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Socio-Log: Third Year B.A. Exam - Paper VII: Indian Social Institutions (2009), Study notes of Indian Social Institutions

A past exam paper from a sociology degree program, focusing on indian social institutions. It includes questions related to purushartas, the caste system, dowry practice, untouchability, hindu marriage, muslim marriage, women's status, eradicating caste system, and divorce. Candidates were required to answer any five questions within 3 hours, with a maximum of 100 marks.

Typology: Study notes


Uploaded on 09/21/2011

rodney 🇮🇳



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Download Socio-Log: Third Year B.A. Exam - Paper VII: Indian Social Institutions (2009) and more Study notes Indian Social Institutions in PDF only on Docsity! R egister N um ber : N am e of the C andidate : 5 0 2 7 B .A . D E G R E E E X A M IN A T IO N , 2009 ( SO C IO L O G Y ) ( T H IR D Y E A R ) ( PA R T - III ) ( PA PE R - V II ) 720. IN D IA N SO C IA L IN ST IT U T IO N S ( Including D ouble D egree & L ateral E ntry ) D ecem ber ] [ Tim e : 3 H ours M axim um : 100 M arks Turn over A nsw er any F IV E questions. A ll questions carry equal m arks. (5 × 20 = 100) 1. E xplain Purushartas. 2. E xplain the present trend of caste system . 3. W hy and how did dow ry practice com e into existence ?