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THE CAUSES OF CYBERBULLYING IN THE FILM ..., Lecture notes of Qualitative research

The objective of this research is to describe the causes of Cyber bullying by. Ben Chanan, the object of this research is film Cyberbully by Ben Chanan. This.

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Download THE CAUSES OF CYBERBULLYING IN THE FILM ... and more Lecture notes Qualitative research in PDF only on Docsity! THE CAUSES OF CYBERBULLYING IN THE FILM "CYBERBULLY" BY BEN CHANAN THESIS Submitted to the Board of Examiners In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For Literary Degree at English Literature Department by FITRI NURAINI NIM: AI.160783 ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SULTAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI 2020 joFakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN-STS Jambi. Maka, defigan itu: kami-ajukan a sktipsi tersebut agar dapat diterima dengan baik, ° Déiikianlah kami ueapkak tefima Kasih, semoga bermanfaat: bagi © Kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti. 2. Wassalamtcalaikim wewh Cc 3 @ Pembimbing T Pembimbing It gs. =z 2 E ® A = ve 23e ea one ~ a Oo, i 2 2 a N rr grogk 3 gfg3g NOTA DINAS aeade a 5 2ea8 o ee 3852 2 ¢ Jambi; 12 Oktober 2020. higse 2 gs6as 32598 QPembimbing! — ; Dr Alfian re eae & Pembimbing tt » Firdiansyah, SS,MA S5R25 ~ Alama ~ : Fakultas Adab.dan Hamaniors, 829868 UEN STS Jambi ay 20a 28ag -Kepada Yeh 9358 nD ‘Dekan Fakultas Adab dan'Hurmaniora: as a § UCN STS Jambi sg ag ” Tempat 528% zaps Asédlamu’ateikian wr.wb gehe Selélah .mémbuca. dan’ micngudakan perbaikan seperlunya,. maka, kami zeos ‘berpendiapat bahwa:sktipsi saudara: Fitri Nuraini, Nim. AT.160703 ‘yang berjudul eep8 “The Causes of Cyberbullying in The Film ‘Crberbully by: Ben’ Chanan”’, ag2d telah dapat diajukan untuk dimunagosahkan. guna meclengkapi tagas ~ tugas ‘dan: $ zea ‘memenuhisyarat — syarat untuk -memperol¢h. gelar sarjana-strata satu (St) pada ans = a a 8 a8 g 26 3 Gt gx O68 a a = é 2 83 g 38 a a8 3 a NIP; 19791230200604103 “YD/OSOW NLONSs UD NO[Ul, NOLO yYLA UOS|NUed ‘UdJOdo] UOUNsnAUad ‘YOILU|) OAD UOS|NUad "UDI! IQUIDP UIPPnyog PYDY! UDU4| ORIGINAL THESIS STA’ OFitri Nuraini re | whorsigned 2 @ Hak cipta milik UIN Sutha z A Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang: 1. Dilarang mengutip sebagian dan atau seluuh karya tulis ini tanpa mencantumkan da menyebutkan sumber asili: a. Pengutipan hanya untuk kepentingan pendidikan, penelitian, penulisan karya ilmiah, penyusunan laporan, penulisan kritik atau tinjavan suatu masalah. sunanmanasaruoon — B- Pengutipan tidak merugikan kepentingan yang wajar UIN Sutha Jambi een 2. Dilarang memperbanyak sebagaian dan atau selumuh karya tulis ini dalam bentuk apapun tanpa izin UIN Sutha Jambi : English Literature Dep — Faculty By signing this letter, F state that the thesis entitled“The: Causes. of Cyberbullying in The Film: Cyberbully by Hen:Chanan”. is my original work. If this thesis is not original of cheating fiom other researcher, | will be ready 10 be f State Islamic UniversitySulhan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. fesponsible and get punistiment based on the rule of Adab and Humanities Faculty Thes anti, 12” October:2020. El ‘Therefore; J make this statement in-good health and-mind,, rote Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi v MOTTO ٓ ٌُْهْن َوََل ًَِسبٌٓء هِّ ي ًَِّسبٍٓء َعَسى ٓ أَى يَُكىًُى۟ا َخْيًرا ّهِ ي قَْىٍم َعَسى ٓأَيَُّهب ٱلَِّذيَي َءاَهٌُى۟ا ََل يَْسَخْر قَْىٌم ّهِ يَ ِي ۚ يَو ِب ۖ بِئَْس ٱِلِْسُن ٱْلفُُسىُق بَْعدَ ٱْْلِ ٌُْهيَّ ۖ َوََل تَْلِوُزٓو۟ا أًَفَُسُكْن َوََل تٌََببَُزو۟ا بِٱْْلَْلقَ أَى يَُكيَّ َخْيًرا ّهِ ِلُوىىَ )١١( ئَِك ُهُن ٱلظَّ ٓ َوَهي لَّْن يَتُْب فَأُ۟ولَ O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one‟s] faith. And whoever does not repeant- then it is those who are the wrongdoers. 1 Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah sekumpulan orang laki-laki merendahkan umpulan yang lain, boleh jadi yang ditertawakan itu lebih baik dari mereka. Dan jangan pula sekumpulan perempuan merendahkan kumpulan lainnya, boleh jadi yang direndahkan itu lebih baik. Dan janganlah suka mencela dirimu sendiri dan jangan memanggil dengan gelaran yang mengandung ejekan. Seburuk-buruk panggilan adalah (panggilan) yang buruk sesudah iman dan barangsiapa yang tidak bertobat, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang zalim. 2 1 Mushaf, Qur’an tajweed international, (Bandung : Al Qur‟anul karim, 2016), p. 516 2 Mushaf Al-Burhan Edisi Wanita Tajwid, (Bandung: Fitrah Rabbani, 2009), p. 516 vi DEDICATION I thank to Allah SWT who has blessed and strength on me, so I can accomplish this thesis. Shalawat and salam to Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought human’s life to a better life and to a beautiful world. Proudly, I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents. My father M.Yusuf and my beloved mother Maryana who taught me that even the largest task can be accomplished if it is done one step at a time. And who always loves, support, educated and prayer for me and also taught me the real life and religion and as the inspiration of my success. THANK YOU SO MUCH! ix ABSTRACT Fitri Nuraini,2020 :The Causes of Cyberbullying In the Film Cyberbully by Ben Chanan Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, M. Hum The objective of this research is to describe the causes of Cyber bullying by Ben Chanan, the object of this research is film Cyberbully by Ben Chanan. This research employs descriptive qualitative research.The object of this research is the film Cyberbully by Ben Chanan. The data of this research were all Cyber Bullying contained in the film Cyberbully by Ben Chanan. The data are classified from kinds of Cyber Bullying by Nancy E. Willard theory. Then, the factors that causes of Cyber Bullying were categorized by using Peggy J. Parks‟s theory.The findings of research show that kinds of cyber bullying they are harrasment, denigration, impersonation, outing, rickery, and cyberstalking. In conclusion, outing was mostly dominant used in the film cyberbully by Ben Chanan. The factors that causes of Cyber Bullying consist ofRevenge, Frustration, Entertaiment or bored and have to much time, For laughs or to get reaction, and social media. In conclusion, social media was mostly dominant used in in the film Cyberbully by Ben Chanan. Keywords : Cyber Bullying, in the film Cyberbully by Ben Chanan. x ABSTRAK …… Fitri Nuraini,2020 : The causes of cyberbullying in the film Cyberbully by Ben Chanan Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, M. Hum Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan jenis-jenis, faktor-faktor penyebab dari film bulli dunia maya oleh Ben Chanan. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah the film cyberbully. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Objek penelitian ini adalah film Cyberbully by Ben Chanan. Data penelitian ini adalah semua bulli dunia maya yang ada di dalamfilm Cyberbully. Data tersebut diklasifikasikan dari jenis cyber bullying menurut teori Nancy E. Willard. Faktor penyebab bulli dunia maya dengan menggunakan teori Peggy J. Parks. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada enam jenis bulli dunia maya, yaitu; pelecehan 1 data, fitnah data, peniruan 1 data, tamasya 3 data, rickery 1 data, cyberstalking 1 data, dan tamasya sebagian besar lebih dominan digunakan di dalam film Cyberbully by Ben Chanan. Faktor-faktor penyebab bulli dunia maya terdiri dari balas dendam 1 data, frustasi 1 data, hiburan atau kebosanan dan memiliki waktu luang yang banyak 1 data, untuk tertawa ataumendapatkan reaksi 1 data, sosial media 2 data, dan sosial media sebagian besar lebih dominan digunakan didalam film Cyberbully by Ben Chanan. Kata Kunci : bulli dunia maya, film cyberbully by Ben Chanan xi TABLE OF CONTENT NOTA DINAS ................................................................................................. i APPROVAL.................................................................................................... ii LETTER OF RATIFICATION. ................................................................... iii ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ........................................................... iv MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ix ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... x TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem........................................................... 1 B. Formulation of the Problem .......................................................... 4 C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................................. 4 D. Purpose of the Research ................................................................ 4 E. Significance of the Research ......................................................... 5 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Psychologycal Approach ............................................................... 6 B. Media Social .................................................................................. 7 C. The Definition of Cyberbullying ................................................... 9 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problems Popular literary work is one of cultures that purpose to introduce the mass literary works the examples song, music, film, cinema. This culture be from the works of society that present their ideas through the modern media. This culture is also spread to this whole world like a daily consumption. Williams stated the recent sense of the famous culture as the culture, actually made by people for themselves is different from all, it is often displaced to the past such as folk culture, but it is also an important modern emphasis. Strinati stated in her book An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture that popular culture itself has to be seen as a diverse and varied set of images, genres, texts, and representations that can be found across a range of different media. Finally, popular culture can be created by society to show their own culture through the interesting Medias like film or song. The motion picture is better known as film. This is one of the popular literary works that can be accepted as a useful media to express feelings, ideas and thoughts . Film is also considered as a good communication media for the masses, because of its audio-visual nature of living images and sounds, with sound and pictures, films can tell a lot in a short time. When watching a film, the audience seems to be able to penetrate the space and time that can be told. The strength and ability of films to reach many social segments, then making the film's friends have the potential to influence the audience. According to David and Kristin in their book An Introduction: Film Art, motion pictures are so much a part of people‟s lives that it‟s hard to imagine a world without them. They also state, film communicates information and ideas and films show people places and ways of life. Film brings people through the experiences, the experiences are often driven by stories with characters, a film might also develop an idea or to explore visual qualities or sound textures. In other words, a film brings people on a journey, offering a patterned experience 2 that engages people‟s emitions and minds. In addition, in general, films have several genres to tell viewers about the story line. These are action, drama, historical drama, fictional fantasy, etc. Among several genres, one interesting genre is film drama. Drama films fall into one branch of the romance genre. Romance is a type of literary work that is part of a long epic. Roman is a work of a picture of the world created by the author, in which shows the whole life of a character and his problems, especially in relation to social life. In its development, romance became a work that was very popular. In this movie background tells the condition or impact of cyberbullying. The original screenplay of the film "Cyberbully" was written by Ben Chanan and