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Table i of i Contents
Table i of i Contents
Chapter i 01: i The i Past, iPresent, i and i Future
Chapter i 02: i Human i Reproductive i Anatomy i and i Physiology
iChapter i03: iFetal iDevelopment
Chapter i 04: i Prenatal i Care i and i Adaptations i to i Pregnancy
Chapter i 05: i Nursing i Care i of i Women i with i Complications i During i Pregnancy
iChapter i06: iNursing iCare iof iMother iand iInfant iDuring iLabor iand iBirth
iChapter i07: iNursing iManagement iof iPain iDuring iLabor iand iBirth
Chapter i 08: i Nursing i Care i of i Women i with i Complications i During i Labor i and i Birth
iChapter i09: iThe iFamily iAfter iBirth
Chapter i 10: i Nursing i Care i of i Women i with i Complications i After i Birth
iChapter i11: iThe iNurses iRole iin iWomens iHealth iCare
Chapter i 12: i The i Term i Newborn
Chapter i 13: i Preterm i and i Postterm i Newborns
Chapter i 14: i The i Newborn i with i a i Perinatal i Injury i or i Congenital i Malformation
iChapter i15: iAn iOverview iof iGrowth, iDevelopment, iand iNutrition
Chapter i16: iThe iInfant
iChapter i 17: i The i Toddler
Chapter i18: iThe iPreschool i Child
iChapter i 19: i The i School-Age
i ChildiChapter i20: iThe iAdolescent
Chapter i21: iThe i Childs i Experience i of i Hospitalization
iChapter i 22: i Health i Care i Adaptations i for i the i Child i and i Family
Chapter i 23: i The i Child i with i a i Sensory i or i Neurological i Condition
iChapter i24: iThe iChild iwith i a i Musculoskeletal i Condition
iChapter i25: iThe iChild iwith ia iRespiratory iDisorder
Chapter i 26: i The i Child i with i a i Cardiovascular i Disorder
Chapter i 27: i The i Child i with i a i Condition i of i the i Blood, i Blood-Forming i Organs, i or i Lymphatic
Chapter i 28: i The i Child i with i a i Gastrointestinal i Condition
iChapter i29: iThe iChild i with ia iGenitourinary iCondition
iChapter i30: iThe iChild iwith ia iSkin iCondition
Chapter i 31: i The i Child i with i a i Metabolic i Condition
Chapter i 32: i Childhood i Communicable i Diseases, i Bioterrorism, i Natural i Disasters i and i the
Maternal-Child i Patient
Chapter i 33: i The i Child i with i an i Emotional i or i Behavioral i Condition
Chapter i 34: i Complementary i and i Alternative i Therapies i in i Maternity i and i Pediatric i Nursing
Chapter i 01: i The i Past, i Present, i and i Future
- A ipatient ichooses ito ihave ithe icertified inurse imidwife i(CNM) iprovide icare iduring iher ipregnancy. iWhat idoes ithe iCNMs iscope iof ipractice iinclude? a. Practice i independent i from i medical i supervision b. Comprehensive iprenatal icare c. Attendance iat iall ideliveries d. Cesarean isections ANS: iB The iCNM iprovides icomprehensive iprenatal iand ipostnatal icare, iattends iuncomplicated ideliveries, iand iensures ithat ia ibackup iphysician iis iavailable iin icase iof iunforeseen iproblems. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 6 iOBJ: i 12 TOP: iAdvance iPractice iNursing iRoles iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- Which imedical ipioneer idiscovered ithe irelationship ibetween ithe iincidence iof ipuerperal ifever iand iunwashed ihands? a. Karl iCred b. Ignaz i Semmelweis c. Louis i Pasteur d. Joseph i Lister ANS: iB Ignaz iSemmelweis ideduced ithat ipuerperal ifever iwas iseptic, icontagious, iand itransmitted iby ithe iunwashedihands iof iphysicians iand imedical istudents. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 2 iOBJ: i 1 iTOP: iThe iPast iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iSafety iand iInfection iControl
- A ipregnant iwoman iwho ihas irecently iimmigrated ito ithe iUnited iStates icomments ito ithe inurse, iI iam iafraid iof ichildbirth. iIt iis iso idangerous. iI iam iafraid iI iwill idie. iWhat iis ithe ibest inursing iresponse ireflecting icultural isensitivity? a. Maternal imortality iin ithe iUnited iStates iis iextremely ilow. b. Anesthesia iis iavailable ito irelieve ipain iduring ilabor iand ichildbirth. c. Tell ime iwhy iyou iare iafraid iof ichildbirth. d. Your icondition iwill ibe imonitored iduring ilabor iand idelivery. ANS: iC Asking ithe ipatient iabout iher iconcerns ihelps ipromote iunderstanding iand iindividualizes ipatient icare. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iApplication iREF: iPage i 7 - 8 iOBJ: i 8 TOP: i Cross-Cultural i Care i KEY: i Nursing i Process i Step: i ImplementationiMSC: iNCLEX: iPsychosocial iIntegrity: iPsychological iAdaptation
- An iurban iarea ihas ibeen ireported ito ihave ia ihigh iperinatal imortality irate. iWhat iinformation idoes ithis iprovide? a. Maternal iand iinfant ideaths iper i100,000 ilive ibirths iper iyear b. Deaths iof ifetuses iweighing imore ithan i 500 ig iper i10,000 ibirths iper iyear c. Deaths iof iinfants iup ito i 1 iyear iof iage iper i 1000 ilive ibirths iper iyear d. Fetal iand ineonatal ideaths iper i 1000 ilive ibirths iper iyear ANS: iD The iperinatal imortality irate iincludes ifetal iand ineonatal ideaths iper i 1000 ilive ibirths iper iyear. iDIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i12, iBox i 1 - 6
OBJ: i 9 iTOP: iThe iPresent-Child iCare KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iCoordinated iCare
- What iis ithe ifocus iof icurrent imaternity ipractice? a. Hospital ibirths ifor ithe imajority iof iwomen b. The itraditional ifamily iunit c. Separation iof ilabor irooms ifrom idelivery irooms d. A iquality ifamily iexperience ifor ieach ipatient ANS: iD Current imaternity ipractice ifocuses ion ia ihigh-quality ifamily iexperience ifor iall ifamilies, itraditional ior iotherwise. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 6 iOBJ: i 7 TOP: iThe iPresent-Maternity iCare iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A iMSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance
- Who iadvocated ithe iestablishment iof ithe iChildrens iBureau? a. Lillian iWald b. Florence i Nightingale c. Florence iKelly d. Clara iBarton ANS: iA Lillian iWald iis icredited iwith isuggesting ithe iestablishment iof ia ifederal iChildrens iBureau. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 4 iOBJ: i 1 i| i 2 iTOP: iThe iPast iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- What iwas ithe iresult iof iresearch idone iin ithe i1930s iby ithe iChildrens iBureau? a. Children iwith iheart iproblems iare inow icared ifor iby ipediatric icardiologists. b. The iChild iAbuse iand iPrevention iAct iwas ipassed. c. Hot ilunch iprograms iwere iestablished iin imany ischools. d. Childrens iasylums iwere ifounded. ANS: iC School ihot ilunch iprograms iwere ideveloped ias ia iresult iof iresearch iby ithe iChildrens iBureau ion ithe ieffects iof ieconomic idepression ion ichildren. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 4 iOBJ: i 2 i| i 3 iTOP: iThe iPast iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iCoordinated iCare
- What igovernment iprogram iwas iimplemented ito iincrease ithe ieducational iexposure iof ipreschool ichildren? a. WIC b. Title i XIX i of i Medicaid c. The i Childrens i Charter d. Head iStart ANS: iD Head iStart iprograms iwere iestablished ito iincrease ieducational iexposure iof ipreschool ichildren. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 3 iOBJ: i 5 TOP: iGovernment iInfluences iin iMaternity iand iPediatric iCare iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A iMSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- What iguidelines idefine imultidisciplinary ipatient icare iin iterms iof iexpected ioutcome iand itimeframe ifrom idifferent iareas iof icare iprovision?
