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UHC Exam (2024/2025) | Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+), Exams of Aerospace Engineering

What are the 4 components of our 2.75" rockets? - ✔✔Fuze, Warhead, Motor, Nozzle/Fin Assembly What are the max ranges and max effective ranges of the GAU-21, GAU-17, and M240D? Tracer Burnout for each? - ✔✔GAU-21: 6500, 1850, 1100m; GAU-17: 3500, 1100, 900m; M240D: 3725, 1200, 900m What are the differences between the two fuzes authorized for the M151? - ✔✔M423: Distance to arm = 43-92m; M427 = 243-381 (used for higher speed aircraft) Describe the M257 and M278. - ✔✔M257 (overt illumination): 19deg pitch, 3500m/1800' HAL, 120s burn. M278 (IR illumination): 26deg pitch, 3000m/2500' HAL, 180s burn, 0.7-1.1 micron (peak @ 0.8). Both = 9.5s to drogue chute, 13.5s to flare, 13-15fps fall.

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Download UHC Exam (2024/2025) | Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+) and more Exams Aerospace Engineering in PDF only on Docsity! UHC Exam (2024/2025) | Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+) What are the 4 components of our 2.75" rockets? - ✔✔Fuze, Warhead, Motor, Nozzle/Fin Assembly What are the max ranges and max effective ranges of the GAU-21, GAU-17, and M240D? Tracer Burnout for each? - ✔✔GAU-21: 6500, 1850, 1100m; GAU-17: 3500, 1100, 900m; M240D: 3725, 1200, 900m What are the differences between the two fuzes authorized for the M151? - ✔✔M423: Distance to arm = 43-92m; M427 = 243-381 (used for higher speed aircraft) Describe the M257 and M278. - ✔✔M257 (overt illumination): 19deg pitch, 3500m/1800' HAL, 120s burn. M278 (IR illumination): 26deg pitch, 3000m/2500' HAL, 180s burn, 0.7-1.1 micron (peak @ 0.8). Both = 9.5s to drogue chute, 13.5s to flare, 13-15fps fall. Rule of thumb for correcting wind drift when shooting illum - ✔✔10kt crosswind = 5deg hdg into wind (300m) How far will a spent illum rocket motor travel? - ✔✔700-1000m beyond the target. What range of IR energy is produced by the M278 illumination rocket warhead? - ✔✔0.7-1.1 micron (peak @ 0.8) List the danger close numbers for the M151 2.75" rockets, and M229 2.75" rockets for 300, 800, and 1500m. List danger close numbers for Flechette rockets and APKWS. - ✔✔M151/M229 = 110, 135, 170m. Flechette = 235m @1000m. APKWS = 105m @ all distances. List the danger close numbers for 20mm, HF, and JAGM - ✔✔20mm = 45, 95, 155m @ 300, 800, 1500m. AGM-114 FA/K/L/M/N(4/6)/P(2A) = 115. AGM-114R = 130. AGM-114R2 = 145. The Mk-66 series motor produces an average thrust of _____ lbs of thrust for a duration of ____ seconds and weighs approximately _____ lbs. - ✔✔1415lbs / 1.1s / 13.65lbs The M113A fuze is an acceleration-deceleration (BD) fuze permanently installed in the ______ and the ______ Flechette warheads. Fuze functioning at motor burnout provides Flechette expulsion. The fuze requires ____ Gs in order to arm and fires when deceleration reaches approximately ____ Gs. Air travel to arm is approximately ______ meters with the fuze being completely armed in about ____ seconds - ✔✔WDU-4A/A. My 149 MOD 0. 17.5Gs. 11Gs. 400-600m. 1.2s WDU-4A/A flechette contains ______ x ____ grain Flechettes whereas the Mk 149 MOD 0 dispenses ______ x ____ grain flechettes. - ✔✔2205x20grain; 1179x60grain What are the allowable PRF Codes for an APKWS? - ✔✔1111 - 1488 What warhead/fuze combinations are allowed for use in APKWS? - ✔✔M423 / M151; M423 / M282; M423 / M229; WTU-1B What are the times of flight for HF? - ✔✔40, 32, 25, 19, 15, 10, 7, 4 (8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1km) What are the TOF and mil settings for APKWS - ✔✔18/230, 12/190, 8/150, 5/110, 4/90 (5, 4, 3, 2, 1.5km) What are the ceiling considerations for an APKWS? What will an APKWS do if it does not receive LASER energy after launch? - ✔✔1000' cloud clearance above launch. Enter attitude hold and land long (up to 9km) The photocathode in NVGs are responsive to what spectrum of energy? - ✔✔400-950nm. Peak at 600- 900nm. Name the BSBII FOV available in IR mode. Which ones are available in CCDTV? - ✔✔WFOV, MFOV, NFOV, SNFOV, UNFOV (middle 3 = CCDTV) During a join up what is the standard pattern distance, turn direction, and airspeed? - ✔✔4km legs, Right turns, 80 KIAS, on a called cardinal or sub cardinal direction with the heading towards the checkpoint, on a called MSL altitude. Traveling Overwatch - ✔✔TERF technique used when likelihood of enemy contact is possible and precautionary measures are justified, but speed is desirable. Characterized by continuous movement of the traveling