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Texas Podiatry Jurisprudence Exam Questions
with Complete Verified Solutions 2024
public communication Any written, printed, visual, or oral statement or other communication made or distributed, or intended for distribution, to a member of the public publication any and all public communications relating to the practitioner's practice, including but not limited to, advertisements, announcements, invitations, press releases, journal articles, periodical articles, leaflets, news stories, materials distributed by private or by United States mail, and signs or placards placed in public view or electronic submission Solicitation a private communication to a person concerning the performance of a Podiatric service for such a person supervision responsibility for the control of quality, radiation safety and protection, and technical aspects of Podiatric radiological procedures utilized in Podiatric medicine for diagnostic purposes How many members are on the Podiatric medical examiners advisory board? Who appoints these members?
- 9 members
- the governor How many members of the Podiatric medical examiners advisory board must be licensed practicing podiatrists? 6 members who have had at least practiced for 5 years prior to appointment How many members of the Podiatric medical examiners advisory board are public members? 3 members What does "Texas trade association" stand for a cooperative and voluntarily joined statewide association of business or professional competitors in this state designed to assist its members and its industry or profession in dealing with mutual business or professional problems and promoting their common interest
Can a person be a member of the advisory board if they are requesting compensation for their activities related to the board or have family members who are involved with a similar health care board? No How do members of the advisory board serve their terms? staggered 6 year terms, 3 members expiring on 2/1 of each ODD numbered year What are grounds for dismissal of a member of Podiatric medical examiners advisory board?
- not qualified
- does not maintain qualifications
- ineligible for membership
- illness or disability which prevents member from completing their duties
- absence from more than half of the regularly scheduled advisory board meetings w/o majority vote for excused absence What is the role of presiding officer? calls meetings, votes before the rest of the board Who appoints the presiding officer of the Podiatric medical examiners advisory board? the governor What are the duties of the advisory board? providing advice and recommendation to the department on technical matters relevant to the administration How many semester hours of undergrad must a candidate for a temporary residency license complete? 90 semester hours When does a temporary podiatry license expire? June 30th of every year How long is a temporary residency license active? 1 year What is the scope of practice for a temporary license holder? a person in training who is limited by the GPME program for residency based supervised patient encounters, supervision of which is designated to protect patients and citizens of Texas How is a temporary residency license identified in Texas "T" followed by numerals What document does a resident have to sign in their final year in order to apply for the podiatry license? memorandum of understanding for conditional issuance Texas doctor of Podiatric medicine license How long does a resident have to provide proof of residency completion for their MOU? 30 days after end of residency graduation
Can a resident who holds a doctor of Podiatric medicine license practice podiatry under the new title prior to completion of residency? NO! while still a resident, the provider will practice under the temporary license, and will remain subject to the scope and limits of the GPME program, and shall not practice podiatry under the Doctor of Podiatric Medicine license until after successful completion and graduation from the GPME program and after providing to the department proof of such completion and graduation How long can a temporary residency license be extended? 3 months How many times can a temporary residency license extension be granted? maximum of 2 times What additional information can be required from an applicant for permanent licensure if the applicant has been out of practice for 2 years?
- additional education
- examinations
- training How long is a doctor of Podiatric medicine license valid? 2 years What qualifications must a sponsor for an applicant's provisional license hold?
- 5 years of good standing under the act
- ensure the applicant is working within the same office as the licensee under direct supervision How long is a provisional license valid for?
- 180 days How many times can a provisional license be renewed?
- 3 times When can GPME requirements be waived for provisional license? if the applicant has been practicing for at least 5 years in another state under license of that state with acceptable record from the state in which the applicant was licensed When did Texas begin the National boards Part III/PM Lexis requirement for licensure come into effect? 1/29/ How many hours of CME are required every 24 months? 50 hours How many of the 50 hours of CME is required to be ethics related? 2 hours How many hours of CME are required to be completed regarding approved procedures of prescribing and monitoring controlled substances? 2 hours
How often does a licensed podiatrist who prescribed opioids have to attend a course covering best practices, alternative treatment options, and multi-modal approaches to pain management per CME period? How long does each session have to be? 2 times, once annually 1 hour course What qualifies as appropriate CME crediting events?
- hospital Podiatric medical grand rounds
- APMA/APMA affiliated organizations
- state
- county or regional Podiatric medical association
- university sponsored pod medical meetings
- hospital Podiatric medical meetings How many hours of home study and self-study programs will be accepted for CME credit hours? up to 20 hrs How many credits of CME is CPR training worth? How many CME hours is ACLS worth? Can you get credit for both?
- 3 hours
- 6 hours
- no How many CME credit hours can a practitioner receive for a published article? 1 hr How many hours can carry over to the next CME period if there is an excess of 50 hours completed biannually? 10 credit hours When do CME hours need to be sent to the department for review? if audited How does the audit process look like?
