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The History of Aryan Rule in India
Typology: Summaries
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most able and devoted Rajput adherents, Rajas Bhagwan Das
and Todar MaU, who died on the same day in 1589. The
steadfast loyalty,
The Padshah's authority now extended over an empire
far greater than that of Harsha. With the exception of the
Rana of Mewar's
and was recognised by the vast majority of his Hindu subjects
as fulfilling
centuries of Muhammadan rule and the considerable dilution
of the Aryan element in the population had dimmed the
memories of the golden days when Aryavarta was the most
possessed tmder Hindu rule ;
of local affairs ;
and civil, were open to him—they were, in fact, usually occupied
abiUties commended them to
1 BadaunJ, IjQwe's translation, vol. ii, p. 350,
when Harsha-Vardhana convoked the
gone. It
subjects. But Akbar owed much to the time in which he
have been impossible for him to have achieved so much in
any earher period of Muhammadan domination in India, or in
any other country than India. From a Mogul and dynastic
animated by the highest spirit of
by the
as their own defence against misrule and foreign
could command the wealth which Akbar
And the insecurity,
of civil
essentially bureaucratic,
effects ;
prevailed and the Indian Muhammadans made a
Burhan's son, Ismail Nizam Shah, was then put upon the
army sent from Bijapur, where his sister, Chand BIbi, AH
thirty years previously, when Ibrahim's uncle had alHed
son Ibrahim Nizam Shah, born of an
Nizam Shahi dynasty of Ahmadnagar,
and consequently of Brahman descent. From the time of
made by the Musalman dynasties of the Dekhan for the
another confined in prison by the minister who opposed her.
when Ibrahim's sister was married to htx
of Murtezza Nizam Shah, she
to reside at her brother's court—a change which by no
when the Abyssinians of the royal body-guard offered her the
throne besides her own grand-nephew. The leader
then in command of the Mogul army in Gujerat, asking for
and, together with the Khan Khanan, whom Akbar sent to
assist him, marched to Ahmadnagar. But when the Mogul
still regarded in the Dekhan—^had caused the majority of the
has made her
of the breaches made by
threatened by the success of the imperiaUsts. Akbar, on the
by his son.
whom he trusted to uphold the prestige of
the able and experienced general deputed by Akbar to advise
made little headway and
Dekhan. Prince Murad was therefore glad to accept Chand Bibi's
from Hindustan, which induced Akbar to return. lyike many
of whom inherited the high intellectual power and strong moral
— ^Akbar's
counsellors whom Akbar appointed to guide them not infre-
eldest—now past any tutor's
years of age—was
had already made an exhibition of fiendish cruelty
their vices by a father's loving counsel and to
his successor, made him Viceroy of Ajmir,
with the redoubtable Raja Man Singh as his
entrusted him with the conduct of a new campaign against the
Rana of Mewar.
called Man Singh back to his own viceroyalty Salim flung off
off his throne.
of further mischief,
who was now sixty years
internal disorder,
so many of his dearest friends and staunchest supporters
courage. Most of the great men who had helped him in
and Bhagwan Das—^had
viving sons, Murad had died ;
a strong man who could
ceeded to use military force against him he might have provoked
laboriously built
Khurram, who eventually succeeded his father under the title
of Shah Jahan and did much as a ruler to justify his grand-
Man Singh, Salim's
brother-in-law, and now the most powerful of Akbar's Hindu
nobles, was in favour of the nomination of his nephew by
draws a pathetic picture of Akbar hurrjong with the court hakims to the
bedside of the dying poet, gently lifting up his head, and joining in Abul Pazl's
control his incorrigible son. Knowing that SaHm was amenable
womanly influence (under the spell of Nur Jahan he later
now one
of Akbar's wives, who according
adopted SaHm as her son after the death of his own mother,
to reason with him—the result being that he appeared again
at court in a chastened mood. Akbar received him kindly,
gave him permission to use the imperial insignia, and sent him
to Rajputana to renew the campaign against the Rana
of Mewar —for the Rajputs of Mewar some years
gradually won back a great deal of lost ground. But the
recalled him and sent him back to
took poison and died. In a fit of repentance SaHm reappeared
and his eldest son, who did his best to inflame Akbar's mind
able to speculate
the Padshah knew weU that the only alternatives to the course
' ^
swallowing a deadly pill intended for one of his nobles—
fable of unknown antiquity which has been fastened on
the tomb of many other monarclis besides Akbar. The truth
and it may well
sought to soothe his troubled mind by the same means. He was
; but in his endeavours to make the
he won an imperishable name in
It does not detract from his greatness as a man and ruler
by British rulers of India and by all statesmen for whom
religion rather than a game of craft and skill.
