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UH Manoa Anthropology Test 1 questions with answers, Exams of Biology

UH Manoa Anthropology Test 1 questions with answers

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Download UH Manoa Anthropology Test 1 questions with answers and more Exams Biology in PDF only on Docsity! UH Manoa Anthropology Test 1 questions with answers What ffis ffanthropology? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Anthropology ffis ffthe ffstudy ffof ffhumankind ffin ffall fftimes ffand ffplaces What ffis ffthe ffholistic ffperspective? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Looking ffat ffeverything ffabout ffa ffculture; ffnot ffleaving ffone ffpart ff(example: fflanguage) ffout ffof ffyour ffresearch. ffAlso ffknown ffas ffwell ffrounded ffresearch. What ffis ffethnocentrism? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Thinking ffyour ffculture ffis ffthe ffbest What ffis ffculture-bound? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Assumptions ffand ffvalues ffthat ffcome fffrom ffthe ffresearchers ffown ffculture. What ffare ffthe fffour fffields ffof ffanthropology? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡1. ffCultural 2. ffLinguistic 3. ffPhysical 4. ffArchaeology What ffis ffApplied ffAnthropology? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Using ffyour ffanthropological ffknowledge ffto ffsolve ffproblems What ffis ffmedical ffanthropology? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Taking ffyour ffknowledge fffrom ffcultural ffand ffbiological ffanthropology ffand ffusing ffit ffto ffstudy ffhealth ffand ffdisease. What ffis ffcultural ffanthropology? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡The ffstudy ffof ffpatterns ffin ffhuman ffbehavior, ffthought, ffand ffemotions What ffis ffan ffethnography? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡A ffdetailed ffdescription ffof ffa ffculture ffprimarily ffbased ffon fffieldwork. What ffis ffethnology? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡The ffstudy ffof ffdifferent ffcultures fffrom ffa ffcomparative ffor ffhistorical ffpoint ffof ffview What ffis fflinguistic ffanthropology? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡The ffstudy ffof ffhuman fflanguages What ffis ffpaleoanthropology? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡The ffstudy ffof ffbiological ffchanges ffthrough fftime ff(evolution) ffto ffunderstand ffthe fforigins ffand ffpredecessors ffof ffthe ffpresent ffhuman ffspecies. ffStudying ffpast ffhuman fffossils What ffis ffbiocultural? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡An ffapproach ffthat fffocuses ffon ffthe ffinteraction ffof ffbiology ffand ffculture. Empirical ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡An ffapproach ffbased ffon ffobservations ffof ffthe ffworld ffrather ffthan ffintuition ffor fffaith What ffis ffenculturation? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡The ffprocess ffby ffwhich ffa ffsociety's ffculture ffis ffpassed ffon fffrom ffone ffgeneration ffto ffthe ffnext ffand ffindividuals ffbecome ffmembers ffof fftheir ffsociety. ffAlso ffcalled ffsocialization. Symbol ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡A ffsound, ffgesture, ffmark, ffor ffother ffsign ffthat ffis fflinked ffto ffsomething ffelse ffand ffrepresents ffit ffin ffa ffmeaningful ffway. ff Ex: ffflag, ffwedding ffring, ffmoney What ffis ffthe ffBarrel ffModel ffof ffCulture? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Believes ffthat ffevery ffculture ffis ffan ffintegrated ffand ffdynamic ffsystem ffof ffadaptation. What ffare ffthe fffour ffparts ffof ffthe ffBarrel ffmodel? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡1. ffSuperstructure: ffworldview ffand ffperspective 2. ffSocial ffstructure: ffsocial fforganization What fflanguage ffgroup ffdoes ffBalinese ffbelong ffto ffand ffin ffwhat ffother ffparts ffof ffthe ffworld ffdoes ffthis fflanguage ffconnect ffBalinese ffwith? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Porto-Austronesian. ffIt ffconnects ffBali ffto ffthe ffother ffpacific ffislands ffsuch ffas ffthe ffPhilippines, ffHawaii, ffand ffeven ffsouthern ffVietnam. How ffdid ffLansing ffchoose ffhis fffieldwork ffsite ffand ffhow ffis ffit ffdifferent fffrom ffhow ffpeople fftypically ffgo ffabout ffpicking fftheir ffsites? