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Third Engineers Stationary License Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Engineering

Third Engineers Stationary License Exam Questions and Answers

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Third Engineers Stationary License


What is Chapter 146? - Answer- Chapter 146: INSPECTION OF BOILERS, AIR TANKS, ETC. LICENSES OF ENGINEERS, FIREMEN, AND OPERATORS OF HOISTING MACHINERY Chapter 146 Section 1 - Answer- Definitions Chapter 146 Section 2 - Answer- Rules in general; prescription of tests; form of certificate of inspection; assistance of attorney general Chapter 146 Section 5 - Answer- Enforcement of statutes and rules; entry of premises in pursuance of duties Chapter 146 Section 6 - Answer- Annual inspection; extension of time; first inspection Chapter 146 Section 7 - Answer- Boilers excepted from inspections Chapter 146 Section 8 - Answer- Necessity of inspection; issuance, display and accessibility of certificate Chapter 146 Section 9 - Answer- Pressure; safety appliances Chapter 146 Section 11 - Answer- Inspections while boiler is being operated Chapter 146 Section 12 - Answer- Removing, tampering with or loading safety valve Chapter 146 Section 13 - Answer- Persons authorized to inspect boilers Chapter 146 Section 20 - Answer- Safety appliances for, and inspection of, heating boilers Chapter 146 Section 21 - Answer- Preparation of boiler for inspection; notice; forbidding operation of boiler Chapter 146 Section 31 - Answer- Hydrostatic pressure test Chapter 146 Section 35 - Answer- Regulations

Chapter 146 Section 36 - Answer- Inspections Chapter 146 Section 39 - Answer- Inspection tests; preparation Chapter 146 Section 42 - Answer- Safety valves Chapter 146 Section 48 - Answer- Ascertainment of horse power Chapter 146 Section 49 - Answer- Classes of licenses and work permitted; license renewal; continuing education Chapter 146 Section 50 - Answer- Prerequisites for license examinations Chapter 146 Section 51 - Answer- Display of license; daily record of boiler, condition and repairs; filing; accessibility Chapter 146 Section 72 - Answer- Hydrostatic test Chapter 146 Section 74 - Answer- Safety appliances; tampering; maximum pressure Chapter 146 Section 78 - Answer- Preparation of boilers for inspection; notice of defect to division; operation forbidden pending issuance of certificate of inspection What is CMR 522? - Answer- A compilation of Board of Boiler Rules regulations by the Trial Court Law Libraries CMR 522 Section 1 - Answer- General provisions CMR 522 Section 2 - Answer- Power boilers CMR 522 Section 3 - Answer- Power reactor vessels and piping and unfired pressure vessels as used in atomic energy installations CMR 522 Section 4 - Answer- Heating boilers and other heat storage sources CMR 522 Section 7 - Answer- Air tanks CMR 522 Section 9 - Answer- Refrigeration and air conditioning systems CMR 522 Section 10 - Answer- Material specifications CMR 522 Section 11 - Answer- Welding specifications CMR 522 Section 15 - Answer- National Board Inspection Code

CMR 522 Section 16 - Answer- Controls and safety devices for automatically fired boilers CMR 522 Section 17 - Answer- Piping CMR 522 Section 18 - Answer- Continuing education CMR 522 Section 19 - Answer- Portable boilers What is NBIC? - Answer- National Board Inspection Code What does NBIC do? - Answer- NBIC applies to the inspection, installation, and alteration or repair of Boiler and Pressure Vessels. Also Hydrostatic/ Pressure tests and inspections. What is CMR 310? - Answer- A compilation of Department of Environmental Protection regulations by the Trial Court Law Libraries CMR 310 Section 7 - Answer- Air pollution control What is ASME B31.1? - Power Piping - Answer- boiler-external piping for power boilers and high-temperature, high pressure water boilers in which steam or vapor is generated at a pressure of more than 15 psig [100 kPa (gage)]; and high temperature water is generated at pressures exceeding 160 psig [1,103 kPa (gage)] and/or temperatures exceeding 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). What can you do with a Third Engineers? - Answer- "Have charge of and operate a boiler or boilers not exceeding, in the aggregate, 150 horsepower when solid fuel is burned or not exceeding, in the aggregate, 500 horsepower when steam is generated by the use of liquid or gaseous fuel, electric or atomic energy or any other source of heat and an engine or engines not exceeding 50 horsepower each or to operate a second class plant under the engineer in direct charge thereof." What does ASME stand for? - Answer- American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME Section 1 - Power Boilers - Answer- This Code covers rules for construction of power boilers 1, electric boilers2, miniature boilers3, high-temperature water boilers4, heat recovery steam generators5, and certain fired pressure vessels6 to be used in stationary service and includes those power boilers used in locomotive, portable, and traction service. ASME Section 1 PG-1 - Answer- SCOPE ASME Section 1 PG-2 - Answer- SERVICE LIMITATIONS