David Lobatto, writers of the United Kingdom. It was also directed by Ben Chanan, and was released on January 15, 2015. This film takes place in the room of Casey Jacobs, played by Maisie Williams. The writer have two reasons why chose this film, the first because this film get was nominated for the 2016 Bafta TV Awards in the Single Drama category. The writer takes the sources The second. Because most other bully films only tell about bullying in the real world or just the environment in which they live, but it is different from this film. This film tells a bully on social media where the effect will have a more beneficial impact which all accounts netted with the victim's account will find out. Not only accounts that are netted with him can see post bullies, but the whole world will find out. The impact on victim psychologists is greater.y. In this film won the 2016 Prix Italia in the TV drama category. Incase of the film the writer to analyze, The film takes place entirely in the bedroom of Casey Jacobs and happens in real time. This film tells the story of a teenage woman, whose life revolves on social media which then bites her again. They are Casey Jacob, Megan, Jenifer Li, Nathan, and Hacker. Casey is teenager who plays two characters as bully and cyberbully victim. Nathan plays the role a bully and cyberbully victim commited by Casey, and 3 Jenifer Le characters is a cyberbully victim commited by Casey. Finally, who played an important role in this film is a hacker as a bully. It started when Casey Jacobs was Skype with his close friend Megan, and it turned out that on Twitter his ex-girlfriend Casey, Nathan tweeted bad words about Casey. In words, if Casey is an anti-depressant. Seeing that Megan as Casey's best friend didn't accept her friend being humiliated like that. Then Megan directly contacted Alex, with the aim of asking for help to hack Nathan's account as an act of revenge, but Alex refused to do it. After Casey and Megan finished Skype, Casey got an instant message in the name of Alex. The message contained a link to hack or infiltrate Nathan's account. Then Casey immediately made a tweet that embarrassed Nathan. When Casey looks closely at the instant message that became Alex. He discovers irregularities, and then the hacker began to carry out his actions and torture by threatening to post 5 nude photos that he sent to his ex- girlfriend, if he doesn't do exactly what he says. This film shows both sides, namely the bullied and the culprit. In this research, the writer has a challenge to analyze the film using the theme that concerns with The Causes of Cyberbullying in The Film "Cyberbully" by Ben Chanan. The writer will analyze the cause of cyberbullying. Cyberbulying is a category of bullying that occurs in the digital realm/ medium of electronic text. In generally cyberbullying is dine through media networking sites social like Facebook and Twitter. Sometimes it is also done via SMS as well as conversation Messenger in Instant Messaging services like Yahoo Messenger or MSN Messenger. The writer find to problem in this film, that is abuse on social media, social media should be used to build networks with people far away or used for positive things. It's different with this film, in this film social media is used for negative things, like mocking other people, so that the abuse of social media can be fatal, such as depression, or suicide. 6 CHAPTTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Psychologycal Approach According to Hardjana, literary study that uses psychology as an approach is a study to search and to find the same concept or perception of psychological aspect in characterizations of the characters in the literary work with certain theories of psychology. He also states that people can observe character‟s behavior in a novel, drama etc through the helping of psychological approach and knowledge.Jatman in Endraswara psychology and literature have a functional and indirect strong relationship. They have an indirect relationship for both literature and psychology have the same object of study that is human life. They also have a functional relationship for having the same purpose. That is to study human psychology. In real life when we have a relationship with other people, we can see their psychological character. They act differently to make response toward what other people do to them. 3 According Grunbaum psycology is the study of human and animal behavior with the object of understanding why living beings as they do. It is a study of all human dialy activity. Psycology is most famous figure is also of the most influential and controversial thinkers of the twentieth century. Sigmen Freud is work and theories helps shape our views of chilhood, personality, memory, sexuality, and theapy. Psycology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. 4 It also to investigate whether or not person of having abnormal behavior, the study of abnormal psychology and personality psychology can be applied. Abnormal psychology is the study of abnormal behavior in order 3 Grita Ismaringga, “Traumatic Behaviors As The Impactof War Crimein Peter Webber’s Film Hannibal Rising”, Semarang State University 2008, p. 7 4 Grunbaum, A. The fondations of psycoanalisys: A philoshopical critique. (Berkeley, CA: Univeersity of California Press, 1998 ), p. 142 7 to describe, predict, explain, and change abnormal behavior of functioning. Meanwhile the definition of personality psychology is the study of individual‟s personality includes the study about psychological patterns of attitudes, emotions and thought. 5 B. Social Media Bradley (2010) calls for a clearer definition in the field and indicates that “at its foundation, social media is a set of technologies and channels targeted at forming and enabling a potentially massive community of participants to productively collaborate” (“A New Definition of Social Media,” 2010). Thus, a major component of social media comes in the form of the inherent features that focus on interaction between and among community members. 