Download Understanding Common Medical Conditions and Treatments and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Pathophysiology Final Exam Latest Update With Verified Questions And Answers |2024/2025 What is allergic asthma associated with? Type 1 Hypersensi8vity; ige mediated What are the S&S of ARDS? SOB, Shallow Rapid Breathing, Atelectasis (aveoli close), Dyspnea, Inspiratory Crackles, Respiratory Alkalosis, Decreased Lung Compliance, Hypoxemia What are the S&S of tension pneumothorax? Pressure that builds up and pushes the trachea towards the unaffected side; Absent breath sounds over affected lung What is cys8c fibrosis? Excessive mucous coa8ng in the lungs and pancreas; Gene8c Disorder (Autosomal Recessive) Changes with an asthma aRack: Wheezing, SOB, Bronchoconstric8on, Dyspnea, Tachypnea (rapid breathing) How do you interpret ABG's? 1. Look at ph (acidosis - low or alkalosis - high) 2. Check the CO2 (resp. Indicator) - less than 35 (alkalosis) more than 45 (acidosis) 3. Check the HCO3 (metabolic indicator) - less than 22 (acidosis) more than 26 (alkalosis) 4. Determine primary disorder (matches the ph) 5. Determine if its compensated (ph returns to normal or near normal) Respiratory Acidosis: What happens to the ph/CO2? Eleva8on (increase) of pco2 -- Decreased ph (acidosis) Respiratory Alkalosis: What happens to the ph/CO2? Depression (decrease) of pco2 -- Increased ph (alkalosis) Metabolic Acidosis: What happens to the ph/HCO3? Depression (decrease) of HCO3 -- Decreased ph (acidosis) Metabolic Alkalosis: What happens to the ph/HCO3? Eleva8on (increase) of HCO3 -- Increased ph (alkalosis) What are signs of renal cancer? No pain! Hematuria (Blood in the Urine) How do you manage end stage renal disease? Dialysis, Fluid Restric8on, Low Protein Diet, Decrease Medica8on Doses, An8-hypertensive, Give Ca Supplements, Give Erythropoie8n Shot, Give Iron Supplements/Blood Transfusion (anemic) What do you call kidney pain? Nephralgia What is the most helpful test to determine renal func8on? Crea8nine What bacteria is associated with acute pyelonephri8s? Pain when swallowing (dysphagia), Epigastric pain (goes away if they eat food), Vomi8ng Bright Red Blood, Coffee Grain Colored Stool What are poten8al risk factors for breast cancer? Early period & Late menopause, Late 1st pregnancy (ader 30), Gene8c history - especially if mom/sister has it What increases the risk for having candidiasis? Oral or IV An8bio8cs How are hepa88s A,B,C contracted? A: Oral - Fecal B: Blood & Bodily Fluids C: Contaminated Blood Transfusions before 1990; Bodily Fluids What happens in accelera8on and decelera8on? (Coup/Contrecoup) Polar injuries of the brain within the skull resul8ng in double injury What is the 1st priority for a pa8ent who comes in with S&S of a stroke? Protect the Airway - keep it opened! What is a tonic-clonic seizure? "Grand Mal" (aka: Generalized Seizure) Unconsciousness, Convulsions, Muscle Rigidity What stage of sleep do most dreams occur in? REM (Stage V) What are the poorest neurological symptoms we can see in an unconscious pa8ent? Hyperac8ve/Hypoac8ve Reflexes, Pupil Restric8on/No Response, Decor8cate/Decerebrate Posturing What are the 3 parts of the Glaucoma scale? Verbal, Motor, Eye Movement Score of 3(least) - 15(best) What kind of hemorrhage do cerebral aneurisms cause? Subarachnoid What causes a cerebral aneurism? Ballooning out of a blood vessel - Atherosclerosis, Trauma, Hypertension, Infec8on What is the difference between focal and generalized seizure? Focal Seizure - affects 1 spot Generalized Seizure - all over the brain What are night terrors? Affects children, causes fear that is difficult to wake them up from. Fear is s8ll persistent when awoken How do you determine how to treat a stroke? Determine if its a Hemorrhagic or Ischemic Stroke What are the S&S of Parkinson's disease? Pill Rolling, Shuffling Gait, Uninten8onal Tremors at Rest, Drooling What are the S&S of a right sided cerebral stroke? Life Sided Weakness What causes Encephali8s? West Nile Virus What are risk factors for hemorrhagic strokes? Hypertension What kind of things will you see with fibro myalgia? (18) Tender Spots, Pain w/o Inflamma8on, Fa8gue What would you expect when a student comes in with S&S of a fever of 102, headache, and confusion? Meningi8s - very contagious! Do children have higher or lower thresholds for pain than adults? Lower What happens to the brain signals in mul8ple sclerosis? Slow Down What is one of the main complica8ons with spinal cord injury pa8ents, even years later ader the injury? Autonomic Dysreflexia What is a normal intracranial pressure? 