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USA PTP Exam 1 With 100% Correct Answers 2023-2024, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive overview of the key topics and concepts covered in the usa ptp exam 1 for the 2023-2024 academic year. It covers a wide range of subjects related to the physical therapy profession, including the characteristics of a profession, the components that guide the profession, the core values, the purpose of the code of ethics, the vision and guiding principles of the physical therapy profession, the benefits of belonging to the apta, the components of the apta, hipaa regulations, and various other important topics. The document also includes information about the 2016 california student conclave, the 'move california' campaign, the apta president, the fsbpt, the pt-pac, the catherine worthingham honor, the apta sections, the combined sections meeting, the national student conclave, the cpta, and the cal pt fund. This document could be a valuable resource for physical therapy students and professionals preparing for the usa ptp exam 1.

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USA PTP Exam 1 With 100% Correct

Answers 2023-

What are 3 characteristics of a profession? - Correct Answer-1) Distinct body of advanced knowledge from a higher educational institution

  1. Self-regulating
  2. Intellectual & varied work
  3. Use of discretion & judgement What components guide the profession of physical therapy? - Correct Answer-1) Individual
  • Values
  • Beliefs
  • Culture
  1. Organizational
  • Code of ethics
  • Core values
  • Standards of Practice
  • Professional behaviors
  1. Societal
  • Laws & regulations Name the Core Values - Correct Answer-1) Accountability
  1. Altruism
  2. Compassion/Caring
  3. Excellence
  4. Integrity
  5. Professional duty
  6. Social responsibility What is the purpose of the Code of Ethics? - Correct Answer-1) Professional accountability to the public
  7. Guides PTs facing ethical challenges
  8. Standards by which the APTA can determine unethical behavior What is the vision statement for the physical therapy profession? - Correct Answer- Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience What are the guiding principles to achieve the vision of the PT profession? - Correct Answer-1) Identity
  9. Quality
  1. Value
  2. Innovation
  3. Consumer-centricity
  4. Access/Equity
  5. Advocacy What are the benefits of belonging to the APTA? - Correct Answer-1) Resources
  6. Discounted student membership
  7. Up to date hot topics & trends
  8. Online career center
  9. Commitment to the profession
  10. Interact & learn from colleagues
  11. Focus on your interests
  12. Leadership skill building
  13. Voice w/ legislation What are the components of the APTA? - Correct Answer-1) Chapter: State organizations (CPTA, FPTA, etc.)
  14. Sections: Cardiovascular & Pulmonary, Education, Geriatrics, etc.
  15. Special Interest Groups: Clinical Education, Research, Balance & Falls, etc. When & where was the 2016 California Student Conclave scheduled? - Correct Answer- San Diego Mesa College on April 9, 2016 What is "Move California"? - Correct Answer-"Move California" is a statewide, public outreach campaign presented by the California Physical Therapy Association (CPTA) to educate & educate motivate Californians about the need for an active, healthy lifestyle, as well as the fundamental role physical therapists can play in helping their patients attain & sustain such a lifestyle What does HIPAA stand for? - Correct Answer-Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act What is the goal of HIPAA? - Correct Answer-To protect confidential information from improper use or disclosure After an exposure to blood borne pathogen, what is the best action to attend to first? - Correct Answer-Wash &/or irrigate the area of exposure Define abrasion - Correct Answer-Scraping away of skin or mucous membranes Who is the President of the National APTA? - Correct Answer-Sharon L. Dunn, PT, PhD, OCS

What organization licenses PTs? - Correct Answer-Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) What is "Hooked on Evidence"? - Correct Answer-APTA's online database of research evidence for the effectiveness of physical therapy interventions, What is the PT-PAC? Is there a minimum contribution level? - Correct Answer-a. PT- PAC is the sole fundraising organization that provides access to and influence of legislators to champion PT legislative interests at the federal level. b. The vision of PT-PAC is to become the #1 health professions PAC providing the resources to create a network of Congressional champions on physical therapy issues. c. All contributions are welcomed and appreciated. The Century Club level is the lowest recognized level ($100) but all contributions are welcomed and needed. Student members have their own club (Student Stars), to which students can join for $20. What is the Catherine Worthingham Honor? How many years must one be an APTA member before eligible for this honor? - Correct Answer-a. The purpose of the Catherine Worthingham Fellow designation (FAPTA) is to honor Dr. Worthingham and inspire all physical therapists to attain the high level of professional excellence and impact in terms of advancing the profession she exemplified. b. The FAPTA designation is the highest honor among APTA's membership categories. c. 15 YRS: A physical therapist or life physical therapist member of the association whose contributions to the profession through leadership, influence, and achievements demonstrate frequent and sustained efforts to advance the profession for a period of not less than 15 years preceding the nomination for election. How many Sections are in the APTA? Who is the President of the Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Section? - Correct Answer-a. 18 b. Dan Malone, PT, PhD, CCS When and where is the next Combined Sections Meeting (CSM)? - Correct Answer- February 15-18, 2017 - San Antonio, Texas What is the National Student Conclave (NSC)? When and where is the next NSC? What is the registration fee? - Correct Answer-a. At National Student Conclave, you will network with other PT and PTA student peers and mentors while attending educational sessions specifically designed to prepare you for your physical therapy career. National Student Conclave (NSC) is the only national conference that's planned for students, by students, giving you the opportunity to:

b. CREATE lifelong relationships with fellow physical therapy students from across the country, leaders in the field, and with APTA's president and CEO. c. ELECT your next Student Assembly Board of Directors. View your candidates. d. ENGAGE in innovative topics that focus on your future in physical therapy. e. CONTRIBUTE to a fun, energetic, thriving environment focused on all PT and PTA students. f. October 19-21, 2017 - Portland, Oregon What is CPTA? As a member, will you belong to both the APTA and CPTA? - Correct Answer-a. The California Physical Therapy Association is a Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association, which represents more than 93,000 physical therapists and physical therapist assistants nationwide. As the third largest Physical Therapy association in the world, the California Physical Therapy Association is the only voice for the physical therapy profession in the state of California. b. Yes. Simultaneous payment of national and chapter dues is required. You must belong to the chapter of the state in which you live, work or attend school, or of an adjacent state if more active participation is possible. How many Districts are in the CPTA? What district will you belong to as a student member? Who is the President of your District? - Correct Answer-a. 12 Districts in CPTA b. San Diego District c. Rosalia Arellano, PT, MSPT, NCS What is the mission of the Cal PT Fund? - Correct Answer-The California Physical Therapy Association (CPTA), in collaboration with the California PT Fund (CAL-PT- Fund), has pledged $100,000 toward a Foundation for Physical Therapy project that would create the nation's first Center of Excellence for Health Services and Health Policy Research dedicated to training physical therapist researchers. Where is the 2017 California Student Conclave scheduled to occur? - Correct Answer-a. October 19-21, 2017 - Portland, Oregon