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Thoracic Spine, Scoliosis, and Cervical Anatomy: 160 Questions and Answers, Quizzes of Nursing

A comprehensive review of the thoracic spine, scoliosis, and cervical anatomy, covering key concepts, definitions, and anatomical structures. It includes 160 questions and answers, designed to test and reinforce understanding of these topics. Particularly useful for students of anatomy, radiology, and related healthcare fields.

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Available from 12/08/2024

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Download Thoracic Spine, Scoliosis, and Cervical Anatomy: 160 Questions and Answers and more Quizzes Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

Thoracic Spine, Scoliosis, and Cervical Anatomy

Review: 160 Questions and Answers.

the vertebral column forms the..... - Correct answer central axis of the skeleton the vertebral column is centered in the ___________ plane - Correct answer midsagittal the vertebral column is located in the _______trunk - Correct answer posterior what are 3 functions of the vertebral column - Correct answer 1. encloses & protects spinal cord

  1. supports trunk & skull
  2. provides muscle attachments the first compensatory curve in the thoracic region is known as the.... - Correct answer cervical curvature (concave) (lordotic) the first primary curve in the thoracic region is known as the.... - Correct answer thoracic curvature (convex) the second compensatory curve in the thoracic region is known as the... - Correct answer lumbar curvature (concave) (lordotic) the second primary curve in the thoracic region is known as the.... - Correct answer sacral curvature (convex) which curves form first, compensatory or primary - Correct answer primary the first compensatory curve forms when infants.... - Correct answer lift their heads the second compensatory curve forms when infants... - Correct answer start to walk

definition of kyphosis - Correct answer exaggerated thoracic curvature "humpback" kyphosis is increased... - Correct answer convexity definition of lordosis - Correct answer exaggerated lumbar curvature "swayback" lordosis is increased... - Correct answer concavity definition of scoliosis - Correct answer abnormal lateral curvatures scoliosis is commonly detected in __________ years - Correct answer adolescent scoliosis is caused by.... - Correct answer disease, surgery/trauma, idiopathic (unknown cause) if scoliosis is not detected & treated, it may progress to point of.... - Correct answer debilitation what are 2 distinctive features of thoracic spine - Correct answer - rib articulations (facets & demifacets)

  • caudally pointed spinous processes T1-T10 have facets for _________ joints - Correct answer costotransverse T11-T12 do not have facets for __________ joints - Correct answer costotransverse T1-T4 resemble.... - Correct answer cervical vertebrae T5-T8 are typical... - Correct answer thoracic vertebrae T9-T12 resemble.... - Correct answer lumbar vertebrae T10-T12 have single __________ on each side for costovertebral joints - Correct answer costal facet

how are the costotransverse joints formed - Correct answer tubercle of rib with transverse process how are the costovertebral joints formed - Correct answer head of rib with vertebral body what degree of rotation is needed to visualize zygapophyseal joints in thoracic region - Correct answer 70-75* LPO LPO best demonstrates _____ zygapophyseal joints in thoracic region - Correct answer right RPO best demonstrates ______ zygapophyseal joints in thoracic region - Correct answer left posterior obliques best demonstrate ______ zygapophyseal joints in thoracic region - Correct answer upside intervertebral disk spaces & intervertebral foramina are best demonstrated in the ______ view of thoracic spine - Correct answer lateral what are the topographic landmarks for T-spine - Correct answer - vertebra prominens (T1)

