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Which statement is TRUE regarding The Appraisal Foundation and USPAP enforcement authority? - correct answer ✓⬛The Appraisal Foundation does not have the authority to enforce the requirements of USPAP. Which entity is responsible for establishing education and experience requirements for licensing and certification of appraisers? - correct answer ⬛✓Ap p ra i s e r Qualifications Board (AQB) Qualification criteria for appraiser certification and recertification are disseminated to state appraisal boards by the: - correct answer ⬛✓A p p r a i s e r Qualifications Board (AQB) Which entity appoints members of the Foundation's independent Boards? - correct answer ⬛✓Board of Trustees (BOT)
USPAP is developed, interpreted, and amended by the: - correct answer ⬛✓App ra is al Standards Board (ASB) Advisory Opinions are best described as - correct answer ⬛✓Not part of USPAP, but included as reference material The ASB is considering comment letters written by members of the public regarding a proposed revision to USPAP. When reviewing these comment letters, the ASB focuses on: - correct answer ✓⬛The reasoning and insight presented in the letter Which is NOT a responsibility of the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC)? - correct answer ✓⬛Developing, amending, and interpreting USPAP Who is responsible for issuing credentials to individual appraisers? - correct answer ⬛✓State appraisal regulatory agencies Under FIRREA, USPAP is enforced by: - correct answer ⬛✓ State appraiser licensing/certification agencies
Which entity maintains the official national registry of state-certified and licensed appraisers? - correct answer ⬛✓ Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) In USPAP, the appraisal process is divided into two distinct types of activity: and. - correct answer ✓⬛development, reporting Which step in the appraisal process involves communication of the appraiser's opinions and conclusions? - correct answer ⬛✓r e p o r t i n g The first step in the appraisal process is: - correct answer ⬛✓I d e n t i f y the problem A preference or inclination that precludes an appraiser's impartiality, independence, or objectivity is: - correct answer ⬛✓bias An appraiser is not permitted to be when performing an appraisal.
representing the cause or interest of another, even if that cause or interest does not necessarily coincide with one's own beliefs, opinions, conclusions, or recommendations is what? - correct answer ⬛✓a d v o c a c y If an appraiser assumes a condition to be true, and evidence supports that belief, although that fact is not certain, this is an example of: - correct answer ⬛✓an extraordinary assumption If an appraiser assumes a condition to be true that does not exist for the purposes of analysis, this is an example of: - correct answer ⬛✓hyp o th et ic a l condition The terms extraordinary assumption and hypothetical condition: - correct answer ✓⬛Have different meanings within USPAP By using a published cost manual, an appraiser determines that the construction cost of a 2,500 square foot dwelling is $400,000. This figure represents the dwelling's: - correct answer ⬛✓cost "The monetary relationship between properties and those who buy, sell or use those properties" is the definition of: - correct answer ⬛✓value
Which of these statements is TRUE about the USPAP definition of client? - correct answer ⬛✓The client may engage the appraiser through an agent. Which statement about intended users is TRUE? - correct answer ⬛✓The client is always an intended user Who makes the identification of the intended use in an assignment? - correct answer ✓⬛the appraiser An intended user is: - correct answer ⬛✓A party who is identified by the appraiser based on communication with the client at the time of the assignment A real estate broker completes a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) on a property that he wants to list for sale. What would this be considered? - correct answer ✓⬛a valuation service Which is the broader category of services? - correct answer ⬛✓v a l u a t i o n services A workfile must be maintained for: - correct answer ⬛✓All appraisal and appraisal review assignments
Appraisal practice includes only: - correct answer ✓⬛ Va l u a t i o n services provided by an individual acting as an appraiser In USPAP, each Standard is composed of: - correct answer ✓⬛S ta n d a rd s rules What is the stated purpose of USPAP? - correct answer ⬛✓P r o m o t e and maintain a high level of public trust in appraisal practice The PREAMBLE states that USPAP is: - correct answer ⬛✓For appraisers and users of appraisal services When obligated by law or regulation, an appraiser comply with USPAP. - correct answer ✓⬛must One of an appraiser's obligations with regard to user expectations is to: - correct answer ✓⬛ I d e n t i f y the capacity in which he or she is performing
Which statement is TRUE regarding the relationship between valuation services and appraisal practice? - correct answer ⬛✓ Appraisal practice is a subset of valuation services. What could cause an appraiser to prepare an appraisal assignment in conformance with USPAP? - correct answer ✓⬛Law or regulation, agreement with the client, or voluntary choice by the appraiser USPAP states that in a situation when an individual is not required by law, regulation, or agreement to comply with USPAP: - correct answer ⬛✓The individual should still comply when he or she is acting as an appraiser When performing valuation services outside of appraisal practice, appraisers must be careful not to the client and other intended users about their role.