461, 469, 471, 477 n., 478, 482, 483,
500, 531. 532, 533
Agta and Oudh, province, 34, 265,
Agra and the Taj Mahall, Handbook
to, cited, 463 n.
Aryans, 14, 15 ; the Sukra-niti-
sdra on the profits of, 223 ; revived
under Firuz Shah, 319 ; burdens
on, relieved
also Ryots
Shah II, Sultan of Gujerat,
Dekhan, 340, 341, 350, 358
Ahmadnagar, 340
Lodi: sided with the
reformer Budhan, 380
him, 341 ; the Jami' Masjid at,
mentioned, 327, 344,
348, 351, 353. 354. 481. 482, 483.
of, 529 ; captured for Akbar, 530 ;
mentioned, 340, 389, 393, 400, 401,
403, 527,
; Bloch-
mann's translation, cited, 338 n.,
n., 500 «., 507 «., 508 n.,
n., 519 n. ; Jarrett's transla-
tion, cited, 472 n., 476 »., 493 nn.,
n., 502 n., 519 n.
Ain-ul-Mulk Burhan
commander-in-chief, 398
Aitareya Brahmana, cited, 82 n.
Ajanta: architecture at, 146; frescoes
at, 184, 185, 213, 329, 418; men-
tioned, 211
Ajatasatru, King of Magadha, 89
Ajivikas, sect, 91, 107
; the
mentioned, 292, 459, 462, 463, 492,
Ajodhya :
dragupta, 153 ; mentioned, 37, 41,
42, 151, 155, 167,
Akasd, the cosmic ether, 239
Akbar : birth of, 435 ; left in his
uncle Kamran's hands, 436 ; re-
; suc-
ceeds to the throne, 450 ; the
Protectorship of Bairam Khan,
his abilities and character, 450,
; defeats the
trouble with the Afghans,
; difiSculties with Bairam
Khan, 452- ; attempted to
reconcile religious differences, 459,
his political creed, 459
assumes control of the government,
; marries a Rajput princess,
and wins the loyalty of the Raj-
puts, 462 ; a
' much-married ' man,
his religious tolerance,
463, 472, 473, 474, 492, S ; cam-
paign in Rajputana, 463-464,
; his siege and captmre of Chitor,
294, 306, 467-469 ; attempt on his
life, 465 ; relieved taxation, 465 ;
campaign in Bengal, 466 ; builds
Fatehpur-Sikri, 470; his conquest
of the Dekhan, 470,
his love of learning and of philo-
sophical discussion, 472-473, 474-
; adopted Indo-
; the freedom of his opinions,
; his views on marriage, 475-
; his close attention to the
details of government, and his
varied interests, 477- ; his
official gazette, 477- ; early
revenue reforms, 479 ; and hunt-
ing, 479 ; conquers Gujerat, 480-
; conquers Bengal, 484-486,
491 ; revenue reforms, with Todar
Mall, 486-490, 515 ; his steadfast
adherence to the Muslim faith, 492-
the nature of his
religious beUef, 493-494, 495,
502 ; the Sunni sect and, 496 ; the
discussions in the Ibadat-Khana.
his attitude towards
Christianity, 473-474, 495,
and occult science, 500- ; main-
tained the autocratic traditions of
Islam, 502 ; asserts himself as
spiritual leader of Islam in his
empire, 503-506, 511 ; reformed the
506-509 ; and the DTn-Ilahi, 511-
tanya's teaching, 418 ; his con-
siderate treatment of Hindus, 515-
extends his sway over all
Aryavarta, 520- ; his debt to
the Rajput chieftains, 525 ; recog-
arch, 525 ; the beneficence and
efi&ciency of his rule, and the
success of his policy, 525- ;
his troubles with Prince Salim, 531-
death, 536 ;
at Sikandra, 536 ; the cause of his
death, 536-537 ; his aim and his
achievement, 537 ; mentioned, 263,
320, 338, 339, 355, 358, 381, 405,
406, 449
Akbar-ndma, the, cited, 515 nn.