  • jugular notch (T3)
  • sternal angle (T4-T5)
  • mid thorax (T7)
  • xiphoid tip (T10-T11) for an AP T-spine use a..... - Correct answer compensating filter where is the CR at for AP T-spine - Correct answer T7 (3-4" below jugular notch) what IR size & orientation is used for AP T-spine - Correct answer 14x LW what is the breathing for every T-spine projection except for lateral - Correct answer expiration

what is the breathing for lateral T-spine - Correct answer orthostatic breathing what is the kVp for T-spine projections - Correct answer 80- where is the CR at for lateral T-spine - Correct answer T7 (3-4" below jugular notch) if the spine is not parallel during lateral T-spine projections, use a ____________ angle - Correct answer 10-15* cephalic what is the IR size & orientation for lateral T-spines - Correct answer 14x17 LW for lateral T-spines, kVp may need to be ______ because of breathing technique - Correct answer reduced during lateral T-spines, the shoulders may cover.... - Correct answer T and T for AP/PA T-spine obliques, what is the patient rotation - Correct answer 70* where is the CR at for AP/PA T-spine obliques - Correct answer T7 (3-4" below jugular notch) what is the IR size & orientation for AP/PA T-spine obliques - Correct answer 14x17 LW where is the CR at for cervicothoracic lateral (swimmers) T-spine - Correct answer T1 (1" above jugular notch) to separate the shoulders in a cervicothoracic (swimmers) T-spine projection, what kind of angle do you use - Correct answer 3-5" caudal what is the IR size & orientation for cervicothoracic (swimmers) T-spine - Correct answer 10x12 LW what is the SID for all thoracic projections - Correct answer 40"

scoliosis radiography demonstrates.... - Correct answer amount/degree of curvature that occurs w/ force of gravity acting on body scoliosis is also used to evaluate..... - Correct answer fixation devices (such as Harrington rods) bending scoliosis studies are used to differentiate between.... - Correct answer primary & compensatory curves is upright or recumbent preferred for scoliosis projections - Correct answer upright what is the SID for scoliosis projections - Correct answer 60" what is the IR size & orientation for scoliosis projections - Correct answer 14x36 LW what is a benefit & risk for AP scoliosis projections over PA - Correct answer benefit: less OID between spine & IR risk: dose to breasts & thyroid is increased 90% what is a benefit & risk for PA scoliosis projections over AP - Correct answer benefit: dose to breasts & thyroid is reduced 90% risk: increased OID what is the kVp for AP/PA scoliosis projections - Correct answer 80- what is the kVp for lateral scoliosis projections - Correct answer 90- what are the breathing instructions for all scoliosis projections - Correct answer expiration where is the CR at for ALL scoliosis projections - Correct answer lower IR border 1-2" below iliac crest for the Ferguson Method: Scoliosis Series, you elevate the ______ side - Correct answer convex (low) for AP right & left bending: scoliosis series, the pelvis remains ________ - Correct answer stationary (pivot point)

the AP right & left bending: scoliosis series demonstrates.... - Correct answer spinal mobility for hyperflexion & hyperextension scoliosis projections, the pelvis is the.....

  • Correct answer fulcrum (pivot point) hyperflexion & hyperextension scoliosis projections are done after spinal fusion surgery to evaluate.... - Correct answer spinal mobility for hyperflexion & hyperextension scoliosis projections, if you know the site of fusion, you can.... - Correct answer center there & at MCP hyperflexion & hyperextension scoliosis projections can either be done ________ or _______ - Correct answer upright or recumbent size of C1-C7 progressively get ________ - Correct answer larger C3-C6 are _______ cervical vertebrae - Correct answer typical C7 has vertebrae prominens which have.... - Correct answer extra long & more horizontal spinous processes (palpable) C1 is known as... - Correct answer atlas C2 is known as.... - Correct answer axis what are the 3 total foramina that run vertically through cervical vertebrae - Correct answer - vertebral foramen
  • 2 transverse foramina the 2 transverse foramina from the cervical vertebrae is a passage for... - Correct answer vessels & nerves what are the bifid spinous tips on the cervical vertebrae - Correct answer double pointed end to spinous process definition of overlapping vertebral bodies of cervical region - Correct answer anterior end of vertebral body extends inferiorly

