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TNCC Exam 9th Edition Study Guide QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025, Exams of Pest Management


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Download TNCC Exam 9th Edition Study Guide QUESTIONS WITH COMPLETE VERIFIED SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 and more Exams Pest Management in PDF only on Docsity!




Which agency is responsible for the enforcement of federal laws and regulations? A. UT B. TDA C. USDA D. EPA B. FIFRA Which law requires federal registration of pesticides shipped in interstate commerce? A. TIFRA B. FIFRA C. FEPCA D. TAPA B. FEPCA Which law prohibits the use of any registered pesticide in a manner inconsistent with label directions? A. TAPA B. FEPCA C. USDA D. RCRA A. $5, Any Commercial Applicator who violates any provision of FIFRA may be assessed a civil penalty of? A. $5, B. $10, C. $15, D. $20, C. TDA Which agency is responsible for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of pest control employees and the general public from the hazards of pesticide use in Tennessee? A. USDA B. DOT C. TDA D. TDOT

B. Regulatory Services Division The TDA certification and enforcement functions are coordinated primarily through what division of TDA? A. Division of Plant Industries B. Regulatory Services Division C. Fishery and Wildlife D. Pesticide Regulatory Division C. Restricted-use pesticides Pesticides that may cause adverse effects on the environment and/or the applicator, unless subject to additional regulatory restrictions are classified as? A. General-use pesticides B. Unclassified C. Restricted-use pesticides D. Commercial-use pesticides C. 3 years A certification period lasts for how many years? A. 5 years B. 4 years C. 3 years D. 2 years D. 50% One may earn up to what percentage in-house points in the re-certification program? A. 10% B. 80% C. 30% D. 50% A. 30 How many re-certification points are required for Category 7 in a 3 year period? A. 30 B. 6 C. 10 D. 4 B. Scheduled pesticide applications Which is NOT a step in an IPM program? A. Inspection B. Scheduled pesticide applications C. Determination of pest thresholds D. Monitoring of pest populations and management program.

D. Locate pesticide drift Which is NOT an objective of a general inspection? A. Confirm pest identity and presence B. Identify the location and source of the pest problem. C. Determine the extent of the pest infestation. D. Locate pesticide drift. A. True A good inspection technique is to first identify areas within a structure that offer a tropical environment (warmth, moist, dark and humid). A. True B. False D. Color pattern in a rug Which is NOT likely to be used as a pest travel route? A. Conduit B. Electrical wires C. Pipes D. Color pattern in a rug C. Using a vacuum to remove pests. Which is NOT an example of pest-proofing? A. Building gaps reduced to 1/4 inch opening. B. Vents Screened with 1/4 inch mesh. C. Using a vacuum to remove pests. D. Sealing areas where utility lines enter a structure. A. where a pest lives naturally and has access to food, water and harborage. Habitat is a location A. where a pest lives naturally and has access to food, water and harborage. B. with many cracks and crevices C. with many branches to increase diversity. D. is a door, window or other opening into a structure. C. Use of harpoon mole traps. Which is NOT an example of pest habitat manipulation? A. Installation of prickly wires on a building ledge. B. Good sanitation C. Use of Harpoon mole traps D. Reduce the humidity in a basement D. Multiple-catch traps

Which is NOT an example of a lethal trapping program? A. Rodent snap traps B. Insect light traps C. Harpoon mole traps D. Multiple-catch traps B. Integrated Pest Management IPM stands for A. Insect Pest Management B. Integrated Pest Management C. Integrated Pesticide Management D. Insect and Pesticide Management A. Inspection, Pest threshold determination, Management procedures and Evaluation. The four main components of IPM listed in this manual are: A. Inspection, Pest threshold determination, Management procedures and Evaluation. B. Inspection, Perimeter treatments, Management procedures and Evaluation. C. Inspection, Identification, Management procedures and Evaluation. D. Inspection identification, Perimeter treatments, Management procedures and Evaluation. A. Extruded block Which cannot to be made into a liquid formulation? A. Extruded block B. Wettable powder C. Emulsifiable concentrate D. Soluble powder C. Baits Which is one of the most effective formulations for use against cockroaches, ants and rodents? A. Dust B. Liquids C. Baits D. Granulars A. preventing blood from clotting. Anticoagulant rodenticides kill rodents by A. preventing blood from clotting. B. preventing formation of vitamin K. C. losing calcium in the blood. D. preventing the formation of energy. A. True

