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TNCC final exam test Q & AS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 open book Graded A+, Exams of Nursing

TNCC final exam test Q & AS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 open book Graded A+/TNCC final exam test Q & AS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 open book Graded A+/TNCC final exam test Q & AS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 open book Graded A+/TNCC final exam test Q & AS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 open book Graded A+/TNCC final exam test Q & AS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 open book Graded A+

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UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST TNCCfinalexamtest2022openbook Whyisameasureofserumlactateobtainedi ntheini tialassessmentof the traumapatient? Answer:c a)tomeasureoxygenationandventila tion b) toquantifythebasedeficitfortheadequacyo fcellular perfusion c)togaugeend- organperfusionandtissuehy poxia d) todeterminetheunderlyingcauseofshock A trauma patient is restless and repeatedly asking "where am I?"vital signs upon arrival were BP 100/60 mm Hg, HR 96 beats/min,and RR 24breaths/min.Her skin iscooland dry. Currentvitalsignsare BP 104/84mm Hg, HR 108, RR 28 breaths/min. The patient isdemonstratingsignsandsymptomsofw hichst ageofshock?*


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST Answer:A A) compensated B) Progressi ve C)irreversibl e**


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST D) decompensated Anelderlypatientwithahistoryofanticoag ulantuse presentsaftera fall at home that day. she denies any loss of consciousness. Shehas a hematoma to her forehead and complains of headache,dizziness, and nausea. Which is a most likely cause of hersymptoms? Answer:D A) epiduralhematoma B) diffuseaxonalinjury C)post- concussivesyndrome D) subduralhematoma* EMSbringsapatientwhofellridinghisbicycl e.Usingt heAmericanCollegeofSurgeonsscreening guideline s,whichassessmentfindingwould prompt the nurse to prepare the patient for radiologic spineclearance?**


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST **Answer:D A) Alertwithnoneurologicdeficits B) Multipleabrasionstotheextre mities C)Multiplerequestsofwater D) Smellofalcoholonbreath*****


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST Which of the following occurs during the third impact of a motorvehiclecrash?


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST Answer:C A) Thedriverofthevehiclecollideswiththestee ringwhe el B) thevehiclecollideswithatree C)theaortaistornatitsattachmentwiththeliga mentumar teriosum D) theairbagdeploysandstrikesthefrontsea tpassen ger* Apassengerisbroughttotheemergencyd epartme ntofaruralhospitalfollowingahigh- speedMVC.Whensignificantabdominala nd pelvic injuries are noted in the primary survey, which of thefollowingisthepriorityinterventions? Answer:A A) initiatetransfertoatraumacenter** B) providereporttotheoperatingroo mnurse C)Obtainedimagingstudies**


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST D) Placeagastrictube Which of the following is an expected finding in a patient with athoracostomy connectedtoachestdrainagesystem?


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST Answer:D A) outputof200mL/hr B) tubingclampclosedfortransport C)dependentloopsinthetubingtopromote drainage D) fluctuationsinthewaterserialchamber* Which ofthefollowing patientswarrantsreferral toa burncenter? Answer:C A) a21- year oldfemale withapartialthicknessburnto therightforearm B) a40- yearoldhypertensivemalewithasuperficialb urntothe back C)a52- yearolddiabeticmalewithpartialthicknessb urntothel eftlowerleg

D) a35-year oldhyperlipidemicfemale withsuperficial burnstothe**


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST anteriorthorax. A patient has been in the ED for several hours waiting to beadmitted. He sustained multiple rib fractures and a femur fractureafter a fall. He has been awake, alert, and c/o leg pain. His


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST wifereported suddenly becoming anxious and confused. Uponreassessment,thepatientisrestless, withresp iratorydistressandpetechiaetohisneck.t hepatien tisexhibitingsignsofsymptoms


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST commonlyassociatedwithwhichofthefollo wingcon ditions? Answer:B A) acutelunginjury B) fatembolism *** C)PTX D) pulmonarycontusion Whichistheeffectofhypothermiaontheox yhemogl obindissociationcurve? Answer:A A) Hemoglobindoesnotreadilyreleaseoxyg enforuse bythetissues* B) Theamountofoxygenavailabletothetissuesi ncrease s C)Tissueoxygenation(PaO2)increases D) Hemoglobinmoleculesaturation(SaO2)d ecreases A 20-year old male presents to the ED c/o severe lower abd painafterlandinghardonthebicyclecrossb arswhic hperforminganaerialBMXmaneuver.Seco**