a. Clinical ipathways b. Nursing ioutcome icriteria c. Standards iof icare d. Nursing icare iplan ANS: iA Clinical ipathways, ialso iknown ias icritical ipathways ior icare imaps, iare icollaborative iguidelines ithat idefineipatient icare iacross idisciplines. iExpected iprogress iwithin ia ispecified itimeline iis iidentified. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 12 iOBJ: i 14 TOP: iHealth iCare iDelivery iSystems iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A iMSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iCoordinated iCare
- A inursing istudent ihas ireviewed ia ihospitalized ipediatric ipatient ichart, iinterviewed iher imother, iand icollected iadmission idata. iWhat iis ithe inext istep ithe istudent iwill itake ito idevelop ia inursing icare iplan ifor ithis ichild? a. Identify imeasurable ioutcomes iwith ia itimeline. b. Choose ispecific inursing iinterventions ifor ithe ichild. c. Determine i appropriate i nursing i diagnoses. d. State inursing iactions irelated ito ithe ichilds imedical idiagnosis. ANS: iC The inurse iuses iassessment idata ito iselect iappropriate inursing idiagnoses ifrom ithe iNANDA-I ilist. iOutcomes iand iinterventions iare ithen ideveloped ito iaddress ithe irelevant inursing idiagnoses. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iApplication iREF: iPage i 11 iOBJ: i 13 TOP: iNursing iProcess iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iNursing iDiagnosis iMSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iCoordinated iCare
- A inursing istudent ion ian iobstetric irotation iquestions ithe ifloor inurse iabout ithe idefinition iof ithe iLVN/LPN iscope iof ipractice. iWhat iresource ican ithe inurse isuggest ito ithe istudent? a. American i Nurses i Association b. States iboard iof inursing c. Joint iCommission d. Association iof iWomens iHealth, iObstetric iand iNeonatal iNurses ANS: iB The iscope iof ipractice iof ithe iLVN/LPN iis ipublished iby ithe istates iboard iof inursing. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i3, iLegal iand iEthical iConsiderations iOBJ: i 18 iTOP: iCritical iThinking KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iCoordinated iCare
- What iwas irecommended iby iKarl iCred iin i1884? a. All iwomen ishould ibe idelivered iin ia ihospital isetting. b. Chemical imeans ishould ibe iused ito icombat iinfection. c. Podalic iversion ishould ibe idone ion iall ifetuses. d. Silver initrate ishould ibe iplaced iin ithe ieyes iof inewborns. ANS: iD In i 1884 iKarl iCred irecommended ithe iuse iof i2% isilver initrate iin ithe ieyes iof inewborns ito ireduce ithe iincidence iof iblindness. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 2 iOBJ: i 1 iTOP: iUse iof iSilver iNitrate iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- What iis ithe ipurpose iof ithe iWhite iHouse iConference ion iChildren iand iYouth? a. Set icriteria ifor inormal igrowth ipatterns.
b. Examine ithe inumber iof ilive ibirths iin iminority ipopulations. c. Raise imoney ito isupport iwell-child iclinics iin irural iareas. d. Promote icomprehensive ichild iwelfare. ANS: i D White iHouse iConferences ion iChildren iand iYouth iare iheld ievery i 10 iyears ito ipromote icomprehensive ichildiwelfare. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 4 iOBJ: i 3 TOP: iWhite iHouse iConferences iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- How imany ihours iof ihospital istay idoes ilegislation icurrently iallow ifor ia ipostpartum ipatient iwho ihas idelivered ivaginally iwithout icomplications? a. 24 b. 48 c. 36 d. 72 ANS: iB Postpartum ipatients iwho ideliver ivaginally istay iin ithe ihospital ifor ian iaverage iof i 48 ihours; ipatients iwho ihaveihad ia icesarean idelivery iusually istay i 4 idays. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 6 iOBJ: i 7 iTOP: iHospital iTerms ifor iPostpartum iPatients KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iPlanning MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- How idoes ithe iclinical ipathway ior icritical ipathway iimprove iquality iof icare? a. Lists i diagnosis-specific i implementations b. Outlines iexpected iprogress iwith istated itimelines c. Prioritizes ieffective inursing idiagnoses d. Describes i common i complications ANS: iB Critical ipathways ioutline iexpected iprogress iwith istated itimelines. iAny ideviation ifrom ithose itimelines iis icalledia ivariance. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 12 iOBJ: i 14 TOP: iCritical iPathway iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation iMSC: i NCLEX: i Safe, i Effective i Care i Environment: i Coordinated i Care
- A ipatient iasks ithe inurse ito iexplain iwhat iis imeant iby igene itherapy. iWhat iis ithe inurses ibest iresponse? a. Gene itherapy ican ireplace imissing igenes. b. Gene itherapy ievaluates ithe iparents igenes. c. Gene itherapy ican ichange ithe isex iof ithe ifetus. d. Gene itherapy isupports ithe iregeneration iof idefective igenes. ANS: iA Gene itherapy ican ireplace imissing ior idefective igenes. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 8 iOBJ: i 7 TOP: iGene iTherapy iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- The inurse iis iclarifying iinformation ito ia ipatient iregarding idiagnosis-related igroups i(DRGs). iWhat iis ithe inurses ibest iresponse iwhen ithe ipatient iasks ihow iDRGs ireduce imedical icare icosts? a. By idetermining ipayment ibased ion idiagnosis b. By irequiring itwo imedical iopinions ito iconfirm ia idiagnosis
c. By iorganizing iHMOs d. By idefining ia iperson iwho iwill irequire ihospitalization ANS: iA DRGs idetermine ithe iamount iof ipayment iand ilength iof ihospital istay ibased ion ithe idiagnosis. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 8 iOBJ: i 11 iTOP: iDRGs iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iCoordinated iCare
- What iis ithe ibest iexample iof ia iNursing iInterventions iClassification i(NIC) iintervention? a. Patient iwill iambulate iin ithe ihall iindependently ifor i 10 iminutes ithree itimes ia iday. b. Nurse iwill ireport itemperature ielevations ito ithe icharge inurse. c. Nurse iwill ioffer iextra iliquids iat iall imeals. d. Patient iwill iexpress ipain irelief iafter imassage. ANS: iC NIC iis ia iguide ito inursing iactions. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 12 i| iPage i 14 iOBJ: i 15 iTOP: iNICs iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iCoordinated iCare
- How idoes ielectronic icharting iensure icomprehensive icharting imore ieffectively ithan ihandwritten icharting? a. Provides ia iuniform istyle iof ichart b. Requires icertain iresponses ibefore iallowing ithe iuser ito iprogress c. All idocumentation iis ireflective iof ithe inursing icare iplan d. Requires ia idaily iaudit iby ithe icharge inurse ANS: iB Comprehensive ielectronic idocumentation iis iensured iby irequiring ispecific iinput iin idesignated icategories ibeforeithe iuser ican iprogress ithrough ithe isystem. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 15 - 16 iOBJ: i 22 iTOP: i Computer i Charting i KEY: i Nursing i Process i Step: i ImplementationiMSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iCoordinated iCare
- The inurse ireminds ifamily imembers ithat ithe iphilosophy iof ifamily-centered icare iis ito iprovide icontrol ito ithe ifamily iover ihealth icare idecisions. iWhat iis ithe iappropriate iterm ifor ithis itype iof icontrol? a. Empowerment b. Insight c. Regulation d. Organization ANS: iA The iterm iempowerment irefers ito ithe icontrol ia ifamily ihas iover iits iown ihealth icare idecisions. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 2 iOBJ: i 7 TOP: i Empowerment i KEY: i Nursing i Process i Step: i Implementation iMSC: iNCLEX: iPhysiological iIntegrity: iBasic iCare iand iComfort
