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Texas BON Jurisprudence Study Guide with Complete Solutions 2024, Exams of Advanced Education

This study guide provides a comprehensive overview of texas board of nursing (bon) jurisprudence, covering key aspects of nursing practice, ethics, and legal considerations. It includes multiple-choice questions with complete solutions, designed to help nurses prepare for the bon exam or refresh their knowledge of nursing regulations and standards. The guide addresses topics such as patient safety, professional boundaries, scope of practice, medication administration, and reporting requirements.

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Texas BON, BON Quiz, Jurisprudence

Study Guide With Complete Solution

A nurse who contacts a physician to clarify a medication order is fulfilling a duty to keep the patient safe. A BON investigator in the enforcement division collected evidence that supports the BON's formal charges against a nurse regarding violations of the NPA and board rules. Attempts to notify the nurse via standard and certified mail at the nurse's last address of record have been returned to the BON office as being "undeliverable or not at this address." Since the investigator has been unable to communicate with the nurse about the BON's formal charges, Board Rule 213.16(i) on Practice and Procedure requires that the case proceed and the board's charges be deemed to be true. When the BON considers imposing disciplinary action, it is most concerned with the nurse consistently acting in the best interest of clients A nurse quits his job, and submits a written notice at the end of his shift, telling his supervisor that he will not be back at work the following morning. The supervisor tells the nurse he has to complete the entire month's schedule or he will be committing "patient abandonment," and will be reported to the BON. This is false. Quitting a job at the end of a shift is not considered "patient abandonment" by the BON and is not grounds for reporting to, or action by, the BON. Which of the following would indicate that an applicant for licensure is likely to possess the good professional character necessary to hold a nursing license in Texas? the applicant provides satisfactory evidence that he/she has not committed a violation of the Nursing Practice Act or a Board rule Which of the following statements correctly reflects Board Rule 217.20 regarding the Safe Harbor Peer Review? Safe Harbor must be invoked prior to engaging in the assignment or at any time the assignment changes as long as the nurse believes it places patients at risk of harm The identity of a person submitting a complaint against a nurse to the BON is kept confidential throughout the entire investigation process A nurse assesses a patient, makes a medical diagnosis of "hypertension," and determines which specific anti-hypertensive medication (including dose, route, and frequency) is appropriate for this patient. The

nurse then writes a prescription for an anti-hypertensive medication and instructs the patient to have it filled at a pharmacy of her choice. the nurse must be authorized by the BON as an advanced practice registered nurse with prescriptive authority in a role and population focus appropriate for the patients being treated Revisions to the NPA can only occur through bills passed by the Texas Legislature The Position Statement 15.27 The Licensed Vocational Nurse Scope of Practice on the board's website outlines that LVNs have a "directed" scope of practice "under supervision." This means that the LVN must have a registered nurse present at all times while they are providing direct patient care A nurse providing nursing services to a young child in a home setting asks the parent to bring the child to the nurse's home for nursing care. The nurse asks the parent to keep this arrangement confidential. This could be considered a violation of professional boundaries of the nurse-client relationship A nurse is counseled for questioning a physician's order that made the physician mad. Which of the following documents on the BON web site best explains why the nurse was correct to question a physician's order that the nurse believed could be harmful to a patient? Position Statement 15.14 Duty of a Nurse in Any Setting Chart audits find the following practice errors committed by a nurse with observed impaired behavior at work: NO physician orders for narcotics signed out by the nurse, and NO documentation that the nurse either administered or wasted the narcotics. The best decision for the Incident Based Peer Review Committee to make is that the nurse must be reported to the BON because of the combination of practice errors with possible practice impairment due to substance use or abuse A nurse would be fulfilling his or her duty to safeguard patients from harm if the nurse recognizes that a patient's condition is deteriorating, acts to stabilize the patient, and reports the patient's status to the physician A person with a history of chemical dependency on controlled substances who desires to obtain or retain a license to practice nursing may be required to provide evidence of current sobriety and fitness to practice A nurse may not be reported to the BON, may not have his or her license sanctioned by the BON, and may not be suspended or terminated from his or her employment for either appropriately invoking Safe Harbor or for advising another nurse of their right to invoke Safe Harbor. These are protections for a nurse who requests a peer review determination One way the board carries out its mission to protect the public is by