definition of articular pillars on cervical vertebrae - Correct answer short column of bone that is located between superior & inferior articular processes the articular pillars of the cervical vertebrae is thicker & more supportive than.... - Correct answer similar area of bone in rest of spinal column what is the articular pillar called when referring to C1 - Correct answer lateral mass the cervical zygapophyseal joints are formed by... - Correct answer articulation between superior & inferior articular processes the zygapophyseal joints between C2-C7 are located at..... - Correct answer 90* from MSP (true lateral position) the zygapophyseal joint between C1-C2 are seen in a _______ projection - Correct answer true AP (open mouth) a lateral cervical projection best demonstrates..... - Correct answer zygapophyseal joints between C2-C AP open mouth cervical projection best demonstrates... - Correct answer zygapophyseal joint between C1-C injury high in spinal cord can result in.... - Correct answer serious paralysis and death the zygapophyseal cervical joints should appear perfectly... - Correct answer symmetric what can cause the appearance of asymmetry in the cervical region - Correct answer injury or rotation of skull cervical intervertebral foramina are formed by.... - Correct answer inferior & superior borders of pedicles

the demonstrate the cervical intervertebral foramina rotate the patient.... - Correct answer 45* while also rotating the patient 45* to demonstrate the cervical intervertebral foramina, also use a ______ tube angle - Correct answer 15* what are the 2 requirements to open cervical intervertebral foramina - Correct answer - 45* patient oblique

  • 15* tube angle LPO/RPO cervical projections require a _______ tube angle to open the intervertebral foramina - Correct answer 15* cephalic LAO/RAO cervical projections require a _____ tube angle to open the intervertebral foramina - Correct answer 15* caudal the LPO & RAO cervical projections best demonstrates the _____ foramina
  • Correct answer right the RPO & LAO cervical projections best demonstrates the _____ foramina
  • Correct answer left to demonstrate C2-C7 zygapophyseal joints what position is done - Correct answer 90* lateral 90* lateral C2-C7 have the right & left zygapophyseal joints _______ - Correct answer superimposed to demonstrate C1-C2 zygapophyseal joints what position is done - Correct answer AP open mouth AP open mouth C1-C2 have the left & right joint spaces ______ - Correct answer equal b/c C1 (atlas) doesnt have a body, what are the 2 things that replace the body - Correct answer anterior arch & anterior tubercle b/c C1 (atlas) doesnt have spinous processes, what are the 2 things that replace the spinous process - Correct answer posterior arch & posterior tubercle

superior facets of C1 (atlas) form articulation with... - Correct answer occipital condyles of skull the articulation between the superior facets of C1 & occipital condyles of skull form the _____________ joint - Correct answer atlantooccipital the transverse processes of C1 (atlas) are... - Correct answer smaller the articular pillars of C1 are called lateral masses b/c they.... - Correct answer support weight of head & assist in rotation C2 (axis) has a... - Correct answer dens/odontoid process definition of dens/odontoid process - Correct answer conical process that projects up from body of C2 & articulates with C the dens/odontoid process is held in place by the.... - Correct answer transverse atlantal ligament of C rotation of the head primarily occurs between.... - Correct answer C1-C what are the 4 positioning landmarks for cervical projections - Correct answer - mastoid tip (1" below EAM) - C

  • gonion (jaw angle) - C
  • thyroid cartilage ("Adam's Apple") - C
  • vertebra prominens (spinous process of C7) - T what does EAM stand for - Correct answer external acoustic (auditory) meatus what is the SID for the oblique & lateral cervical projections - Correct answer 72" what is the SID for the AP cervical projections - Correct answer 40" why is there a 72" SID for oblique & lateral cervical projections - Correct answer to help compensate for increased OID what is the kVp range for the cervical projections - Correct answer 70-

what are the breathing instructions for all the cervical projections - Correct answer expiration what are the 3 reasons erect cervical is preferred over supine - Correct answer - demonstrates alignment & ligament stability