- random selection of sample license holders
- if selected, the license holder shall submit copies of certificates, transcripts, or other documentation satisfactory to the department, verifying the license holder's attendance and participation and completion of the continuing education
- failure to timely furnish this information w/in 30 days or providing false info can be grounds for disciplinary action
- if selected for continued education during renewal period, license holder may submit renewal fees at that time for permanent licensure Can CME required for disciplinary action be counted towards biannual CME requirements? No what was the Texas legislature that allowed authority to establish a 1 or 2 year license term for licensees? Texas Legislature 85 in chapter 202 When can CME be exempted?
- hardships for the practitioner which the executive director can clear How much time does a provider have to complete delinquent hours? 3 years Which agency published the recommendations for HBOT care? Undersea and Hyperbaric medical society (UHMS) Where can HBOT be done? In a hospital setting What is the document that determines the scope of HBOT practice of a podiatrist? Podiatric Medical Practice Act How long is the HBOT certificate active and what is the cost for the certificate?
- $
- 1 year How long do certificate holders have to inform the department of any address change or change of hospital setting no later than ___ days? 10 days Define Conscious sedation? the production, by pharmacological or non-pharmalogical methods, or a combination thereof, of an altered level of consciousness in a patient What are the requirements of the didactic and clinical course which includes aspects of monitoring patients and the hands-on use of the gas machine?
- directed by a licensed and certified MD, DO, DDS, or DPM in the state of Texas with advanced educational and clinical experience in NO/O
- minimum of 4 hours didactic work
- minimum of 6 hours clinical works What certifications are required to practice conscious sedation with NO/O2?
Which members in the office must be trained in CPR if NO/O2 is being used?
- all of them How much does the license for NO/O2 cost? $ What aspects of the patient's medical state need to be documented prior to conscious sedation? patient's health and medical status to ensure that NO/O2 is medically appropriate What equipment safety criteria must be met for gas machine?
- 30% oxygen flow min
- glass tubes present
- room air flow if bag is empty
- NO fail safe (will not flow without oxygen)
- non-rebreathing check valve
- O2 flush
- auxiliary oxygen outlet with one demand valve resuscitation assembly per office What requirements are needed for all practitioners using NO?
- functioning vacuum
- scavenger system
- appropriate emergency drugs and equipment for resuscitations
- manifold to provide for protection against over-pressure with AUDIBLE alarm system How often does the NO/O2 machine need to be service checked up? 3 year basis What is voluntary charity care medical care provided for no compensation to indigent populations, medically underserved areas, disaster relief How often does the voluntary charity care status need to be renewed? every 2 years How many CME hours need to be completed for the voluntary charity care status? 25 hours What are the consequences of making superior claims with advertising? lose license, grounds for denial How long do all practitioners need to retain records of recordings, transcripts, or copies of all public communications? 24 months Which requirements are needed for a certifying board that is not recognized by the council on Podiatric Medical Education of the American Podiatric Medical Association?
- written and oral examinations must be passed within speciality of pod med
- certifying board had written proof by IRA that the board is tax exempt
- has certifying board with permanent headquarters and staff
- all practitioners who are seeking certification have completed identifiable and substantial training Can the terms "board eligible" or "board qualified" be used for advertising? No If there is a change of address, how long does the practitioner have to report the changes? 10 days Whose responsibility is it to ensure that a Podiatric medical radiological technician is trained an registered with the department? the provider How old do you have to be a Podiatric medical radiological technician? 18 or older How many hours of clinical and didactic training requirements are required for proof of completion for a Podiatric medical radiological technician? 20 hrs How many successful productions of x-rays are required for out of classroom training? 60 Does a pod medical rad tech need to be registered? YES How long is a Podiatric medical radiological technician license valid? When are the licenses renewed? 1 year Sept 1 2020 How long do radiological records of Podiatric care need to be retained? 5 years after treatement How long does a practitioner have to send records of imaging once medical records are requested? w/in 30 days Can the practitioner hold onto requested information until payment is received? Yes In the event that the payment for imaging is not routed with request for records within ___ days after receiving request, the practitioner will notify the requesting party in WRITING of the need for payment and may withhold information until payment is complete
10 days Can a practitioner give notification given before to discontinue treatment to a patient to give the patient reasonable time to secure the services of another practitioner or all Podiatric medical services actually begun have been completed and there is no contract or agreement to provide further treatment? Yes What constitutes sexual impropriety? behavior, gestures, or expressions that are seductive, sexually suggestive, or sexually demeaning to a patient/staff (ex examination of genitals without gloves) What is sexual exploitation? breakdown of professionalism in the physical/patient/staff relationship constituting sexual abuse (ex coercive power) What are the responsibile steps need to be taken prior to prescribing controlled substances to patients?