element. Overwatch/cover element moves from covered position to covered position making maximum use of the terrain and vegetation. Bounding Overwatch - ✔✔Enemy contact is imminent and speed is not of the essence. Traveling and overwatch/cover element roles will swap as the flight moves along the route. Aircraft move from covered position to covered position only after their respective wingmen have established a covering position where the wingman can immediately support the bounding aircraft. The APKWS release envelope is ____ to _____ km, with an optimum employment of ____ to ____ km that allows for the maximum error at those ranges of ____ degrees azimuth and ____ degrees elevation. - ✔✔1.5-5km; 3-4km; 10az & 5el High Payoff Target List (HPTL) - ✔✔A list of targets whose loss to the enemy will contribute to the success of the friendly Course of Action. Target Precedence List - ✔✔For Marine Corps use, essentially the HPTL ranked in order of priority. At the maximum range of 5km, APKWS requires ______ ft of cloud clearance above the aircraft. - ✔✔1000 ft Named Areas of Interest (NAI) - ✔✔A point or area along a particular avenue of approach through which enemy activity is expected to occur. Activity or lack of activity within a named area of interest will help to confirm or deny a particular enemy course of action. Target Areas of Interest (TAI) - ✔✔Geographical area where high-value targets can be acquired and engaged by friendly forces. What are the 6 missions of heliborne escort - ✔✔1. Protection from Enemy Ground Fire 2. Protection from a Fixed-Wing Threat 3. Protection from a Rotary-Wing Threat 4. Route Reconnaissance 5. Clear the Landing Zone by Fire 6. Support of a Downed Aircraft What are the goggling procedures for escort? - ✔✔Escort aircraft transition first. Escorts transition from rear to front. Once all of the escorts have transitioned, the assault support aircraft should begin their transition procedures. List the 3 surface escort profiles - ✔✔1. Butterfly 2. Random 3. Divided Define fields of fire and sectors of fire - ✔✔Fields of Fire: depict the traverse range of a weapon system limited by the mechanical stops and max effective range of the weapon system. Sectors: anchored on the landing zone. Established based on friendly positions and control measures, and should maximize weapons employment while minimizing collateral damage and fratricide by clearly delineating where door/ramp guns can fire without effects on friendlies. List the 11 laser designator errors - ✔✔Backscatter Boresight Error Beam Divergence Podium Effect Attenuation Obscuration Underspill Overspill Spot Jitter Entrapment Spectral Refraction FAC(A) is an airborne extension of the ______ while TAC(A) is an extension of the ______. - ✔✔Tactical Air Control Party (TACP); Direct Air Support Center (DASC) & Fire Support Coordination Center (FSCC) — — TACE? The employment range for flechette rockets is _____ to ______ meters for WDU-4A/A and _____ to ______ meters for the Mk 149 Mod 0 - ✔✔1200-1500m (WDU-4A/A) & 600-800m (Mk149) [NTTP 3- 100] Define the 3 regimes of TERF - ✔✔Low Level: pre selected, constant altitude (100-200' AGL) and airspeed that minimizes exposure to the threat and decreases the reaction time of threat systems. Contour: Characterized by varying airspeed and altitude as terrain and obstacles dictate but generally conforming to contours of earth's surface. Airspeed is above 40kts and Altitude = 50-100' AGL. Nap-of-the-Earth: follows as close to the earth's surface as vegetation and obstacles permit. Varied airspeed from 0-40kts and altitude from 10-50' as influenced by terrain, obstacles, weather, ambient light, and the enemy situation. [NTTP 4-1] What is the difference between a raid and an assault? - ✔✔Raid- short duration, small scale, deliberate attacks involving a swift penetration of hostile or denied battle space. Ends with a planned withdrawal upon completion of the assigned mission. Assault- establishing a force on a hostile or potentially hostile territory. [NTTP 15-2] What are the 3 rules of TACFORM? - ✔✔1. Tactical wingman will always change sides in the formation. 2. Aircraft on the outside of the turn will always turn first. 