6 Nations (n.d.) defines the term by breakingit down, indicating that media are instruments of communication, such as newspapers and the radio. Thus Nations (n.d.) agrees with Bradley (2010) in that social media are social instruments of communication where information is shared and interaction takes place. While this is true, the term social media in other definitions seems to focus on things such as social bookmarking, social photo sharing, social video sharing, and other forms of user- generated content (Bian, Agichtein, Liu, & Zha, 2008) and not on other forms of communication tools that individuals use tointeract with one another such as cell phones, texting, and instant messaging when all these tools are used to facilitate interaction andcommunication-sharing. While we agree that social media do featureinteraction around media items such as videos and current eventswhich is important in this study, we feel that the term media is toorestricting as it fails to incorporate some of the tools and actions (i.e.,cell phones and texting) which teens are using the most. Thus, we feelthat the more encompassing term social technology is a moreappropriate as it includes these other forms of communication tools forthis particular study. 7 5 Grita Ismaringga, “Traumatic Behavior As The Impactof War Crimein Peter Webber’s Film Hannibal Rising”, Semarang State University, 2008, p. 7-9 6 Nicole L. Weber and William V. Pelfrey, Jr. Cyberbullying Causes, Consequences, and Coping Strategies , (Manufactured in The United States of America 2014), p. 6 7 Nicole L. Weber and William V. Pelfrey, Jr. Cyberbullying Causes, Consequences, and Coping Strategies , p. 7 8 C. The Definition of Cyberbullying Dooley, Pyzalski, and Cross cite the definition found in Smith et al, in that cyberbullying is “an aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or an individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victims who cannot easlily defend him or herself. 8 The absence of a universal cyberbullying definition is due to a lack of conceptual clarity. Tokunaga emphasized a need for consistent not disparate conceptual and operational definitions. The quality of an operational measure rests heavily on the context where clarity and richness of the conceptual definition from which it is derived. Yet, the absence of a single definition can lead respondents astray and invalidate subsequent findings since most people lack an even rudimentary understanding of cyberbullying and conclusions and eliminates the possibility of drawing meaningful cross-study comparisons. Tokunaga found the multidimensionality of the cyberbullying construct renders a simple yes/no response almost impossible to accomplish, much less interpret and provide a reliable and valid measure of the cyberbullying. Every definition has one commonality. Cyberbullying is a category of bullying that occurs in the digital realm/medium of electronic text. Wong-Lo cautions while a universal definition may be a useful tool for researchers, results suggest that it does not necessarily yield a more rigorous measure of bullying victimization. 9 Cyber-bullying is a completely new form of bullying, made possible by our youth culture‟s preoccupation and expertise with computer technology (and other forms of technology as well). Cyber-bullying is defined by Hinduja and Patchin as “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices”. Unfortunately, cyber- bullying has opened up whole new worlds of harassment to students with a 8 Nicole L. Weber and William V. Pelfrey, Jr. Cyberbullying Causes, Consequences, and Coping Strategies , (Manufactured in The United States of America 2014), p, 32. 9 Wong-Lo in Charles E. Notar, Sharon Padgett, Jessica Roden ” Cyberbullying: A Review of the Literature”, Universal Journal of Educational Research 1(1): 1-9, 2013, p. 2 11 E. Factors that causes of Cyberbullying Psychologists and Internet security experts have extensively studied cyberbullying, with one focus on determining why people engage in it.Surveys of students in middle school and high school have consistently shown that those who participate in cyberbullying do so for multiple reasons. Aftab explains: “When it comes to cyberbullying, they are often motivated by anger, revenge or frustration. Sometimes they do it for entertainment or because they are bored and have too much time on their hands and too many tech toys available to them. Many do it for laughs or to get a reaction. 13 For a study published in August 2010, researchers from Georgia State University sought high school students‟ perceptions about motivations of cyberbullies. Some of the reasons given included wanting to appear tougher or cooler online than they were in real life, boredom, jealousy, and a desire to gain attention and/or acceptance from their peers. Respondents also said that some who cyberbully do so out of revenge; it was the only way they felt they could get back at people who had hurt them. As one student who admitted to cyberbullying a classmate said: “I was really angry and he was not nice to me and he deserved it.” 14 Then cyberbullying occurs across a variety of venues and mediums in cyberspace, and it shouldn‟t come as a surprise that it occurs most often where adolescents congregate. In the early 2000s, many kids hung out in chat rooms, and as a result that is where most harassment took place. In recent years, most youth are have been drawn to social media (such as Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok/, and Twitter), voice/text chat in popular games (Roblox, League of Legends, Overwatch, PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds, Fortnite) and videosharing and streaming sites (such as YouTube, Twitch, and Live.Me). This trend has led to increased reports of cyberbullying occurring in those environments. We are also seeing it happen in augmentedreality (AR) and 13 Peggy J. Parks, Cyberbullying, (Reference Point Press, Inc. Prented in the United States, 2013), p. 14 14 Peggy J. Parks, Cyberbullying, p. 14- 15. 