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Download A Comprehensive Collection of Academic Documents and more Slides Chinese Language in PDF only on Docsity! SS —"+—i8 Lesson 21 —. iFAMIA Notes on Chinese characters: R= HM (+—) The sides (11): 1. 4 $25F3#(tishdupang) The “hand side” “2° RS FAR ASH AU. WM: “4” originates from an ancient character which symbolizes the hand and it is used on the left of a character. Examples: Rh OR 2. & R33 (fanwénpdng) The “tapping side” AFAR. As Tt occurs on the right of a character. Examples: wm OK 3. 4 383, ASF (shuanglrénpang) The “double standing-person side” FATT NAR. dn: It is used on the left of a character. Examples: 45 RK =, £53 Table of new characters: a(- f 4) Pee - K(’ % & & B BK) ip _. . - - . : PC nw t) ; / jin pe AO vy PF #) #(° % % © 8 © B FH) bai 75 4(Bl~ FJ F s|Fl° = Ff ee 61a! 7 FF ee ToT, 7 |B — — BY S~ & 4B) ile ; 4 8 | A AC 7 f % f AF H A A A) chen oikio = tt A BRR ToT, 10 | Be K( 7 & ¥ «) $ i | | 1RC’ 7 7 Pp BR) —j4C 4 Ad 12 | FF T( 7° + 7) B/R| 7 7 PF F RK =. FAI Read the following: PR IE (jieke): HAF, PRAB IL? LAF : KAA (liguin hotel) ARASH — MAA RAIL? ANSE: HEB FR AAS: FRB ASE: LEANER —RILA, HAT: SF! ALES RAE Ig? & 16 HET SHARMA T ART RASS SES AK, Bl My (gdu) Te (mao) (AR AEE. fl: This side stems from an ancient character symbolizing a squatting dog . Characters with this side arc mostly related to animals, e.g. 4 (g6u dog) , Hi (mo cat). But it doesn’ L always hold true. Examples : mR =. £5 Table of new characters: e(r F #) 1 | de R(F R) you B 2 | & 7 3 | 4 : RC" 7 = & F KR) vi w(t ooh) ‘Fae sik (7 , fF &F F F A) zhi 6 | Ble a a) AO FN A A) it , aa pan a = FF 9|#\|* += + &# * © © € F) 19 AC A) 1 | & a(e 4) uly FS FF 207 #4) 2) & i JL 3 4 4) 13 We o 4 = PF FOR =, HG Read the following: (—) £ ZAT? £Bs? BRT? #8 KARST? HRS ET? MARE KT? SHE WRG ERE BIE (=) SWF REZHBLARR, RAWALTOR. Ro 4% | (jidio to shout) HT WR Chan to cry), “RRR “RL ARIA (wen to ask) — NAIA “AAA AC, PRON HE A a 2” “Hoy NH,” “UB RET 2” ANA BATBE RE ast? ANB i TALE EA XZ TFL BRT AE AEE PRL (yinggai: should) fH] * ff LPT? KT LT 2?” “RAT ABE RAK T 42" RPA, “BELAY ATLA NWA,“ FOILS To A RAR mH see.” “BARAT 1” SC SCUE Ri fh “MO MB HD” ASHR BE: “HR RURE FRAT PRE. AEST fh & TE?” () BRS ATT “ANT! HAE BU!” “KR WHET” A. Exercises: 1. HA TARSES HAP iE: Trauseribe the following characters and give words or phrases containing them; 1) #( ) 4) 3 do 2) HC yo 5) BC dd 3) aC ) 6) 7B( ) 2, SHB SASS "ORS AES. Write out characters with the “speech side” and transcribe them: ( ye ( ) 44¢ yo _____ Ve ( } ___ ) 81 +O” =. Hi Read the following: (-) RA BWP PURE RMAAAM RE -RF EMRE. “fe ARIAS