The ethical obligations of USPAP apply to: - correct answer ⬛✓I n d i v i d u a l appraisers only In appraisal practice, advocating the cause or interest of any party or issue is: - correct answer ⬛✓not permitted Prior to accepting an assignment, an appraiser must disclose any service he or she provided regarding the subject property for a period of. - correct answer ✓⬛three years An appraiser has appraised a property multiple times within the prior three years. He is asked by a prospective client to appraise the property again. Which statement is TRUE? - correct answer ⬛✓He must disclose the number of times he has appraised the property within the prior three years. An appraiser has been asked to complete an appraisal assignment. The fee is to be paid when and if the loan closes. According to USPAP, may the appraiser accept the assignment under these conditions? - correct answer ⬛✓No, the fee arrangement is an unethical contingency arrangement and violates the ETHICS RULE.
The payment of fees by the appraiser in connection with the procurement of an assignment is: - correct answer ⬛✓A l l o w e d if properly disclosed Confidential information under USPAP is information the appraiser receives from:
Which statement about an appraiser's workfile is TRUE? - correct answer ⬛✓The workfile must be in existence prior to the issuance of a report. Which statement best describes the word "competency" as it relates to appraisal practice? - correct answer ⬛✓It is fundamental to the definition of "appraiser." An appraiser accepts an assignment for which she initially does not have the knowledge and experience. She notifies the client of her lack of knowledge and experience and takes the necessary steps to acquire the knowledge and experience. What else (if anything) must she do to comply with USPAP? - correct answer ✓⬛ D i s c l o s e in the report her initial lack of competency and the steps taken to obtain competency In order to accept an assignment when an appraiser initially lacks the knowledge and experience to complete an assignment competently, he or she must: - correct answer ✓⬛Disclose to the client, prior to accepting the assignment, the lack of knowledge or experience Which statement about appraisal trainees and workfile obligations is TRUE? - correct answer ⬛✓Under USPAP, trainees have the same workfile obligations as licensed or certified appraisers.
In order to determine the appropriate scope of work, the appraiser must the problem to be solved. - correct answer ⬛✓i d e n t i f y The credibility of assignment results is measured in the context of: - correct answer ⬛✓the intended use Appraisers have broad and significant in determining the appropriate scope of work in an assignment. - correct answer ⬛✓F l ex ib i l i ty, responsibility Intended use is: - correct answer ⬛✓I d e n t i f i e d by the appraiser on the basis of communication with the client Determining the scope of work requires: - correct answer ⬛✓I nfor m ation obtained through communication with the client Identification of the intended use of an appraiser's opinions and conclusions is: - correct answer ⬛✓N e c e s s a r y for determining the appropriate scope of work
The responsibility for the scope of work decision rests with the: - correct answer ✓⬛appraiser In an assignment, the scope of work is an process. - correct answer ⬛✓ ongoing The concept of public trust means that an appraiser must act: - correct answer ⬛✓in the public's interest USPAP establishes standards that are applicable in the appraisal of: - correct answer ⬛✓real property, intangible property, and personal property Exclusion of a valuation approach that is not applicable in a given assignment is an example of: - correct answer ⬛✓a scope of work decision An appraiser's report must contain to allow intended users to understand the scope of work performed. - correct answer ⬛✓s u f f i c i e n t information
An appraiser must not allow client objectives to cause the assignment results to be: - correct answer ⬛✓ b i a s e d Scope of work has no disclosure requirements. - correct answer ⬛✓false If a client's objectives result in an appraiser developing biased assignment results:
When a law or regulation precludes compliance with any part of USPAP, appraisers must: - correct answer ✓⬛ C o m p l y with that law or regulation If a law or regulation precludes an appraiser with complying with a part of USPAP:
STANDARD 1 requires an appraiser to in developing a real property appraisal. - correct answer ⬛✓ Use due diligence and due care Exposure time is: - correct answer ⬛✓Always assumed to precede the effective date of the appraisal When is identification of the intended use of an appraiser's opinions and conclusions necessary in an appraisal assignment? - correct answer ✓⬛it is necessary in all appraisal assignments If a borrower receives a copy of an appraisal report from a mortgage lender as a result of disclosure requirements: - correct answer ⬛✓This does not make the borrower an intended user If a client in an appraisal assignment wishes to remain anonymous, the appraiser must: - correct answer ⬛✓D o c u m e n t the client's identity in the workfile and state in the report that the client's identity has been withheld at the client's request What should an appraiser do if, during the course of an assignment, he or she becomes aware of a change in the intended use of the report? - correct answer