12 virtual reality (VR) environments,in social gaming sites, and in anonymous apps that come and go on a regular basis. 15 F. Review Related Research In this thesis, the research search review some researches that his correlation with this study.The description of this study as follow: The first researchis by Ajeng Septianifrom The University of Gadjah Madawith the title “Bullying Dalam Film Uahan Geojitmal”. 16 This research is about a representation of bullying in the movie of Uahan Geojitmal. The purpose of this research is to describe types of bullying also representation and critic to bullying in Korean society through this movie. The theory used in this research is sociology of literature, literature as reflection of society. Data in this research is in the form of the dialogue and pictures from the movie. Based on the result of the research, types of bullying represented in movie Uahan Geojitmal are verbal bullying, non-verbal bullying, physical bullying, ostracizing, and cyber bullying. Types of bullying and its impacts such as depression and suicide are representation of modern day Korean society issue. The second researchis Yenata Eprilli Anindita from the Graduate College of the University of Pasundan with the title “Repsentasi Bullying Dalam Film Wonder”. 17 This film was made because in 2017 this was the highest level of bullying in the United States. The purpose of this research is to find out the denotation, connotation, and philosophy of the film, to find out how the study takes place too. This research is based on the theory of Roland Barthes, and the theorists support the representation theory. This theory helps explain how intimidation is concerned with the film and the theory is able to describe how the denotation, connotation, and title in the film Wonder. The research method used by researchers in the preparation of this thesis is the qualitative research method with the theory of the Analysis of Semia Roland Barthes, which discusses denotation, connotation, and myths. 15 Sameer Hinduja & Justin W. Patchin “Cyberbullying Identification, prevention, and Response. (Research Center: New York, 2019), p. 2 16 Ajeng Septiani, “Bullying Dalam Film Uahan Geojitmal”Universitas Gadjah Mada 2017 17 Yenata Eprilli Anindita, “Repsentasi Bullying Dalam Film Wonder” The University Pasundan, 2018 13 The third research is Mochammad Luthfi Nugraha from University of Pasundan with the title “Analisis Semiotika Film A girl Like Her”. 18 This research is titled A Girl Like Her Film Semiotics Analysis (Mental Oppression for Youth Development). The purpose of this research is to find out the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth in the A Girl Like Her film related to cyberbullying. And a film can convey a message about the influence of cyberbullying on adolescent mental development, and how to prevent cyberbullying from the reality of social media in society. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method which is an in-depth study. Qualitative research methods are used if the research problem does not clearly understand an apparent meaning. As well as using the theory of Semiotics Roland Barthes to analyze the meanings contained in each scene in the film A Girl Like Her by referring to the theory of Peter L. Berger and Luckman's Social Reality Construction. Based on the results of the study, the researchers drew the conclusion that this film explains the crime of cyberbullying can have a major effect on the mental development of adolescents. The impact of cyberbullying can provide lessons that can be taken. From the preview of related above research, it can be seen that this study has differences and similarities from them. The difference of this research from the reserch above is this study was conducted to find out the types of cyberbullyiing, and also focuses on the cause of cyber bullying, and the another researches from the preview of related above was conducted some researches like representation, critic to bullying, find out dnnotation, connotation, philosophy, meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth related to cyberbullying. While the similarity is that this study together discuss about bullying or cyber bullying and also conduct qualitative research method. 18 Mochammad Luthfi Nugraha, “Analisis Semiotika Film A girl Like Her”University Pasundan, 2019 16 It means that in the qualitative research there are some method to collect the data, there are participation in the setting, direct observation, interview and document review. The writer will use documentation to get the information and analyze the problem of the research. “dokumentasi merupakan catatan peristiwa yang sudah berlalu. dokumentasi bisa bebentuk tulisan, gambar, atau karya-karya monumental dari seseorang. Dokumentasi yang berbentuk karya seni, berupa karya misalnya gambar, patung, film dan lain-lainnya”. 24 The writer has some steps in collecting the data, in order to make this resarch more specific. The steps in collecting data: 1. Watching the film The writer collects all data from any sources which are closely related to the aim of the research and also the writer watches the film repeatedly and comprehensively for some senses, dialogues, and symbol exist in The Cyberbully film and articels in the sources data as many possible which show a form of problem. 2. Reading the fim script After the writer watches the film,the writer reads the data about slang languages repeatedly, after getting all imprtant sources, the writer reads it to make sure that the data are correlated with the research. 3. Marking the words or sentence Marking on the words or sentences and all the important statement and impormation, as well as afterwards, making a note of data. After reading the sources carefully, the writer marks any imprtant statement to make the writer is easier to analyze process for the ressearch. 