Rodents may store grain pellet pesticides in undesirable locations. A. True B. False A. True First-generation rodenticides must be fed upon more than once for rodents to receive a lethal dose. A. True B. False D. Tracking powder Which are potentially more hazardous than other rodenticide formulations and must be applied with extra caution? A. Ground meal baits B. Grain pellets C. Extruded block D. Tracking powder D. Flowable microencapsulate Which formulation provides outstanding longevity in moist or wet conditions? A. Emulsifiable concentrate B. Soluble powder C. Dust D. Flowable microencapsulate B. Fogging In most cases, ____________ kills only the insects present in the air during time of treatment. A. Baiting B. Fogging C. Spraying of residual insecticides D. Dusting A. True Once a duster has been used for a given pesticide, it should never be used to apply another. A. True B. False A. True Rodent baits are not only toxic to most mammals that might eat the bait, they are also toxic to fish. A. True B. False C. German The most common and important pest cockroach is the _____________. A. Asian

B. American C. German D. Australian C. short wings Female Oriental cockroaches have _____________? A. light markings on their wings B. two bands across their thorax C. short wings D. light markings on their thorax A. food, moisture, harborage Cockroaches need ___________ to be successful. A. food, moisture, harborage B. food, moisture, open spaces C. warmth, food, open spaces D. cracks, crevices, food A. Brown-banded The ____________ cockroach does not require a close association with moisture. A. Brown-banded B. American C. German D. Oriental D. Baits ____________ are the most widely used formulation for cockroach control. A. Emulsifiable concentrates B. Dusts C. Wettable powders D. Baits B. two stripes on their thorax German cockroaches have ___________. A. two bands across their head. B. two stripes on their thorax C. light markings on their wings D. short wings C. Baiting __________ is the best way to get an insecticide to an entire Pharaoh ant colony. A. Spraying B. Dusting

C. Baiting D. Fogging B. False When baiting for ants indoors, applying persistent, fast-acting, contact insecticides does not affect the baiting success. A. True B. False B. False Ants are not as sensitive to odors as cockroaches, so using hands that have touched cigarettes to place baits will not deter ants. A. True B. False B. False Chemical control will eliminate a fly problem. A. True B. False C. American dog ticks Rocky Mountain spotted fever is transmitted by __________. A. seed ticks B. cat fleas C. American dog ticks D. brown dog ticks C. Brown dog ticks _________ are found living indoors more often than other ticks. A. American dog ticks B. Lone star ticks C. Brown dog ticks D. Relapsing fever ticks A. dog tapeworm In Tennessee, cat fleas are a medical concern because they transmit _________. A. dog tapeworm B. Rocky Mountain spotted fever C. Lyme Disease D. LaCrosse encephalitis B. dried blood from the female flea The food of the flea larvae is principally __________. A. blood they suck from the host

B. dried blood from the female flea C. fur from the host D. starch D. Ixodes scapularis Lyme disease is transmitted by _________, which is rarely found in Tennessee. A. Dermacentor variabilis B. Amblyomma americanum C. Rhipicephalus sanguineus D. Ixodes scapularis A. the size of a period at the end of a sentence. Rodent and bird mites are usually about _________. A. the size of a period at the end of a sentence B. 1/10 the size of the host C. 1/4 the size of the host D. the size of a Varroa mite A. humans The preferred host of the common bed bug is __________. A. humans B. bats C. bugs D. birds D. spring, night The best season and time to treat yellowjacket nests are A. late summer, mid-morning B. late summer, night C. spring, mid-morning D. spring, night C. three pairs of eyes in a semi-circular arrangement and a brown violin marking Brown recluse spiders have ___________________. A. four pairs of eyes in a semi-circular arrangement and a red hour glass marking. B. three pairs of eyes in a semi-circular arrangement and a red hour glass marking. C. three pairs of eyes in a semi-circular arrangement and a brown violin marking D. four pairs of eyes in a semi-circular arrangement and a brown violin marking. A. True The use of insecticides for mosquito control is, at best, a temporary measure that should be limited to only those situations for which no other alternative exist.

A. True B. False A. removing the source of infestation One of the first steps in a pest management program for fabric pests would be _____________. A. removing the source of infestation B. spraying infested sources C. insecticidal dusting of edges D. fumigating A. clothes moths and carpet beetles Two groups of insects feed on stored woolens, furs and feathers. They are __________. A. clothes moths and carpet beetles B. carpet moths and blanket beetles C. blanket beetles and clothes moths D. clothes moths and tapestry moths B. False Carpet beetle adults are only found in structures. A. True B. False D. carrot-shaped with a long brush of bristles at the tail end Black carpet beetle larvae are _________. A. oval with scales at the tail end B. carrot-shaped with scales at the tail end C. oval with a long brush of bristles at the tail end D. carrot-shaped with a long brush of bristles at the tail end D. broader at the rear than the front Varied carpet beetle larvae are _________. A. carrot-shaped B. oval C. cigar-shaped D. broader at the rear than the front A. gray body with a mixture of white, brown and yellow scales Varied carpet beetle adults have a __________. A. gray body with a mixture of white, brown and yellow scales B. gray to black body with white scales and a band of orange-red scales down the middle of back and around eyes C. whitish body, checkered with black spots each outlined with yellowish-orange scales D. shiny black body

