[email protected] Want to earn $1.236 1. Anadult patient who sustained asevereheadtraumahasbeenintubatedandisbeing manually ventilated via a bag-mask device at a rate of 18 breaths/minute. The patient hasreceiveoneintravenousfluidbolus500mLofwarmedisotoniccrystalloidsolu tion. The PaCO2 is 30 mm Hg (4.0 kPa), and the pulse oximetry is 92%. BP is 142/70 mm Hg. What is the most important intervention to manage the cerebral blood flow? A. Decreasetherateofmanual ventilation.*** B. Initiateanotherfluidbolus. C. Recheckendotrachealtubeplacement. D. Increasetheamountofoxygendelivered. 2. Apatientwithcompletespinalcordinjurywhoisinneurogenicshockwillde monstrate hypotension and which other clinical signs? A. Bradycardiaandipsilateralasenseofmotor function. B. Tachycardiaandrespiratorydepression. C. Tachycardiaandpiokilothermia. D. Bradycardiaandabsentmotorfunctionbelowthelevelofinjury.*** 3. Youarecaringforapatientwhowasshotmultipletimesinthechestandabdomen.Th e patient is unresponsive with snoring, shallow respirations. Assessment reveals absent radial pulses, weak and rapid carotid pulse, and cool, diaphoretic skin. Which management strategy should the nurse anticipate? A. Autotransfusion B. Massivetransfusion C. Controlledfluidboluses*** D. Inotropicmedications 4. Threeadultspresentatdifferenttimesduringaone- hourwithahighfever,fatigue,and headache. All three patients have a rash which started on their mouth, face, and arms with progression to the chest and abdomen. They all visited the same grocery store within the last week. What is the most appropriate intervention from triage for these patients? A. Movethemtoadecontaminationarea B. Maskthepatientsandsendthemtothewaiting room C. Immediatelyinitiateisolationprecautions*** D. Sendthemtothewaitingroomwithoutamask TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS A SWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+D CORRECT DETAILED TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+ Downloaded by: claireethequeen |
[email protected] Want to earn $1.236 5. Whichofthefollowingcharacteristicsisfoundinhighperformingteams? A. Interdisciplinarycollaboration*** B. Provideon-the-jobtraining C. Workindividually D. Minimalfeedbacktodecreaseconfusion 6. An adult patient weighing 75 kg sustained partial and full thickness burns to 32% of their body 2 hours prior to arrival. Intravenous fluid resuscitation was calculated to be 400 mL/hr.Theurineoutputoverthelasthourwas15mL.Whatinterventionshouldthenu rse anticipate? A. Addbloodproductstothe resuscitation B. Increaseisotoniccrystalloidinfusionrate*** C. Administeranintravenousdiuretic D. Switchtoahypertonicsalinesolution 7. Anadultpedestrianwasstruckontherightsidebyasportutilityvehicletraveli ng40 mph. The patient is awake and alert and the right leg is shortened. Following initial resuscitation with fluids, the patient remains hypotensive. What would the priority intervention be? A. Sendbloodfortypeand crossmatch B. Applyapelvic binder*** C. Preparethepatientfor surgery D. Insertaurinary catheter 8. Youarespeakingwiththefamilyofacriticallyinjuredpatient.Thespouseiscry ing loudly and the daughter is angry and yelling at staff. Which of the following nursing interventions is most appropriate? A. Havethefamilyescortedoutofthe department B. Askifthefamilywouldlikespiritualsupport*** C. Allowonlythespousetoseethepatient D. Donotincludethefamilyindecision-makingatthistime 9. Aseverelyinjuredpatienthasbeenintubatedandisbeingmechanicallyventilated. The patient has received a balanced resuscitation including multiple blood products. Under which circumstance will it be harder for hemoglobin to release oxygen to the tissues? A. DecreasedpH B. Elevatedcarbondioxidelevel C. Decreasedbodytemperature*** D. Increasedmetabolicdemand TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS A SWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+D CORRECT DETAILED TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+ Downloaded by: claireethequeen |
[email protected] Want to earn $1.236 15.Anadultpatientinvolvedinanassaultpresentswithshortnessofbreath,BP88/ 50 mmHg, heart rate 130 beats/minute. The patient has muffled heart sounds and is cyanotic. What is the priority intervention? A. Needlethoracostomy B. Chesttube insertion C. Pericardiocentesis*** D. Trachealintubation 16.Apatientwithachesttubeisbeingtransportedtotheintensivecareunitandfluctua tion is noted in the water seal chamber during inspiration and expiration. What is the best action for the nurse to take? A. Clampthechesttube B. Returntotheemergency department C. Assistventilationwithbag-maskdevice D. Continuetointensivecareunit*** 17.Atraumapatientwhois30- weekspregnantarrivesattheemergencydepartment following a motor vehicle collision. Which normal physiologic change should be considered when assessing ventilatory status? A. Increasedfunctionalreservecapacity