25 D. Technicque of Data Analysis After collecting the data, the writer analyzes the data. In qualitative research, techniques analysis data uses to answer the formulation of the problem in analysis data, the writer uses a technique of data analysis. The 24 Siswantoro.Metode Penelitian Sastra, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2010), p.312 25 Siswantoro.Metode Penelitian Sastra, p.314 17 writer has several step from the data analysis, in order to make this research more specific. According to Susan Stainback, “Data analysis is critical to the qualitative research process. It is to recognition, study, and understanding of interrelationship and concept in your data that hypotheses and assertions can be developed and ecaluated”. 26 The writer use descriptive analysis, Which descriptive analysis seeks information and describes a phenomenon in detail. In this research the writer can get the data from script, dialogues and picture on screen. So those are must be explain with the academic sentence because this is a scientific research. The writer must take the important data, which has correlated with object of the research.Then the writer explain clearly the data to make easy to understand if the reader read this research. This data analysis is taken from M.B, Miles and Huberman, A.M in the book Siswantoro.. The writer uses some steps during analysis the data, they are: 1. Data Reduction The writer indentified the data which has correlated with object of the research, Cyberbully film by Ben Chanan. The data must correlate with the problems in this research as the object of the research. 2. Data Display The writer analyzed, displayed and explained the data about causes of cyberbullying that found on the film with pictured in Cyberbullyfilm and in other sources. 3. Making The Conclusion The last step is making conclusion after collecting the data, describing, analyzing and explaining the data. The writer gets conclusion from the analysis that the writer done. 27 26 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, p. 244. 27 Siswantoro. Metode Penelitian Sastra, (Pustaka Pelajar: Yogyakarta, 2014), p. 80-81 18 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS Based on the research problems this part divided into two, first is finding and the second is analysis. A. Finding The writer makes decision to discuss the causes of cyber bullying that being used by literary study. In this case, the writer explain that this study focuses on analyzing the causes of cyber bullying in the film cyberbully by Ben Chanan. The writer found the data for the first question about kinds of cyber bullying they are: harrasment, denigration, impersonation, outing, rickery,and cyberstalking.The writer found the data for the second question about the factors that causes of cyber bullying they are: revenge, frustration,entertainment or bored and have to much time, for laughs or get reaction,and social media. B. Analysis The analysis the causes of cyber bullying in the film cyberbullyby Ben Chanan. Kinds of cyber bullying based on Willard. The classification follow kinds of cyber bullying such as, harrasment, denigration, imoersonation, outing, rickery, and cyberstalking. The writer analyze the use of factors that causes of cyber bullying by Peggy, theory such as revenge, frustration, for entertainment or bored and have too much time, laughs or get reaction, and social media. B. 1. Kinds of cyber bullying are experienced by the some characters Cyber-bullying is a completely new form of bullying, made possible by our youth culture‟s preoccupation and expertise with computer technology (and other forms of technology as well). In this film the writer only examined a few characters. They are Casey Jacobs, Megan, Jenifer Li, Nathan, and Hacker. Casey is a teenager who plays two characters as bully and cyberbully victim. Nathan's character is a bully and a cyberbully victim. Jennifer Li's character as a cyberbully victim committed by Casey. Finally, who played an 21 2. Denigration Namely indulgence in a person's badness on the internet with the intentiondamage the person's reputation and good name. 31 In this kind the writer found that the cyberbully which is conducted by hacker. It can be seen below: Picture4 Based on the picture above, you can see Tamara's personal account.The hacker showed Tamara's account to Casey for a specific purpose.Casey said "What are you doing? Hackers ignored Casey's words.It be seen below: Picture 5 Based on the picture above you see a video posted on a Casey Jacobs account,and tagged Tamara's Twitter account in that post.This duration is seen in the video where Casey and Tamara talk about the badness Naura. Hackers indulge in the crimes of Casey and Tamara in 31 Nancy E. Willard, Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savevy Teens, p.127 22 order to damage their reputation and damage their good name.The same thing happens in the next picture. It can be seen below: Picture 6 Based on the picture above it appears that hacker are doing hacking against the Casey Jacobs account. 32 Based on the picture above, Casey is feeling anxious,if the nude photos are scattered.Surely it will damage his good name,not only Casey's reputation was damaged, her family's good name will also be damaged. 3. Impersonation Impersonation is the perpetrator pretends to be someone else and sends messages or statuses that are not good, so that the victim's friends think that the status or message is the original result of the victim. 33 In this kind the writer found that the cyberbully which is conducted by Alex. It can be seen below: Picture 7 32 Duration 00:20: 04- 00: 20: 22 33 Nancy E. Willard, Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savevy Teens, p.127 23 Picture 8 Picture 9 Casey : Gonna help or what ? Hacker :  : Klik disini. Casey : (Profil Nathan) Erectile dysfunction makes me bitter, so bitter I vent my limdicked anger on women. Please pray for me, and my pathetic penis, Nathan X. The picture and dialogues above showed the main female character named Casey Jacobs. After Casey and Megan skype with Alex the purpose to ask for help hacking Nathan‟s account, but Alex refused.Then their skype was cut off. After a few seconds,seen a new message from a Hacker disguised as Alex. It appears that a Hacker helped Casey to hack into Nathan‟s account. In the form of revenge from Casey Jacobs. 