- A ipatient iin ithe iprenatal iclinic iis iconcerned iabout ilosing iher ijob ibecause iof iher ipregnancy. iThe inurse iinstructs iher ithat ithe iFamily iMedical iLeave iAct i(FMLA) iallows ian iemployee ito ibe iabsent ifrom iwork iwithout ipay. iHow imany iweeks idoes ithe iFMLA iallow ia iwoman ito irecover ifrom ichildbirth ior icare ifor ia isick ifamily imember iwithout iloss iof ibenefits ior ipay istatus? a. 4 b. 6 c. 10 d. 12
ANS: iD The iFMLA iallows ifor iemployees ito ileave iwork ifor iup ito i 12 iweeks ito irecover ifrom ichildbirth ior ito icare ifor ianiill ifamily imember iwithout ilosing ibenefits ior ipay istatus. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 3 iOBJ: i 5 iTOP: i FMLA i KEY: i Nursing i Process i Step: i Implementation MSC: iNCLEX: iPsychosocial iIntegrity: iCoping iand iAdaptation
- What iterm iappropriately idescribes ithe inurse iwho iis iable ito iadapt ihealth icare ipractices ito imeet ithe ineeds iof ivarious icultures? a. Culturally iaware b. Culturally isensitive c. Culturally i competent d. Culturally iadaptive ANS: iC The inurse iwho iis iable ito iadapt ihealth icare ito imeet ithe ineeds iof ivarious icultures iis isaid ito ibe iculturallyicompetent. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 7 iOBJ: i 8 TOP: iCultural iCompetency iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A iMSC: iNCLEX: iN/A
- What iis ione imajor iadvantage ito ithe iapplication iof icritical ithinking? a. Problem-free icare b. Limitation iof iapproaches ito icare c. Decreased ineed ifor iassessment d. Problem iprevention ANS: iD Critical ithinking iresults iin iproblem iprevention iin idesigning inursing icare. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 14 iOBJ: i 19 iTOP: iCritical iThinking iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A iMSC: iNCLEX: iN/A
- Student ipractical inurses iare idiscussing ithe iNorth iAmerican iNursing iDiagnosis iAssociation iInternational i(NANDA-I) itaxonomy iin ipost iconference ion ithe iacute icare iclinical isetting. iThe istudents iare iaware ithat ithe iroleiof ithe iLPN iwith inursing idiagnosis iformulation iis iwhat? a. To iinitiate iand iidentify inursing idiagnosis ispecific ito ipatient b. To iupdate ichanges iin inursing idiagnosis ias ineeded c. To ihave ian iunderstanding iof inursing idiagnosis iterminology d. To iaccurately idocument inursing idiagnosis ion ipatient iplan iof icare ANS: iC The iregistered inurse iis iresponsible ito iinitiate, iidentify, iupdate, iand idocument inursing idiagnoses. iThe ilicensed ipractical inurse iis iresponsible ito ihave ian iunderstanding iof inursing idiagnosis iterminology. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 14 iOBJ: i 17 TOP: iNANDA-I itaxonomy iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iNursing iDiagnosis iMSC: i NCLEX: i Health i Promotion i and i Maintenance: i Data i Collection i Techniques MULTIPLE i RESPONSE
- What iservices iare ibirthing icenters iable ito iprovide? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Prenatal icare b. Labor iand idelivery iservices c. Classes ifor inew imothers
d. Adoption ireferrals e. Family iplanning ANS: iA, iB, iC, iE Birthing icenters iare icapable iof iproviding ifull-service iobstetric icare, iclasses ifor inew imothers, iand ifamilyiplanning. iBirthing icenters ido inot ioffer iadoption iservices. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 6 iOBJ: i 7 TOP: iBirthing iCenters iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation iMSC: i NCLEX: i Health i Promotion i and i Maintenance: i Coordinated i Care
- What idevelopments iin ithe iearly i20th icentury iencouraged iwomen ito iseek ihospitalization ifor ichildbirth? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Use iof ispecialized iobstetric iinstruments b. Use iof ianesthesia c. Physicians icloser irelationships iwith ihospitals d. Focus ion ifamily-centered icare e. Insurance icoverage ANS: iA, iB, iC In ithe iearly i1900s, ithe idevelopment iof ispecialized iobstetric iinstruments, ibetter imodes iof ianesthesia, iand ithe iphysicians ireliance ion ihospital iservices iwere iinstrumental iin iencouraging iwomen ito iseek ihospitalization ifor ichildbirth. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 3 iOBJ: i 7 TOP: i Hospitalization i for i Childbirth i KEY: i Nursing i Process i Step: i Implementation iMSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iSafety iand iInfection iControl
- What inonfamily-centered ipolicies iwere iprevalent iin ithe i1960s? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Waiting iroom ifor ifathers b. Sedation iof imother iduring ilabor c. Delay iof ireunion iof imother iand iinfant d. Lenient ivisiting ihours e. Restrictions iof ivisitations iby iminor ichildren ANS: iA, iB, iC, iE Hospital ipolicies iin ithe i1960s iprovided ia iseparate iwaiting iroom ifor ifathers iwhile ithe imother iwent ithroughilabor iin ia isedated istate. iThe ireunion iof imother iand iinfant iwas idelayed ifor iseveral ihours ibecause iof ithe isedation. iVisiting ihours iwere irigid iand idisallowed ithe ivisitation iof iminor ichildren. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 3 iOBJ: i 7 TOP: i Nonfamily-centered i Practices i KEY: i Nursing i Process i Step: i Implementation iMSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iSafety iand iInfection iControl
- The inurse iis iaware ithat ithere iis ia ilegal iresponsibility ito ireport icertain idiseases iand iconditions ito icounty ior istate ihealth iauthorities. iWhich iwould ibe iincluded? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Tuberculosis b. Child iabuse c. Industrial iaccidents d. Sexually i transmitted i diseases e. Food-borne i infections ANS: iA, iB, iD, iE The inurse ihas ia ilegal iresponsibility ito ireport icommunicable idiseases i(such ias ituberculosis iand isexuallyitransmitted idiseases), ifood-borne iinfections, ichild iabuse, iand ithreats iof isuicide. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i6, iLegal iand iEthical iConsiderations ibox iOBJ: i 6 iTOP: iReportable iDiseases KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iPlanning
MSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iSafety iand iInfection iControl
- An iinservice iprogram iat ia ilong-term icare ifacility iis ireviewing ithe iNursing iOutcomes iClassification i(NOC) iwith inursing istaff. iAfter ithe ipresentation ithe inurses ireview iresident icare iplans. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing iare ifound ito ibe iappropriately iwritten ioutcomes? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Suction ipatient iorally ievery i 4 ihours iand ias ineeded. b. Auscultate ilung isounds ievery i 2 ihours. c. Provide iTylenol ias iordered iby ihealth icare iprovider. d. Patient istates iPain ihas idecreased iafter imedication iadministration. e. Patient iblood ipressure irecorded ias i120/72 iafter idressing ichange. ANS: iD, iE NOC iwas ideveloped ito iidentify ioutcomes iof inursing icare ithat iare idirectly iinfluenced iby inursing iactions.iOutcomes iare idefined ias ithe ibehaviors iand ifeelings iof ithe ipatient iin iresponse ito ithe inursing icare igiven. iSuctioning ipatient, iauscultating ilung isounds, iand iproviding iTylenol iare inursing iactions. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iApplication iREF: iPage i 12 - 14 iOBJ: i 16 iTOP: iNursing iOutcomes iClassification i(NOC) KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iEvaluation MSC: iNCLEX: iPhysiological iIntegrity: iBasic iCare iand iComfort