REI BE BE RI RP ERLE. ATR EPH, MURSHME. SRK (bing il) T, RRLR, RUMMRLHHE. (>) EBA, RAKAMRT. BA, KEIM. HBA Cairen husband or wife). MBE 4c JL (daughter) #8 (dou all) TEA. BMRA BR (gen with) fh TERE. REWARKEINBAMEIL. Ril: “HH” KAM RA Bh. GE SU! ARH, MAILE?” eR, AB “ret me! ON” WRT RU: “ARMA BRR ALK AEE’, A (danshi but) TES BARU AE, EAE” “RAT. PD A’, \ ME RACE, SERRILIC PE?” “RAN AEE RAL” WE Sc EW. “HBA, BUTT LAM Rae, FRO” EY SR a AE ae eT N\ FUL. [A Cténgshi colleague) {1} — RA URE H .” FRR AL: PRR HE” RRR RN, ORES TH?” ATR (you again) BT. “AAT?” Riel, AMT: “Am sh BL, A (zhi only) HWS” ORO, Be. ee. BS FHS mY Rb ial” RABS BT. RAI MIT, Nae. “REIL! WAR ATY” » #3 Exercises: PAR Si SRA SHHSaAH: Fill in the blanks with the following characters ; Le Rk Ee 1) tee FMRI? 2) SMAAMER F-AF 3) Meee. oe 2. # 1) RARE FMA, 2) AF ABM “SATO 85 53+ POV Lesson 24 —. AIA Notes on Chinese characters: RFA (+P) The sides (14): 1. 4 FRAKS$ (liGngdidnshulpdng) The * swo-drops-of-water side” “7° RARER, AW EUR. WM: This side comes from an ancient character indicating ice lumps implying cold- ness. Examples: 2. °° FESR (tUbdogdir) The “cover top” am. Example; 5 3." BRAS (woréntou) The “ lying person top” aM: Examples: te SY 4. BSE (ctiozitou) The “ grass top” “ae” BES, Ais This side comes at the top of a character. Kxamples: e =. £2 Table of new characters: rir, Ts |@le |e Se . +f Lesson 25 RAIA Notes on Chinese characters: RES (+A) The sides (15): 1. "R f14#3% Ginzipdng) The “kerchief side/ bottom” “Hh” FARMS -RES MAM, ANESTH PY, w: Asa side, [1 usually occurs on the lefi or at the bottom of a character. Exam- ples: i ff 1B.ty3% (shuxinpdng) The “heart side” We Wt” WESRRRAW ORR, Os Characters with this side usually have something to do with human feelings or mentality. Examples: i 3. A AFB (lizipdng) The “ strength side/ bottom” AFHSEF HAD M. MO: This side occurs on the right or at the bottom of a character. Examples: am ew =, 45% Table of new characters: 1}/HR)]7~ FF F 4B | ® ( = 4 #F FR) bang fh (1 ot oP) * be 31 & _ A yudn 4 a] z or = * a) zhi to reach | 89 ny r nN mén 5 a ) ? & 6 | a HC 7 FT WwW WwW R) ye , we QQ tm Ff # 8B) | ACW A) RCO > 2 # B) 8s |#)le(. « @ ew) wy 9 | & }— aa 1 | Rl” 7 TT W KR uy Aj) J) A A OA Beh a ( ) vw nie | i RC FS Fm RF) tO FF) 4) ” = don £C + * # #) “ sg 2? 