B. Increasedoxygenconsumption*** C. Decreasedminuteventilation D. Slowerdesaturationrateswithapnea 18.An older patient with a history of anticoagulant use presents after a fall at home the previous day. They deny loss of consciousness. The patient has a hematoma to their foreheadandcomplainsofheadache,dizziness,leftarmweakness,andnausea. What is the most likely cause of these symptoms? A. Epiduralhematoma B. Diffuseaxonalinjury C. Post-concussivesyndrome D. Subduralhematoma*** 19.Inamotorvehiclecollision,whichinjurypathwayismostlikelytoincreaset hepatients morbidity and mortality? A. Rotational B. Ejection*** C. Lateral TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS A SWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+D CORRECT DETAILED TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+ Downloaded by: claireethequeen |
[email protected] Want to earn $1.236 D. Rollover 20.An unconscious patient arrives following a motor vehicle collision. The patient is on a backboard with a cervical collar in place and one intravenous line running. Respirations areshallowandthereisactivebriskbleedingfromalargelegwound.Whatistheprio rity intervention for this patient? A. Checkforapatentairway B. Controlthe bleeding*** C. Startasecondintravenousline D. Ventilatewithbag-maskdevice 21.Thetraumanurseiscaringforanunrestraineddriverwhostrucktheirheadon the windshield following a high-speed MVC. The patient has been diagnosed with an anterior spinal cord injury at the level of C6. Which finding is most concerning? A. Dissensionofthebladder B. Incontinenceof stool C. Increasingworkof breathing*** D. Inabilitytomovethelegs 22.A nurse verbalized guilt and remorse after taking caring for multiple severely injured patientsduringastaffingcrisis.Thenurseexpressesangerstatingthatthepatient sdid not receive quality care and begins exhibiting aggression towards colleagues. This is most consistent with which condition? A. Compassionfatigue B. Vicarioustrauma C. Secondarytraumaticstress D. Moralinjury*** 23.An85yearoldisbroughttotheemergencydepartmentbyafamily memberforfever and cough. There are multiple bruises in various stages of healing on the upper extremitiesandtheback.Basedonthesefindingswhatisthemostappropria teinitial question to facilitate screening for abuse? A. Howdidyougetthese bruises? B. Howlonghaveyouhadthese bruises? C. Didsomeonehurtyou? D. Whotakescareofyou?*** 24.Basedonfallmechanism,whichpatientwarrantsprehospitaltransfert oatrauma center? TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS A SWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+D CORRECT DETAILED TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+ Downloaded by: claireethequeen |
[email protected] Want to earn $1.236 A. A35yearoldlands onawooden porchfroman8foot ladder B. A2yearoldlandsongrassfromasecond story balcony*** C. A14yearoldforcefullypushedonconcretefromstanding D. A50yearoldlands onacarpetedflooraftertripping 25.Caregivers carry a 2 year old into the emergency department who fell out of a second storywindow.Thepatientisawakeandcryingwithincreasedworkofbreathingan dpale skin. Which intervention has the highest priority? A. Stabilizingthecervicalspine*** B. Applyinganonrebreathermask C. Establishingintravenousaccess D. Preparingfordrug-assistedintubation 26.A patient arrives at the emergency department following a motor vehicle collision. Prehospital personnel report significant damage to the vehicle. The patient is alert and agitated with a strong odor of alcohol and appears intoxicated. After physician evaluation,underwhatcircumstancescananordertoremovetherigidcervicalcol larbe anticipated? A. Noimagingabnormalitiesoftheneck*** B. Noneurologicalabnormalitiesonexamination C. Nopointtendernesstocervicalspine D. Absenceofneckpainwith movement 27.Whichofthefollowingassessmentfindingsdifferentiatesatensionpneumoth oraxfroma simple pneumothorax? A. Increasedworkofbreathing B. Unilaterallydiminishedbreathsounds C. Tachycardia D. Hypotension*** 28.A patient arrives with a 3 inch laceration to their forearm from a tree branch. Which of thefollowingmethodswillthenurseusetoremovesmallpiecesofbarkanddebrisf rom the wound? A. Lowpressureirrigation B. Highpressureirrigation*** C. Scrubbingwithnormalsaline D. Scrubbingwithtapwater 29.Whatpositionoptimizesventilationintheobesepatientwithalumbar fracture? TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS A SWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+D CORRECT DETAILED TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+ Downloaded by: claireethequeen |
