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Test Paper - Machine Drawing - Mumbai University - Mechanical Engineering - 3rd Semester - 2008, Study notes of Machine Design

Top view, auxiliary view, tolerance, allowance, strap, left brass, cover, valve seat, bridge, sectional front view, side view, hook, pulley, curves of intersection, axis of the square prism, horizontal prism

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Download Test Paper - Machine Drawing - Mumbai University - Mechanical Engineering - 3rd Semester - 2008 and more Study notes Machine Design in PDF only on Docsity!

Miaboar SO CrmecH) ME Crew) Ielow Con. 3422-08. " qchine Dr cere) 149 , co-9508 “e {REVISED COURSE) (4 Hours) ] [Total Marks : 100 N.B. (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory, mre (2) Attempt any four questions from remaining (3) Assume suitable dimension wherever necessary. (4) Use drawing sheet only. 1. {a) A-vertical cone of diameter 100 mm and axis 100 mm is penetrated by a vertical square 10 prism, having edges of base 45 mm. The axis of the square prism is 10 mm away from the axis of the cone and plane containing both the axis is perpendicular to V.P. A rectangular face of the square prism makes 30° with V.R. Draw the front view and top view showing the curves of intersection. (b) An equilateral triangular prism of 70 mm side of base and 90 mm height has its base on 10 H.P. and one of the rectangular face perpendicular to V.P. It is completely penetrated by another equilateral traingular prism of 40 mm side and 90 mm length of axis, The axis-of the smaller prism is parallel to both H.P. and V.P. and bisets the axis of the vertical prism. One of the rectangular faces of horizontal prism is parallel to V.P. and away trom the observer, Draw three view and add the line of intersection, 2. Details of a tool post is given in figure. Assemble the components in proper sequence and draw— (a) Right Half Sectional front view. 12 (b) Top view, 8 ZA “ ue or c eI _ fsa. [a] ALL DIMENSIONS IN MM 5 Screw, MS. a a Wedge C-30 1 3 Ring c-30 1 2 Block C30 1 Post +30 t Port Nol Name Material [No off} [TURN OVER