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This study guide provides a comprehensive set of questions and answers related to theatre and drama, covering various aspects such as the history, elements, and key figures. It explores the origins of theatre, its evolution, and the significance of dramatic works like 'oedipus rex' and 'death of a salesman'. The guide also delves into the three unities, verisimilitude, and the five-act structure, providing insights into the fundamental principles of dramatic writing and performance.
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Why Study Theatre and Drama? - Correct Answers ✅Except for primitive societies, every culture exhibits some form of theatre!PLUSYou can enjoy theatre for the rest of your life Why are plays written? - Correct Answers ✅-to be performed and seen Why are novels written? - Correct Answers ✅-to be read only (usually) "Told Her" Sylvia Gonzalez S. - Correct Answers ✅ How did we get the word Theatre? - Correct Answers ✅It comes from the Greek word TEATRON which means "a seeing place" Contribution WHO - Correct Answers ✅Mrs. Grace Love, Eugene Love, Katy Jones Contribution WHERE - Correct Answers ✅Somewhere in the south (USA) Contribution WHEN - Correct Answers ✅Early 1960's, Morning- midday, Time of the year - ******
Contribution WHAT - Correct Answers ✅Both young and old contribute in their own way to the civil rights movement. Contribution - Ted Shine - In one sentence, what is this play about? - Correct Answers ✅a black grandmother sends her grandson off to join a sit-in during the Civil Rights Movement. At first, it appears that she keeps to herself but the climax of the play reveals that she has her own method of helping in the struggle for her people's rights. Why do you think Ted Shine wrote this play? - Correct Answers ✅to raise the idea of liberation and issues that were happening to African-Americans during the Civil Rights Movement Contribution - What was Ted Shine saying about America at the time? - Correct Answers ✅Grandma Love's contributions to the Civil Rights Movement which is killing (poisoning to be specific) the main opponent that is standing in the way of the equality and liberation of the group she's helping fight for, with the key message being that nonviolence is not the answer/is not going get the liberation that they are fighting for, which is why Grandma helps. The play is advocating for violence during this time period. it shows the power of fighting for one's rights can be immediately effective.
Trifles - Susan Glapsel - WHO - Correct Answers ✅George Henderson, County Attorney Henry Peters , sheriff Mrs. Peters Lewis Hale, neighbor Mrs. Hale Trifles - Susan Glapsel - WHERE - Correct Answers ✅Iowa(?), a farmhouse kitchen Trifles - Susan Glapsel - WHEN - Correct Answers ✅1916, winter, morning Trifles - Susan Glapsel - WHAT - Correct Answers ✅Women and their attention to trifles, solve a murder. Trifles - Susan Glapsel - Correct Answers ✅1876- 1948Davenport, IowaWon the Pulitzer Prize in 1931Publisher, playwright, novelist, director, and poet What is Drama? - Correct Answers ✅Drama comes from the Greek word dramos meaning "to do", "a thing done" It is both: a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage; and the literary genre of works intended for the theater. The Performing Arts - Correct Answers ✅Human activities that make up stories, movement, sounds or a combination of
these for people's enjoyment.In some ways, theatre encompasses all the other arts. Some life events that have characteristics similar to those of theatre? - Correct Answers ✅Religious services Athletic events Political conventions Holiday celebrations. The Circus A protest march All have theatrical or performing elements but - are they "Theatre"? no What makes Theatre different from these life events? - Correct Answers ✅Artistic Self-awareness Preparation for performing DISCIPLINE - admitting that the performance exists for both performer and audience. A "theatrical performance" must have: - Correct Answers ✅Artistic self-awareness An actor or actors who impersonate somebody else. An audience or group of people gathered for the event An action- the actor shows us human actions rather than telling us about them The Three Unities - Correct Answers ✅Time, (24 hours) Place (1 days journey), Action (only 1 plot not subplots)
Verisimilitude - The Appearance of Truth - Correct Answers ✅Reality, No fantasy, soliloquies, depicting battles interior setting preferred Morality - Correct Answers ✅Should reveal some basic moral truth there should be Poetic Justice the good are rewarded the evil are punished Generality or norms Behavior Decorum (characters behave appropriately according to each of the following) / Universalities - Correct Answers ✅Age, sex, rank, profession The 5 act structure - Correct Answers ✅Act 1 = exposition Act 2 =Inciting Indecent Act 3 = Rising Action Act 4 = Climax Act 5 = Denouement or Resolution Comedy - Correct Answers ✅lower and middle class characters
Domestic and private affairs Happy endings Uses everyday speech Tragedy - Correct Answers ✅Characters are noble Story based on history or myth Unhappy endings Uses poetry and verse form Who wrote Oedipus Rex - Correct Answers ✅Sophocles, around 430 BCE Oedipus Rex - Who - Correct Answers ✅Oedipus King of Thebes Priest Locasta - wife Creon - Locasta Brother Teiresias - blind seer Oedipus Rex - WHERE - Correct Answers ✅Greece City of Thebes Oedipus Rex - WHEN - Correct Answers ✅written ~ 430 BCE
but he myth is from the Trojan War (1200 BCE) Props - Correct Answers ✅Things that actors handle in HAND Properties - Correct Answers ✅Things that actors handle on stage How did Theatre begin? - Correct Answers ✅unknown but many believe it began with RITUALS which is usually related to Pleasure Power Duty to the Gods Who wrote Death of a Salesman? - Correct Answers ✅Authur Miller Death of a Salesman - WHO - Correct Answers ✅The Loman Family Willy Linda Biff Happy
Death of a Salesman - WHERE - Correct Answers ✅Brooklyn NY Death of a Salesman - WHEN - Correct Answers ✅Late 1940s / 1949 Teatro Olympico - Correct Answers ✅It was a Roman Theater built indoors The oldest surviving theater in the world What are the six main elements of tragedy - Correct Answers ✅- plot
Who is Aristophales - Correct Answers ✅He is called father of comedy wrote what is known "old comedy" When was Lystrata written - Correct Answers ✅1411 BCE