⬛✓C o n s i d e r whether the extent of the planned development process and report are still appropriate What is the primary purpose of an appraiser making an inspection of the subject property? - correct answer ⬛✓To collect information about characteristics that are relevant to value An example of a relevant property characteristic that could affect a real property appraisal assignment would be: - correct answer ⬛✓The fact that the subject property is affected by an easement When appraising proposed improvements, what type of appraisal is permitted by USPAP? (Select the most complete answer. - correct answer ⬛✓both current and prospective When an appraiser provides a current value opinion on a proposed new building, he or she is utilizing a(an) that the proposed improvements are completed as of the effective date of the appraisal. - correct answer ✓⬛hypothetical condition
An extraordinary assumption may be used in an assignment only if: - correct answer ⬛✓The appraiser has a reasonable basis for the extraordinary assumption An appraiser performs a research assignment, in which the appraiser completes research for a client but does not develop any opinions or conclusions. Which statement is TRUE regarding this assignment? - correct answer ⬛✓This is not an appraisal, but it is part of appraisal practice. Which statement is TRUE regarding USPAP and the three approaches to value? - correct answer ⬛✓An assignment condition may require an appraiser to develop an approach that he or she would otherwise consider unnecessary. When developing a sales comparison approach under USPAP: - correct answer ⬛✓The appraiser must analyze such data as are available to indicate a value conclusion When analyzing the subject property's sales history in a real property appraisal assignment, an appraiser is required by USPAP to analyze. - correct answer ⬛✓All sales of the subject property that occurred within three years prior to the effective date of the appraisal
If an appraiser is asked to appraise a property on which there is a known, current agreement of sale, the agreement must be: - correct answer ⬛✓a n a l y z e d in the appraisal When analyzing listings of the subject property in a real property appraisal assignment, USPAP requires an appraiser to analyze, at a minimum,
. - correct answer ⬛✓c u r r e n t listings When is it necessary to analyze prior listings of the subject property in a real property appraisal assignment? - correct answer ⬛✓When such analysis is relevant to the current assignment The process of reconciliation entails. - correct answer ⬛✓C a r e f u l consideration of the quality and quantity of data Standards Rule 1 - 5 requires an appraiser to analyze the sales history of the comparable sales. - correct answer ✓⬛false STANDARD 2 sets forth requirements for: - correct answer ⬛✓A p p r a i s a l report content
The use of standard appraisal reporting forms: - correct answer ✓⬛Is not required by STANDARD 2 The written report options set forth in Standards Rule 2 - 2 are - correct answer ⬛✓A p p ra i s a l Report and Restricted Appraisal Report What is the importance of stating the date of the report? - correct answer ⬛✓It establishes the appraiser's perspective on the market Which of the following is NOT required by USPAP to be in an Appraisal Report? - correct answer ⬛✓c l i e n t ' s specific name In a Restricted Appraisal Report, the exclusion of any of the valuation approaches must be: - correct answer ⬛✓e x p l a i n e d In an Appraisal Report, the scope of work used to develop the appraisal must be: - correct answer ⬛✓s u m m a r i ze d Compared to a value opinion expressed in an Appraisal Report, a value opinion expressed in a Restricted Appraisal Report is: - correct answer ⬛✓e q u a l l y credible
Which statement is TRUE regarding a workfile for an assignment in which a Restricted Appraisal Report is provided? - correct answer ⬛✓The appraiser must maintain a workfile for this assignment In an appraisal assignment, an appraiser identifies an additional intended user in addition to the client. Does USPAP permit the appraiser to provide a Restricted Appraisal Report in this assignment? - correct answer ⬛✓no When an extraordinary assumption is used in an appraisal, the report must state the extraordinary assumption and: - correct answer ⬛✓state that its use may have affected the assignment results Does USPAP require an appraiser to disclose any significant real property appraisal assistance that was provided in an appraisal assignment? - correct answer ⬛✓yes, in all cases According to USPAP, any appraiser who signs any part of an appraisal report is required to: - correct answer ⬛✓sign the certification