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Lansing ffhad ffhelp fffrom ffan ffanthropologist ffalready ffin ffBali ffand ffthrough ffthat fffriend, ffPhil ffMcKean, ffLansing ffwas ffable ffto ffget ffa ffhead ffstart ffon ffhis ffstudies. ffTypically ffanthropologists ffgo ffinto fftheir ffcultures ffblind. Describe ffthe fflocation ffof ffLansings fffieldwork ffand ffhis ffliving ffsituation. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Lansing fflived ffin ffa ffDutch-inspired ffbungalow ffthat ffaimed ffto ffimpress ffwesterners. ffFieldwork ffwas ffconducted ffon ffthe ffsouth ffcoast ffof ffBali-Sanur. Who ffwas ffLansing's ffprimary ffinformant ffand ffhow ffwas ffthis ffconnection ffmade? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Ida ffBagus. ffHe ffhelped ffhim ffwith ffthe fflanguage ffbarrier ffand ffthey ffmet ffat ffLansing's ffresidence. What ffdid ffLansing ffdecide ffafter ffobserving ffthe ffcommunity fffor ffsome fftime ffan ffinteresting ffresearch ffquestion ffwould ffbe? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡"Why ffdo ffthe ffBalinese ffmake ffso fflittle ffuse ffof fftheir ffmarine ffresources?" How ffdoes ffLansing ffexplain ffthe ffconcepts ffof ff'kaja' ffand ff'kelod'? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Kaja- ffrefers ffto ffthe ffnorth. ffEvery ffBalinese ffwalks ffwith fftheir ffhead ffeither ffto ffthe ffnorth ffor ffeast. ffThe ffhead ffis ffsacred. Kelod- ffrefers ffto ffthe ffsouth. ffThe ffsea ffis ffwhere ffyour ffbody ffleaves, ffand ffis ffmore ffof ffa ffnegative ffconcept ffinstead ffof ffKaja. What ffare ffthe ffthree ffbasic ffworlds ffor ffcomponents ffof ffthe ffBalinese ffworldview ffand ffhow ffdo ffthey ffapply ffto ffthe ffcosmos, ffpeople, ffand ffthe ffisland? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡The ffupper ffworld ffof ffthe ffgods ff(swah), ffthe ffmiddle ffworld ffthat ffhumans ffinhabit ff(bwah), ffand ffthe fflower ffworld ffbeneath ffthe ffearth ff(bhur). Head ffand ffneck ff= ffswah Village ff= ffbwah Legs ff(below ffthe ffknee) ff= ffbhur How ffmust ffa ffBalinese ffhome ffbe ffconfigured ffto ffappease ffthe ffcosmos? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Main ffentrance ffshould ffbe ffa ffgate ffin ffthe ffkelod-kauh ffcorner, ffshrines ffmust ffbe ffin ffthe ffkaja-kangjin ffcorner. ffBehind ffthe ffgate ffis ffa ffwall ffthat ffcan ffkeep ffout ffdemons. ffThe ffkitchen ffis ffcloser ffto ffthe ffocean ffthan ffthe ffrice ffbarn. ffAt ffnight ffyou ffsleep ffon ffa ffplatform ffwith ffpictures ffof ffguardians ffthat ffhelp ffprotect ffyou fffrom ffevil ffspirits. What ffare ffthe fffour ffcastes ffin ffBalinese ffsocial ffstructure? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Brahman's: ffPriests ffand ffholy ffmen Ksatriya's: ffPrinces ffand ffkings Vaisya's: ffMerchant ffprinces ffand fflesser ffnobility Sudra's: ffFarmers, ffcraftsmen, ffordinary ffpeople Briefly ffdescribe ffthe fftwo ffcalendar ffsystems ffused ffby ffthe ffBalinese. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Solar: ffclosely ffresembles ffthat ffof ffa ffwestern ffcalendar Tika: ff210 ffdays ffarranged ffin ff30 ffseven ffday ffweeks. ffEach ffweek ffhas ffa ffdifferent ffname. ffThis ffcalendar ffhelps fffamilies fflearn ffof fftheir ffpast fflives How ffdo ffthe ffBalinese ffsend fftheir ffdeceased ffto ffthe ffnext fflife, ffwhat ffis ffthe ffformat ffof fftheir ffdeath ffritual? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡A ffdrum ffis ffbeaten ffto ffsummon ffa ffrepresentative fffrom ffeach ffvillage ffin ffthe fffamily. ffThese ffpeople ffthen ffwash ffthe ffbody ffand ffsend ffit ffoff ffto ffbe ffburied. What ffis ffethnographic ffresearch? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Living ffand ffstudying ffin ffthe ffculture fffirsthand What ffare ffthe fforiginal ffreasons fffor ffethnographic ffresearch? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Capture ffcultures ffbefore ffthey ffdisappear Difference ffbetween ffacculturation ffand ffsocialization? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Socialization ffis ffgenetic ffwhereas ffacculturation ffis ffwhen ffone ffculture ffcomes ffin ffand fftakes ffover ffanother ffculture. What ffareas ffare ffMalinowski, ffMead, ffBenedict, ffBoas, ffLansing, ffand ffWeiner fffamiliar ffwith? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Malinowski: ffhula fftrade Mead: ffStudent ffof ffBoaz Benedict: ffJapanese ffpeople, ffnot ffso ffmuch ffJapan Boas: ffnative ffand ffindigenous ffpeople Lansing: ffBali Weiner: ffPapa ffNew ffGuinea What ffis ffreflexivity? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Being ffmore ffaware ffof ffyourself ffand ffyour ffspace ffduring ffyour ffstudy How ffis ffrace ffdefined? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡It's ffa ffsocially ffconstructed ffidea ffthat ffdoes ffnot ffexist. ffThere ffis ffonly ffone ffrace. What ffis ffethnographic ffresearch ffand ffwhat ffare ffits ffmain ffmethods? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡taking ffpart ffin ffthe ffsociety/observing/participating ffand ffinterviewing What ffwere ffthe fforiginal ffreasons fffor ffconducting ffethnographic ffresearch? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡to ffcapture ffand ffdocument ffcultures ffbefore ffthey ffdisappear What ffis ffthe ffholistic ffperspective ff? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Holistic ffin ffthat ffit ffintegrates ffall ffthat ffis ffknown ffabout ffhumans ffand fftheir ffactivity ffat ffthe ffhighest ffand ffmost ffinclusive fflevel. ffDoes ffnot ffseparate ffmind fffrom ffbody, ffhumans fffrom ffenvironment, ffperson fffrom ffsociety. ffAlso ffholistic ffbecause ffit ffencompasses ffmany ffdifferent ffdisciplines. What ffis ffthe ffdifference ffbetween ffacculturation ffand ffenculturation/socialization? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡The ffmain ffdifference ffbetween ffenculturation ffand ffacculturation ffis ffthat ffenculturation ffis ffthe ffacquisition ffof ffone's ffown ffculture ffwhile ffacculturation ffis ffthe ffmerging ffof fftwo ffcultures. What ffis ffculture? ffHow ffdoes ffit ffrelate ffto ffbiology, ffif ffit ffdoes? ffBe ffvery fffamiliar ffwith ffthe "barrel ffmodel" ffof ffculture ffand ffall ffits ffaspects. ffIt ffwill ffhelp ffput ffthings ffinto ffperspective. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Culture ffis ffa ffdynamic ffsystem ffof ffadaptation. ffAn fforganized ffwhole ffthat ffincludes ffbeliefs, ffvalues ffand ffideas ffthat ffinform ffpeople ffabout ffthe ffworld ffwe fflive ffin, ffand ffthe ffbehaviors ffthat ffcome fffrom ffthese ffbeliefs/values. Be ffable ffto ffname ffand ffidentify ffthe fffour fftraditional ffsubfields ffof ffanthropology ffplus ffone. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Biological ffanthropology, ffArchaeology, ffLinguistic ffAnthropology, ffCultural ffAnthropology Know ffabout ffthe ffdifferent ffkinds ffof fflinguistic ffresearch ffand ffterms ffassociated ffwith ffthem. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡ch ff5 How ffdo ffhistorical fflinguists ffgo ffabout ffreconstructing ffrelated ffbut fflost fflanguages ffof ffthe ffpast? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡ What ffis ffthe fftechnique ffof fftracing ffcore ffvocabularies ffof ffrelated fflanguages ffcalled? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Comparative fflinguistic What ffis ffhappening ffto ffthe ffnumber ffof fflanguages ffin ffexistence fftoday ffand ffwhy? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡The ffnumber ffof fflanguages ffare ffshrinking Know ffabout ffthe ffso-called ffdigital ffdivide, ffreferring ffto fflanguages ffused ffon ffthe ffInternet. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡ What ffis ffthe ffadvantage ffof ffdisplacement ffin fflanguage ffand ffthought? ffThe ffdisadvantage? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Advantage: ffhelps fffrom ffnot ffdying ff Disadvantage: ffless ffapplicable Know ffexamples ffof ffdependence, ffindependence, ffand ffinterdependence fftraining. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡ Understand ffthe ffdifference ffbetween ffbiological ffsex ffdifferences ffand ffgender. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Three ffVariables: ffPhysical ffbodies, ffhormonal ffratio, ffChromosomes ff.... What ffconstitutes ffa fflegitimate ffthird ffgender ffand ffgive ffactual ffhistorical ffexamples. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡ What ffis ffa ffculture-bound ffsyndrome? ffKnow ffabout ffexamples fffrom ffthe fftext ffand fflectures. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Certain ffpsychological ffdisorders ex:anorexia What ffis ffethnocentrism ffand ffrelativity ffas ffrelated ffto ffAnthropology? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡superiority ffof ffone ffculture ffand fftries ffnot ffto ffbe ffethnocentric ffwhen ffstudying ffa ffnew ffculture What ffare ffphonemes, ffmorphemes, fflexicon, ffsyntax, ffarbitrariness, ffand ffproductivity? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡morphemes: ffThe ffsmallest ffunit ffof ffsound ffthat ffcarry ffmeaning ffin fflanguage lexicon: ffVocabulary ffof ffwords syntax: ffSentence ffstructure arbitrariness: productivity: What ffethnography ffare ffyou ffreading fffor ffthis ffcourse, ffwho ffwrote ffit, ffand ffwhat ffis ffit ffabout? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Balanies ffby fflansing Be fffamiliar ffwith ffthe ffmain ffideas ffpresented ffin ffthe fffirst ff33 ffpages ffof ffthe ffethnography. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡ What ffare ffthe ff3 ffcomponents ffof ffthe ff "Barrel ffModel" ffof ffculture? ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡1. ffInfrastructure ff(bottom fflevel): ffBasic ffnecessities ffof fflife. ffA ffsociety's ffeconomy ffor ffmeans ffof ffsurvival ff 2. ffSocial ffstructure ff(middle fflayer): ffDetermines ffhow ffpeople ffinteract. ffGender ffroles, ffsocial ffclasses, fffamily ffstructure, ffetc. ff 3. ffSuperstructure ff(overarching fflayer): ffEvery ffgroup ffin ffsociety ffis ffconnected ffby ffa ffbody ffof ffideas ffor ffworldview: ffReligion, ffnationalism. ffSuperstructure ffis ffa ffshared ffsense ffof ffidentity. What ffis ffoften ffconsidered ffa ff5th ffsubfield ffof ffAnthropology ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Addressing ffcontemporary ffproblems ffthrough ffknowledge ffgained ffthrough ffanthropological ffresearch Members ffof ffa ffculture ffwho ffprovide ffan ffanthropologist ffwith ffinsight ffinto fftheir ffway ffof fflife ffare ffknown ffas ff___________ ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Informants Boas ffasked ffsome fflocal ffpeople ffon ffBaffin ffIsland ffto ffdraw ffmaps ffof fftheir ffregion, ffbut ffunfortunately ffthey ffwere ffnot ffat ffall ffaccurate ffand ffbore ffno ffresemblance ffto ffthe ffmaps ffthat ffEuropeans ffhad ffdrawn. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡False Boas ffrealized ffthe ffvalue ffof ffan ffinsider ffsuch ffas ffGeorge ffHunt, ffparticularly fffor fftranslation, ffbut ffalso ffin ffmaking ffsense ffof ffpractices ffthat ffmight ffseem ffinsignificant ffto ffan ffoutsider. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡True Franz ffBoas ffwas ffborn ffin ffthe ffU.S. ffand ffgot ffdegrees ffin ffAnthropology ffbefore ffhe ffset ffoff ffto ffdo ffresearch ffin ffthe ffArctic ffand ffthe ffNorthwest ffcoast. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡False One ffof ffthe ffsocial ffleveling ffpractices ffof ffKwakiutl ffand ffother ffgroups ffin ffthe ffNorthwest ffcoast ffof ffNorth ffAmerica ffwas ffcalled ffthe ffpotlatch, ffa ffgathering ffat ffwhich ffhigh ffstatus ffindividuals, ffsuch ffas ffa ffchief, ffwould ffgive ffaway ffgoods ffto ffcommoners. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡True When ffBoas ffencountered ffdifferent ffcommunities ffin ffthe ffArctic, ffhe ffdiscovered ffthat ffthe ffenvironment ffdetermines ffculture ffsince ffthey ffall fflived ffexactly ffthe ffsame ffway ffand ffspoke ffthe ffsame fflanguage. ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡False Australopithecine ffwith ffmore ffthan ff40% ffof ffbones ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Lucy Perhaps ffthe ffgreatest ffsingle fffossil ffhunter ffof ffthe ff20th ffCentury ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Mary ffAnning Etic ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Seeking ffunderstanding fffrom ffoutside ffthe ffsociety. ff(When ffit's fftoo ffdangerous, ffor ffentering ffthe ffsociety ffwould ffchange ffthe ffway ffthey ffdo ffthings.) Emic ff- ffANSWER: ff ff➡Seeking ffto ffunderstand ffwithin ffthe ffsociety.