ensuring that each nurse is competent to practice safely Which of the following situations is an example of a nurse MAINTAINING appropriate professional boundaries between the nurse and the client? A nurse rewards a patient with a small stuffed mascot of his favorite football team for progress made in rehabilitation According to BON Position Statement 15.24 Nurses Engaging in Reinsertion of Permanently Placed Feeding Tubes, it would be within the scope of practice for a nurse to replace a gastrostomy tube provided that the tube has been in place for 8-12 weeks, the nurse has a physician's order to replace the tube, and the nurse has completed specific competency training to safely replace the tube Which of the following is an example of the nurse maintaining professional boundaries of the nurse- client relationship? Sharing candy from a patient with other staff and telling them the source of the candy Why does the BON require nurses to disclose that they have been diagnosed with, treated for, or hospitalized with certain mental illnesses? Nurses diagnosed with these disorders may lack fitness to practice nursing safely and may require a period of monitored practice by the BON A nurse whose license has expired may not practice until the license has been renewed In a nurse-patient relationship, the most vulnerable patients are those who are under anesthesia or sedation. Action by a nurse that would constitute unprofessional conduct according to Board Rule 217. Unprofessional Conduct describes which of the following? Failing to repay a guaranteed student loan A nurse injects a medication by IV (intravenous) Push instead of IM (intramuscular) as ordered by the physician. The patient goes into cardiac arrest and dies as a result of this medication error. The nurse has worked at the facility for 15 years and this is his first error. A correct determination by the Peer Review Committee would be that the error is subject to reporting because it contributed to the death of a patient We have an expert-written solution to this problem!

While interacting with the public in a nursing role, each nurse must wear a clearly legible insignia (such as a name badge) that identifies the nurse as a registered nurse or a licensed vocational nurse When deciding what course of action to follow, the nurse has a duty to always keep the patient safe A LVN learns that a facility licensing law requires that a registered nurse always perform a specific task related to admission of new patients. The LVN understands that this means he or she may not perform the task, as the RN level of licensure is necessary to perform the task Which of the following resources on the BON web page would assist a nurse in determining his or her scope of nursing practice? The continuing competency info sheet In the NPA, "conduct subject to reporting" includes conduct that causes a person to suspect that the nurse's practice is impaired by chemical dependency or drug or alcohol abuse The best method of notifying the BON about reportable violations by a nurse of the NPA and board rules is to complete the reporting form on the BON website though you may remain anonymous and not provide a signature To help a nurse decide if a task is within his or her individual scope of practice, a prudent nurse should obtain a list of tasks a nurse may perform from the BON A nurse is terminated and reported to the BON for committing repeated practice errors. As required in the NPA, the CNO also sends the case to the Incident Based Peer Review (IBPR) Committee because: the IBPR Committee is required to review external factors surrounding the practice errors and to report to the facility's Patient Safety Committee as appropriate According to the Standards of Nursing Practice, Board Rule 217.11, a comprehensive nursing assessment can be completed only by a registered nurse The board has adopted Disciplinary Sanction Policies regarding all of the following EXCEPT Guaranteed student loan According to Board Rule 217.3(a), Temporary Authorization to Practice, a new graduate, either a graduate vocational nurse (GVN) or a graduate professional nurse (GN), is required to avoid being placed in a supervisory or charge position, and working in any independent practice setting

Which of the following would NOT be required to establish a nursing peer review committee to conduct nursing peer review according to Section 303.0015 of the Nursing Peer Review Law? Independent school district employing 7 nurses (4 RNs and 3 LVNs) Rule 216 related to Continuing Competency requires nurses to complete 20 contact hours of continuing education within two years preceding license renewal Within the nurse licensure compact agreement, the party state that is the nurse's primary state of residence is called the nurse's home state When a nurse steals valuables (such as medications, money, jewelry, or credit cards) from a patient, this may be considered criminal as well as unprofessional conduct involving theft of property Which of the following actions by a nurse would comply with the Standards of Nursing Practice in Board Rule 217.11? Documenting an aspect of nursing care provided to a patient after the fact by following facility policy for making a "late entry. The BON differs from nursing and healthcare specialty associations since the BON protects and promotes the welfare of the people of Texas Implement measures to promote a safe environment for clients and others describes A. The nurse's ability to invoke Safe Harbor. B. The employer's requirement for safe staffing levels. C. The nurse's duty to the patient. D. The employer's requirement to ensure the workplace meets OSHA safety standards. B. The employer's requirement for safe staffing levels. The purpose of the Position Statements, guidelines and other documents in the Nursing Practice section of the BON webpage is to guide nurses in A. presenting a professional demeanor in a work setting. B. making decisions related to their patient care assignments. C. obtaining specialty certification. D. preparing for the NCLEX exam. B. making decisions related to their patient care assignments.