D. shiny black body Black carpet beetle adults have a _________. A. gray body with a mixture of white, brown and yellow scales B. gray to black body with white scales and a band of orange-red scales down the middle of back and around eyes C. whitish body, checkered with black spots each outlined with yellowish-orange scales D. shiny black body B. False Clothes moths are attracted to lights and therefore are often confused with Indianmeal moths. A. True B. False B. Webbing clothes __________ moths are the most commonly encountered clothes moth in Tennessee. A. Common clothes B. Webbing clothes C. Carpet or tapestry D. Casemaking clothes C. Carpet or tapestry __________ moths are rarely encountered in Tennessee. A. Common clothes B. Webbing clothes C. Carpet or tapestry D. Casemaking clothes A. rice and granary weevils Some common stored product pests that attack whole grains and chew through the seed coat are __________. A. rice and granary weevils B. red and confused flour beetles C. psocids and grain mites D. sawtoothed and merchant grain beetles B. traps Pheromones are used in __________. A. sprays B. traps C. dusts D. warehouse foggers B. False

Pest-free items should be stored near infested items to keep the infestation from spreading. A. True B. False D. high humidity Psocids and grain mites need __________ to build large populations. A. grain B. processed meal C. high protein D. high humidity B. smaller and more pointed Merchant grain beetles' area behind the eye is ___________ than the sawtooth grain beetle. A. larger and more pointed B. smaller and more pointed C. larger and more blunt D. smaller and more blunt B. 4 reddish spots on the elytra Granary weevils can't fly, but rice weevils can. Rice weevils have _____________. A. 4 reddish spots on the head B. 4 reddish spots on the elytra C. 2 reddish spots on the head D. 2 reddish spots on the elytra A. True Granary weevils never forage in the wild for food. A. True B. False D. Red flour beetle Which is not an example of an anobiid beetle? A. Cigarette beetle B. Drugstore beetle C. Powderpost beetle D. Red flour beetle B. Indianmeal The most common pest of coarsely ground flours and cornmeal is a(n) ___________. A. black carpet beetle B. Indianmeal beetle C. cigarette beetle D. drugstore beetle

B. False Keeping the stored product at or below a moisture content of 30 percent retards development of many mite species. A. True B. False C. fungal growth Foreign grain beetles feed on ____________. A. stored flours B. stored grains C. fungal growth D. none of the above C. high jumping ability and upside down resting state Behaviors used to identify camel crickets are __________. A. loud chirps and wing rubbing B. long chirps and wing rubbing C. high jumping ability and upside down resting state D. high jumping ability and upright resting state A. in dark, cool places Silverfish live ____________. A. in dark, cool places B. in hot, dark places C. in rooms with silver paint D. in ponds or other small bodies of water A. constant high humidity Springtails infest buildings that have ___________. A. constant high humidity B. stored furs, including fur tails C. stored spring mechanisms D. low humidity B. decaying organic matter Sowbugs and pillbugs usually feed on __________. A. live insects B. decaying organic matter C. old medicine pills D. fresh flowers D. nothing

Centipedes and millipedes typically damage ___________ in homes. A. furnishings B. food C. walls D. nothing A. live insects Centipedes feed on ____________. A. live insects B. decaying organic matter C. old medicine pills D. fresh flowers B. decaying organic matter Millipedes feed on ___________. A. live insects B. decaying organic matter C. old medicine pills D. fresh flowers B. Centipede Which do not coil or roll up when disturbed? A. Pillbug B. Centipede C. Millipede D. All of the above A. 93 One study reduced millipede invasion by into a structure by __________% using non-chemical control. A. 93 B. 83 C. 73 D. 53 B. 1/2 inch diameter Rats can compress their body and squeeze through an opening as small as ___________. A. 1/4 inch diameter B. 1/2 inch diameter C. 1 inch diameter D. 2 inches C. reddish-brown fur, small head and a blunt muzzle