  • demonstrates natural curve of spine
  • helps to depress shoulders where is the CR at for AP open mouth cervical projections - Correct answer through center of mouth for AP open mouth cervical projections, the upper incisors & base of skull should be... - Correct answer superimposed AP open mouth cervical projections should be collimated down to a.... - Correct answer 4x the dens is prone to fractures caused by... - Correct answer whiplash rotation of skull during AP open mouth cervical projections can imitate.... - Correct answer pathology (unequal spaces between lateral masses & dens) the zygapophyseal joint between C1-C2 is the __________ joint - Correct answer atlantoaxial if teeth are superimposed on upper dens for AP open mouth cervical projections, you can fix it by.... - Correct answer - slight hyperextension of neck
  • slight cephalic angle if base of skull superimposed dens for AP open mouth cervical projections, you can fix it by.... - Correct answer - slight hyperflexion of neck
  • slight caudal angle if base of skull & upper incisors are superimposed & dens is still not well visualized in an AP open mouth cervical projection, what methods can be done - Correct answer Judd or Fuchs

what is the CR angle for AP axial cervical projections - Correct answer 15- 20* cephalic where is the CR at for AP axial cervical projections - Correct answer C (lower thyroid cartilage) erect AP axial cervical projections requires a ______ CR angle - Correct answer 20* cephalic supine AP axial cervical projections require a ______ CR angle - Correct answer 15* cephalic the cephalic angle for AP axial cervical projections open up intervertebral joint spaces b/c.... - Correct answer bodies have slight overlap for cervical vertebras posterior cervical oblique projections require a _____ CR angle - Correct answer 15* cephalic anterior cervical oblique projections reluire a ______ CR angle - Correct answer 15* caudal where is the CR at for both posterior & anterior oblique cervical projections

  • Correct answer C4 (lower thyroid cartilage) posterior & anterior oblique cervical projections require a patient rotation of... - Correct answer 45* why are anterior cervical obliques preferred over posterior - Correct answer dose to thyroid & breasts is reduced by 10x where is the CR at for lateral cervical projections - Correct answer C (lower thyroid cartilage) lateral cervical projections require the patients shoulders to be... - Correct answer relaxes & dropped if C7 can't be seen in a lateral cervical projection, what projection should be done - Correct answer swimmers

trauma cervical lateral projections need to be done... - Correct answer CTL lateral flexion & extension cervical projections are a _________ study - Correct answer functional lateral flexion & extension cervical projections are useful in diagnosing ____________ & evaluating ____________ after spinal fusion surgery - Correct answer whiplash injuries; spinal mobility where is the CR at for lateral flexion & extension cervical projections - Correct answer C4 (lower thyroid cartilage) hypeflexion lateral cervical projections have the spinous processes..... - Correct answer well separated hyperextension lateral cervical projections have the spinous processes... - Correct answer in close proximity where is the CR at for the AP Fuchs Dens cervical method - Correct answer inferior mandible the CR should be parallel to _______ in the AP Fuchs Dens cervical method - Correct answer MML what does MML stand for - Correct answer mentomeatal line the MML connects the ______ to ___________ - Correct answer EAM to mentum (chin) where is the CR at for PA Judd Dens cervical method - Correct answer level of mastoid processes the CR should be parallel to ______ in the PA Judd Dens cervical method - Correct answer MML during the AP "Wagging Jaw" Ottonello cervical method, the mandible... - Correct answer moves during exposure

where is the CR at for the AP "Wagging Jaw" Ottonello cervical method - Correct answer C4 (lower thyroid cartilage) the AP axial vertebral arch (Pillars) cervical method requires the neck to be.... - Correct answer hyperextended what is the CR angle for the AP axial vertebral arch (Pillars) cervical method - Correct answer 20-30* caudal where is the CR at for the AP axial vertebral arch (Pillars) cervical method - Correct answer lower margin of thyroid cartilage (C5)