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Densities of Ranks of Quadratic Twists of Elliptic Curves: A Survey, Papers of Differential Equations

A survey paper by a. Silverberg on the distribution of ranks in families of quadratic twists of elliptic curves. The paper summarizes results and conjectures about the densities of ranks of elliptic curves over q in families of quadratic twists, with a commentary on the table. The table summarizes the knowledge to date on the density of quadratic twists of rank r or ≥ r for some small values of r. The paper also discusses the parity conjecture, goldfeld conjecture, and random matrix theory (rmtc) in relation to the distribution of ranks of quadratic twists.

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Download Densities of Ranks of Quadratic Twists of Elliptic Curves: A Survey and more Papers Differential Equations in PDF only on Docsity!

The distribution of ranks in families of

quadratic twists of elliptic curves

A. Silverberg


Department of Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697 USA

This paper gives a very brief survey, in the form of a table, of some results and conjectures about densities of ranks of elliptic curves over Q in families of quadratic twists. The table summarizes some of the knowledge to date on the density of quadratic twists of rank r or ≥ r, for some small values of r. We also give a commentary on the table. For a more extensive survey of ranks of elliptic curves over Q, see [RS02]. The author thanks Roger Heath-Brown for helpful comments. We first fix notation. If E is an elliptic curve of the form y^2 = f (x), let E(d)^ denote dy^2 = f (x), the quadratic twist of E by d. If E is an elliptic curve over Q, it suffices to consider d that are squarefree integers. Let

N∗(X) = #{squarefree d ∈ Z : |d| ≤ X, rank(E(d)(Q)) is ∗},

where ∗ can be “2”, “odd”, “≥ 3”, etc. The table below gives a summary of some of the known results (and conjectures) to date on the rate of growth of Nr (X) and N≥r (X). It is well-known (see Theorem 333 of [HW79]) that

N≥ 0 (X) = #{squarefree d ∈ Z : |d| ≤ X}

∼ 2 X


(1 − 1


) = 2


X =^12



The first part of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture [BSD63/5] says that the rank of an elliptic curve E over Q should be equal to the analytic rank (i.e., the order of vanishing at s = 1 of the L-function of E over Q). In particular, the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture implies the Parity Conjecture, which says that the rank has the same

(^1) Supported by NSA grant MDA904-03-1-0033.

2 A. Silverberg

parity as the analytic rank. The parity of the analytic rank can be read off from the sign in the functional equation for the L-function. Using the way that the sign varies as one twists the curve, one can show that the Parity Conjecture implies that, as |d| grows, the ranks of the quadratic twists by squarefree d ∈ Z of a fixed elliptic curve over Q are even half the time and odd half the time. (See the Nodd, Neven table entry.) In 1979, Goldfeld [G79] conjectured that for every fixed elliptic curve, the average rank of its quadratic twists is 12.

Goldfeld Conjecture If E is an elliptic curve over Q, then

lim X→∞

squarefree d∈Z,|d|≤X rank(E

(d)(Q)) #{squarefree d ∈ Z : |d| ≤ X}



If one assumes both the Parity Conjecture and Goldfeld’s Conjecture, then for every fixed elliptic curve, the ranks of the quadratic twists should be zero half the time and one half the time. (See the last N 0 and N 1 table entries.) In the table, “w/PC” means that the result is conditional on the Parity Conjecture, and “w/PC & GC” means that the result is condi- tional on both the Parity Conjecture and Goldfeld’s Conjecture. Fur- ther, “w/RMTC” means this is a conjecture made in [CKRS02] (see Conjecture 1 and (7)), which is based on Random Matrix Theory. All “” and “” entries in the table, and in the discussion below, should be read as “there is a positive constant, depending on E but not on X, such that for all sufficiently large X, we have... ”. Ono and Skinner [OS98], using results of Waldspurger and of Friedberg and Hoffstein, show that N 0 (X)  X/ log X for all elliptic curves. It was known earlier that N 0 (X)  X/ log X for certain elliptic curves (see for example [R74] for y^2 = x^3 − x). Work of Monsky [Mo90]), Birch [B69, B70], and Heegner [H52] shows that certain elliptic curves E have rank(E(p)) ≥ 1 for all primes p in certain congruence classes (for example, for y^2 = x^3 − x and all primes p ≡ 5 or 7 (mod 8)), and thus N≥ 1 (X)  X/ log X (in fact, N 1 (X)  X/ log X). For the elliptic curve y^2 = x^3 − x, Heath-Brown (see Theorem 2 of [HB94]) showed that N 0 (X) > (.279)6X/π^2 , and, subject to the Parity Conjecture, N 1 (X) > (.559)6X/π^2. The methods for finding lower bounds for N≥r (X) when r ≥ 2 involve finding twists E(g(T^ ))^ of E over Q(T ) of rank ≥ r, and specializing T. By Theorem C of [Si83], for all but finitely many t ∈ Q one has

Ranks in families of quadratic twists 3

N≥ 0 (X) ∼ (^) π^122 X Nodd(X) Neven(X)