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST ndaryas sessmentrevealslowerabdtendernessand scrotal


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST ecchymosis.Whichofthefollowingordersw ouldth enursequestions? Answer:C A) Fastexam B) CTscan C)straightcathforurinesam ple* D) iceandelevationofthescrotum Youaretreatinga27- yearoldmaleinrespiratorydistresswhow asinvolve d in a house fire. Calculating TBSA burned is deferred d/t theneed for emergent intubation. At what rate should you begin fluidresuscitation? Answer:B A)1000mL/hr B)500mL/hr* ** C)250mL/hr D) 125mL/hr Whichofthefollowingispossiblecomplicatio nofposi tive-pressureventilation?**


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST Answer:A


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST A) worseningpneumothorax B) worseningflailches t C)reabsorptionofpleur alair D) negativeintrapleuralpressure Whichof thefollowingisNOT consideredgoal- directed therapyofcardiogenicshock?


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST Answer:C A) controlledfluidboluses B) antidysrhythmicadministr ation C)pericardiocentesis* D) cardiac cath Whatbedsidemonitoringparametersareu sedtoas sessforadequacyofoxygenationandeffect iveness ofventilation? Answer:A A) pulseoximetryandcapnogaphy** B) respiratoryrateandcapnogr aphy C)pulseoximetryandrespirato ryrate D) capnographyandcapnometry Which if the following values indicates the need for alcoholwithdrawalinterventions ?**


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST Answer:A A) CIWA-Arof36* B) GCS C)ETCo2of48m mHg D) heartrateof 45 beats/min**


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST Anunresponsivetraumapatienthasanoro pharyng ealairwayinplace, shallow and labored respiratory, and dusky skin. the traumateamhasadministeredmedication sfordrug assistedintubationandattemptedintubati onbutw asunsuccessful.Whatisthemostappropria teimme diatenextstep? Answer:A A) VentilatewithaBVM* B) Prepareforcricothyroidot omy C)administerreversalmedic ations D) contactanesthesiaforassistance Thetraumanurseknowsthat placing abariatricpatients ina"rampedposition"providesbettervisual ization duringtheinsertionofwhichdevice?**


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST **Answer:C A) Intraosseousline B) orogastrict ube C)ETtube*****


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST D) urinarycatheter


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST You are caring for a patient who was involved in a MVA and is 32weekspregnant.Findingsofyoursecon darysurv eyincludeabdpainonpalpation,fundalhig hattheco stalmargin,andsomedarkbloody show. Varying, accelerations and decelerations are noted onthe cardiotocography.Thesefindings aremostconsistent withwhichofthefollowing? Answer:A A) placentalabruption* B) pretermlabor C) uterinerupture D) fetaldemise Apatientarriveswithalargeopenchestwo undafter beingassaulted with a**


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST machete, Prehospital providers placed a nonporousdressingoverthechestwound andtapes iton3sides.Heisnowshowingsignsofanxi ety,restl essness,severerespiratorydistress,cyan osis,and


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST decreasingbloodpressure.Whichofthefoll owingis theMOSTappropriateinterventions? Answer:C A) needledecompression B) tubethoracosto my C)dressingremov al D) surgicalrepair Apatientisfoundlyingonthefloorafterfallin g13hou rsago.Whichofthefollowinglabvaluesisex pectedw ithamusculoskeletalcomplicationassociat edwitht hispresentation? Answer:A A) elevatedcreatinekinase*** B) decreasedpotassium level C)decreasedWBC D)**


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST elevatedGFR A56-year- malepatientinvolvedinaMVCisbroughttot heEDofar ural critical access facility. He c/o neck pain, SOB, and diffuse abdpain.HisGCSis15.Hisvitalsareasfollow s: BP98/71


UPDATE 2022 / 2023 openb TNCCfinalexam testQ&ASLATEST HR125beats/min