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Updates 2024 GRADED A+
Who pass law (legislative body) that govern pharmacy practice in VA? - correct answer✔✔ U.S congress and VA general assembly Who regulate (regulative body) pharmacy practice in VA? - correct answer✔✔ FDA, DEA, and VA Board of Pharmacy What is the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906? - correct answer✔✔ Prohibits the shipment of adulterated or misbranded drugs in interstate commerce
- have to meet quality and purity standards What is the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938? - correct answer✔✔ Law that gave the FDA the authority to oversee safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics
- have to be SAFE What is the Durham-Humphrey Amendment? - correct answer✔✔ differentiated prescription drugs from nonprescription drugs What is the Kefauver-Harris Amendment? - correct answer✔✔ An amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that requires drug companies to prove that new drugs are effective as well as safe
- have to be EFFECTIVE What is a pedigree? - correct answer✔✔ A mean of recording each distribution of controlled substance
Board has authority to implement this What do you need to obtain RPh in VA? - correct answer✔✔ - 18 or older
- graduate from a ACPE school
- 1500 hr intern
- passing naplex and mpje
- good moral characters How do you obtain 1500 hrs in VA? - correct answer✔✔ - internship during pharmD school (ACPE accredited)
- must be in US
- if outside of schoold curriculum, must obtained after 2 semesters being in school WHo is a pharmacy intern? - correct answer✔✔ - enroll in a school of pharmacy
- register with board to gain experience What are requirements for intern hour that obtained outside of school curriculum? - correct answer✔✔
- Min: 20 hr/wk
- Max: 50 hr/wk Requirements for the person who is supervising an intern who is in the process of gaining hours? - correct answer✔✔ - Active RPh license in good standing
- Full responsibilities on the intern How many interns can a pharmacist in VA supervise at once? - correct answer✔✔ No longer limits Max: 4 techs (if intern is functioning as tech) or 4 techs +1 intern if the intern is to gain practical experience What does "supervision" mean? - correct answer✔✔ - RPh has to be physically present and available for direct oral conversation
What happens if a person fails NAPLEX? - correct answer✔✔ - can retake 3 times
- after 3 times, has to repeat 1000 intern hours What happens if a person fails MPJE? - correct answer✔✔ - wait 30 days When will VA RPh license expire? - correct answer✔✔ Dec 31 annually How does initially licensed RPh renew their license? - correct answer✔✔ - If obtain license on or after 10/01, does not renew until next year
- if obtain prior to 10/01, need to renew for this year but doe not need 15hr CE How to renew a RPh license in VA? - correct answer✔✔ - complete and submit renewal orm
- pay renewal fee of $
- complete CE requirements How many CE requirements for RPh in VA each year? - correct answer✔✔ 15 CE or 1.5 CEU each year What to do if you change address? - correct answer✔✔ notify the board within 14 days what types of CE programs are acceptable in VA? - correct answer✔✔ - programs approved by ACPE
- CME (continuing medical education) that focus on pharmacy, pharmacology or drug therapy
- any other program specifically approved by BOP How long are you require to keep a record of your CE completion? - correct answer✔✔ 2 years after license renewal How does a RPh gets an extension on CE completion? - correct answer✔✔ - written request to the board
- have 1 year extension to complete the previous CE hours
- still have to complete the coming CE requirements What if you fail to renew your license on Dec 31? - correct answer✔✔ - still complete renewal form
- submit CE hours
- pay renewal fee
- pay a late fee What if you fail to renew your license for more than 1 year? - correct answer✔✔ - become "inactive"
- have to reapply thru "reinstatement" How to renew your license thru "reinstatement" - correct answer✔✔ - complete reinstatement form
- submit CE hour
- renewal fee
- reinstatement fe Is there a limit on the amount of CE the Board will require for a reinstatement of an inactive license? - correct answer✔✔ - Yes, max 60 CE (4 years of inactive license) What are the requirements for a RPh whose license has been inactive for 5 years? - correct answer✔✔ - no reinstatement
- retake MPJE
- been practicing in another state within that 5 years or 160 hrs intern in last 6 months What sanctions in addition to suspension or revocation of a RPh license can a BOP do? - correct answer✔✔ - Reprimand (khien trach)
- Monetary penalty
- Probation (thu thach)
- Imposition of terms on the RPh license (restriction, additional CE)
WHat are the grounds for sanctions, suspension, or revocation of a RPh's license? - correct answer✔✔ 1. In the practice of pharmacy:
- incompetent
- unprofessional
- negligent
- practice beyond the scope of his practice
- allowed unlicensed person to involve in practice that requires license
- violate or coop. with other activities that violate the law/regulation of pharmacy practice
- has license/permit/registration issued by DEA/Fed agency revoked/denied/suspended
- fail to comply CE requirements
- dangerous practie to the public
- unsafe to public
- abuse alcohol/drug
- theft or diversion of controlled substances
- violate federal/state drug law
- convicted of a felony
- convicted of misdemeanor
- deceptive/fraudulent statements What constitutes "unprofessional conduct" in VA? - correct answer✔✔ Relate to patient and staff
- patient related
- fail to comply with Hippa
- breaching (leaking) pt confidentiality
- violate confidentiality provisions of PMP
- engaging in disruptive behavior in a healthcare setting