5 - 15 mmhg What will happen if a person has a intracranial pressure of 36? Cranium Hernia8on What are S&S of spinal shock? Loss of Reflexes Below Level of Injury, Disturbances of the Bowel and Bladder Func8on Soma8c Pain On the body - superficial, arising from the skin described as sharp, dull, aching, or throbbing Skin Graphing What type of shock do burn vic8ms go into? Hypovolemic Shock - sudden loss of fluid What is impe8go? Crusty Infec8on due to Bacteria What is the aim of burn wound management? Infec8on Control Autonomic Dysreflexia Medical Emergency caused by simultaneous sympathe8c and parasympathe8c ac8vity (bowel or bladder distension pain or a pressure ulcer) What are S&S of Autonomic Dysreflexia? Hypertension, Bradycardia, Severe Headaches, Pallor below and Flushing above the cord lesions, Convulsions What are the normal ranges for ph, HCO3, and CO2? Ph: 7.35 (acid) - 7.45 (base) HCO3: 22 (acid) - 26 (base) CO2: 35 (base) - 45 (acid) What is the major s&s that differen8ates meningi8s from encephali8s? Severe pain when moving the neck (extension/flexion) due to Inflamed Meninges What are the s&s of Ver8go? Loss of balance, Nystagmus (Rapid involuntary movements of the eyes) How are eyes damaged in Diabetes? Hypertension causes hemorrhage in the weak blood vessels What are the s&s of compartment syndrome? Pallor, Pain, No Pulse, Paresthesia, Paresis (slight/par8al paralysis) How do you treat compartment syndrome? Make cuts to relieve the pressure What are the different types of skin cancer? Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, cutaneous melanoma, kaposi sarcome What are the s&s of scleroderma? Decreased skin turgour, hard skin, hypopigmented skin, taut, shiny, difficulty moving fingers/joints What is the main difference between viral pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia? Viral- Dry Cough Bacterial - Cough up Mucous/Phlegm What happens to the lungs in ARDS? Pulmonary Hypertension, Oxygen has no effect on increasing the pulse-ox (hypoxemia), Atelectasis, Decreased Tidal Volume, Vasoconstric8on, Fibrosis of Aveoli What are the s&s of COPD? Fa8gue, Dyspnea, Cough, Hypoxemia, Hypercapnia (increased CO2), Cor pulmonale (right side heart failure), SOB What causes esophageal varices? Portal Hypertension, Gastric Acid Erosion What are the s&s of Cushing's disease? Increased ACTH (adrenocor8cotropic hormone), Wt. Gain, Moon Face, Buffalo Hump, Hypertension, Hyperglycemia, Decreased Potassium, Decreased Immune Func8on, Increased Sodium Why can prolonged seizure ac8vity cause brain damage? Tissue Ischemia, Damage to the Neurons What happens in a myoclonic, absence, and a par8al stroke? Myoclonic - sporadic (isolated), jerking movements Absence - brief loss of consciousness Par8al - abnormal electrical ac8vity is restricted to one brain hemisphere What is the classic sign of emphysema? Barrel Chest What is the classic sign of bronchi8s? Produc8ve Cough (Phlegm/Mucous/Sputum) A 6-year-old female is diagnosed with a bacterial infec8on of the respiratory system. Which of the following will most likely try to fight the an8gen? An8bodies lungs Physiologic pH is maintained around 7.4 because carbonic acid and bicarbonate exist in a ra8o of: 1:20 A pa8ent presents with poison ivy on the extremi8es, face, and buRocks. This condi8on is an example of: Delayed hypersensi8vity When a pa8ent presents at the emergency department for an allergic reac8on, the nurse recognizes the most severe consequence of a type I hypersensi8vity reac8on is: Anaphylaxis Which informa8on would indicate more teaching is needed regarding hypersensi8vity reac8ons? Type ______ hypersensi8vity reac8ons involve an an8body response IV Several prisoners are experiencing symptoms of tuberculosis. A tuberculin reac8on test was ordered. This