[email protected] Want to earn $1.236 severalhours.Theteamgatherstoplanaccordingly.Whichofthefollowingtermsbest describes this trauma team’s communication? A. Brief B. Closedloop C. Debrief D. Huddle*** 40.Whatisthemostimportantconsiderationduringtheinitialassessmentwhenc aringfor an older adult who has sustained serious injuries? A. Theyarelikelytobefearfuloftheemergency department B. Medicalhistoryincludingcurrentmedications*** C. Availabilityofsupportsystemsafterdischarge D. Accessibilitytoprimarycarephysicians 41.A patient is brought to the emergency department following a snowmobile crash with prolongedexposurepriortotransport.Thepatientisconfused.VitalssignsareBP96/ 54 mmHg, HR 114 beats/minute, RR 24 beats/minute, T 36.4C (94.2F), and SpO2 90% on oxygen at 15L per non rebreather mask. Other findings include ETCO2 24, serum lactate6mmol/L,andaPhof6.8.Basedonthesefindings,whatisthemostappropriat e intervention? A. Initiatewarmingmeasures*** B. Titrateoxygento6Lpernasalcannula C. Boluswith500mLisotonic crystalloids 42.A driver involved in a high speed motor vehicle collision arrives in the emergency department. The vehicles airbag failed to deploy. The patient is drowsy but arousable and complaining of chest pain with ecchymosis noted to the chest. The patient is tachycardicandhypotensivewithnoevidenceofuncontrolledbleeding. Cardiacmonitor showsprematureventricularcontractions.Whichofthefollowingisthemostapp ropriate intervention for this patient. A. Rapidfluidboluses*** B. Tranexamicacidadministration C. Inotropicsupport D. Hemostativ resuscitation 43.A35yearoldmalepresentswithfacialtraumaafterbeingstruckinthefacewith a baseball. Ateardroppedshaped leftpupilisnotedonexam.Whattypeofinjury is suspected? A. Oculomotornervepalsy TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS A SWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+D CORRECT DETAILED TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+ Downloaded by: claireethequeen |
[email protected] Want to earn $1.236 B. Globerupture*** C. Retrobulbarhematoma D. Retinaldetachment 44.Apatientwithlower extremityfracturecomplainsofseverepainandtightnessinhiscalf, minimally relieved by pain medications. Which of the following is the priority nursing intervention? A. Elevatingthelegabovetheleveloftheheart B. Repositioningthelegandapplyingice C. Elevatingthelegtothelevelofthe heart*** D. Preparingthepaymentforultrasoundoftheleg 45.Your patient is a pedestrian stuck by a car and thrown 35 feet. They were unconscious atthescenebutbecameresponsivewithsubsequentGlasgowcomascalescoreso f13 (E3, V4, M6). The patient has bilateral subdural hematomas and is awaiting transfer to the ICU. Your next assessment reveals a GCS of 8 (E2, V2, M5). What is the priority nursing intervention? A. Holdallpain medications B. Notifytheprovider ofthechange*** C. Repeat theGCSin30 minutes D. Placethepatientintrendelenburg position 46.Apatientpresents,aftera25footfall,withparadoxicalchestwallmovementtoth eright lower chest and complaints of shortness of breath. What is the priority intervention? A. Surgicalintervention B. Chesttube insertion C. Needledecompression D. Airwayandventilation support*** 47.A patient is brought to the emergency department with chest pain and shortness of breathfollowingahighspeedmotorvehiclecollisioninwhichtheyweretheunrestrai ned driver. There is crepitus to the left chest with clear and equal breath sounds. The vital signs are BP 80/40, HR 140 beats/minute, and RR 40 breaths/minute. Cardiac monitor shows sinus tachycardia with premature ventricular contractions. These findings are most consistent with which type of shock? A. Cardiogenic*** B. Neurogenic C. Hypovolemic D. Obstructive TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS A SWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+D CORRECT DETAILED TNCC 9TH EDITION EXAM LATEST 2023-2024 COMPLETE 80 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+ Downloaded by: claireethequeen |
[email protected] Want to earn $1.236 48.A seriously injured patient is noted to have weak, thready pulse and cool, clammy skin. There is instability of the pelvis on palpating and blood on the urinary meatus. A pelvic binderisappropriatelyappliedandbalancedfluidresuscitationisbeingmanaged bythe team. What is most likely to be ordered next? A. Insertaurinary catheter B. Boluswith2Lisotoniccrystalloid solution C. Diagnosticperitoneallavage D. InsertionofaSuprapubliccatheter*** 49.Your patient was the unrestrained driverinvolved in amoderate speed motor vehicle collision. Assessment reveals tenderness in the upper right quadrant, crepitus in the lowerrightribs,andecchymosisaroundtheumbilicus.Thenurseisconcernedab out injury to which organ? A. Transversecolon B. Pancreas C. Liver*** D. Spleen 50.Anadultpatientwasbroughttotheemergencydepartmentfollowingamotorcycl ecrash. On arrival, the patient is only responsive to pain, has bleeding from the nose, and multiple abrasions and contusions to the face. What is the priority intervention? A. Useabulbsyringetosuctionoursecretionsfromthe mouth B. Insertanasopharyngealairwaytomaintainanopenairway C. Useajawthrusttoopentheairwayandlookforsigns ofobstruction*** D. Askthepatienttoopentheirmouthtoinspectthe airway