Which of the following is an example of the nurse maintaining professional boundaries of the nurse- client relationship? A. Accepting a $100 gift from the family of a hospitalized patient. B. Inviting the patient to come to dinner at her home after the patient is discharged. C. Sharing candy from a patient with other staff and telling them the source of the candy. D. Providing her personal cell phone number to the patient. C. Sharing candy from a patient with other staff and telling them the source of the candy. A nurse finds an elderly woman helpless and alone after the unlicensed caretaker quit without notifying the agency. The nurse is then fired for reporting the caretaker for possible abuse and neglect. Does the nurse have protection from negative employment action for reporting the above incident to the appropriate authorities? A. No, the nurse is not protected in this example. The nurse must always follow any directive from his or her boss. B. No, the nurse is not protected in this example as the employer can terminate the nurse for any reason at any time. C. It depends. The nurse may be protected, but only if the nurse can prove that the client was in an unsafe situation. D. Yes, the nurse is protected from negative employment action for reporting a situation that exposed the client to substantial risk of harm. This is known as "whistleblower protections." C. It depends. The nurse may be protected, but only if the nurse can prove that the client was in an unsafe situation. A graduate vocational nurse (GVN) with current temporary authorization to practice is in a practice setting where no other licensed nurse is physically present. This situation would best be described as A. an acceptable practice due to the nursing shortage and the recent school experience of the GVN. B. an acceptable practice if a supervising nurse is telephonically available to supervise and advise the GVN. C. an unacceptable practice due to the lack of a licensed nurse who is physically present and readily available to directly supervise the GVN. D. an unacceptable practice because there must be a physician present in the practice setting to supervise the GVN. C. an unacceptable practice due to the lack of a licensed nurse who is physically present and readily available to directly supervise the GVN. An Incident-Based Nursing Peer Review Committee

A. must make decisions about whether or not a nurse's employment should be terminated, and whether or not the nurse will be paid for accrued vacation time. B. may include the nurse's supervisor, charge nurse, and other management-level nurses who have administrative authority over the nurse. C. can prohibit the nurse from calling witnesses or asking questions during the hearing. D. must adhere to due process requirements for the nurse, unless the nurse has already been reported to the board and the committee is only reviewing the possible impact of external factors on the error. D. must adhere to due process requirements for the nurse, unless the nurse has already been reported to the board and the committee is only reviewing the possible impact of external factors on the error. A nurse may not be reported to the BON, may not have his or her license sanctioned by the BON, and may not be suspended or terminated from his or her employment for either appropriately invoking Safe Harbor or for advising another nurse of their right to invoke Safe Harbor. These are A. criteria for determining a minor incident. B. rules that apply to RNs and not LVNs. C. criteria for determining safe staffing. D. protections for a nurse who requests a peer review determination. D. protections for a nurse who requests a peer review determination. A nurse whose license has expired A. may not practice until the license has been renewed. B. has a 14-day grace period in which to renew. C. may practice if documentation is cosigned by another nurse. D. will have his or her license revoked by the BON. A. may not practice until the license has been renewed. A nurse is assisting a physician when she witnesses the physician break sterile technique and use a contaminated instrument to finish the procedure. The nurse reports the physician to the Texas Medical Board. Which of the following statements is accurate in relation to this scenario? A. The nurse cannot be disciplined by the BON or discriminated against by the employer. B. The nurse has no recourse if the physician gets angry and terminates her employment. C. If the facility terminates the nurse's employment, the BON can provide the nurse with legal advice. D. The nurse must inform the physician of any reports the nurse files. A. The nurse cannot be disciplined by the BON or discriminated against by the employer. Board cases involving eligibility or disciplinary issues that are resolved through a board agreed order

A. are public records and accessible on the BON's web page. B. are not subject to open records requests or accessible to the public. C. do not have to be sent to the nurse's last known employer or to the nurse. D. do not follow the nurse if the nurse decides to move to another state. A. are public records and accessible on the BON's web page. One purpose of the BON's Position Statements and Guidelines is to provide A. step-by-step instructions to help the nurse complete complex tasks in the nurse's specialty area of nursing practice. B. guidance to help the nurse apply the NPA and board rules to a given situation so that the nurse can make appropriate decisions that promote safe nursing practice. C. information on employment opportunities, advanced training, and malpractice insurance discounts available through various professional nursing organizations. D. a specific list of tasks that a nurse can or cannot perform based on federal government guidelines. B. guidance to help the nurse apply the NPA and board rules to a given situation so that the nurse can make appropriate decisions that promote safe nursing practice. In a nurse-patient relationship, the most vulnerable patients are those who are A. under anesthesia or sedation. B. wearing a patient or exam gown. C. undergoing chemotherapy. D. using an interpreter. A. under anesthesia or sedation. The mission of the BON supersedes A. the licensing rules for acute care hospitals. B. the regulations for federal agencies. C. the interests of individuals, the profession, or special interest groups. D. the state laws that apply to medical supply services, medical facilities, and physicians. C. the interests of individuals, the profession, or special interest groups. According to the Standards of Nursing Practice, Board Rule 217.11, a comprehensive nursing assessment A. focuses only on one aspect of the patient's status and nursing care needs.