test is an example of the type _____ hypersensi8vity IV A person is given an aRenuated an8gen as a vaccine. When the person asks what was given in the vaccine, how should the nurse respond? The an8gen is: Alive, but less infec8ous When an aide asks the nurse what is a purpose of the inflammatory process, how should the nurse respond? To prevent infec8on of the injured 8ssue The direc8onal migra8on of leukocytes along a chemical gradient is termed: Chemotaxis A 35 year old male weighs 70 kg. Approximately how much of this weight is ICF? 28 L The predominant an8body of a typical primary immune response is: IgM A 40 year old female is diagnosed with cervical cancer ader a Pap smear. Which of the following cellular changes would the nurse most likely see on the report? Dysplasia During which process can lysosomal enzymes be released to degrade engulfed par8cles? Endocytosis A 40 year old female is diagnosed with SLE. Which of the following findings would be considered a symptom of this disease? Photosensi8vity A nurse is reviewing lab reports. The nurse recalls blood plasma is located in which of the following fluid compartments? Intravascular fluid Which of the following pa8ents is the most at risk for developing hypernatremia? A pa8ent with: Dehydra8on Which of the following buffer pairs is considered the major plasma buffering system? Carbonic acid/bicarbonate What common symptom should be assessed in individuals with immunodeficiency? Recurrent infec8ons A 25 year old male is diagnosed with a hormone-secre8ng tumor of the adrenal cortex. Which finding would the nurse expect to see in the lab results? Decreased blood K+ levels A 10 year old male is stung by a bee while playing in the yard. He experiences a severe allergic reac8on and has to go to the ER. The nurse providing care realizes this reac8on is the result of: IgE Which pa8ent should the nurse assess for both hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis? A pa8ent diagnosed with: Renal failure When trying to dis8nguish between an infec8on disease and noninfec8ous disease, what is the hallmark symptom for most infec8ous diseases? Fever When a nurse cares for a pa8ent with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the nurse remembers this disease is an example of Autoimmunity A 25 year old female experiences a headache and takes aspirin for relief. A nurse recalls aspirin relieves the headache by: Decreasing prostaglandin produc8on A 10 year old male is diagnosed with a parasite. Which lab result should the nurse check for a response to the parasite? Eosinophils Ader a pa8ent is exposed to a specific an8gen, B cells will differen8ate into Plasma cells The complement, clotng, and kinin systems share which of the following characteris8cs? Ac8va8on of a series of proenzymes A nurse is teaching the staff about an8diure8c hormone (ADH). Which informa8on should the nurse include? Secre8on of ADH is s8mulated by: Increased plasma osmolality The nurse would be correct in iden8fying the predominant extracellular ca8on as: Sodium Water movement between the ICF and ECF compartments is determined by Osmo8c forces A 20 year old male shoots his hand with a nail gun while replacing roofing shingles. Which of the following cell types would be the first to aid in killing bacteria to prevent infec8on in his hand? Neutrophils A macrophage was isolated and analyzed for major histocompa8bility complex. Which of the following would be expected? MHC I and II When the nurse is checking urinalysis, the finding that would alert the nurse to cellular injury is the presence of: Excessive protein When a nurse observes muscle s8ffening occuring within 6 to 14 hours ader death, the nurse should document this finding as ___________ present. Rigor mor8s When planning care for a dehydrated pa8ent, the nurse remembers the principle of water balance is closely related to ________ balance Sodium A cell that is produced in the thymus and interacts with MHC class II molecules would have which of the following surface proteins? CD4 Outcomes of laboratory tests include an elevated level of natriure8c pep8des. Which organ is the primary assessment? Heart Which statemtn indicates a correct understanding of an8bodies? The most abundant class of an8body in the serum is: IgG A 6 year old female is diagnosed with a bacterial infec8on of the respiratory system. Which of the following will most likely try to fight the an8gen? An8bodies The post-surgical pa8ent is experiencing delayed wound healing. The die8cian believes the delay is related to nutri8onal intake. A deficiency in which of the following substances could directly affect healing? Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) When histamine is released in the body, which of the following responses would the nurse expect? Edema Which of the following statements indicates more teaching is needed regarding secondary lymph organs? _______ is/are a secondary lymph organ. The liver A 22 year old was recently diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Which decreased lab finding would be expected to accompany this virus? CD4 T-helper When a staff member asks the nurse what causes the chronic complica8ons of DM such as microvascular and macrovascular disease, how should the nurse respond? These complica8ons are primarily related to: Hyperglycemia A 49 year old female is diagnosed with hypercor8solism. Which of the following would the nurse expect? Osteoporosis A newborn is diagnosed with congenital intrinsic factor deficiency. Which of the following types of anemia will the nurse see documented on the chart? Pernicious anemia A 35 year old female is diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency anemia (pernicious anemia). How should the nurse respond when the pa8ent asks what causes pernicious anemia? A decrease in ______ is the most likely cause. Intrinsic factor A 34 year old male presents in the emergency room with extreme fa8gue and shortness of breath. His skin and sclera appear to have a yellowish discolora8on. These assessment findings are consistent with which type of anemia? Hemoly8c anemia A 15 year old male is diagnosed with infec8ous mononucleosis. When the pa8ent asks how he got this disease, how should the nurse respond? The most likely cause is: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) Thrombocytopenia may be: Congenital or acquired A 1 year old female is diagnosed with anemia secondary to insufficient erythropoiesis. When the parents asked what caused this, how should the nurse respond? The most likely cause is: An iron deficiency A 12 month old toddler weighing 18 pounds is brought to the clinic because of weakness, slow physical growth, and developmental delays. His mother reports that the only food he will consume is cow's milk. Considering this informa8on, the nurse decides that the child probably has ______ anemia. Iron deficiency Sickle cell disease is characterized by the presence of Hb S. A nurse is trying to differen8ate between Hb S and normal Hb. Which of the following amino acids is present in Hb S and not present in normal Hb? Valine A 25-year-old female has a child that is diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. She does not have the disease. Which of the following characterizes the gene8c makeup of the parents with regard to this trait? Hb S and Hb A Which major symptom in a pa8ent with sickle cell anemia indicates to the nurse, the pa8ent is experiencing a vaso-occlusive crisis? Pain Which of the following symptoms would help a health care provider dis8nguish between ulcera8ve coli8s and Crohn disease? Malabsorp8on Which cells of the gastric glands secrete hydrochloric acid? Parietal A nurse assesses the heart ader acetylcholine because the effect of acetylcholine on the heart is to: Decrease the heart rate A 20-year-old male underwent an echocardiogram to assess chest pain. Results revealed a congenital defect in papillary muscles. Which of the following would the nurse expect to occur? Backward expulsion of the atrioventricular valves Clinical manifesta8ons of bile salt deficiencies are related to poor absorp8on of: Fats and fat-soluble vitamins A 50-year-old male is diagnosed with orthosta8c hypotension. Which of the following symptoms would he most likely experience? Which of the following compounds has been shown to increase the risk of cancer when used in combina8on with smoking? Alcohol Which answer indicates