Norway rats have ___________. A. light-colored fur, large head and pointy muzzle B. light-colored fur, small head and pointy muzzle C. reddish-brown fur, small head and a blunt muzzle D. reddish-brown fur, large head and a blunt muzzle A. 10 to 25 feet Mice commonly travel a distance of ____________ from their nest looking for food and water and patrolling their territory. A. 10 to 25 feet B. 100 to 150 feet C. 1 to 2 miles D. None of the above C. Norway rat An adult ____________ produces 3/4 inch long, capsule shaped, blunt ended droppings. A. pine vole B. house mouse C. Norway rat D. roof rat D. A and C. Which of the following is true about bats? A. They are usually beneficial to the environment. B. Most feed on animal blood. C. Many feed on insects D. A and C. B. chirping noises from chimney Which is not evidence of a bat infestation? A. squeaking noises from ceiling and walls B. chirping noises from chimney C. a 1/4 inch opening with a dirty stain. D. droppings on sidewalk, ledges, etc. D. histoplasmosis Bat guano dries to form a crumbly, powdery substance that can grow a fungus. Spores from this fungus become airborne when the guano is disturbed. Inhaled spores develop into a yeast-like infection in the lungs. This produces a systemic disease called ____________. A. fungidosis B. lipidosis

C. osmosis D. histoplasmosis D. all of the above When working in an area where bat guano is present, one should ___________. A. wear protective clothing B. cartridge respirator that filters 0.3 microns C. Spray the guano with water before removing D. all of the above B. False Scientific evidence exists to prove ultrasonic sound emitters control bats. A. True B. False B. an elliptical pupil, a pit between the nostril and the eye and undivided scales on the underside of the tail Poisonous snakes in Tennessee have ____________. A. a round pupil, a pit between the nostril and eye and divided scales on the underside of the tale B. an elliptical pupil, a pit between the nostril and the eye and undivided scales on the underside of the tail C. an elliptical pupil, no pit between the nostril and the eye and undivided scales on the underside of the tail D. a round pupil, no pit between the nostril and the eye and divided scales on the underside of the tail A. horizontal barrier A pre-construction soil application of termiticide to an area that will be covered by a concrete slab, such as a basement or garage floor, is called a ___________. A. horizontal barrier B. vertical barrier C. sand barrier D. concrete barrier B. vertical barrier A chemical barrier established around the base of foundations, plumbing or the back-filled soil against foundation walls is called a ___________. A. horizontal barrier B. vertical barrier C. sand barrier D. concrete barrier B. 66 gallons

A small basement home needs a post-construction termite treatment. Assume pipes and other conduit enter through the foundation walls and no penetrations or cracks are found in slab. There are 4 feet of soil from grade level to the top of the footing on the exterior foundation wall. The foundation is constructed of masonry block. How many gallons of diluted insecticide are needed to provide a continuous barrier to termites if the structure has an outside and inside perimeter of 5 feet x 10 feet? A. 300 gallons B. 66 gallons C. 132 gallons D. 30 gallons A. head visible from above and a 2-segmented antennal club. An adult lyctid powerdust beetle can be distinguished from other powderdust beetles by its: A. head visible from above and a 2-segmented antennal club. B. head not visible from above and a 3-segmented antennal club. C. head not visible from above and bumps on pronotum. D. head visible from above, bumps on pronotum and a 3-segmented antennal club. C. a hoodlike pronotum that conceals the head Anobiid powderdust beetle adults are distinguished from lyctid powderdust beetles by A. rough bumps on the pronotum B. a flattened body shape C. a hoodlike pronotum that conceals the head D. concave wing covers D. 20 Severe wood decay occurs only in wood with a moisture content greater than __________ percent. A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 D. oval, 1/4 inch emergence hole Old house borers produce a(n): A. round 3/8- inch emergence hole B. "d"-shaped emergence hole C. round, 1/3 inch emergence hole D. oval, 1/4 inch emergence hole A. larval tunnels are free of frass Bark beetles cannot reinfest seasoned wood. Which of the following does not describe bark beetle damage? A. larval tunnels are free of frass

B. hardwoods and softwoods are attacked C. eggs are laid in the growing cells between the bark and the wood D. wood is slightly etched from larval tunnels C. bare top of abdomen Carpenter bees can be distinguished from bumble bees by the carpenter's A. hairy top of abdomen B. pollen basket on the leg C. bare top of abdomen D. lack of yellow on t he abdomen A. straight antennae, broad waist and equal-sized wings Adult termites can be distinguished from adult winged ants by the termite's: A. straight antennae, broad waist and equal-sized wings B. elbowed antennae, broad waist and equal-sized wings C. straight antennae, pinched waist and equal-sized wings D. elbowed antennae, pinched waist and unequal-sized wings