B. requires the nurse to make a medical diagnosis. C. can be initiated by a licensed vocational nurse and co-signed later by a registered nurse. D. can be completed only by a registered nurse. D. can be completed only by a registered nurse. Why does the BON require nurses to disclose that they have been diagnosed with, treated for, or hospitalized with certain mental illnesses? A. Nurses diagnosed with these disorders are required to not practice in psychiatric settings due to their mental health issues. B. Nurses diagnosed with these disorders may lack fitness to practice nursing safely and may require a period of monitored practice by the BON. C. Nurses with these diagnoses are likely to cross professional boundaries. D. The BON just needs the information for statistical tracking of how many nurses have mental health issues. B. Nurses diagnosed with these disorders may lack fitness to practice nursing safely and may require a period of monitored practice by the BON. Which of the following actions by a nurse would comply with the Standards of Nursing Practice in Board Rule 217.11? A. Documenting the medication administration route as intramuscular (IM) (as per physician order) when the nurse accidently administered the medication intravenously (IV). B. Omitting healthcare information on a patient record at the patient's request. C. Documenting an aspect of nursing care provided to a patient after the fact by following facility policy for making a "late entry." D. Documenting a colleague's assessment findings as your own. C. Documenting an aspect of nursing care provided to a patient after the fact by following facility policy for making a "late entry." The integrated pattern of personal, academic, and occupational behaviors that indicate an individual is able to consistently conform his/her conduct to the requirements of the Nursing Practice Act and the Board's rules relates to A. course requirements of the BON prior to entering nursing school. B. an educational background in liberal arts that complements the nursing profession. C. the Florence Nightingale Pledge. D. the BON's rule concerning good professional character. D. the BON's rule concerning good professional character.

A nurse fears that administration of a medication as ordered would place a patient at risk of harm. The nurse would fulfill his duty to the patient if the nurse A. advises the patient of the situation and proceeds only with the patient's consent. B. informs the physician of his concern and requests clarification of the order. C. documents the rationale in the nurse's notes of the patient's medical record. D. requests that the physician release the nurse from responsibility. B. informs the physician of his concern and requests clarification of the order. A temporary permit to practice nursing issued to a graduate of a board-approved nursing educational program A. is only necessary if the nurse does NOT plan to seek employment in nursing until licensed. B. is required only for candidates for a vocational nursing license. C. allows a GN or GVN to practice independently with no other licensed nurse present in the practice setting. D. may be denied based on a licensure candidate's criminal history. D. may be denied based on a licensure candidate's criminal history. Revisions to the NPA can only occur through A. majority popular vote of all nurses. B. petitions from nursing professional organizations. C. bills passed by the U. S. Congress. D. bills passed by the Texas Legislature. D. bills passed by the Texas Legislature. Within the nurse licensure compact agreement, the party state that is the nurse's primary state of residence is called the nurse's A. place of birth. B. contract state. C. jurisdiction. D. home state. D. home state. One way the board carries out its mission to protect the public is by A. ensuring that each nurse is competent to practice safely.

B. mandating student admission requirements for schools of nursing. C. ensuring a positive image of nursing. D. facilitating a nurse's ability to practice in other states. A. ensuring that each nurse is competent to practice safely. A nurse was terminated from three different jobs because he or she was stealing from staff members. The nurse has no pending criminal issues and no criminal history. Though this activity does not involve patients, it may indicate that A. the nurse will repeat similar conduct and exploit patients who trust the nurse to act in their best interest. B. the nurse only steals from fellow employees and would not steal from unsuspecting and vulnerable patients. C. the nurse will delegate tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel that are beyond their scope of practice. D. the nurse is unable to supervise nursing care provided by other licensed nurses. A. the nurse will repeat similar conduct and exploit patients who trust the nurse to act in their best interest. To help a nurse decide if a task is within his or her individual scope of practice, a prudent nurse should A. consider utilizing the Scope of Practice Decision-Making Model. B. obtain a list of tasks a nurse may perform from the BON. C. ask a physician whether the nurse should perform the assigned task. D. engage in the assigned task as long as the nurse has seen someone else perform the task as least once. B. obtain a list of tasks a nurse may perform from the BON. In Texas, advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) may delegate which of the following to unlicensed assistive personnel? A. APRNs can delegate anything a physician would delegate, as APRNs are educated to engage in some aspects of medical diagnosis and medical management. B. Medical diagnosis and nursing assessment in compliance with BON Rules 224 and 225 on RN delegation. C. Advanced practice skills that the APRN learned in his or her advanced practice nursing program of study. D. Activities of daily living, health maintenance activities, and nursing tasks in compliance with BON Rules 224 and 225 on RN Delegation.

