iinstructor Ithat Ithis Itopic Ihasnt Ibeen Icovered Iyet. D) Review Iinformation Iavailable Iin Iwriting Iand Ion Ithe I nternet. 15. A Inurse Iis Iwriting Ilearning Ioutcomes Ifor Ia Ipatient Irecovering Ifrom Isevere Iburns. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iverbs Iwould Ibe Igood Ichoices Ito Iuse Iwhen Ipreparing Ioutcomes Irelated Ito Ilearning Ihow Ito Ichange Idressings? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) assembles Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 75 A) So, Iyou Ifeel Ithat Iyou Iare Inot Iready Ito Istart Ia Iprogram Ithis Iweek? B) Why Ido Iyou Ifeel Ithat Iyou Iare Inot Iready Ito Istart Irehabilitation? C) I Iunderstand Ithat Iyou Iare Iafraid Ito Istart Irehabilitation; Iwhere Ido Iyou Isee Iyourself Iin Ia Iweek? D) Remember Iwe Idiscussed Iwhat Ineeds Ito Ibe Idone Ito Iget Iyou Iback Ion Iyour IfeetHow Ido Iyou Ifeel Iabout Igetting Istarted? Answer IKey 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A, IB, IC 9. B, IC, IE 10. A 11. B, IC, IE 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. A, IB 16. C Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 76 17. B 18. B 19. D 20. D 21. D 22. C 23. A Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 77 Chapter I10: ILeading, IManaging, Iand IDelegating 1. A Ihead Inurse Iassumes Ithe Ileadership Irole Iwhen Idirecting Iand Isupervising Icoworkers. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iare Iattributes Iof Ia Ileader? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) philosophical B) task-oriented C) charismatic D) dynamic E) intimidating F) self-confident 2. A Isenior Istudent Inurse Ihas Ibeen Ielected Iclass Ipresident. IWhat Itype Iof Ipower Iwill Ithe Istudent Ihave Iin Ithis Iposition? A) explicit Ipower B) assumed I power C) absolute I power D) implied Ipower 3. A Isenior Istudent Ihas Ibeen Ielected Ipresident Iof Ithe IStudent INurses IAssociation. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iqualities Iis Iessential Ito Ibeing Ia Inursing Ileader? A) physical Istamina B) physical Iattractiveness C) flexibility D) independence 4. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Itypes Iof Iskills Iis Inot Ineeded Ifor Inursing Ileadership? A) communication Iskills Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 80 C) case Imanagement D) industrial Iassembly Iline 13. When Icomparing Iteam Inursing Iwith Ifunctional Inursing, Iwhat Icharacteristic Iis Ifound? A) Team Inursing Iis Ivery Isimilar Ito Ifunctional Inursing. B) Team Inursing Ifocuses Ion Iindividual Ipatient Icare. C) Functional Inursing Ihas Ia Istronger Ifocus Ion Ithe Ipatient. D) Functional Inursing Iis Ibased Ion Itotal Ipatient Icare. 14. A Inurse Ibelieves Iin Ilistening Ito Ipatients Iand Icoworkers Imore Ithan Italking Ito Ithem, Iallowing Imore Ipersonal Icontrol Ifor Iall Iinvolved. IThis Iis Ia Iquality Iof Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Imanagerial Imind-sets? A) reflective B) analytical C) worldly D) collaborative 15. In Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iconflict Iresolution Istrategies Iis Ithe Iconflict Irarely Iresolved? A) collaborating B) compromising C) competing D) smoothing 16. In ILewins Iclassic Itheory Iof Ichange, Iwhat Ihappens Iduring Iunfreezing? A) Planning Iis Iconducted. B) Change Iis Iinitiated. C) Change Ibecomes Ioperational. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 81 D) The Ineed Ifor Ichange Iis Irecognized. 17. Planned Ichange Iis Ia Ipurposeful, Isystematic Ieffort Ito Ialter Ior Ibring Iabout Ichange. IWhat Ioccurs Inext Iafter Ialternative Isolutions Ito Ia Iproblem Iare Idetermined Iand Ianalyzed? A) All Iof Ithe Ialternative Isolutions Iare Iimplemented. B) A Icourse Iof Iaction Iis Ichosen Ifrom Iamong Ithe Ialternatives. C) The Ieffects Iof Ithe Ichange Iare Ievaluated. D) The Ichange Iis Istabilized Iand Iestablished. 18. A Inurse Iis Iattempting Ito Ichange Ithe Imethod Ifor Idocumenting Ipatient Icare Iin Ia Ihospital Isetting. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ishould Ibe Iconsidered Ibefore Iplanning Ichange? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) What Iis Iamenable Ito Ichange? B) How Idoes Ithe Igroup Ifunction Ias Ia Iunit? C) Is Ithe Igroup Iready Ifor Ichange? D) Are Ithe Ichanges Imajor Ior Iminor? E) What Iare Ithe Iconsequences Iof Ichange? F) Who Ishould Iinstitute Ichange? 19. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iaccurately Idescribe Irecommended Iguidelines Ifor Iovercoming Iresistance Ito Ichange? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) Explain Ithe Iproposed Ichanges Ionly Ito Ithe Imanagers Iof Ithe Ipeople Iinvolved. B) Whenever Ipossible, Iuse Itechnical Ilanguage Ito Idescribe Ithe Ichanges. C) List Ithe Iadvantages Iof Ithe Iproposed Ichange Ifor Imembers Iof Ithe Igroup. D) Avoid Irelating Ithe Ichange Ito Ithe Igroups Iexisting Ibeliefs Iand Ivalues. E) If Ipossible, Iintroduce Ichange Igradually. F) Provide Iincentives Ifor Icommitment Ito Ichange. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 82 20. In Igeneral, Ihow Ido Imost Ipeople Iview Ichange? A) by Ihow Iit Iaffects Ithe Icohesiveness Iof Ithe Igroup B) by Ihow Imuch Iit Iwill Icost Iin Itime Iand Iresources C) by Ihow Ithey Iare Iaffected Ipersonally D) by Ihow Iit Iwill Iaffect Iothers Ion Ithe Istaff 21. A Inurse Imanager Ihas Iencountered Iresistance Ito Ia Iplanned Ichange. IWhat Iis Ione Iway Ithe Inurse Ican Iovercome Ithe Iresistance? A) Tell Ithe Istaff Ithat Iif Ithey Idont Ilike Iit, Ithey Ican Iquit. B) Implement Ichange Irapidly Iand Iall Iat Ionce. C) Encourage Iopen Icommunication Iand Ifeedback. D) Let Ithe Istaff Iknow Ithat Ithe Ichange Iis Imandated. 22. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iaccurately Idescribes Ithe Iuse Iof Ipower Iby Ichange Iagents? A) They Iknow Ithat Ipower Icomes Ifrom Ione Isourcemanagement. B) When Iintroducing Ichange Ithey Ido Inot Ienlist Ithe Isupport Iof Ikey Ipower Iplayers. C) They Iare Ioften Iaccomplished Iprofessional Iwomen. D) They Ido Inot Irecognize Itheir Iown Istrengths Iand Iweaknesses. 23. A Inurse Iworking Ion Ileadership Iskills Ishould Ikeep Iin Imind Ithe Ifollowing Iaccurate Istatement Iregarding Ileaders: A) People Iare Iborn Ileaders. B) Leadership Ishould Ibe Iapproached Iquickly. C) Leaders Idevelop Ileadership Iskills Iin Iundefined Isituations. D) All Inurse Ileaders Ibegan Ias Iinexperienced Inurses. 24. Andrew Ihas Ijust Igraduated Iwith Ia Ibaccalaureate Idegree Iin Inursing. IWhat Itype Iof Inursing Ileadership Iwill Ihe Ibe Iexpected Ito Iprovide? Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 85 18. A, IB, IC, ID 19. C, IE, IF 20. C 21. C 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. C Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 86 Chapter I11: IThe IHealth ICare IDelivery ISystem 1. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Istatements Iaccurately Idescribe Ian Iaspect Iof Imanaged Icare? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) Managed Icare Isystems Icontrol Ithe Icost Iof Icare Iwith Ia Ilower Iquality Iof Icare. B) The Icare Iof Ithe Ipatient Iis Icarefully Iplanned Iand Imonitored Iby Ithe Iprimary Icare Iprovider. C) The Inurse Iis Iconsidered Ithe Igatekeeper Iin Ithe Imanaged Icare Isystem. D) The Imanaged Icare Isystem Iexpands Ithe Ichoice Iof Icare Iproviders. E) The Imanaged Icare Isystem Imay Irequired Iapproval Ifor Ispecialty Icare. F) Planning Iand Imonitoring Iare Iconducted Ito Iensure Istandards Iare Ifollowed. 2. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Icharacteristic Iof Iprimary Ihealthcare? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) It Iis Iessential Ihealthcare Ibased Ion Isound Imethods Iand Itechnology. B) It Iis Imade Iuniversally Iaccessible Ito Iindividuals Iand Ifamilies Iin Ithe Icommunity. C) It Idoes Inot Irequire Ithe Ifull Iparticipation Iof Ithe Iindividual Iand Ifamily. D) It Ibrings Ihealthcare Ias Iclose Ias Ipossible Ito Iwhere Ipeople Ilive Iand Iwork. E) It Iis Ithe Isame Iconcept Ias Iprimary Ihealthcare Iin Ithat Iit Irefers Ito Ithe Idelivery Iof Ihealthcare. F) The Iconcept Iwas Ideveloped Ibased Ion Ian Iincrease Iin Iillness Iand Ideath Iin Ithird-world Icountries. 3. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iphrases Iis Icharacteristic Iof Icase Imanagement Ias Ia Imethod Iof Ihealthcare Idelivery? A) brings Ihealthcare Ito Iwhere Ipeople Ilive Iand Iwork B) essentially Ithe Isame Imethod Ias Iprimary Icare C) planned Iand Imonitored Iby Ipatients I themselves D) maximize Ipositive Ioutcomes Iand Icontain I costs 4. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iphrases Ibest Idescribes Ihospitals Itoday? Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 87 A) focus Ion Ichronic Iillnesses B) focus Ion Iacute Icare Ineeds C) primary Icare Icenters D) voluntary Iagencies 5. A Iman Iis Ischeduled Ifor Ihospital Ioutpatient Isurgery. IHe Itells Ithe Inurse, I Idont Iknow Iwhat Ithat Iword, outpatient, Imeans. IHow Iwould Ithe Inurse Irespond? A) It Imeans Iyou Iwill Ihave Isurgery Iin Ithe Ihospital Iand Istay Ifor I2 Idays. B) It Imeans Ithe Isurgeon Iwill Icome Ito Iyour Ihome Ito Ido Ithe Isurgery. C) Why Iwould Iyou Iask Isuch Ia Iquestion? IDont Iworry Iabout Iit. D) You Iwill Ihave Isurgery Iand Igo Ihome Ithat Isame Iday. 6. What Iis Ione Iresponsibility Iof Inurses Iwho Iwork Iin Iphysicians Ioffices? A) prescribing Imedications B) conducting Ihealth Iassessments C) performing Iminor Isurgery D) making Iindependent Ihome Ivisits 7. A Inurse Iin Ia Iwalk-in Ihealthcare Isetting Iprovides Itechnical Iservices, Isuch Ias, Iadministering Imedications, Idetermines Ithe Ipriority Iof Icare Ineeds, Iand Iprovides Ipatient Iteaching Ion Iall Iaspects Iof Icare. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iterms Ibest Idescribes Ithis Itype Iof Ihealthcare Isetting? A) hospital B) physicians Ioffice C) ambulatory Icenter D) long-term Icare 8. Nurses Iwho Iare Iemployed Iin Ihome Icare Ihave Ia Ivariety Iof Iresponsibilities. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ione Iof Ithose Iresponsibilities? Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 90 B) The Ifamily Iof Ithe Ipatient Iis Irequired Ito Ipay Icosts. C) The Ipatient Igets Ithe Ibill Iand Ipays Iout-of-pocket Icosts. D) Medicare Iand IMedicaid Iwill Ipay Imost Iof Ithe Icosts. 17. A Iperson Ireceiving Ihealthcare Iinsurance Ifrom Ihis Iemployer Iknows Ithat Ihe Ishould Icheck Ithe Iapproved Ilist Iof Icontracted Ihealthcare Iproviders Ibefore Iseeking Iservices Iin Iorder Ito Ireceive Ithem Iat Ia Ilower Icost. IWhat Itype Iof Iinsurance Iis Imost Ilikely Iinvolved? A) Medicaid B) preferred Iprovider Iorganization C) health Imaintenance Iorganization D) long-term Icare Iinsurance 18. What Iis Ithe Iprimary Ifocus Iof Ihealthcare Itoday? A) care Iof Iacute Iillnesses B) care Iof Ichronic Iillnesses C) health I promotion D) health I restoration 19. In Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iways Ihave Icost-containment Iissues Iaffected Ithe Idelivery Iof Ihealthcare Iin Ithe IU.S.? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) The IU.S. Ihealthcare Isystem Ihas Ibeen Iexperiencing Ia Ifinancial Icrisis. B) The Icost Iof Ihealthcare Iin Ithe IUnited IStates Ihas Idecreased Idramatically. C) Short- Iand Ilong-term Iresults Iof Icost-containment Imeasures Iare Iundetermined. D) Historically, Ipayment Ifor Ihealthcare Iservices Iencouraged Ithe Iuse Iof Iexpensive Iservices. E) In Ithe Ipast, Ihealthcare Ifocused Iprimarily Ion Iprevention Iof Iillnesses Isince Iit Iwas Icovered Iby Iinsurance. F) Competition Iamong Ihospitals Ihas Ifurther Ifueled Ithe Iincrease Iin Ihealth Icosts. Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 91 20. A Ipatient Iwho Irequires Itreatment Ifor Ibreast Icancer Iis Ireferred Ito Ian Ioncologist. IShe Iis Ireceiving Ichemotherapy Iat Ia Ihospital Iand Iinteracts Iwith Imany Iother Ihealthcare Iproviders Iin Ithe Icourse Iof Iher Itreatment. IWhat Iis Ithe Iconfusion Ithat Imight Iarise Iconcerning Iher Itreatment Iand Icare Iis Ia Iproblem Iknown Ias? A) cost Icontainment B) fragmentation Iof Icare C) healthcare Irationing D) knowledgeable I consumers 21. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Itrend Ito Iwatch Iin Ihealthcare Idelivery? A) decreasing Idiversity B) lower Icosts Iof Ihealthcare C) uneducated Iconsumers D) current Inursing Ishortage 22. What Iis Ione Iway Iin Iwhich Inurses Ican Ihelp Ishape Ihealthcare Ireform? A) do Itheir Ijob Iand Ido Iit Iwell B) refuse Ito Iparticipate Iin Iorganizations C) support Ilegislation Ito Iimprove Icare D) become Ia Imember Iof Ia Isupport Igroup Answer IKey 1. B, IE, IF 2. A, IB, ID 3. D 4. B Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 92 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A, IC, ID, IF 20. B 21. D 22. C Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 95 B) date Iof Ibirth C) admitting Iphysician D) symptoms Iexperienced E) Immunizations F) religious I preference G) admitting I diagnosis 9. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ithe Imajor Igoal Iof Iambulatory Icare Ifacilities? A) to Isave Imoney Iby Inot Ipaying Ihospital Irates B) to Iprovide Icare Ito Ipatients Icapable Iof Iself-care Iat Ihome C) to Iperform Imajor Isurgery Iin Ia Icommunity Isetting D) to Iperform Itests Iprior Ito Ibeing Iadmitted Ito Ithe Ihospital 10. A Inurse Iis Ipreparing Ia Iroom Ifor Ia Inew Ipatient. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ian Iaccepted Iguideline Ifor Ithis Iactivity? ISelect Iall Ithat Iapply. A) Position Ithe Ibed Iin Ithe Ihighest Iposition Ifor Iambulatory Ipatients. B) Open Ithe Ibed Iby Ifolding Iback Ithe Itop Ilinens. C) Assemble Iroutine Iequipment Iand Isupplies. D) Provide Ia Ihospital Igown Ito Ibe Iworn Iby Ithe Ipatient Iat Iall Itimes. E) If Ilab Iwork Ihas Inot Ibeen Idone, Iprovide Ia Icontainer Ifor Ia Iclean Iurine Ispecimen. F) Adjust Ithe Itemperature Ito I65F Iand Iturn Ioff Ioverhead Ilights. 11. According Ito Iestablished Istandards, Iwhat Ihealthcare Iprovider Ishould Iconduct Ia Iholistic Iassessment Ifor Iall Ipatients Iadmitted Ito Ithe Ihospital? A) physician B) admission Iclerk Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 96 C) licensed Ipractical Inurse D) registered Inurse 12. Regardless Iof Ithe Itype Iof Iambulatory Icare Ifacility, Iwhat Ineed Iis Icommon Ito Iall Ipatients Icared Ifor? A) referrals B) teaching C) advocacy D) surgery 13. What Iinformation Idoes IHIPAA Imandate Ibe Igiven Ito Ipatients Iupon Iadmission Ito Ia Ihealthcare Ifacility? A) what Itype Iof Iinsurance Iis Inecessary Ifor Icare B) who Iwill Ibe Iproviding Idifferent Itypes Iof Icare C) what Idifferent Ilevels Iof Icare Iare Iprovided D) how Ihealth Iinformation Iwill Ibe Iused 14. Which Ihealthcare Iprovider Iis Iresponsible Ifor Iensuring Ithe Iroom Iis Iprepared Ifor Iadmission Iand Ithe Ipatient Iis Iwelcomed? A) nursing Iassistant B) admitting Iroom Iclerk C) social Iworker D) nurse 15. A Ipatient Ihas Isuddenly Ibecome Ivery Iill, Iand Ia Inurse Iis Itransferring Ihim Ito Ithe Iintensive Icare Iunit I(ICU). IHow Idoes Ithe Inurse Iprovide Iinformation Ito Iensure Icontinuity Iof Icare? A) by Igiving Ia Iverbal Ireport Ito Inurses Iin Ithe I CU B) by Iensuring Ithat Ithe Ichart Iand Iall Ibelongings Iare Imoved C) by Idelegating Ia Inursing Iassistant Ito Iprovide Iinformation Test IBank I- IFundamentals Iof INursing I(9th IEdition Iby ITaylor) 97 D) by Iasking Ithe Ifamily Ito Iprovide Ithe Iinformation 16. A Ipatient Iis Ibeing Itransferred Ifrom Ia Ihospital Ito Ia Ilong-term Icare Ifacility. IWhat Iwill Ihappen Ito Ithe Ipatients Imedical Irecord I(chart)? A) It Igoes Iwith Ithe Ipatient Ito Ithe Ifacility. B) It Iremains Iin Ithe Ihospital Irecords. C) It Iis Ishredded Iby Ispecial Ipersonnel. D) The Ioriginal Iand Ia Icopy Igo Iwith Ithe Ipatient. 17. What Iis Ithe Irationale Ifor Iconducting Idischarge Iplanning? A) to Iensure Ithe Ibest Ipossible Icare Iin Ithe Iacute Icare Isetting B) to Iprovide Ia Imeans Iof Idocumenting Inursing Icare C) to Ienlist Ifamily Imembers Iin Iproviding Ihome Icare D) to Iensure Ipatient Iand Ifamily Ineeds Iare Imet Iconsistently 18. At Iwhat Ipoint Iduring Ihospital-based Icare Idoes Iplanning Ifor Idischarge Ibegin? A) on Iadmission Ito Ithe Ihospital B) after Ithe Ipatient Iis Isettled Iin Ia Iroom C) immediately Ibefore Idischarge D) after Ileaving Ithe Ihospital 19. Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ipatients Iwould Inot Ibe Idischarged Ito Ibe Icared Ifor Iby Ithe Ifamily? A) a Ipatient Iwho Ineeds Isterile Idressings Ichanged B) a Ipatient Iwith Ia Ifeeding Itube Iin Iplace C) a Ipatient Ireceiving I V Imedications D) a Ipatient Iwho Ilacks Iknowledge Iof Ithe Itreatment Iplan