- Practical inursing istudents iare iusing icritical ithinking iskills ito istudy ifor ian iupcoming itest. iWhat iwill ithese istudents iinclude iwhen istudying? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Memorization iof ifacts ifirst b. Prioritizing i information c. Relating ifacts ito iother ifacts d. Making iassumptions e. Reviewing ibefore ithe itest ANS: iB, iC, iE Using icritical ithinking iwhen istudying iinvolves iunderstanding ifacts ibefore imemorizing, iprioritizing iinformation ito ibe imemorized, irelating ifacts ito iother ifacts, iusing iall ifive isenses, ireviewing ibefore itests, iandireading icritically. iCritical ithinking idoes inot iinvolve iassumption ias idoes igeneral ithinking. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 15 iOBJ: i 20 iTOP: iCritical iThinking iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iEvaluation iMSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment
- What ifactors ihave iplayed ia irole iin imeeting ithe igoals iof iHealthy iPeople i 2020 ias iit irelates ithe igoals ifor ioutcomes iof ipregnancy? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Early iprenatal icare b. Increased inumber iof isurgical ibirths c. NICU icare d. Use iof iprenatal iglucocorticoids e. Fetal isurgery ANS: iA, iC, iD, iE Early iprenatal icare, ifetal isurgery, iuse iof iprenatal iglucocorticoids, itechnology, iand iNICU icare ihave iplayed ia irole iin iincreasing ithe ipositive ioutcome iof ipregnancy, iand ithe igoals iof iHealthy iPeople i 2020 imay iwell ibe imet. iIncrease iin isurgical ibirths iand imultiple igestations ido inot iwork itoward imeeting ithe igoals iof iHealthy iPeople i2020. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 16 - 17 iOBJ: i 21 TOP: iHealthy iPeople i 2020 iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection
- A icommunity ihealth inurse iis iproviding ispecialized icare ito ipatients iin ithe ihome isetting. iWhat ikind iof ispecialized icare imay ithis inurse ibe iproviding? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Glucose imonitoring
b. Heparin itherapy c. Family ieducation d. Total iparenteral inutrition e. Provision iof ireferral iservices ANS: iA, iB, iD Glucose imonitoring, iheparin itherapy, iand itotal iparenteral inutrition iare icategorized ias ispecialized icare ithat imayibe iprovided iby ithe icommunity ihealth inurse. iFamily ieducation iand iprovision iof ireferral iare icategorized ias itherapeutic icare. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iApplication iREF: iPage i 16 - 17 iOBJ: i 23 TOP: i Community i Health i KEY: i Nursing i Process i Step: i ImplementationiMSC: iNCLEX: iPhysiological iIntegrity: iBasic iCare iand iComfort COMPLETION
- The inurse iwho iis ivery iconscientious iabout ihand ihygiene iis ifollowing ithe iconcepts iset iout iby i and. ANS: Lister, iPasteur iOR iPasteur, iLister Both iLister iand iPasteur iset iout ithat ihandwashing icould ireduce iincidence iof iinfection iby icross-contamination.iDIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 2 iOBJ: i 1 TOP: iHandwashing iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iSafety iand iInfection iControl
- The ifirst iWhite iHouse iConference ion iChildren iand iYouth iwas icalled iby iPresident i i i. ANS: Theodore iRoosevelt Theodore iRoosevelt icalled ithe ifirst iWhite iHouse iConference iin i1909. iDIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 4 iOBJ: i 1 TOP: iWhite iHouse iConferences iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- The inurse ireviewing ithe ispecific irecovery igoals iset iout ion ia iclinical ipathway iobserved ithat itwo igoals iwere inot imet iby itheir idesignated itimeline. iThe inurse irecords ia inegative for ithese itwo igoals. ANS: variance Using ia iclinical ipathway imodel iwith igoals iand iassociated itimelines, ithe inurse imust irecord ia inegative ivariance iwhen ia itimeline iis inot imet iand iconsider ia inew iapproach ior ian iextended itimeline. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 12 iOBJ: i 14 iTOP: iVariances iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iEvaluation MSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iManagement iof iCare
- i. is ipurposeful, igoal-directed ithinking ibased ion iscientific ievidence irather ithan iassumption ior imemorization. ANS: Critical ithinking Critical ithinking iis ipurposeful iand igoal-directed ithinking ias iopposed ito igeneral ithinking, iwhich iinvolves
random ior imemorized ithoughts. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 14 iOBJ: i 18 TOP: iCritical iThinking iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iEvaluation MSC: iNCLEX: iSafe, iEffective iCare iEnvironment: iManagement iof iCare
Chapter i 02: i Human i Reproductive i Anatomy i and i Physiology
- A i 14 - year-old iboy iis iat ithe ipediatric iclinic ifor ia icheckup. iWhat iphysical ichanges iof ipuberty iwill ithe inurse iindicate iare irelated ito ithe iproduction iof itestosterone? a. Stimulation iof iproduction iof iwhite icells iand iplatelets b. Promotion iof igrowth iof ismall ibones c. Increase iin imuscle imass iand istrength d. Decrease iin iproduction iof isebaceous igland isecretions ANS: iC Testosterone iincreases imuscle imass, ipromotes istrength iand igrowth iof ilong ibones, iand ienhances iproduction iof ired iblood icells. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 20 - 21 iOBJ: i 1 i| i 2 i| i 5 TOP: iMale iReproductive iSystem iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iData iCollection iMSC: i NCLEX: i Health i Promotion i and i Maintenance: i Growth i and i Development
- The inurse iis ieducating ihigh ischool istudents iabout ipuberty. iWhat iwill ithe inurse iindicate iregulates ithe iproduction iof isperm iand isecretion ihormones? a. Testes b. Vas ideferens c. Ejaculatory iducts d. Prostate igland ANS: iA The itestes ihave itwo ifunctions: imanufacture iof ispermatozoa iand isecretion iof iandrogens. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 21 iOBJ: i 3 i| i 5 TOP: iMale iReproductive iSystem iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation iMSC: i NCLEX: i Health i Promotion i and i Maintenance: i Growth i and i Development
- The inurse iis ispeaking iwith ia icouple itrying ito iconceive ia ichild. iWhat iwill ithe inurse iremind ithe icouple iis ia ifactor ithat ican idecrease isperm iproduction? a. Infrequent isexual iintercourse b. The iman inot ibeing icircumcised c. The ipenis iand itestes ibeing ismall d. The itestes ibeing itoo iwarm ANS: iD The iscrotum iis isuspended iaway ifrom ithe iperineum ito ilower ithe itemperature iof ithe itestes ifor isperm iproduction. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 22 iOBJ: i 3 TOP: iMale iReproductive iSystem iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation iMSC: iNCLEX: iPhysiological iIntegrity: iReduction iof iRisk
- When idescribing ithe ifemale ireproductive itract ito ia ipregnant iwoman, ithe inurse iwould iexplain ithat iwhich iuterine ilayer iis iinvolved iin iimplantation? a. Perimetrium b. Endometrium c. Myometrium d. Internal ios ANS: iB The iendometrium iis ithe iinner imucosal ilayer iof ithe iuterus ithat iis igoverned iby icyclical ihormonal ichanges. iIt iis ifunctional iduring imenstruation iand iduring ithe iimplantation iof ia ifertilized iovum. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 21 iOBJ: i 7
