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TIPS ALCOHOL TRAINING EXAM QUESTIONS WITH CORRECT ANSWERS 100% 2024 Types of penalties matched with server/establishment - CORRECT ANSWERS-•Fines - Both •Arrest- Server •Community service- Server •License Suspension-Establishment •Financial Judgment- Both •License Revocation- Establishment •Loss of certification- Server •Loss of job- Server •Loss of income- Both Never sell to - CORRECT ANSWERS--Underage people -Visibly intoxicated people -Third party people (those purchasing for underage) Practice Quiz 1 - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. The establishment is responsible for protecting you. (NO) 2. Able to get in trouble with sell alcohol only where dram shop liability exists (NO) 3. What is a third party sale (OF AGE TO UNDERAGE)

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Available from 01/03/2025

eric-kariuki 🇺🇸



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Download TIPS ALCOHOL TRAINING EXAM QUESTIONS WITH CORRECT ANSWERS 100% 2024 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity!



ANSWERS 100% 2024

Types of penalties matched with server/establishment - CORRECT ANSWERS- •Fines - Both •Arrest- Server •Community service- Server •License Suspension-Establishment •Financial Judgment- Both •License Revocation- Establishment •Loss of certification- Server •Loss of job- Server •Loss of income- Both Never sell to - CORRECT ANSWERS--Underage people -Visibly intoxicated people -Third party people (those purchasing for underage) Practice Quiz 1 - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. The establishment is responsible for protecting you. (NO)

  1. Able to get in trouble with sell alcohol only where dram shop liability exists (NO)
  2. What is a third party sale (OF AGE TO UNDERAGE) Helpful tools - CORRECT ANSWERS-•follow safe-service guidelines •get trained •suggest food •check ids •refuse service •call a cab •monitor guests •refuse servcie •ask questions •call the police •suggest non-alcoholic drinks •post signs Practice Quiz 2 - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. If you make reasonable efforts to prevent illegal alcohol service, there is no way you can be held liable. (FALSE)
  1. In video which reasonable tool has been used (CALL THE POLICE) Acceptable IDs - CORRECT ANSWERS-•your state drivers license •your states or jurisdiction issued id card •military id •passport •cannot be expired even if they are legal age Properly check ID - CORRECT ANSWERS-•verify information •check for alterations •establish id ownership •use ID checking guide if needed Signs of alterations or tampering - CORRECT ANSWERS-•mismatched type •cut, torn, or frayed lamination •unusual or missing information •size variations Practice Quiz 3 - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. In most areas, legal identification must have both a __ and a __ to be considered valid (PHOTO & DOB)
  2. Compare pictures of IDs and mark alterations
  3. Which is not an acceptable form to purchase alcohol (STUDENT ID)
  4. Is this id valid
  5. Is this id valid
  6. "When did you graduate from highschool is (A TEST FOR VALIDITY OF ID) Blood Alcohol Content - CORRECT ANSWERS-•BAC- amount of alcohol is one's bloodstream •mass legal limit. •general female glass limit (2 drinks/120 pounds- 3 drinks/180) •general male glass limit (3 drinks/ 140 - 4 drinks/200) •as a server you DO NOT have responsibility to determine BAC content, but you are responsible to not serve if they are visibly intoxicated Benefits of Documentation - CORRECT ANSWERS-•best defense •tangible evidence employees did everything possible •reduce incidents by: increasing staff, implementing cover charge Incident Report Filled Anytime: - CORRECT ANSWERS-•cut off guest •involves possibility of or actual violence
  • any time you call for assistance
  • any case where you have refused service to someone who has just arrived at establishment Good Incident Report Includes - CORRECT ANSWERS-• name and/or description of guest
  • date and time of incident
  • description of incident
  • reasonable efforts and intervention
  • witnesses to the incident (can verify what the server did or did not do)
  • employees and managers on duty during incident Practice Quiz 4 - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. Select all situations you file an incident report (REFUSE SERVICE BC GUEST SHOWS SIGNS OF INTOXICATION, BREAK UP A FIGHT BETWEEN 2 GUESTS, CALL SECURITY WHEN GUEST INSISTS YOU MUST ACCEPT HIS ID AND SERVE HIM ALCOHOL)
  1. Select best form (MORE DETAILED ONE)
  2. Which is best info for what happened (MOST DETAILED)
  3. Who should sign off on the incident report after what happened (THE MANAGER ON DUTY)
  4. Which reasonable effort did the hostess use (NOTIFIED THE MANAGER) Alcohol Related Laws - CORRECT ANSWERS-•What is the legal age to serve alcohol is MA - 18
  • does my state have dram shop laws - no
  • Massachusetts does not currently regulate server training
  • legal limit. Practice Quiz 5 - CORRECT ANSWERS-Guessing types of guests •if they are old enough but buying many at a time they are probably buying for underage •if they refuse to give it to you you cant serve 4 Behavioral Cues - CORRECT ANSWERS-• lowered inhibitions -mood swings -over confidence -boisterous or extreme loudness -risk taking
  • impaired judgment
  • slowed reactions
  1. A person with a high tolerance may be able to hide their behavioral cues 6 Physical Factors Affect - CORRECT ANSWERS-• Physical size (higher body fat get drunker)
  • Strength of the drink
  • Rate of consumption
  • Food intake
  • Gender
  • Drug use Pure Alcohol - CORRECT ANSWERS-• 1 oz (30 ml) of 100 proof liquor
  • 12 oz (355 ml) of beer
  • 5 oz (148 ml) of wine Order in which drinks are absorbed - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. Straight shot
  1. Carbonated mixer
  2. Water mixer
  3. Juice mixer Practice Quiz 7 - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. Why are smaller people more likely to become drunk (ALCOHOL HAS LESS SPACE TO SPREAD)
  4. Why are heavier peope easier to get drunk (BODY FAT DOES NOT ABSORB ALCOHOL)
  5. Women are smaller and tend to have more body fat than men
  6. Those who drink faster will become more drunk
  7. Eating food before drinking is effective but eating food after is not
  8. Alcohol is a depressant
  9. Tolerance has no impact on the rate of intoxication or BAC How to lower BAC - CORRECT ANSWERS-• Liver processes about 3/4 oz (22ml) of pure alcohol per hour
  • nothing can speed rate of body eliminating alcohol
  • Time is the only thing that can lower BAC Practice Quiz 8 - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. The more behavioral cues you see the higher the BAC probably
  1. Takes one hour to process one drink
  2. Guests BAC level will vary every day Practice Quiz 9 - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. Ask for second ID when you need to verify primary ID and need furter identifications Customer Service Guidelines - CORRECT ANSWERS-• Customer service guidelines help you to intervene without escalating situation
  • Designed to maintain balance between good customer service and legal alcohol sales
  • Communicate clearly
  • Use I statements
  • Use fact not opinon (I am following policy , not I think you have had too much to drink)
  • Provide a reason for your actions Intervention Model - CORRECT ANSWERS-• Assess your guest
  • Decide based on assessment
  • Implement your decision