∼ (^) π^62 X w/PC

 (^) logX X [OS98] N 0 (X) > (.279) (^) π^62 X for y^2 = x^3 − x [HB94] ∼ (^) π^62 X w/PC & GC  (^) logX X for y^2 = x^3 − x [H52, B69, B70, Mo90] N 1 (X) > (.559) (^) π^62 X for y^2 = x^3 − x w/PC [HB94] ∼ (^) π^62 X w/PC & GC  X 12 [ST95, GM91] N≥ 1 (X) ≥ (^) π^62 X w/PC ∼ (^) π^62 X w/PC & GC

N≥ 2 (X)


(^17) log X  X 13  X 12  X 34 −,  X 34 +

j(E) 6 = 0, 1728 [ST95] for some E [ST95, RS01] w/PC [ST95, GM91] w/RMTC [CKRS02]

N≥ 3 (X) ^ X^




for some E [ST95, RS01] for some E w/PC [ST95, RS01]

N≥ 4 (X)

→ ∞  X 16

for some E [Me98, RS04] for some E w/PC [RS01, RS04] N≥ 5 (X) → ∞ for some E w/PC [Me98, RS04]

rank(E(g(t))) ≥ r. Using sieve theory, one can find a lower bound on the number of squarefree integers d such that |d| ≤ X and d = g(t)z^2 for some t, z ∈ Q (so rank(E(d)(Q)) = rank(E(g(t))(Q))); see [GM91, ST95]. Mestre [Me92, Me98, Me00] has techniques for finding elliptic curves of “large” rank over Q(T ) (and over Q). See also work of Howe, Lepr´evost, and Poonen [HLP00]. Gouvˆea and Mazur [GM91] showed that, assuming the Parity Conjecture, N≥ 2 ,even(X)  X^1 /^2 −ε. Stewart and Top [ST95], without assuming the Parity Conjecture, showed that if j(E) 6 = 0 or 1728, then N≥ 2 (X)  X^1 /^7 /(log X)^2. For elliptic curves of the form

y^2 = ax^3 + bx^2 + bx + a

4 A. Silverberg

with a, b ∈ Q and a(3a − b)(a + b) 6 = 0, they showed N≥ 2 (X)  X^1 /^3. For

y^2 = x(x − 1)(x − (

b^2 + 1 2 b

)^2 )

with b ∈ Q − { 0 , 1 , − 1 }, they showed N≥ 3 (X)  X^1 /^6 (based on an idea of Schoen [Sc90] who they say also obtained it independently). Building on the work of Mestre, Gouvˆea and Mazur, and Stewart and Top, Rubin and Silverberg [RS01, RS04] show that N≥ 2 (X)  X 13 holds, for example, for every elliptic curve y^2 = x^3 + ax + b such that the cubic has a non-zero rational root. Further, N≥ 3 (X)  X 13 holds (subject to the Parity Conjecture), for example, for every elliptic curve E of the form y^2 = x^3 + ax + b such that the cubic has three real roots (equivalently, the discriminant ∆(E) > 0) and either

(a) the largest or the smallest root is rational, or (b) E has a rational subgroup of order 3.

In particular, it holds for all elliptic curves over Q for which all the 2-torsion is rational. Conjecture 1 of [CKRS02] predicts that N≥ 2 (X) ∼ CX^3 /^4 logm(X) for some C and m. This prediction is based on random matrix theory. The workshop announcement [CFMS04] states that random matrix theory also predicts that N 3 (X) ∼ CX^1 /^4 logm(X), which is inconsistent with the N≥ 3 (X)  X 13 results stated above. In [Me98], Mestre stated that if E is an elliptic curve over Q with torsion subgroup isomorphic to Z/ 8 Z×Z/ 2 Z, then E has infinitely many (non-isomorphic) quadratic twists with rank at least 4 over Q. Theorems 3.2, 3.6, and 5.1 and Corollary 5.2 of [RS04] give other “N≥r (X) → ∞” results for r = 4 and, assuming the Parity Conjecture, for r = 5. All the entries in the table apply for example to the elliptic curves y^2 = x(x + n)(x − n − 1) (1)

with n = 1, 8, 16, 21, 56, 65, 85, 96, 161, 176, 208, 261, 341, 408, 456, 533, and 560 (see Corollary 5.2 of [RS04]). All except the N≥ 5 (X) entry are known to hold for the elliptic curves

y^2 = x(x − 1)(x + a

2 − 1

a^2 + 2

) (2)

with a ∈ Q − { 0 , ± 1 } (see Theorem 5.5 of [RS01] and Theorem 3.2 of [RS04]), and all of those entries except the N≥ 4 (X) → ∞ entry are known to hold even when a = 0. We remark that (2) is the quadratic

Ranks in families of quadratic twists 5

twist by a

(^2) + 3 of (1) with^ n^ =^

a^2 − 1 3 , and (2) for^ a^ = 0 is the quadratic twist by 2 of the curve y^2 = x^3 − x.


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6 A. Silverberg

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