TOP: i Female i Reproductive i System i KEY: i Nursing i Process i Step: i ImplementationiMSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- A igroup iof inursing istudents iplans ito iteach ia iclass iof isixth-grade igirls iabout imenstruation. iWhat icorrect iinformation iwill ithe inursing istudents iteach ito ithe iclass? a. Menarche iusually ioccurs iaround i 12 iyears iof iage. b. Ovulation ioccurs iregularly ifrom ithe ivery ifirst icycle. c. A iregular icycle iis iestablished iby ithe ithird iperiod. d. Typically, imenstrual iflow iis iheavy iand ilasts iup ito i 10 idays. ANS: iA The ibeginning iof imenstruation, icalled imenarche, ioccurs iat iabout i 12 iyears iof iage. iEarly icycles iare iirregular iand ianovulatory. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 27 iOBJ: i 1 i| i 9 iTOP: iFemale iReproductive iCycle iand iMenstruation KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iPlanning MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- A i 10 - year-old igirl iasks ithe inurse, iWhat iis ithe ifirst isign iof ipuberty? iWhat iis ithe icorrect inursing iresponse? a. An iincrease iin iheight b. Breast idevelopment c. Appearance iof iaxillary ihair d. The ifirst imenstrual iperiod ANS: iB The ifirst ioutward ichange iof ipuberty iin igirls iis ithe idevelopment iof ibreasts iat iabout i 10 ito i 11 iyears iof iage. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 21 iOBJ: i 1 i| i 2 TOP: i PubertyFemale i KEY: i Nursing i Process i Step: i Implementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- A i 12 - year-old ifemale ipediatric ipatient iexperienced imenarche i 3 imonths iago. iHer imother ivoices iconcern ito ithe ipediatric ioffice inurse iregarding ithe iirregularity iof iher idaughters imenstrual icycle. iWhat iis ithe inurses ibest iresponse? a. Worrying iis inot ithe ianswer. b. I iwill italk ito ithe ipediatrician iabout ia igynecological ireferral. c. I ican ionly idiscuss ithis iwith iyour idaughter. d. Early icycles iare ioften iirregular. ANS: iD Early icycles iare ioften iirregular iand imay ibe ianovulatory. iRegular icycles iare iusually iestablished iwithin i 6 imonths ito i 2 iyears iof ithe imenarche. iIn ian iaverage icycle, ithe iflow i(menses) ioccurs ievery i 28 idays, iplus ior iminusi 5 ito i 10 idays. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iApplication iREF: iPage i 27 iOBJ: i 9 TOP: iMenstrual iCycle iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- Which ihormone iinitiates ithe imaturation iof ithe iovarian ifollicle? a. Estrogen b. Follicle-stimulating i hormone c. Progesterone d. Luteinizing i hormone ANS: iB Follicle-stimulating i hormone i (FSH) i stimulates i the i maturation i of i a i follicle. iDIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 27 iOBJ: i 1 i| i 9
TOP: iFemale iReproductive iCycle iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- What istatement iindicates ia iwoman ihas icorrect iinformation iabout ioogenesis? a. Women imake ifewer iova ias ithey iage. b. Women ihave iall iof itheir iova iat ithe itime ithey iare iborn. c. Ova iproduction ibegins iat ibirth iand icontinues iuntil ipuberty. d. New iova iare imade ievery imonth ifrom ipuberty ito iclimacteric. ANS: iB Oogenesis i(formation iof iimmature iova) idoes inot ioccur iafter ifetal idevelopment. iFemales iare iborn iwith iabout i 2 imillion iimmature iova, iwhich irapidly ireduce iby iadulthood. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 25 iOBJ: i 9 TOP: iFemale iReproductive iCycle iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iEvaluation iMSC: i NCLEX: i Health i Promotion i and i Maintenance: i Growth i and i Development
- A ipregnant iwoman iasks ithe inurse, iWill iI ibe iable ito ihave ia ivaginal idelivery? iThe inurse iknows ithat iwhich iis ithe imost ifavorable ipelvic itype ifor ivaginal ibirth? a. Gynecoid b. Android c. Anthropoid d. Platypelloid ANS: iA The igynecoid ipelvis iis ithe itypical ifemale ipelvis iand iis imost ifavorable ifor ivaginal ibirth. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 25 iOBJ: i 8 TOP: iFemale iReproductive iSystem iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- A imother iis ianxious iabout iher iability ito ibreastfeed iafter iher ichild iis iborn ibecause iof iher ismall ibreast isize. iWhat iwould ibe ian iimportant ipoint ito iteach ithis imother? a. Milk iis iproduced iin iducts iand ilobules iregardless iof ibreast isize. b. Supplementing ibreastfeeding iwith iformula iallows ithe iinfant ito ireceive iadequate inutrition. c. Breast isize ican ibe iincreased iwith iexercise. d. Drinking iextra imilk iduring ipregnancy iallows ibreasts ito iproduce iadequate iamounts iof imilk. ANS: iA Breast isize idoes inot iinfluence ithe iability ito isecrete imilk. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 27 iOBJ: i 6 TOP: i Female i Reproductive i System i KEY: i Nursing i Process i Step: i Implementation iMSC: iNCLEX: iPsychosocial iIntegrity: iPsychosocial iAdaptation
- For iwhat iis ithe idecrease iin iestrogen iand iprogesterone iduring ithe imenstrual icycle iresponsible? a. Degeneration iof ithe icorpus iluteum b. Ovulation c. Follicle i maturation d. Shedding iof ithe iendometrium ANS: iD The ifall iin iestrogen iand iprogesterone icauses ithe iendometrium ito ibreak idown, iresulting iin imenstruation. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 27 iOBJ: i 9 TOP: i Female i Reproductive i Cycle i KEY: i Nursing i Process i Step: i Implementation iMSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- The inurse iis iassisting iwith ipelvic iinlet imeasurements ion ia ipregnant iwoman. iWhat imeasurement iwill
provide ithe inurse iwith iinformation iabout iwhether ithe iwoman ican ideliver ivaginally? a. Diagonal i conjugate b. Obstetric i conjugate c. Transverse i diameter d. Anteroposterior i diameter ANS: iB This imeasurement idetermines iif ithe ifetus ican ipass ithrough ithe ibirth icanal. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 26 iOBJ: i 8 TOP: iFemale iReproductive iSystem iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- The inurse ihas iexplained imenstruation ito ia i 13 - year-old igirl. iWhat istatement iindicates ithe igirl ineeds iadditional ieducation? a. Periods ilast iabout i 5 idays. b. My icycle ishould iget iregular iin i 6 imonths. c. I ishould iexpect iheavy ibleeding iwith iclots. d. Periods icome iabout ievery i 4 iweeks. ANS: iC Clots iare inot inormally iseen iin imenstrual idischarge. iA inormal imenstrual iflow iis i 30 ito i 40 imL iblood iand i 30 itoi 50 imL iserous ifluid. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 27 iOBJ: i 9 TOP: iFemale iReproductive iCycle iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iEvaluation iMSC: i NCLEX: i Health i Promotion i and i Maintenance: i Growth i and i Development
- A imother iasks ithe inurse, iWhen iwill iI iknow imy ichild ihas ientered ipuberty? iWhat iwill ithe inurse istate ibasedion ian iunderstanding iof ichanges iassociated iwith ipuberty? a. Your idaughter iwill ihave iher ifirst iperiod. b. Youll irecognize ipuberty iby ithe imood iswings. c. The ichild ibecomes iinterested iin ithe iopposite isex. d. Secondary isex icharacteristics, isuch ias ipubic ihair, iappear. ANS: iD Puberty ibegins iwhen ithe isecondary isex icharacteristics iappear. iPuberty iends iwhen imature isperm iare iformed iin ithe imale iand iwhen iregular imenstrual icycles ioccur iin ithe ifemale. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 20 iOBJ: i 1 i| i 2 iTOP: iPuberty iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- A inurse iis iplanning ito iteach icouples iabout ithe iphysiology iof ithe isex iact. iWhat icorrect iinformation iwill ithe inurse iprovide? a. Fertilization iof ian iovum irequires ipenetration iby iseveral isperm. b. An iovum imust ibe ifertilized iwithin i 24 ihours iof iovulation. c. It itakes i 4 ito i 5 idays ifor isperm ito ireach ithe ifallopian itubes. d. Sperm ilive ifor ionly i 24 ihours ifollowing iejaculation. ANS: iB After iovulation, ithe iegg ilives ifor ionly i 24 ihours. iSperm imust ibe iavailable iduring ithat itime iif ifertilization iis itoioccur. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 29 iOBJ: i 6 TOP: iPhysiology iof ithe iSex iAct iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iPlanning MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- A inewly imarried icouple itells ithe inurse ithey iwould ilike ito iwait ia ifew iyears ibefore istarting ia ifamily. iWhich