D. Activities of daily living, health maintenance activities, and nursing tasks in compliance with BON Rules 224 and 225 on RN Delegation. A person with a history of a substance use disorder who desires to obtain or retain a license to practice nursing may be required to provide evidence that includes all of the following EXCEPT: A. current sobriety and fitness to practice. B. 45 contact hours of continuing nursing education. C. attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings D. positive employer evaluations. C. attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings The Position Statement 15.27 The Licensed Vocational Nurse Scope of Practice on the board's website outlines that LVNs have a "directed" scope of practice "under supervision." This means that A. the LVN must have a supervisor, as outlined in Rule 217.11, accessible at least telephonically or by some other similar means. B. the LVN must have a registered nurse present at all times while they are providing direct patient care. C. a social worker can be the LVN's resource person but the LVN must still work with other healthcare personnel. D. this is a requirement for hospitals so LVNs that work in long-term care facilities are exempt from having a directed scope of practice. B. the LVN must have a registered nurse present at all times while they are providing direct patient care. According to the NPA, Section 301.452 Grounds for Disciplinary Action, the definition of "intemperate use" includes A. drinking alcohol at a social engagement. B. demonstrating unprofessional conduct and displays of anger against co-workers. C. being on-call or on duty while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. D. improperly administering medications to assigned clients. C. being on-call or on duty while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. According to the NPA section 301.403, the Peer Review Committee must report which of the following to the board? A. Any minor incidents the nurse makes while caring for patients. B. A description of any corrective action taken against the nurse. C. The names and addresses of the Peer Review Committee members. D. An organizational chart that reflects the reported nurse's position in the agency.

B. A description of any corrective action taken against the nurse. A nurse is terminated and reported to the BON for committing repeated practice errors. As required in the NPA, the CNO also sends the case to the Incident Based Peer Review (IBPR) Committee because: A. the nurse may convince the committee the errors were not her fault, and the committee can then withdraw the CNO's report to the BON. B. the IBPR Committee can decide to reverse the CNO's decision to terminate the nurse's employment. C. the IBPR Committee may decide to re-orient and re-train the nurse even though she was fired. D. the IBPR Committee is required to review external factors surrounding the practice errors and to report to the facility's Patient Safety Committee as appropriate. D. the IBPR Committee is required to review external factors surrounding the practice errors and to report to the facility's Patient Safety Committee as appropriate. In order for a nurse to appropriately carry out his or her "duty to the patient," the nurse must A. demonstrate strict adherence to professional dress code requirements. B. follow facility policies, whether they are congruent with what the nurse learned in school or not. C. consistently act in the best interest of every patient under the nurse's care. D. achieve a score of 70 percent or better on his or her annual employment performance evaluation. C. consistently act in the best interest of every patient under the nurse's care. A nurse is counseled for questioning a physician's order that made the physician mad. Which of the following documents on the BON web site best explains why the nurse was correct to question a physician's order that the nurse believed could be harmful to a patient? A. Guideline for Nurses Transitioning to a New Practice Setting. B. Statistics on the number of nurses living in each county in Texas. C. Position Statement 15.14 Duty of a Nurse in Any Setting. D. Guideline for LVN Scope of Practice under Board Rule 217.11. C. Position Statement 15.14 Duty of a Nurse in Any Setting. The initial step to invoke Safe Harbor requires that a nurse A. notify the supervisor and submit a written Quick Request for Safe Harbor to the supervisor before accepting the assignment. B. complete a written request to Petition for a Declaratory Order. C. hire an attorney so that all correspondence can be sent through the nurse's legal counsel. D. complete a Licensure Renewal Form, give it to the supervisor, and wait to be notified of the date and time for the peer review hearing.

