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Test Paper - Machine Drawing - Mumbai University -Mechanical Engineering - 3rd Semester - 2009, Study notes of Machine Design

Top view, auxiliary view, tolerance, allowance, strap, left brass, cover, valve seat, bridge, sectional front view, side view, hook, pulley, curves of intersection, axis of the square prism, horizontal prism

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Download Test Paper - Machine Drawing - Mumbai University -Mechanical Engineering - 3rd Semester - 2009 and more Study notes Machine Design in PDF only on Docsity!

talooa se cme!) Ca) they. aus | ieteg —— Flaehineg Drawing Master 464 Pad) Con. 5295-07. (REVISED COURSE) CD-6633 (4 Hours) [ Total Marks : 100 J iaak N.B.(1) Question No.1 is compulsory. See oy (2) Attempt any four questions from remaining questions. (3) Assume suitable dimensions wherever necessary. (4) Use drawing sheet only. 1. (a) A vertical cone of base diameter 90 mm and 100 mm height has an axial triangular hole of 8 50 mm side cut through it one of the faces of the hole |s parallel to VP and nearer to it. Draw front view and top view showing curves. of intersection. (b) A pentagonal prism side of base 60 mm and height 100 mm'long is lyingon the H.P.on = 12 one of its pentagonal base, such that an edge of base is parallel to V.R. and nearer to it. This prism is penetrated by horizontal cylinder of base diameter 70 mm and length 120 mm such that the axis of both, prism and cylinder bisect-each other at right angle, while the plane containing the two axis is parallel to V.P. Draw the projections showing the curve of intersection. 2. Figures shows assembly of “Marine engine connecting rod end’. Draw the following details as stated :— (a) Coverend; (i) Sectional FV. 4 (li) TV 2 (bo) Right Hand Bearing Brass : (i) Upper half sectional FW. 6 (i) TV 4 (c) Bolt: (i) FY 2 (i) LHS, 2 142 Rigo Parts list | Part No. Name Matl. | Qty 7 Rodend | FS. 1 2 Cover end FS 1 a Bearing brass GM 2 4 | Bolt M54 x 360 MS 2 5 Nut, M54 MCS 2 6 Cotter MCs 2 a Snug. MS 2 8 Leather packing Marine engine connecting rod end [TURN OVER