statement imade iby ithe iman iindicates ian iunderstanding iabout isexual iactivity iand ipregnancy? a. My iwife icant iget ipregnant iif iI iwithdraw ibefore iclimax. b. A iman ican isecrete isemen ibefore iejaculation. c. If iwe idont ihave iintercourse ivery ioften, imy iwife iwont iget ipregnant. d. It iis isafe ito iejaculate ioutside ithe ivagina. ANS: iB Semen imay ibe isecreted iduring isexual iintercourse ibefore iejaculation. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 29 iOBJ: i 4 TOP: iMale iReproductive iSystem iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iEvaluation iMSC: iNCLEX: iPhysiological iIntegrity: iReduction iof iRisk
- The inurse iis iaware ithat ithe idiagonal iconjugate iis i 12 icentimeters. iWhat iis ithe imeasurement iin icentimetersiof ithe iobstetric iconjugate? a. i 10 ito i10. b. i 11 ito i11. c. i12.5 ito i 13 d. i 14 ito i14. ANS: iA The iobstetric iconjugate iis iapproximately i1.5 ito i 2 icentimeters ishorter ithan ithe idiagonal iconjugate. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 26 iOBJ: i 1 i| i 8 TOP: iObstetric iConjugate iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- The inurse iuses ia idiagram ito idemonstrate ithe ifimbriae iwhen iteaching inursing istudents iabout ithe ifemale ianatomy. iWhat iis itrue iabout ifimbriae? a. They iform ithe ipassageway ifor ithe isperm ito imeet ithe iovum. b. They iare ithe isite iof ifertilization. c. They iare ifingerlike iprojections ithat icapture ithe iovum. d. They ipropel ithe iegg ithrough ithe ifallopian itube. ANS: iC Fimbriae iare ithe ifingerlike iprojections ifrom ithe iinfundibulum ithat icapture ithe iovum iat iovulation iand iconduct iiiinto ithe ifallopian itube. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 25 iOBJ: i 6 i| i 7 iTOP: iFimbriae iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- What iwill ithe inurse iexplain ito ia i 12 - year-old ipatient iwhen idescribing iwhat icharacterizes inocturnal iemissions? a. A idrop iin itestosterone ilevel b. Sexual istimulation c. Absence iof isperm iin iejaculate d. Association iwith iviolent idreams ANS: iC Nocturnal iemissions, ialso iknown ias iwet idreams, ioccur iwithout isexual istimulation iand icontain ino isperm. iTestosterone ilevels iare iconstant iuntil imidlife. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 21 iOBJ: i 2 TOP: iNocturnal iEmissions iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation iMSC: i NCLEX: i Health i Promotion i and i Maintenance: i Growth i and i Development
- The inurse iis ieducating ia ipregnant ipatient iwho iexpects ito ibreastfeed. iThe inurse iknows ithat iwhen ia ipatient ibreastfeeds, iwhich iportions iof ithe ibreast isecrete imilk?
a. Lactiferous isinuses b. Lobes c. Montgomerys iglands d. Alveoli ANS: iD The ialveoli isecrete imilk. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 27 iOBJ: i 6 i| i 7 TOP: iMilk iSecretion iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- Where iare ithe isecretions iresponsible ifor inourishing isperm iexcreted ifrom? a. Vas ideferens b. Epididymis c. Cowpers igland d. Scrotum ANS: iC The iCowpers igland isecretions inourish ithe isperm. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 22 iOBJ: i 4 TOP: iCowpers iGland iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- What isignifies ithe iend iof ipuberty ifor ia imale? a. Facial ihair iis ievident. b. Erections ican ibe isustained. c. Ejaculate iis igreater ithan i 5 imL. d. Mature isperm iare iformed. ANS: iD Puberty iends ifor ia imale iwhen imature isperm iare iformed iby ithe itestes. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 20 iOBJ: i 1 i| i 2 TOP: iEnd iof iPuberty iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- How ilong idoes isperm iremain iviable iin ithe ifemale ireproductive itract? a. 12 ihours b. 1 iday c. 2 idays d. 4 idays ANS: iD Sperm ican iremain iviable iin ithe ireproductive itract iof ithe ifemale ifor ias ilong ias i 4 ito i 5 idays. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 29 iOBJ: i 5 TOP: iViability iof iSperm iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- The inurse iencourages ithe imembers iof ia iprenatal iclass ito iseriously iconsider ibreastfeeding. iWhat idoes ibreast imilk iprovide iin iaddition ito inourishment ifor ithe iinfant? a. Maternal i antibodies b. Stimulus ifor ired iblood icell iproduction c. Endorphins ithat isoothe ithe iinfant d. Hormones i that i stimulate i growthiANS: iA
Breast imilk iprovides imaternal iantibodies ito ithe iinfant ithat igive ithe ichild iacquired iimmunity ifrom isomeidiseases ifor iseveral imonths. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 27 iOBJ: i 4 TOP: iProperties iof iBreast iMilk iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- A ifemale ipatient ireports iher imenstrual icycle iconsistently ioccurs ievery i 32 idays. iWhat iday iof iher icycle ican ithe iwoman ianticipate iovulation? a. 14 b. 16 c. 18 d. 20 ANS: iC Ovulation ioccurs iwhen ia imature iovum iis ireleased ifrom ithe ifollicle iabout i 14 idays ibefore ithe ionset iof ithe inext imenstrual iperiod. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iAnalysis iREF: iPage i 27 iOBJ: i 9 TOP: iMenstrual iCycle iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iEvaluation MSC: i NCLEX: i Health i Promotion i and i Maintenance: i Growth i and i Development iMULTIPLE iRESPONSE
- The inurse iconducting ia isex ieducation iclass ifor ijunior ihigh istudents idescribes isome icultural irites icelebrating ithe ientry ito iadulthood. iWhat iinformation iwould ithe inurse iinclude? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Bar imitzvah b. Displays iof ibravery c. Receiving ipart iof itheir iinheritance d. Ritual i circumcision e. Displays iof iself-defense ANS: iA, iB, iD, iE Some icultures icelebrate ithe ientry ito iadulthood iwith irites isuch ias idisplays iof istrength, ibravery, iself-reliance, iand iself-defense. iRitual icircumcisions iand ibar iand ibat imitzvahs iare ialso ientry irites ito iadulthood. iLack iof isuch irituals ican isometimes iconfuse iyoung ipeople ibecause ithere iis ino ievidence iof iacceptance ias ian iadult. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 20 iOBJ: i 2 TOP: iRites iof iPassage iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- The inurse iis ireading ia ipregnant ipatients ihistory iand iphysical. iWhat iinformation idoes ithe inurse irecognize imight iindicate ithe ineed ifor ia icesarean idelivery? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. History iof ichildhood irickets b. Immobile icoccyx c. Prepregnant iweight iof i 100 ipounds d. Avid ihorse irider e. Pelvic ifracture i 3 iyears iago ANS: iA, iB, iE Pelvic iconditions ithat imay ipredispose ito ia icesarean idelivery iare ichildhood irickets, ipelvic ifracture, iandiimmobile icoccyx. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 27 iOBJ: i 8 iTOP: iPelvic iConditions iPredisposing iCesarean iDelivery iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iData iCollection MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- What iare iconsidered ito ibe ifunctions iof ithe ifallopian itubes? i(Select iall ithat iapply.)