34 34 Duration 00: 06: 07- 00: 08: 06 26 5. Rickery That is persuading someone with tricks to get confidential or personal photos, which could one day be used as weapons for blackmail or threaten. 39 In this kind the writer found that the cyberbully which is conducted by Hacker. It can be seen below: Picture 13 Based on the picture above, Casey is looking at a nude photo or picture of his that was used by Hackers as material to bully Casey.Casey felt uneasy and frightened if the photo was distributed to social media.The purpose of Hackers to use this photo as bully material is to threaten Casey.It can be seen below: Picture 14 Based on the picture above shows Casey was taking his antidepressant, which was ordered by Hackers.With Casey's plan to take the pill,if she doesn't want his nude photo posted on his Twitter account.Casey felt threatened by the photo. Seen in the picture below: 39 Nancy E. Willard, Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savevy Teens, p.127 27 Picture 15 Based on the picture above seen Casey cried when the incident happened to her. 40 Which computer files have been taken over by Hacker with the aim of being a weapon to threaten Casey Jacobs, because every nude photo that Hacker showed Casey had to be redeemed by taking the anti-depressant pills he was taking. Which every pill taken will save the photo from being posted by Hacker to social media. 6. Cyberstalking That is disturbing and defaming someone's good name intense so as to create a great fear of the victims. 41 In this kind the writer found that the cyberbully which is conducted by Hacker. It can be seen below: Picture 16 Based on the picture above looks Casey's facial expression when threatened by Hackers.Which is the threat of taking one capsule for one 40 Duration 00: 51: 17- 00: 51: 38 41 Nancy E. Willard, Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savevy Teens, p.127 28 nude photo,and also Tamara's nude photo.Casey felt a great fear,if she drinks so many pills his life will be lost,but if he doesn't take the pill his photo and that of his friend Tamara will be scattered by Hackers.It can be seen below: Picture 17 Based on the picture above, Casey is feeling scared. Which is where this fear was created by Hacker. The Hacker intensively disturbs Casey, there by creating a huge fear in him. 42 Casey had no other way but to take the pill.So that his photo and Temara's photo were saved,even though Tamara's photo was posted in one. Based on research the first question about kinds cyberbullying they are: Harrasment, Denigration, Impersonation, Outing, Rickery, and Cyberstalking. This finding is in accordance with Willard's theory which says that there are eight kinds of cyberbullying.But it differs from other research or research findings. The writer found six kinds of eight kinds of cyberbullying whereas Ajeng Septiani from Gadjah Mada University only discusses or describes the kinds of intimidation as well as representations and criticisms of intimidation in society through the films he studies. B. 2. Factors that causes of Cyberbullying in The Film Factor is a state or event that contributes or influences something. As for the factors that influence someone to do cyberbullying in this film are revenge, frustration, for entertainment or bored and have to much time, 42 Duration 00: 51: 23- 00: 51: 30 31 repeated failure, stressful work situations, uncomfortable environmental conditions, and too high a desire. 46 In this film the writer found the factors that cause cyberbully by Nathan Leg.It can be seen below: Picture 21 Megan : Casey ? Casey : What ? Megan : Nathan. Casey : Please don‟t use the N- word. Megan : You should look. Casey : At what ? Megan : His tweet. Casey : I unfollowed him, what does it say ? Megan : It‟s not very nice. Casey : Can you just read it ? Megan : “I guess it‟s surprise what Casey Jacobs is on anti depressant. : “I spent one night with her and it depressed me. The cyber bully factor in the photo above is frustration. The frustration in this film is motivated since Casey Jacobs broke up with his ex-boyfriend named Nathan. Nathan was frustrated and did not accept 46 Peggy J. Parks, Cyberbullying, p. 14- 15 32 Casey's Jacobs decision. and then he acts cyber-bully. Bully is doing by uploading on his Twitter account about the ugliness and personal secrets of Casey Jacobs in order to humiliate Casey Jacobs. 47 3. Entertaiment or bored and have to much time The factors that cause cyberbullying are entertainment or being bored and have to much time. The point here is that the bullies conducted by Hecker are only intended for their own enjoyment,and hackers also get bored with too much time,because that's why hackers use technology more.As for the feeling of boredom that influenced him to bully on social media.In this case the writer found several factors from cyberbully.It can be seen below: Picture 22 Picture 23 47 Duration 00: 02: 43- 00: 02: 50 33 Picture 24 Hacker : One of your little white pills. Casey : One ? Hacker :One pill, one picture. I know what you‟re thinking, Casey. Did you shoot six topless selfies, or only five ? To tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I have kind of lost track myself. In any case, five or six pills wont to kill you. We both know that. For this to work, we are going to need some more photographs. Leave Megan out of this. Take one pill, or it gets tweeted... From your account. Time‟s up. Casey : No ! Hacker : Next. Your BFF again. One more pill won‟t hurt you, Casey. But it might space Megan some hate. Time‟s up. Wow. Bad friend. How about this one ? It‟s different when it‟s you, huh ? So, you are happy pop pills to. Save yourself from a slutshaming, but you dont mind ruining your BFF‟s life. Next. One pill. Woww loyalty ! Casey :Ha –ha. You‟re funny! Hacker :Har, Har. You too. 36 Picture 28 Picture 29 Casey Jacobs : Continue Laugh again. I'll give you one free pill, if you laugh at me again. Hacker : O- M- F- A- O Casey Jacobs : Not the right laugh. You know, har har. Hacker : Har, har, har. Casey Jacobs : Slainte. I'm not the first, right! I'm not the first person to comment on Jennifer Li. Hacker : Of course ! you are Casey. Casey Jacobs : Show me ! 