A. notify the supervisor and submit a written Quick Request for Safe Harbor to the supervisor before accepting the assignment. An advertisement for a "licensed nurse" states the following as routine job responsibilities: "Must work independently without supervision; have expertise in developing nursing care plans, including establishing appropriate nursing diagnoses for assigned patients; and, must be able to complete comprehensive nursing assessments." Based on these responsibilities, this advertisement would require, at a minimum, the nurse to hold a valid A. Advanced Practice Registered Nurse license. B. Physician Assistant license. C. Vocational Nurse license. D. Registered Nurse license. D. Registered Nurse license. An advanced practice registered nurse in an outpatient clinic could delegate which of the following tasks to an unlicensed clinical staff member? A. Administering intramuscular (IM) and subcutaneous (SQ) injections other than insulin. B. Calling in prescription refills of a PRN pain medication for which no refills have been authorized. C. Reviewing routine laboratory results and calling the patient to tell the patient what the results mean. D. Cleansing and dressing a minor leg wound in accordance with step-by-step instructions. D. Cleansing and dressing a minor leg wound in accordance with step-by-step instructions. Knowing, recognizing, and maintaining professional boundaries of the nurse-patient relationship is a nursing standard. Which of the following is a violation of professional boundaries? A. A nurse borrows money from a patient to repair the nurse's car. B. A nurse accepts a box of candy from the patient and shares it with other staff. C. The patient shares a history of substance abuse that the nurse reports during shift change. D. A nurse reports a patient's communicable disease to the health department. A. A nurse borrows money from a patient to repair the nurse's car. A professional nursing association determines that a nurse cheated on a national certification exam. The association disqualifies the nurse from being eligible to seek certification, and suspends the nurse's membership privileges for the association. According to the NPA Section 301.406, Duty of Professional Associations and Organizations to Report, the professional association A. has authority to mandate that the BON suspend the nurse's license in Texas. B. also has a duty to report the nurse to the BON.

C. must publish this disciplinary action against the nurse in the yearly newsletter to its members. D. is required to make a report to local law enforcement authorities as the nurse's deliberate act of cheating may also be considered criminal conduct. B. also has a duty to report the nurse to the BON. A DON terminates a nurse's employment after the nurse reports unsafe conditions to the facility's licensing entity. Whistleblower protection would apply to the nurse A. dependent upon the nurse having liability insurance. B. if the accusations were made in good faith. C. if he or she cannot afford legal counsel. D. after a peer review committee determination. B. if the accusations were made in good faith. Conduct by a nurse that is subject to reporting to the BON includes all of the following EXCEPT: A. conduct that violates the NPA or a board rule and contributed to the death or serious injury of a patient. B. conduct that constitutes a single minor incident in compliance with Board Rule 217.16, Minor Incidents. C. conduct that indicates the nurse lacks the knowledge, skill, judgment, or conscientiousness to such an extent that the nurses continued practice could reasonably be expected to result in patient harm. D. conduct that constitutes abuse, exploitation, fraud, or a violation of professional boundaries. B. conduct that constitutes a single minor incident in compliance with Board Rule 217.16, Minor Incidents. The BON differs from nursing and healthcare specialty associations since the BON A. lobbies for legislation favorable to the practice of nursing. B. sets criteria for evaluating nursing career ladders. C. offers liability insurance at discounted rates for members. D. protects and promotes the welfare of the people of Texas. D. protects and promotes the welfare of the people of Texas. According to Rule 217.12(1), Unprofessional Conduct, one example of an unsafe practice includes failing to A. provide a two-week notice when leaving employment. B. attend a scheduled staff meeting.

C. arrive at work on time twice during the last month. D. manage client records properly. D. manage client records properly. The Standards of Nursing Practice, Board Rule 217.11 state that the LVN scope of practice includes doing which of the following with regard to care plans? A. Initiate the development of a comprehensive nursing care plan independently. B. May not document on the nursing care plan. C. Participate in the modification and development of the nursing care plan. D. Review the nursing care plan only if directed to do so by the physician. C. Participate in the modification and development of the nursing care plan. We have an expert-written solution to this problem! A nurse is attracted to a patient and insists on being assigned to care for this patient every shift she works. As a result there are reports of the nurse not completing other assignments. In this example the nurse A. is merely demonstrating caring behaviors. B. is ensuring continuity of care. C. has become overly involved and is at risk of committing a boundary violation. D. is acting appropriately in maintaining a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship. C. has become overly involved and is at risk of committing a boundary violation. When a nurse steals valuables (such as medications, money, jewelry, or credit cards) from a patient, this may be considered criminal as well as unprofessional conduct involving A. violence against a person. B. theft of property. C. illicit drug use. D. lying and falsification. B. theft of property. A person with a history of chemical dependency on controlled substances who desires to obtain or retain a license to practice nursing may be required to provide evidence of