a. Passage ifor isperm ito imeet iova b. Passage ifor iovum ito iuterus c. Safe ienvironment ifor izygote d. Restriction ifor ionly ione iovum ito ienter iuterus e. Site ifor ifertilization ANS: iA, iB, iC, iE The ifallopian itube iprovides ipassage ifor iboth isperm iand iova, ioffering ian ioptimum iplace ifor ifertilization iand iaisafe ienvironment ifor ithe izygote. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 25 iOBJ: i 7 TOP: iFunction iof iFallopian iTubes iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation iMSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- The inurse iis iproviding ian iinservice ito istudents ibeginning itheir iobstetric iclinical irotation. iUsing ia idiagram, ithe inurse ipoints iout iparts iof ithe ifemale ipelvis. iWhat iwill ithe inurse iinclude? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Two iinnominates b. Obstetric iconjugate c. Sacrum d. Perimetrium e. Coccyx ANS: iA, iC, iE The ibones iof ithe ipelvis iare itwo iinnominates, ithe isacrum, iand ithe icoccyx. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 25 iOBJ: i 6 TOP: iBones iof ithe iPelvis iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- The inurse iexplains ithat itestosterone iis iresponsible ifor imales iexceeding ifemales iin iwhich iaspects? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Strength b. Height c. Mental i concentration d. Hematocrit ilevels e. Agility ANS: iA, iB, iD iDIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 21 iOBJ: i 2 iTOP: iEffects iof iTestosterone KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- A ipatient iis ibeing iseen iby iher ihealth icare iprovider ifor ia isuspected ivaginal iinfection. iWhat iwill ithe inurse iinclude iwhen ieducating ithis ipatient ion ifactors ithat iaffect ithe ivaginal ipH? i(Select iall ithat iapply.) a. Antibiotic itherapy b. Frequent idouching c. Exercise d. Jet ilag e. Use iof ivaginal isprays ANS: iA, iB, iE The ivagina iis iself-cleansing iand iduring ithe ireproductive iyears imaintains ia inormal iacidic ipH iof i 4 ito i5. iThe iself icleansing iactivity imay ibe ialtered iby iantibiotic itherapy, ifrequent idouching, iand iexcessive iuse iof ivaginal isprays, ideodorant isanitary ipads, ior ideodorant itampons. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iApplication iREF: iPage i 23 iOBJ: i 7 TOP: iFemale iReproductive iOrgans iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iAssessment MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- When ithe inurse ireads iin ithe ihistory iand iphysical iof ia ipregnant ipatient ithat ishe ihas ia iplatypelloid ipelvis, ithe inurse iis iaware ithat ithis ipelvis ihas ia inarrow diameter, imaking ia ivaginal ibirth iunlikely. ANS: anteroposterior The iplatypelloid ipelvis iis ivery inarrow ifrom ifront ito iback i(anteroposterior). iThe ishape iof ithis ipelvis imakesivaginal idelivery iunlikely. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 25 i|Page i26, iFigure i 2 - 5 iOBJ: i 8 iTOP: iPlatypelloid iPelvis KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iData iCollection MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iPrevention iand iEarly iDetection iof iDisease
- In imales ithe ifollicle-stimulating ihormone i(FSH) iand ithe iluteinizing ihormone i(LH) ifrom ithe ianterior ipituitary istimulate itestosterone iproduction iin ithe cells iof ithe itestes. ANS: Leydig The iLeydig icells iin ithe itestes iare istimulated iby ithe iFSH iand iLH ito iproduce itestosterone.iDIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 22 iOBJ: i 2 TOP: iLeydig iCells iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- The is ia iperiod iof iyears iduring iwhich ithe iwomans iability ito ireproduce igradually ideclines. ANS: climacteric The iclimacteric iis ia iperiod iof iyears iduring iwhich ithe iwomans iability ito ireproduce igradually ideclines.iDIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 27 iOBJ: i 1 TOP: iFemale iReproduction iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- Where ithe ilabia imajora iand ithe ilabia iminora imeet iis iknown ias ithe ifourchette ior i i i. ANS: obstetrical i perineum Where ithe ilabia imajora iand ithe ilabia iminora imeet iis iknown ias ithe ifourchette ior iobstetrical iperineum.iLacerations iin ithis iarea ioften ioccur iduring ichildbirth. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 22 iOBJ: i 1 iTOP: iFemale iAnatomy iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- The inurse ioutlines ithe iphases iof ithe isexual iresponse. iArrange ithe iphases iin iorder iof ioccurrence. iPut ia icomma iand ispace ibetween ieach ianswer ichoice i(a, ib, ic, id, ietc.) a. Nipples ibecome ierect. b. Involuntary imuscle ispasms ioccur. c. Engorgement i resolves. d. Heart irate islows. e. Skin iflushes.