3. Tactical wingman is always responsible for clearance, regardless of who initiates the turn. [NTTP 4-27] A Jink usually incorporates a ___ to ___ degree change in heading (with optional climb or descent) every ___ to ___ seconds. - ✔✔30-45 degree change in heading. Every 3-5 seconds. (Displace over ground average of 200 to 300 meters). [NTTP 5-1] List 4 restrictions - ✔✔FAATDP 5. Deconfliction 6. Accountability [NTTP 1-14] What will happen to rocket shots if ... (Rocket errors) 1. Too high 2. Too low 3. Too fast 4. Too slow 5. Ball out right - ✔✔Wee-man (High, Slow, Shallow = Short) 1. Short 2. Long 3. Long 4. Short 5. Right [NTTP 3-90] Describe the difference between BHA / BDA - ✔✔BHA (bomb hit assessment): whether or not the ordnance hit the desired point of impact (DPI) BDA (battle damage assessment): measures ordnance effectiveness and allows the commander what targets have been suppressed/destroyed/neutralized and what remains on the battlefield. At a minimum, mission successful, unsuccessful, or unknown should be recorded for each attack. [NTTP 7-15] What is the most accurate profile for delivering fires - ✔✔Diving fire Diving fire helps reduce CEP (circular error probable - radius of a circle within which one-half of rounds are expected to fall) and gives pilots better perspective on the target (vice level delivery). Even a slight dive is preferred to level running fire. [NTTP 3-90] List and define four types of interior ballistics - ✔✔1. Tube Wear: residues generated by burning propellant and movement of the projectile through the tube may either wear away the inner surface of the tube or cause deposits to build up within it. Either condition results in loss of muzzle velocity and may induce excessive yaw. 2. Propellant Charge: propellant charges for aerial weapons are fixed; however, there are minute differences in muzzle velocity and trajectory due to production variations. In addition, propellant burning is affected by temperature and moisture encountered during storage. 3. Projectile Weight: projectiles of the same caliber may vary within tolerances in weight. Especially true in linked ball and tracer ammo. Heavier the projectile, lower velocity. 4. Tip Off: Inside diameter of rocket launcher tube is larger than the rocket, the rocket can exit the tube with an error in any direction. Firing from hover, relative wind CANNOT correct for this error; therefore, rockets scatter more than those launched in forward flight. 5. Launcher Tube Alignment: launcher comprises individual tubes that are replaced when excessive wear occurs. Alignment of tubes is maintained by the end plates; however accurate alignment of tubes cannot be achieved. Boresight is only accurate for the tube used when boresighting the weapon to the gun sight. [NTTP 3-76] Rotor wash error has an appreciable affect on a projectile at airspeeds below ___ knots. - ✔✔30 knots [NTTP 3-78] Elements of JCAS check-in - ✔✔MNPOPCA 1. Mission number 2. Number and type of aircraft 3. Position and altitude 4. Ordnance 5. Playtime / TOS 6. Capabilities - VDL, SITREP/SUC, Map/Graphic version #, FAC(A) cape, Sensor type/Cape, VMF 7. Abort code [JCAS V-17] Elements of a 5-Line - ✔✔(OFTTR) O/W/G, F-L/M, T-L, T-D/M, R/R 1. Observer ID / Warning Order / Gameplan 2. Friendly Location / Mark 3. Target Location 4. Target Description / Mark 5. Remarks/Restrictions [JCAS III-91] Define CAS - ✔✔Air action by aircraft against hostile targets that are in close proximity to friendly forces and that require detailed integration of each air mission with the fire and movement of those forces. [NTTP 7-1] Define DAS - ✔✔Air action against enemy targets at such a distance from friendly forces that detailed integration of each mission with the fire and movement of friendly forces is not required. [NTTP 7-18] List and define the three types of DAS missions - ✔✔1. Air interdiction (AI)- denies the enemy use of a particular area, route, or facility. AI can neutralize, destroy, or delay enemy military potential before it is brought to bear against friendly forces. 2. Armed reconnaissance (AR)- locate and attack targets of opportunity in assigned areas. 3. Strike coordination and reconnaissance (SCAR)- mission flown for purpose of acquiring and reporting DAS targets and coordinating air interdiction or armed reconnaissance missions upon those targets. Used to locate known or suspected DAS targets and assist in their destruction. Aviation battlefield manager. Define the terms RED, Danger Close, and Minimum Safe Distance - ✔✔RED (Risk Estimate Distance): horizontal distance from intended point of weapon impact to closest friendly forces at which probability of incapacitation is 0.1%. Danger Close: is a warning of the proximity of friendly forces and possibility of an increased risk to them. Min Safe Distance: establish how close ground parties can be to the point of desired impact when training necessitates personnel be located inside WDZ distances. Not to be confused with range-specific Weapon Danger Zones.