A. current sobriety and fitness to practice. B. good employer evaluations. C. attendance at five Alcoholics Anonymous meetings each week. D. support system of family and friends. A. current sobriety and fitness to practice. According to BON Position Statement 15.24 Nurses Engaging in Reinsertion of Permanently Placed Feeding Tubes, it would be within the scope of practice for a nurse to replace a gastrostomy tube provided that A. the tube has been in place for 8-12 weeks, the nurse has a physician's order to replace the tube, and the nurse has completed specific competency training to safely replace the tube. B. the tube has been in place for 8-12 weeks, the facility policy allows replacement of a tube with a specific physician's order, and the nurse has not completed the required skills check-off. C. the tube has been in place for 4-6 weeks and the nurse recently observed a supervisor complete the procedure. D. the tube has been in place for 4-6 weeks and the nurse had been determined to be competent in reinserting permanently placed tubes that have an established fistulous tract. A. the tube has been in place for 8-12 weeks, the nurse has a physician's order to replace the tube, and the nurse has completed specific competency training to safely replace the tube. In the NPA, "conduct subject to reporting" includes A. conduct that causes a person to suspect that the nurse's practice is impaired by chemical dependency or drug or alcohol abuse. B. the occurrence of 2 minor incidents within a twelve month period in a facility with no nursing peer review. C. mandatory overtime resulting in sixteen consecutive hours worked. D. a nurse who disagrees with the supervisor over a patient assignment. A. conduct that causes a person to suspect that the nurse's practice is impaired by chemical dependency or drug or alcohol abuse. When an applicant for a nursing license receives a final conviction for first degree murder, the NPA mandates that the applicant A. will be required to complete an ethics and jurisprudence course annually. B. will have to pay $1000 fine as part of the initial license application process. C. will not be eligible to apply for an initial nursing license until five years after being released from community supervision or parole.

D. must provide three letters of reference from law enforcement or parole officers and successfully retake the NCLEX exam. C. will not be eligible to apply for an initial nursing license until five years after being released from community supervision or parole. Which of the following situations is an example of a nurse MAINTAINING appropriate professional boundaries between the nurse and the client? A nurse A. rewards a patient with a small stuffed mascot of his favorite football team for progress made in rehabilitation. B. responds less frequently to a demanding patient's call light. C. shares personal information regarding her recent bankruptcy because the patient seems genuinely interested. D. is personally attracted to a patient and calls and visits him on her days off "to check on how he is doing." A. rewards a patient with a small stuffed mascot of his favorite football team for progress made in rehabilitation. As a nurse in TX what 2 set of rules should you follow? Nursing Practice Act- NPA BON Rules & Regulations Where can you download rules from the BON & NPA? from the BON's website at Where do the BON's rule changes appear? In the newsletter How often is the newsletter mailed? quarterly or every 3 months Where can proposed rules open for public comment be viewed?

  • Secretary of states website
  • in the BON's offices
  • in the Texas Register's Office room 245 James Rudder building 1019 Brazos st in Austin Recite the TX BON mission The mission of the TXBON is to protect and promote the welfare of the people of TX by ensuring that each person holding a license as a nurse is competent to practice safely. How many board members are on the BON? 13

Who are the tx BON members appointed by? governor How does the board fufill its mission?

  • regulates practice of nursing -approves nsg education programs What kind of rules can the board adopt and enforce. (4)
  1. rules to perform its duties and conduct proceedings in front of the board
  2. rules to regulate the practice of RN's & LVN's
  3. rules to establish standards for professional conduct of license holders
  4. determine if an act constitutes professional nursing or vocational nursing. What defines the LVN's scope?
  • Nursing Practice Act
  • BON's Rules & Regulation What is the LVN responsible for? providing safe compassionate and focused nursing care to assigned patients with PREDICTABLE health care Where are the TX nursing program competencies located? In the Board's Differentiated Essential Competencies (DECs) of Graduates of the Texas Nursing Programs Who is required to make sure nursing graduates are up to par with the DEC's? The Nursing programs What do the DEC's serve as? guidelines for employers to assist LVN's as they transition from an educational environment into nursing practice. Who is the LVN an advocate for? the patient & patient's family Who can LVN's practice under?
  1. RN
  2. APRN
  3. Physician
  4. Physician Assistant
  5. Podiatrists
  6. Dentist Define Supervision

the active process of directing, guiding, and influencing the outcome of an individual's performance of an activity Can the LVN practice in a completely independent matter? No Things the LVN scope does not include

  • medical diagnosis -prescription of therapeutic or corrective measures Lvn settings should have... well defined policies, procedures, & guidelines How long should an LVN work in a structured setting? 12-18 months Examples of structured settings NSg homes hospitals, rehab facilities skilled nsg; clinics or private dr's offices What kind of approach should the LVN use when caring for multiple patients? a systematic problem solving approach What kind of nsg care should the LVN provide? individualized, goal directed nursing care How many steps are in the nursing process for LVN's? 4 APIE RN tasks prohibited from delegation
  1. assessment
  2. formulation of a nursing care plan
  3. implementation of parts of the nursing care plan
  4. responsibility and accountability of health education
  5. dose calculation
  6. injectable meds except insulin
  7. meds via a non permanent tube
  8. verbal & telephone orders
  9. Initial dose What are the 5 rights of delegation?