4) jia a =. WR Read the following: (-) a Bet. Wise Ty e+ ORT. BRET. LGR. ERT. MRT IB? RUBE. RRRAE, 3 SRAAABI+R. SABRE, ie WARY a Th? (OER EF HASRRATARHARE. BMSFRMGKRBP——PSR. (>) (ME BAA MBA.) SMBS + CAT : BRA! RA-THE, BMH. RTE Be WEB +R Al : BLA? SA bln, A+Ot, “MH” BHARR? BAR? : PAB LAME (isshi explanation) WA? BT, Rett. : KORA “RA ME” BHA RB (qubié difference), EA Fl. EURARTHR, ZENNPF (jitng to explain) BIT, Sw eOT HE. Pope Pree oP CRA, AUTEM, VERT.) ENT: Will TES mG? AD 2, RNA-TAE, Bi RS" ARTA. EU, RAT LAREN? EM: WL, ARM ITH (dOkai to open) +, B-AoO+AM, BRE, XB (dudn paragraph) MST RHA. RBH REE OL 4 F: a F 5 e . i (? * * * & #) zhéng _|A 6 | he ECP &) 7 - Fo 3 | a aC 7 4 F 4) |R(r or om RR) et 4 9 | RC 7 FR) | a; — ny) OF ot POR 12 | AR A RC? PR) x 13) Rp KX a | ae #7 * 2 #) z(4 4#) wr 56 RK aa 27 ? « 7) wlBieC -) BR =. HZ Read the following: (-) Be ial BT eee BEE AEE KE dak BRE LP ORE RF RK OR RS ORT ea (=) PRET R RS, BORED, SIT HEE (0 lok RAS RE SESS RR. RET RUE TROL BUC yiqiGn before) RFU , HF BARMERA LR EF eh i AE ORF G75 HE Ae He ARE BR RRR A ERE ARARE PT. REALE LMT TOT Ble IY AW, BE Cmashang at once) i: “SEU, RAVE. EABHB A Ah We (shou to receive) 3] — Sf Hs FAB LH (didnzt youjian, e-mail) , (HH) & Al Ak BRIE. LK, fh "EMR T , ABBE “$1 A (mingbai clear) T. HA, KAR (zou to leave) THE?” sa 7. be He MY. 255] Exercises: 1. STARA ES: Transcribe the dotted characters: 1) RED BBHY? ( ) 2) RERAAKS ( ) 3) SRA ANA AR BLIGH? ( dM ) 4) BATH BER A, ABO K RAR, ( d¢ ) 5) WARM —RILEARATAT HAF? ( Ke ) 2. FSD AS ial ee: Translate the following words into English; 1) BA 4) BA 2) BE 5) LER 3) AR BL 95 —+-LiB Lesson 27 —. MIR Notes on Chinese characters: RFA ( ++) The sides (17): LF F°5#3k (huzit6u) The “door-leaf top” a z Examples ; & BR P= (shizitou) The “image top” an: Examples : BA JRF (shizipang) The “worship side” in: Examples: aL # =, £53 Table of new characters: de A 1 a — "TG an) g 2 | - a7 &) zhao 3 | ak A ( ~ 7 F) fang x 41% _ ey A » #) hé & 2, SHAR FUP ROS: Write out characters containing the following components : nn, 2) R 99 3 -+--AGE Lesson 28 —. I2=H1i28 Notes on Chinese characters: MEM MA (+N) The sides (18): 1. RAFI (hudzidi) The “fire bottom” Soon” Be KRG ATER, BHE— PEAT PR. BM: This side comes from an ancient character symbolizing flames. It is used chiefly at the bottom of a character. Examples: 2.5 FHF (bingzitéu) The “ sickness top” Ph Sa RA AE RET eA BABIES: ¥~ comes from an ancient character symbolizing a sick person lying in bed and so it means sickness. Kxamples: Rw 3. Wo W548 (béizipang) The“ treasure side/ boom” RW FENRES ER UE, RES HAM Pao, Dl means shells which, in ancient times, were used as money and so it carries the meaning of valuables. As a side, it occurs on the left or at the bottom of a character. Examples; a ft & 4. H WE#4e (yazipang) The“ head side” mm, Example: Bi =, £2 Table of new characters: T A 1 a le 3 € 2 | & u _ Zs vow we we fF F ) 318 wo ros) ak 4) #j) et mI How ow) you | s | 4% i RCO Fe FR 6 | # AC) nm