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K. Holum The^ Myth^ of the^ Flood
beings saw how^ beautidthe^ daughters of men were^ "rrdtook wives^
f16gn smpng^ those^ that
pleased them'-^ rne LOnn^ said'^ '-'My^ bre"th^ shall^ not^ abide^
in man forever'^ since he^ too^ is
flesh; let the^ days^ allowed^ him^ be one^ hundted^ and^ twenty^ yeats"'^ '-It^
was then'^ and^ latef^ too'
that the Nephilim appeared^ o'^ eanh*J.n^ the^ divin"^ t"ittgs^ cohabited^
with the daughters^ of
men, who bore^ them^ offspring.^ They wefe the^ hetoes^ of old, the men
of^ terrown.
The Lord^ saw^ how^ gteat was manfs wickedness^ on^ earth'^ and^
how tYtty plan^ devised
by his^ mi'dwas^ ,roi*rrg^ bJt^ evjl^ aU^ tfr.^ Jm..^ e"O^ the^ LORD^ tegrctted that
He had made^ man
on earth,^ and^ His^ heartivas saddened,^ iil.iofu^ said,^
rf I witblot out ftom t'e earth the men
rvhom I^ created--men rogether^ with^ u.*ir,^ creeDing^ ,lyryt^ and^
bitds of^ the^ sky; for^ I^ tegret
that I^ made^ thent." Butfroah^ found^ favor^ with^ the^ LORD'
walked with^ God.--Noah^ begot three^ sons;^ Shem'^ FIam'^ and^ Japeth
The eath became^ coffuPt^ r*ror.^ Goa; the^ eathwas filtedwith^ lawlessness'^
vhen God
saw how corrupt the^ earth^ "rr?o,^ ^ll f;;^ i;d^ coupted^ its ways on
earth' God said^ tei^ Noah'
,,I have decided to pur an end to all;;;, for the^ tI:h^ is^ fillei^ with^ lawlessness^ because^ of
them: I^ am about to desttoy them^ *itf,^ *.^ earth'^ Make^ yourself^ T^ atk^
of gophet *":1^ ' ' ' 1
will establish^ My^ covenant^ with^ you,^ ";;;" sf'att^ tttttt^ the^ arlc'^ with yout
sons' yorr^ wife'^ and
your sons, wives^.^..^ for^ you^ alone^ h".r.^ I'fo.rrrd^ righteous before^ Me^ in^ this generation'
' ' '
i;;;;* ;;;;;;;;i^ ilr;;;^ in^ the^ ntst^ month,^ on the^ first of^ the^ month,^
the watets
began to^ clry^ frorn the earth;^ "td *t^ "r, ittout, temoved the covering^
of the ark'^ he saw^ that^ the
surface of^ the^ ground^ was^ drying.^ And in^ the^ second^ month,^ on^ tlt*^
twenty-seventh day^ of^ the
month, the eatth was dry.
God spoke to^ Noah,^ saying, ,,Come out of the ark, togethef^ with^
your wife, yout^ sons'
and your rons'^ *irr.s.^ Bdng^ o.,t^ 'iitf';;;;6 l:'"g thing Jf^ att^ flesh^
thatis with you: bitds'
animals, and^ everythi'g^ that^ cre.p,^ ori.".,tt;^ "ia t"t^ th*^ 'i""t on the^
eflrth and be^ fe*ile^ and
increase on earth."^ So^ Noah^ came urri,^ ,olt*tet^ with^ his sons' his^ wife'^ and^
his sonsr wivee'
Eveqy animal,^ every^ cteeping^ thing'^ oii^ ..i"y^ bitd,^ everything^ that^ stirs on earth
came^ out^ of
the ark by^ families.
'Then Noah build an altat to the^ LORD^ atrd,^ takingof^ every-clgal animal^ and^ of^ every
clean bird,^ he^ offered^ burnt^ offerings^ orr,rr. altar'^ The^ ldnp t*ilttd^
the pleosing^ odor'^ and
the LORD said^ to^ Himself:^ "Nevet againwill^ I^ do?:^ the^ earth^ becauee^ of rnan'
since the
devisings of rnan,s^ mincl^ are^ evil ftorn^ t^ i! /""rnt^ nor^ will I^ evet againdestroy^
every living^ beingt
as I^ have done.
So long^ as^ the earth endures,
Seedtirne and harvest'
Cold and^ heat'
Summer and v'intet,
DaY and night
Shall not^ cease.
God blessecl Noah^ and^ his^ sons, and said^ to them,
ilBe fettile and inctease' and fill the
earth.. ,. furd God said to Noah^ and.^ to^ frir^ roJ* with^ hirn,^ tf^ I^ flo$'establish My covenantwith
you and ynur offspring^ to come^ and^ with^ every^ living thing^ that^ is^ rvith you--bitds, cattle'^ and
wiid beast ur^ **tt^ -otl^ that^ have corne^ out of^ the^ atk,^ every^ living^ thing^ on^ eatth.^ I^ will maintain My covenant with you: neve^ t^ againshall all^ flesh^ be cut off by^ the^ waters of^ a^ flood,
and never again shail there be a flood^ to destroy^ the^ eatth."
God further said, (^) "'fhis is^ the sign that^ I^ set^ fot^ the^ covenant^ between^ Me^ and^ you,^ ancl
evety living creature withyou, for^ atl^ ^g"r to^ come.^ I^ have set^ My bow in^ the^ clouds,^ and^ it^ trhall
seffe as^ " rigr^ of the covenant between Me^ and the^ eath.^ When^ I^ bdng^ clouds^ over^ the^ eatth, and the boi appears in^ the^ clouds,^ I^ will^ rernember^ My^ covenant between^ Me^ and^ you^ anrl
eve{f living crCut.r.. among all flesh, so that^ the waters^ shall nevet^ again become^ a^ flood^ to
destroy alfflesh, $[hen^ thi^ bow is^ in^ the^ clouds,^ I will^ see^ it^ and rerrrcrnbet^ the^ everlasting
covenant between God and^ all^ living^ creatures, atl flesh^ that is^ on^ earth.^ Thatrrr God said^ to
Noah, (^) 'tshalt be thc^ sign of the covenant that^ I^ have^ established betwcen^ Me^ and all^ llesh^ that is on the earth.rt
('f ranslation from Jewish Publication Society translation'^ adapted.)