a nurse understands regenera8on of neurons? Neurons that have the capacity for regenera8on include: Myelinated peripheral neurons A neurologist is teaching about the loca8on of the primary visual cortex in the brain. Which area is the neurologist discussing? Occipital lobe A nurse is preparing to teach about func8ons to maintain homeostasis and ins8nc8ve behavioral paRerns. Which area of the brain is the nurse discussing? Hypothalamus A neurologist is teaching about sensory pathways. Which informa8on should the neurologist include? Sensory pathways in the spinal cord include the: Spinothalamic tract What term should the nurse use when talking about the outermost membrane surrounding the brain? Dura mater When a pa8ent's vagus nerve is s8mulated, what does the nurse expect to observe? Increased gastrointes8nal ac8vity Which neurotransmiRer is released when a pa8ent's parasympathe8c motor neurons are s8mulated? Acetylcholine A pa8ent has paralysis of both legs. What type of paralysis does the pa8ent have? Paraplegia A nurse is preparing to teach staff about the most common type of trauma8c brain injury. Which type of trauma8c brain injury should the nurse discuss? Concussion A 30-year-old white male recently suffered a cerebrovascular accident. Which of the following is the most likely factor that contributed to his stroke? Diabetes Which of the following would increase a pa8ent's risk for thrombo8c stroke? Dehydra8on A 25-year-old female presents to her primary care provider repor8ng fever, headache, nuchal rigidity, and decreased consciousness. She was previously treated for sinusi8s. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? Bacterial meningi8s A 23-year-old female begins having problems with 8redness, weakness, and visual changes. Her diagnosis is mul8ple sclerosis (MS). What is occuring in the pa8ent's body? Demyelina8on of nerve fibers in the CNS When a pa8ent asks "what is the cause of mul8ple sclerosis?" how should the nurse reply? The cause of MS seems to be an interac8on between: Autoimmunity and gene8c suscep8bility The pa8ent reports generalized muscle weakness. The health care provider orders administra8on of the medica8on edrophonium chloride (Tensilon). This medica8on is used in the diagnosis of: Myasthenia gravis A 54-year-old pa8ent with pulmonary tuberculosis (lung infec8on) is evaluated for syndrome of inappropriate ADH secre8on (SIADH). Which of the following electrolyte imbalances would be expected in this pa8ent? Hyponatremia While checking the lab results for a pa8ent with Graves disease, the nurse would check the T3 level to be abnormally: high A 35-year-old female with Graves disease is admiRed to a medical- surgical unit. Which of the following symptoms would the nurse expect to find before treatment? Skin hot and moist, rapid heart rate A 21-year-old female was recently diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. In addi8on to fa8gue and weakness, which of the following clinical signs and symptoms would she most likely exhibit? Spoon-shaped nails A 21-year-old woman was recently diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. Her hematocrit is 32%. Which of the following treatments would the nurse expect to be prescribed for her? Iron replacement A 15-year-old male is diagnosed with infec8ous mononucleosis. When that pa8ent asks how he got this disease, how should the nurse respond? The most likely cause is: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) A 15-year-old male with infec8ous mononucleosis is being given instruc8ons on how to prevent the spread of this infec8on to others. Which statement represents a correct instruc8on? Do not share drinking glasses or ea8ng utensils A 10-year-old male is diagnosed with leukemia. The nurse assesses for which other condi8on that could be associated with his disease? Down sydrome A nurse is preparing to teach the most common malignancy in children. Which malignancy should the nurse discuss? Leukemia A nurse is teaching the staff about oxytocin. Which informa8on should the nurse include? Target cells for oxytocin are located in the: Uterus A nurse monitors for the most common childhood cancer, which is: Acute lymphoblas8c leukemia (ALL)