on FA B) gig 7 z we 1 v v wow - “| & ( ) a (4 Oe a.) min wae [tS # 4) a(- # 8 #@ 8) dou A 9 | AG a7 ” 7B) wla|? ¢ 4 4 & PC Yo 7) un | * ec. ‘ oe ©) ; sdu als a) 101 35 —-FILUR Lesson 29 —. RAIA Notes on Chinese characters: MFM RB(+A) The sides (19): 1.3% 227-33 (zdzipdng) The “foot side/ bottom” A! OMS ADSM EAR BERS HAMA a. MO: Characters with ¥ /42 mostly have something to do with movements of the feet in meaning. It often occurs on the left or at the bottom of a character. Examples: RB % BE 2. i. 23% (zbuzhipdng) The “hurrying side” PA MRF -RSANTERR. MM: characters with i_ are usually related to “walking” in meaning. Examples: a 3.3 325438 (lizipang) The standing still side” Ws "NFASARRUABHEA. MM: Most characters with 3 imply “stand still” in meaning. Examples: 3 =, £33 Table of new characters: Ty Lf Bp ee ee A 2 = eC - 4 tk) zhuang AX B(. 7 =e F SRS S aig CT TP RB) i ja BCR OT) ee mo owt) _ _ a yudn h BOY F 8) R ——. _— AT jin L 3 { ~ F F 3) BC” FO) zhan te (4 Pf FB EE oa oe ) 1 | 12 | Fé is | ah a 14 | HG BD b&b) $C * # 4) RCo * * F R) 105 # B 16 | $a } =. BK Read the following: (-) SB RNS CART. BILE RE A Ai. $2 1148S (jidoshi classroom) PS Al HA LH. WAAR BI. AUER MET 2 PRA RILIE? SKA I HR BG AT A BZIP -BA AE. (>) OS AI HE DL TRA Aca “RAR ABE) RR IR DE? te # REMRAN BP NRAER EAR RAS! RERERR GB? MR A RILR (ei tired) T ARE “RBA BARR. BEA RILAL, RR RASA RIE BR ORAL BAG, BREAKER, MAT AK A “ARE EAKST RRR RRR EA (z6u to go) MEIER! GE!” BS Fa, #5) Exercises: 1. AR(—) RHR MAO BAK SHAE: Single out from the above story Gao Ying’s words and Zhang Zhi’s wards: 2. SHG A OFS HE ee i Write out characters containing O , paying attention to the different positions of A: RCo mm wm) # ( ¥ x # #) h 7 7 4% - = FF Read the following: (-) BY RR BR RR REE BER bata Bot RE RS BOER POK RESAT. REAAT. fhe PET. CREME T. BERET. 109 4 ott ot SF oS os BK (=) 1 FRR. Ma] —RILAMB! Ua 2 Be? th ee? ARB Be, — Ta. AR (wang to forget) fo HAREM SAL? BWR? ARRAE? Fe BL Pe EO , FO? PEMAASMMT, REA T. ele! BRASET, BARAT, ba? ~! , oe! IRS A Ctiwuyudn): TTA E? PRR AOR: WS Bi: K OF: aS OE: ARS A AR BR K ¥; OR AR & bk: OM: ARs BA: IL, = HK! PRTG (cud mistaken) T ,B HEdL ae HAY BE AY “ARSC ZEGR IL? FEGRILZE? Se Ae My? (AMA RILE RE, — ARE T wait! Wi! 3 DRE BOT HDR | HAVE &AUSEA? AR Aa eat fal Te EAM? ONE BS LSHETOA. FSR! RAMT wi Cieke): Ri AK (g8i to sve) RE KO AHEBR Reo tHe RIVER EM SI, & PIL WAS+HRH—H. HNBPH? RPMR—FR. i BE ALS 7 BAG RG BRAM AG: al a! aR! BM. &> Exercises: 1. BHR PASROMS: Write out characters containing the following components: dD | 2) je - SPWRFES: Transcribe the following characters: n—— 9 ft—— 2) {r 5) i 3) (r 6) Ce ill