37 show and I'll take five pills. Hacker : Chronic Youth. you are the first. Casey Jacobs: Yes, but you are the second ( Steerpike_84 ). I know that from your writing. H-A-R. Nobody wrote like that. The cyber bully factor in the picture and dialogue above is social media. The social media in this film is motivated by a number of cyber- bully acts carried out by hackers or anonymous accounts. Social media such as the example taken in this film is Twitter. With the aim to disturb the victims of cyberbullies. 52 Picture 30 Based on the picture above seen chronic youth twitter account that uploaded the video Jennifer Li. It is if the video was a laughing stock many and getting so many bad comments from heters. The cyberbullying factor in the picture above is social media. 53 Based on research, the second question about the factors causesof cyberbullying.The writer found several factors that cause cyberbullying, they are: Revenge, frustration, Entertainment, or bored and have too 52 Duration 00: 52: 37- 00: 54: 13 53 Duration 00: 12: 27 38 much time, laughs, and to get a reaction. This research is in accordance with Peggy's theory that said“ When it comes to cyberbullying, they are often motivated by anger, revenge, or frustration. Sometimes they do it for intertaiment or because they are bored and have too much time on their hands and too many teach toy available to them. Many do it for laughs or to get a reaction, But it is different from other people's findings or research. The writer found all the factors that causes of cyberbullying.Whereas Mochammad Lutfi Nugraha from the University of Pasundan only discussed the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth in the film A Girl Like Her related to cyberbullying. The writer found the factors that causes of cyberbullying. REFERENCES A,Grunbaum, 1998, The fondations of psycoanalisys: A philoshopical critique. Berkeley, CA: Univeersity of California Press. Charles E. Notar , Wong-Lo in, Padgett Sharon, Roden,Jessica 2013 ” Cyberbullying: A Review of the Literature”, Universal Journal of Educational Research. Eprilli Anindita, Yenata,2018,“Repsentasi Bullying Dalam Film Wonder” The University Pasundan. 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APPENDIX I Pictures Duration and Dialogue Kinds of Cyberbullying Harrasment 00: 17: 32- 00: 16: 49 Denigration 00:20: 04- 00: 20: 22 Impersonation 00: 06: 07- 00: 08: 06 Casey : Gonna help or what ? Hacker :  : Klik disini. Casey : (Profil Nathan) Erectile dysfunction makes me bitter, so bitter I vent my limdicked anger on women. Please pray for me, and my pathetic penis, Nathan X. Frustration 00: 02: 43- 00: 02: 50 Megan : Casey ? Casey : What ? Megan : Nathan. Casey : Please don‟t use the N- word. Megan : You should look. Casey : At what ? Megan : His tweet. Casey : I unfollowed him, what does it say ? Megan : It‟s not very nice. Casey : Can you just read it ? Megan : “I guess it‟s surprise what Casey Jacobs is on anti depressant Entertaiment or bored and have to much time 00:52: 10- 00: 52: 19 Hacker: One of your little white pills. Casey : One ? Hacker: One pill, one picture. I know what you‟re thinking, Casey. Did you shoot six topless selfies, or only five ? To tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I have kind of lost track myself. In any case, five or six pills wont to kill you. We both know that. For this to work, we are going to need some more photographs. Leave Megan out of this. Take one pill, or it gets tweeted... From your account. Time‟s up. Casey : No ! Hacker: Next. Your BFF again. One more pill won‟t hurt you, Casey. But it might space Megan some hate. Time‟s up. Wow. Bad friend. How about this one ? It‟s different when it‟s you, huh ? So, you are happy pop pills to. Save yourself from a slutshaming, but you dont mind ruining your BFF‟s life. Next. One pill. Woww loyalty ! Casey : Ha –ha. You‟re funny! Hacker: Har, Har. You too. For laughs or to get reaction 00:52: 10- 00: 52: 19 Social Media 00: 52: 37- 00: 54: 13 Casey Jacobs : Continue Laugh again. I'll give you one free pill, if you laugh at me again. Hacker : O- M- F- A- O Casey Jacobs : Not the right laugh. You know, har har. Hacker : Har, har, har. Casey Jacobs : Slainte. I'm not the first, right! I'm not the first person to comment on Jennifer Li. Hacker : Of course ! you are Casey. Casey Jacobs : Show me ! show and I'll take five pills. Hacker : Chronic Youth. you are the first. Casey Jacobs : Yes, but you are the second (Steerpike_84 ). I know that from your writing. H-A-R. Nobody wrote like that. 00: 12: 27: 00: 12: 28 has just been through, Casey opens her door, collapses in the doorway and tearfully calls to her father, who rushes to her. APPEDIX II Biography of This Film Gendre Teen drama Written by Ben Chanan David Lobatto Directed by Ben Chanan Starring Maisie Williams Composer (s) Jon Opstad Country of origin United Kingdom Original Language(s) English Production Producer(s) Leah Cooper Cinematography Ben Moulden Editor(s) Anna Bench Running time 62 Minutes Production company(s) Raw TV Distributor Channel 4 Release Original network Channel 4 Original release 15 January 2015 DAFTAR RIWAYAT HIDUP A. Informasi Diri Nama : Fitri Nuraini Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan Tempat & Tgl. Lahir : Koto Buayo, 10 Januari 1998 NIM : AI160783 Alamat : Koto Buayo No. Telp/HP : 085273383369 Email : [email protected] Nama Ayah : M. Yusuf Nama Ibu : Maryana B. Riwayat Pendidikan 1. SDN 84/1 Koto Buayo : Tahun 2004-2010 2. MTs S Al Falahiyah simp Jelutih : Tahun 2010-2013 3. MA Al Falahiyah Simp Jelutih : Tahun 2013-2016 C. Pengalaman Organisasi 1. Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Moto Hidup: “Our life is not just life without problems, but life has goals and struggles” Jambi, Agustus 2020 Penulis FITRI NURAINI AI.160783