ANS: iA, iE, iB, iC, iD DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 29 iOBJ: i 2 TOP: iSexual iResponse iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation iMSC: iNCLEX: iPhysiological iIntegrity: iPhysiological iAdaptation
Chapter i 03: i Fetal i Development
- What iis ithe itotal inumber iof ichromosomes icontained iin ia imature isperm ior iovum? a. 22 b. 23 c. 44 d. 46 ANS: iB Gametes i (sex i chromosomes) i contain i 23 i chromosomes. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 31 iOBJ: i 2 iTOP: iGametogenesis iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- A ipregnant iwoman istates, iMy ihusband ihopes iI iwill igive ihim ia iboy ibecause iwe ihave ithree igirls. iWhat iwill ithe inurse iexplain ito ithis iwoman? a. The isex ichromosome iof ithe ifertilized iovum idetermines ithe igender iof ithe ichild. b. When ithe isperm iand iovum iare iunited, ithere iis ia i75% ichance ithe ichild iwill ibe ia igirl. c. When ithe ipH iof ithe ifemale ireproductive itract iis iacidic, ithe ichild iwill ibe ia igirl. d. If ia isperm icarrying ia iY ichromosome ifertilizes ian iovum, ithen ia iboy iis iproduced. ANS: iD When ia iY-bearing isperm ifertilizes ian iovum, ia imale ichild iis iproduced. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 33 iOBJ: i 3 TOP: iSex iDetermination iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- What iis ithe imost icommon isite ifor ifertilization? a. Lower isegment iof ithe iuterus b. Outer ithird iof ithe ifallopian itube inear ithe iovary c. Upper iportion iof ithe iuterus d. Area iof ithe ifallopian itube ifarthest ifrom ithe iovary ANS: iB Fertilization itakes iplace iin ithe iouter ithird iof ithe ifallopian itube, iwhich iis iclosest ito ithe iovary. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 33 iOBJ: i 3 TOP: iFertilization iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- The iembryo iis itermed ia ifetus iat iwhich istage iof iprenatal idevelopment? a. 2 iweeks b. 4 iweeks c. 9 iweeks d. 16 iweeks ANS: iC The ifetus i(third istage iof iprenatal idevelopment) ibegins iat ithe ininth iweek iand icontinues iuntil ithe i40th iweek iof igestation ior iuntil ibirth. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 36 iOBJ: i 4 iTOP: iPrenatal iDevelopmental iMilestones KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- The inurse iis ireviewing ifetal icirculation iwith ia ipregnant ipatient iand iexplains ithat iblood icirculates ithrough ithe iplacenta ito ithe ifetus. iWhat ivessel(s) icarry iblood ito ithe ifetus? a. One iumbilical ivein b. Two i umbilical i veins c. One i umbilical i artery d. Two iumbilical iarteries ANS: iA The iumbilical ivein itransports irichly ioxygenated iblood ifrom ithe iplacenta ito ithe ifetus. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 39 - 40 iOBJ: i 7 TOP: iFetal iCirculation iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- Where iis ithe iusual ilocation ifor iimplantation iof ithe izygote? a. Upper isection iof ithe iposterior iuterine iwall b. Lower iportion iof ithe iuterus inear ithe icervical ios c. Inner ithird iof ithe ifallopian itube inear ithe iuterus d. Lateral iaspect iof ithe iuterine iwall ANS: iA The izygote iusually iimplants iin ithe iupper isection iof ithe iposterior iuterine iwall. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 35 iOBJ: i 3 iTOP: iImplantation iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- What iis ithe iembryonic imembrane ithat icontains ifingerlike iprojections ion iits isurface, iwhich iattach ito ithe iuterine iwall? a. Amnion b. Yolk isac c. Chorion d. Decidua ibasalis ANS: iC The ichorion iis ia ithick imembrane iwith ifingerlike iprojections i(villi) ion iits ioutermost isurface. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 35 iOBJ: i 4 TOP: iAccessory iStructures iof iPregnancy iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A iMSC: i NCLEX: i Health i Promotion i and i Maintenance: i Growth i and i Development
- Which ihormone iis iresponsible ifor iconverting ithe iendometrium iinto idecidual icells ifor iimplantation? a. Estrogen b. Human ichorionic igonadotropin c. Human iplacental ilactogen d. Progesterone ANS: iD At ihigh ilevels, iprogesterone imaintains ithe iendometrial ilining ifor iimplantation iof ithe izygote. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 39 iOBJ: i 6 iTOP: iPlacenta iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- A ipatient iasks ithe inurse iwhen iher iinfants iheart iwill ibegin ito ipump iblood. iWhat iwill ithe inurse ireply? a. By ithe iend iof iweek i 3 b. Beginning iin iweek i 8 c. At ithe iend iof iweek i 16 d. Beginning iin iweek i 24
ANS: iA The ifetal iheart ibegins ito ipump iby iweek i 3 iof igestation. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 36 iOBJ: i 5 iTOP: iPrenatal iDevelopment iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- What iorgan idoes ithe iductus ivenosus ishunt iblood iaway ifrom iin ifetal icirculation? a. Liver b. Heart c. Lungs d. Kidneys ANS: iA Fetal iblood ibypasses ithe iliver ithrough ithe iductus ivenosus iby icarrying iblood idirectly ito ithe iinferior ivena icava. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 39 iOBJ: i 7 iTOP: iPrenatal iDevelopment iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- What icomplication ican iresult ifrom iuntreated irespiratory idistress iin ithe inewborn? a. Esophageal iatresia b. Gastric idilation c. Cold istress d. Reopening iof ithe iforamen iovale ANS: iD Respiratory idistress ican icause iincreased ipressure iin ithe iright iventricle, icausing ireopening iof ithe iforamen iovale DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 40 iOBJ: i 7 TOP: iFetal iCirculation iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- During ian iultrasound, itwo iamnions iand itwo iplacentas iare iobserved. iWhat iwill ibe ithe imost ilikely iresult iof ithis ipregnancy? a. Dizygotic itwins b. Monozygotic itwins c. Conjoined itwins d. High ibirth-weight itwins ANS: iA Dizygotic itwins ialways ihave itwo iamnions iand itwo ichorions i(placentas). DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 42 iOBJ: i 8 TOP: iMultifetal iPregnancy iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iData iCollection iMSC: i NCLEX: i Health i Promotion i and i Maintenance: i Growth i and i Development
- A iwoman iwho iis i 25 iweeks ipregnant iasks ithe inurse iwhat iher ifetus ilooks ilike. iWhat idoes ithe inurse iexplainiis ione iphysical icharacteristic ipresent iin ia i 25 - week-old ifetus? a. Lanugo icovering ithe ibody b. Constant imotion c. Skin ithat iis ipink iand ismooth d. Eyes ithat iare iclosed ANS: iA By i 25 iweeks, ithe ibody iof ithe ifetus iis icovered iwith ilanugo, ithe ieyes iare iopen, ithe iskin iis iwrinkled, iand ithe ifetusihas idefinite iperiods iof imovement iand isleeping.
DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 37 - 38, iTable i 3 - 1 iOBJ: i 5 iTOP: iPrenatal iDevelopment KEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iImplementation MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- At iwhat ipoint iin iprenatal idevelopment ido ithe ilungs ibegin ito iproduce isurfactant? a. 17 i weeks b. 20 i weeks c. 25 i weeks d. 30 i weeks ANS: iC During iweek i25, ithe ialveoli ibegin ito iproduce isurfactant, iwhich ienables ithe ialveoli ito istay iopen ifor iadequateilung ioxygenation ito ioccur. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i37, iTable i 3 - 1 OBJ: i 5 iTOP: iPrenatal iDevelopment iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iN/A MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- A iwoman imissed iher imenstrual iperiod i 1 iweek iago iand ihas icome ito ithe idoctors ioffice ifor ia ipregnancy itest. iWhich iplacental ihormone iis imeasured iin ipregnancy itests? a. Progesterone b. Estrogen c. Human ichorionic igonadotropin d. Human iplacental ilactogen ANS: iC Human ichorionic igonadotropin iis ithe ibasis ifor imost ipregnancy itests. iIt iis idetectable iin imaternal iblood ias isoonias iimplantation ioccurs, iusually i 7 ito i 9 idays iafter ifertilization. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iKnowledge iREF: iPage i 39 iOBJ: i 6 TOP: iAccessory iStructures iof iPregnancy iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iData iCollectioniMSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- When ipreparing ito iteach ia iclass iabout iprenatal idevelopment, ithe inurse iwould iinclude iinformation iabout ifolic iacid isupplementation. iWhat iis ifolic iacid iknown ito iprevent? a. Congenital iheart idefects b. Neural itube idefects c. Mental iretardation d. Premature ibirth ANS: iB It iis inow iknown ithat ifolic iacid isupplements ican iprevent ineural itube idefects isuch ias ispina ibifida. DIF: iCognitive iLevel: iComprehension iREF: iPage i 37 iOBJ: i 5 TOP: iPrenatal iDevelopment iKEY: iNursing iProcess iStep: iPlanning MSC: iNCLEX: iHealth iPromotion iand iMaintenance: iGrowth iand iDevelopment
- The inurse iis ieducating ia iclass iof iexpectant iparents iabout ifetal idevelopment. iWhat iis iconsidered ifetal iage iof iviability? a. 14 i weeks b. 20 i weeks c. 25 i weeks d. 30 i weeks ANS: iB By i 20 iweeks iof igestation, ithe ilungs ihave imatured ienough ifor ithe ifetus ito isurvive ioutside ithe iuterus i(age iof iviability).