- review Texas Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) database
- pt's identifiers match
- initial H&P performed and documented
- schedule II prescription copies must be placed in records and charts
- alternative therapies are noted as discussed and prescribed When does PMP not need to be evaluated prior to prescribing meds? hospice care, cancer pts What is true about schedule 1 drugs in USA? not prescribed because of concern for addiction When can a podiatrist prescribe an opioid-antagonist? a podiatrist may prescribe an opioid antagonist to a person at risk of experiencing an opioid-related drug overdose or to a family member, friend, or other person in a position to assist the person who is at risk of experiencing an opioid-related drug overdose Define acute pain normal, predicted, physiological response to stimulus such as trauma, disease, and operative procedures What are conditions not considered acute pain?
- chronic pain
- cancer treatment
- hospice care
- palliative care How many days worth of opioids can a podiatrist prescribe for acute pain? 10 days worth Since what date have controlled substances been requested to be ordered electronically? 1//1/ Under what circumstances can you prescribe controlled substances outside of electronic means?
- emergency
- if medication is filled out of state
- if the prescriber and dispenser are in the SAME location under the SAME license
- for a drug that the FDA requires more information that can be submitted online
- for a non-patient-specific prescription pursuant of standing order, approved protocol for drug therapy, collaborative drug mngmt, comprehensive medication mngmt, or in response to public health emergency
- drug for research protocol
- practitioner with a waiver
- if it is impractical for patient to obtain meds if prescribed electronically If a practitioner has a waiver to prescribe meds outside of electronic means, how long does waiver last? When can renewal be started? 1 year 30 days or less from expiration of waiver A practitioner's waiver of electronic prescribing request form must contain sufficient evidence of one or more of the following that, in the judgment of the executive director, justify the issuance of a waiver:
- economic hardship
- technological limitations
- exceptional circumstance that is shown by the practitioner What is the cost to extend the temporary license? $ How much does doctor of Podiatric medicine initial license? $ How much does renewal of the Podiatric medicine license cost? $ How much does it cost to duplicate license/replacement license? $ How soon after a complaint or claim must information be provided and what information needs to be sent in addition? within 30 days, copy of claim letter or petition If a license suspension is probated, the commission or executive director may require the licensee to: (1) report regularly to the department on matters that are the basis of the probation; (2) limit practice to the areas prescribed by the commission or executive director; or (3) continue or review continuing professional education until the licensee attains a degree of skill satisfactory to the department in those areas that are the basis of the probation. What is anonymous complaints? a complaint that lacks sufficient information to identify the source of the name of the person who filed the complaint define insurance agent person licensed under under chapter 4504 Define insurer means an insurance company of other entity authorized to engage in the business of insurance Define third-party administrator a person required to have a certificate of authority under chapter 4151 insurance code Can the department accept any anonymous complaints? No Define expert witness a podiatrist or other qualified individual with whom the department contracts to assist the department with reviewing, investigating, or prosecuting complaints filed under the chapter When are confidentiality wavers waved for the peer review committee?
during a peer review committee, a person reviewing the material is on a peer review committee, or if a civil action is filed as a result of participating in peer review Except for an action involving fraud, conspiracy, or malice, a podiatric peer review committee is immune from liability and may not be subject to a suit for damages for any act arising from the performance of the committee's duties in:
- investigating a disagreement or complaints
- holding a hearing to determine facts
- making an evaluation, recommendation, decision, or award involving
- podiatrist who is a member of the Podiatric medical society or association
- another podiatrist, Podiatric patient, or third party who requests the services of the committee When can claims be asked for defense costs? counterclaim can be made in subsequent suit to recover defense costs, including court costs, attorney's fees, and damages IF the original claim is determined to be frivolous or to have been brought in bad faith Who has the power to revoke or suspend a license? the commission or executive director Where can an appeal be made by a person who has had their license revoked or suspended for a drug-related felony? travis county district When can a license be suspended for a drug-related felony? after conviction of felony How soon after a license has been revoked can a practitioner apply for reissuing? 1 year after initial revocation date How much refund can the executive director order for a penalty? the amount paid by the patient, cannot exceed that amount to damages When can the department, under reasonable business hours, enter a business premises?
- to investigate a complaint filed with the department
- determine the compliance with an order of the commission or executive director issued How much is the cost of a civil penalty for each day of violation? Min $50 max $ What is the punishment for general criminal penalty for practicing without a license?
- min $50 and max $
- confinement in county jail for NOT less than 30 days and NOT MORE than 6 months
- both fine and confinement What is the criminal penalty for amputation of a foot?
- a fine not less than $100 or more than $
- confinement for not less than 30 days and not more than 6 months
- both fine and confinement Define podiatry the treatment of or offer to treat any disease, disorder, physical injury, deformity, or ailment of the human foot by any system or method Claims that are not required to be reported under the 202 chapter include, but are not limited to, the following:
- civil violations
- product liability claims
- antitrust alligations
- allegations regarding improper peer review activities
- business disputes
- allegations of liability of injuries occurring on Podiatric physician's property, but not involving breach of duty in the podiatric physician-patient relationship