Al Idrisi, Arabian historian : on the
Indian character, 250
Al Kadir Eilla-Abassy, Khalif, 285
'Ala-ud-din, Sultan of Delhi: sacks
Deoghur, 300- ; murders Jalal-
ud-din and seizes the throne,
301 ; his tyranny, and adminis-
trative methods, 301-305 ; his con-
quests, 306- ; death, 307, 309 ;
married a Rajput princess, 308 ;
mentioned, 294, 311, 316, 319, 385,
Gaur, 335
'Ala-ud-din, Sultan of Malwa, 384
' Ala-ud-dlu, brother of Ibrahim Lodi
rose against Humayiin, 429
'Ala-ud-din, uncle of Ibrahim Lodi,
'Ala-ud-din, son
Khan, 358
'Ala-ud-din Hasan, Afghan chieftain:
sacked Ghazni, 290-
poses as the Mahdi, 338, 446, 471
mentioned, 498
Alberuni, Arabian historian: cited,
210, 243
Albuquerque, Alfonso da, Portuguese
navigator: in India, 345,
Akbar, 500
Alcohol: abstinence from, promoted
rules, 100. See Drink
Alexander the Great: his raid into
the Panjab, 60, 63- ; mentioned,
Alexander, King of Bpirus, 98
399-402, 403, 404, 406, 527,
Ali Berid Shah, Sultan of Bidar,
Ali, Khalif, 331, 399 n.
Allahabad, 152, 158, 335, 532, 535
Alongoa, widow, 'Timiir's ancestor, in
his fictitious pedigree, 377
Alp Khan, Governor of Gujerat, 308
Alptagln, ruler of Ghazni, 280
Altamsh, Sultan of Delhi, 294, 299
Alwar, 457
Amalaka, ornament of temple spire:
the symbolism of, 112, 113, 180;
mentioned, 179, 182, 245
Amaravati: the ^sculptures at, 130,
146, 180
Amarkot, 434-
Amber, Rajput royal family, 462
Amir-al-Umara, title, 462
Ananda, the Buddha's disciple, 97
see Sesha
Ancient and Medieval Architecture of
India, cited, 112 n., 146 «., 217 n.,
Andhra, the state : paramount in the
South, 130 ; early relations with
the North, 1 30- 31 ; fall of the
' Andli,' nickname of 'Adil Shah,
Anhilwar, 341
Animals: the sacrifice of, forbidden
92 ;
concern for, 92, 94 ; Akbar's
concern for, 479
Antardla, temple porch, 117
Antigonos Gonatas, King of Mace-
donia, 98
Antiochos Soter, King of Syria : sends
an embassy to Bindusara's court,
art is essentially Indian, 295 ; the
dan art, 328-330; Islam gave
change Indian aesthetic principles,
ing, and Sculpture
Artillery : first use of, in the Dekhan,
Arunasa, or Arjuna, usurper, 248-
Aryans, the Indian : closely related to
the Greeks, 4 ;
India, 4- ; the early culture of,
5 et seq. ; the early social organisa-
tion of, 5-6, 7-8, 14-22 ; the in-
tellectual generosity of, 6 ; their
civilisation the product of their
antiquity of the
civilisation of, 8 ; their conquest
of India essentially an intellectual
one, 9 ; the village system of, 9-
II, 15, 22-29; the coming of, to
India, 13-14, 15, 33 ; patriarchy
among, 14 ; agriculture among, 14,
15 ; assimilated features from the
Dravidian social system, 15 ; the
instinct for racial purity among,
16 ; the scope of the term
widened, 16 ; the five social grades
among, 16 ; and the origin of
caste, 17 ; and the building craft,
; commercial intercourse of,
with the Dravidian kingdoms and
Western Asia, 2 1 , 43
22 ; the wonderful work of, in
unifying the heterogeneous peoples
of India, 32 ; never widely dis-
tributed over India, 32 ; the physi-
cal characteristics of, 32 ; the
tribes of, did not enslave each
other, 33- ; the origin of king-
ship among, 35-37 ; their idea of
kingship, 35-37, 82-83; constitu-
tion of their king's council, 36
the principal kingdoms of, 37-38;
political fusion of Aryans and non-
the story
of the Great War, 40-41 ; the
the divine power of
sacrifice, 47 ; the Buddha's appeal
sentiment, 53 ; the unify-
political system, 55- ; the
Helleuic, and Iranian branches of the
race, 60, 61 ; moral virtues
of the Aryan character, 62 ; the