Right Task Right Circumstance Right Person Right Direction/ Communication Right Supervision/ Evaluation Define CNE programs beyond the basic nursing preparation that are designed to promote and enrich knowledge, improve skills, and develop attitudes for the enhancement of nursing practice, thus improving healthcare to the public. How often should you renew CNE? Every 2 years How many CNE hours are required each renewal 20 contact hours; extra CNE hours do not roll over When is the CNE period in relation to renewal? first day after the renewal month to the last day of the subsequent renewal. ie I renew Dec 2012. Cne period is from Jan 1 2011 to Dec 30 2012 What are the 2 primary certification accreditation agencies Accreditation Board for Nsg Certification ABSNC Nat'l Commission for Certifying Agencies NCCA all programs must be approved by 1 of these agencies to count as CNE Academic CNE how luch is 1 semester hour? 15 contact hours Academic CNE- how much is one quarter? 10 contact hours Types of things that dont qualify as CNE liberal arts courses, Basic CPR, in service programs, on the job training, orientation programs, self improvement type courses, economic persons, courses for lay people. Who must receive Forensic Evidence CNE's? Nurses practicing in the ED setting as their home unit, floating, contracted, or other duties that involve functioning in an ED setting or role. 1 time requirement. Temporary Permit grants graduate of a nursing program to practice under an RN or LVN

Inactive Status For person who is not actively engaged , person must submit request in writing. When does the inactive date begins? Can you moonlight? Inactive status begins on expiry date on persons license. You may not practice any nursing service or work. How much is it to renew your license? $55 unexpired $115 expired 90 days or less What kind of issues doesn't the BON regulate employment issues: salaries, staffing ratios, workplace concerns, practice settings, environment. It regulates nurses and protects the public. How many questions and how long is the jurisprudence exam? 50 questions; 2 hours long How long do you have to wait to retake the test if you do not pass with 75%? 7 days. How long does it take the BON to recieve the NClex results? 5-7 days How long do you have to take the NCLEX after you graduate? 4 years within graduation or receiving the ATT; then you must repeat the nursing program Acts of misconduct include...

  • sexual misconduct
  • fraud, theft, and deception
  • substance abuse, dependency, disorder
  • lying and falsification where can I find the nurse practice act bon website; begins with 300's where can i find the BON rules & regulations bon website; begins with 200's what are 3 types of BON CE offerings webinars hosted workshops interactive online CNE opportunity

What is Incident Based Peer Review? Who initiates IBPR? peer review initiated by faculty, association, school, agency, or any other setting that utilizes services of nurses What is Safe Harbor? Who initiates it? initiated by an RN, LVN, or APN PRIOR to accepting an assignment or engaging in conduct the nurse believes would place patients at risk for harm, causing the nurse to violate duty to the patient. This protects the nurse from employer retaliation and action from the BON. What is Peer Review? evaluation of nursing services, qualifications, quality of care, meritsd of a complaint, and determination or recommendation regarding a complaint. Scope LVN supervise & assign Scope RN delegate 6 Step decision making progress

  1. is the act consistent w/ the NPA & BON rules, positions, statements & guidelines?
  2. is the activity appropriately authorized by valid order/ protocol and in accordance w/ established policies & procedures?
  3. is the act supported by research reported in nsg & health related literature or in scope of practice statements by national nursing organizations?
  4. do u possess the req knowledge and have you demonstrated the competency required to carry out this actively safely?
  5. would a reasonable and prudent nurse perform the activity in this setting?
  6. are you prepared to assume accountability for the provision of safe care and the outcome of the care rendered? minor incident is defined as conduct that does not indicate that the continuing practice of nursing by an affected nurse poses a risk of harm to the client or other person circumstances that are never considered minor incidents
  • an error that contributed to death
  • criminal conduct defined in the NPA 301.4535
  • serious violation of the board's Unprofessional Conduct rule 217.12 involving intentional or unethical conduct such as fraud, theft, patient abuse or patient exploitation