What is the purpose of including a signed certification in an appraisal report? - correct answer ⬛✓for the appraiser to acknowledge his or her ethical obligations An appraiser provides an oral report of a real property appraisal assignment. Which statement is CORRECT? - correct answer ✓⬛The appraiser must add a signed and dated certification to her appraisal workfile. A written summary of an oral appraisal report must be added to the appraiser's workfile the issuance of an oral report. - correct answer ⬛✓w i t h i n a reasonable time after To the extent possible and appropriate, oral appraisal reports for real property must address the substantive matters that apply to a(n) - correct answer ⬛✓appraisal report Which statement is TRUE regarding a Recertification of Value? - correct answer ✓⬛It does not change the effective date of the value. If a client requests a more current valuation on a property that was the subject of a prior assignment, this is a(n). - correct answer ⬛✓new assignment
USPAP requires an appraiser to obtain a release from a previous client before appraising the same property for a new client. - correct answer ⬛✓false An appraiser completes an appraisal for Bank A. Two months later, he is contacted by Bank B, who asks him to "readdress" his prior report to them. Which statement is TRUE about the appraiser's USPAP obligations? - correct answer ✓⬛He is not permitted to "readdress" the report to Bank B The client must be the only intended user for: - correct answer ⬛✓R e s t r i c t e d Appraisal Reports If a supervising appraiser makes changes to a trainee's appraisal report which the trainee does not agree with, the trainee should: - correct answer ⬛✓not sign the certification STANDARD 3 addresses the development of an appraisal review, and addresses reporting of an appraisal review. - correct answer ⬛✓S TA N D A R D 4
Appraisal review is the process of an opinion about the quality of another appraiser's work performed as part of an appraisal or appraisal review assignment. - correct answer ⬛✓d e v e l o p i n g Under USPAP, an appraisal review is performed by an appraiser when developing an opinion of the quality of another appraiser's work that was performed as part of assignment. - correct answer ⬛✓ an appraisal only A reviewer is required to identify the appraiser who completed the work under review, unless: - correct answer ⬛✓the identity has been withheld from the client A review appraiser may use additional information that was not available to the original appraiser as long as the information: - correct answer ⬛✓is not used as the basis to discredit the original appraiser's value opinion Does USPAP permit a reviewer to use an extraordinary assumption in a review assignment? - correct answer ⬛✓yes Which statement is TRUE regarding USPAP and the appraisal review process for real property? - correct answer ⬛✓If the reviewer develops his or her own opinion of value, it must be developed under the requirements of STANDARD 1.
An appraisal review can be a two-stage assignment: an appraisal review and a value opinion by the reviewer. - correct answer ✓⬛true A reviewer has been requested to also develop her own value opinion in a review assignment. Which statement is TRUE regarding this situation? - correct answer ⬛✓The reviewer may use a different scope of work than the original appraiser. Consistent with the reviewer's scope of work, a reviewer must develop an opinion regarding: (Select the most complete answer.) - correct answer ⬛✓The completeness, accuracy, and reasonableness of the work under review An appraiser performs an appraisal review and develops her own opinion of property value as part of the assignment. When reporting the assignment results, the appraiser needs to provide signed certification(s). - correct answer ⬛✓ one A reviewer is responsible for ensuring that there is in a review report so that it can be properly understood by. - correct answer ⬛✓su ffici en t information, intended users
If a client withholds the identity of the appraiser who completed the work under review, the reviewer: - correct answer ⬛✓must state this fact in the review report An appraisal review report: - correct answer ⬛✓must be separate from the work under review A reviewer performing an appraisal review must not sign the work under review unless he or she: - correct answer ✓⬛ i n t e n d s to accept the responsibility as a co- signer of the work If a reviewer provides an oral report of an appraisal review: - correct answer ⬛✓ a signed certification must be inserted into the workfile A statement by a reviewer that "the value opinion stated in the appraisal report is not adequately supported" would be an indication that the reviewer develop his or her own value opinion. - correct answer ⬛✓did not Which of these examples indicates that a reviewer DID NOT develop his own opinion of value in an appraisal review assignment? - correct answer ⬛✓I reject the value conclusion as lacking credibility due to the errors and inconsistencies found.