foundation of the
the culminating point
political supremacy in India, 89 ;
the reign of Asoka
final breaking-down of the racial
Aryan, 89 ;
cession to the throne, 90 ; the
104 ; Indo-
royal craftsmen, 105-107 ; the
earliest Aryan religious symbols,
109 ;
ligious symbolism rejected graven
images and materialistic vehicles
ments entered the Indo-Aryan
pale as the result of the Turki
invasions, 126 ; the Aryanisation
of the South,
civilisation completely superseded
Dravidian, 128- ; the spreading
of Indo-Aryan civilisation over
Asia, 145
; San-
skrit the language of
tion, 154-155 ; the independence
171 ; Indo-
173 ; de-
pale, 176-177 ; the adverse effect
of the infusion of barbarian blood
Aryanisation of the South gathered
strength under the disasters to
the North,
238, 325 ; Europe's indebtedness to
Indo-Aryan culture, 254-255 ; Raj-
261 ; the Indo-Aryan administra-
tive system
298 ; the
Indian ideal permeated the social
and spiritual life of the
dan conquerors, 308 ;
contrasted with Islamic, 322- ;
conquest upon Indo-Aryan art,
327-330 ; the Indo-Aryans ob-
tained ascendancy over the Dravi-
principle of putting commercial
and military interests under high
intellectual direction, 366 ; the
Turkish conquerors absorbed Aryan
culture, 376 ; the essentially demo-
political system, 404-405 ; Aryan
preserved through the period of
monarch, 525 ; the free institutions
; Akbar's effort to realise the
Aryavarta: supposed to be crescent-
shaped, 34, 192; the extent of, in
Samudragupta's time, 152; freed
dragupta, 154; Indo-Aryan kings
never sought dominion outside the
confines of, 171 ; the weakness of,
to attack from without, 1
of, 254 ;
political disunion in, helped the
victorious progress of Islam, 257-
completely over, 520-525 ; men-
tioned, 5, 35, 38, 149, 150, 151,
152, 183
of Bijapiir, 392, 393,
Asaf Khan, Gujerati general, 354
Asaf Khan, Mogul general, 464, 465-
466, 475
Asana-prajinapaka, or ' Seat-arran-
ger,' 52
Asandhimitra, wife of Asoka, 103
Ascetics :
from the villages, 70- ; regard
paid to, 70
Asiatic Review, cited, 494 n., 518 n.,
Asirgarh, fortress: Nasir Khan's plot
to obtain possession of, 356-358 ;
Asoka: gave State recognition to
Buddhism, 57, 89 ; said to have
studied Jainism, 59 ; the reign of,
; early years, 90 ; corona-
tion, 90 ; his imperial standards
bearing his edicts, 90-91, 96-97,
105, 152, 180 ; converted to Bud-
dhism, 91-92 ; his zeal in the
propagation of Buddhism, 92, 93,
95, 97-98 ; details of his govern-
ment, as set forth in the edicts, 92-
sends out Buddhist missions,
95 ; his State pilgrimages, 96-97 ;
character of his rule, 98- ; his
religious tolerance, 99, 118 ; his
Buddhist propaganda, its results
and development, 99-102, 131 ;
death, 102 ; incidents in his
private life, 103 ; btult the original
temple at Bodh-Gaya, 112 ; in
legends, sometimes confused with
Kanishka, 142 ; Fa-Hien on the
ruins of his palace at Pataliputra,
168 ; his propaganda consolidated
Aryavarta, 258 ; mentioned, 43,
62, 73, 83, 88, 104, 106, III, 116,
117, 119, 120, 123, 125, 126, 127,
129, 130, 131, 135, 137, 139, 144,
146, 147, 148, 150, 152, 156, 160,
J64, 166, 196, 202, 220, 268, 320,
Assam, 200, 250, 299
Assemblies, village, of the South,
election to, 230-
Asuras, enemies of the Aryans, 4, 73,
Asvamedha, the horse sacrifice,
See Horse sacrifice
Atharva Veda: on the building of a
house, 115 ; translated into Persian,
Attock, fortress, 523
Augustus, Emperor: received em-
bassies, from Indian kings, 139-
Aurangzib, Mogul emperor, 426
Avantivarman, King of Kashmir,