ASME Section 1 PG-4 - Answer- UNITS ASME Section 1 PG-5 - Answer- GENERAL ASME Section 1 PG-60 - Answer- REQUIREMENTS FOR MISCELLANEOUS PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS ASME Section 1 PG-61 - Answer- FEEDWATER SUPPLY ASME Section 1 PG-67 - Answer- BOILER ASME Section 1 PG-68 - Answer- SUPERHEATER AND REHEATER ASME Section 1 PG-70 - Answer- CAPACITY OF PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES ASME Section 1 PG-71 - Answer- MOUNTING OF PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES ASME Section 1 PG-72 - Answer- OPERATION OF PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES ASME Section 1 PG-73 - Answer- MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES ASME Section 1 PG-99 - Answer- HYDROSTATIC TEST ASME Section 1 PG-109 - Answer- STAMPING OF PRESSURE PIPING ASME Section 1 PG-110 - Answer- STAMPING OF BOILER PRESSURE ASME Section 1 PG-111 - Answer- LOCATION OF STAMPING ASME Section 1 PG-112 - Answer- MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FORMS NBIC Section 1 - Answer- Installation NBIC Section 2 - Answer- Inspection NBIC Section 3 - Answer- Repairs and Alterations NBIC Section 4 - Answer- Pressure Relief Devices Boiler Repairs? - Answer- Need R Stamp, also completing R-1 and R-2 forms and submitting them to the state. What is ASME Section 7? - Answer- Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers

What is a confined space? - Answer- A confined space is a space with limited entry and egress and not suitable for human inhabitants. When is a Refrigeration unit required to be inspected? - Answer- When it is over 20 Tons. Annual inspections. 3 Element feedwater regulator? - Answer- 1- Water level 2- Steam out 3- Water in Non-Condensing/ Back Pressure Turbine - Answer- Operates above or in excess of atmospheric pressure. Condensing Turbine - Answer- Steam expands below atmospheric pressure (vacuum pressure). When it passes through the condenser (or series of condenses), a maximum pressure drop is experienced. Thus, the maximum amount of energy is extracted from each lbm of steam input. Code on Boiler Repair? - Answer- - Chapter 146 Section 51

  • CMR 522 Section 15
  • NBIC Section 3 Code on Safety valves? - Answer- - Chapter 146 Section 9, 12, 42, 74
  • CMR 522 Section 16
  • ASME Section 1 PG 70-
  • NBIC Section 4 4 Ways to determine boiler horsepower? - Answer- - BTU input / 41840
  • BTU output / 33475
  • Steam output in lbs/hr / 34.
  • Nameplate Turbine protection devices - Answer- Tripping Device. Low Lube Oil Pr. Over Speed Trip. Low Vacuum. SOV for remote tripping. Casing Expansion. Steam tables headings - Answer- Temp Pressure Specific volume Internal energy Enthalpy Entropy

What is critical speed in a turbine? - Answer- Speed at which the shaft resonates owing to its natural frequency coinciding with frequency of sound leading to high vibration. When operating push through this. ASME Section 1 PG-58 - Answer- OUTLETS AND EXTERNAL PIPING What two bearings are on a turbine? - Answer- Steam turbines have journal bearings and thrust bearings. Journal bearings are at each end of each rotor to support the weight of the rotor. One thrust bearing typically is provided for the entire steam turbine to maintain the axial position of the rotor. What do we test for in a fuel analysis? - Answer- NO CASH

  • Nitrogen
  • Oxygen
  • Carbon
  • Argon
  • Sulfur
  • Hydrogen