- engaging in inappropriate relationship with a pt
- failing to response to a known dispensing error
- failing to maintain adequate safeguarg against a drug diversion
- fail to use professional judgement before dispensing a medication
- pharmacy staff
- delegate a task to a person who is not adequately trained
- failure to ensure that all personnell are currently license (As a PIC) subpoena (record) duces tecum - correct answer✔✔ - bring relevant document to a court subpoena quashed - correct answer✔✔ - order to bring relevant document is dismissed Is a RPh always entitled to a hearing prior to the suspension of his license? - correct answer✔✔ NO, his license can be immediately suspended if:
- he appears to be a danger to the public
- convicted of a felony
- incapacitated (incompetent) being adjudicated by court
- license being revoked or suspended in another state How does a pharmacist whose license is suspended apply for a reinstatement? - correct answer✔✔ If 3/4 of the board members at the hearing vote for reinstatement How long can a tech work without a registration in VA - correct answer✔✔ 9 months How does a tech get registration in VA? - correct answer✔✔ - hold a PTCB certification or complete an approved training program
- pass the VA exam
- complete the application
- pay fee WHen does a tech need to renew his license in VA? - correct answer✔✔ DEc 31 if gets the license on or after July 1, do not need to renew until next year
How many CE does a tech need to complete annually? - correct answer✔✔ 5 CE What if a tech renew his license late? - correct answer✔✔ - within 1 year: pay late fee
- 1 year to 5 year: reinstatement fee, plus renewal fee
- more than 5 years: re-certification as if never been licensed How many techs can a RPh supervise at one time? - correct answer✔✔ 4 (techs, trainees, intern who performs tech activities) When can a tech at a nuclear pharmacy accept oral Rx? - correct answer✔✔ if rx is for diagnostic non- patient specific radiopharmaceuticals Can a tech compound extemporaneous preparations? - correct answer✔✔ Yes, rph must personally supervise What documents must be maintain at a pharmacy when a tech is hired? - correct answer✔✔ 1. tech license
- training completion of each tech, maintained for 2 yrs after tech leaves the employer
- if a trainee, proof that they are enrolled in a approved program What are the physical requirements for a VA licensed Rx department? - correct answer✔✔ At least 240 sq ft Celcius to Farenheit - correct answer✔✔ (1.8 X C) + 32 Freezer temp - correct answer✔✔ - 20 to - 10 C (-4 to 14 F) Fridge temp - correct answer✔✔ 2 to 8 C (36 to 46 F) cold temperature - correct answer✔✔ <8C
Cool temp - correct answer✔✔ 8 to 15 C (46 to 59 F) What minimum equipment is required in a pharmacy? - correct answer✔✔ - current dispensing info reference source
- sclae/balance/weight (sensitivity to 15 mg)
- other equipment consistent with the scope practice WHat pharmacy is not required a security system? - correct answer✔✔ 24 hours pahrmacy who may have the code to access the alarm system of the pharmacy? - correct answer✔✔ pharmacist on duty WHen must the security system be activated? - correct answer✔✔ Whenever the prescription department is closed for business Who obtains a permit from the board to conduct a pharmacy in VA? - correct answer✔✔ PIC, not a business entity What has to be on a permit to operate a pharmacy? - correct answer✔✔ 1. corporate name and trade name
- types of ownership and names of partner/directors
- PIC name and other RPh who will practice there
- owner's name if other than the PIC
- operation hours Can a pharmacist be a PIC of more than 1 pharmacy? - correct answer✔✔ yes, 2 max What is the next step after the permit application is submitted? - correct answer✔✔ Inspection
CAn the inspection date be requested in the permit application? - correct answer✔✔ Yes, if given within 14 days at least What requirements does a new pharmacy need to pass the inspection to approve the issuance of the permit? - correct answer✔✔ 1. 240 sq ft in the Rx department
- security system standard
- minimum equipments and resources standards
- rx department enclosure and access standard
- sanitary conditiosn What will happen if the pharmacy fail the initial inspection? - correct answer✔✔ - pay re-inspection fee
- can reschedule with 24 hrs advance notice to reschedule the date for reinspection without additional fee Can you stock drugs before the inspection? - correct answer✔✔ No, cannot stock drugs until having the permit When can a pharmacy stock drugs after passing the inspection? - correct answer✔✔ No sooner than 14 days prior to the designated opening dates RPh has to be there then on a daily basis WHat if the opening date for the pharmacy changes? - correct answer✔✔ - notify the board
- RPh continues to be on site on a daily basis How often does a pharmacy permit have to be renewed? - correct answer✔✔ annually Is the pharmacy required to display its permit? - correct answer✔✔ Yes, it must be displayed prominently. How long can a PIC be absent for a scheduled leave before the pharmacy has to designate a new PIC? - correct answer✔✔ 30 days
How long can a PIC be absent for an unscheduled leave? - correct answer✔✔ 15 days What does a new PIC have to do when taking over a pharmacy? - correct answer✔✔ - apply for a new permit
- inventory controlled substances (I to V) on the date he becomes the PIC. The inventory must be done before the pharmacy opens. WHen a PIC leaves, how long deos a pharmacy need to designate a new PIC? - correct answer✔✔ 14 days what if a pharmacy fails to designate a new pic in 14 days? - correct answer✔✔ - if inform the board prior to the original deadline, maybe extend by the director of the board.
- otherwise, will receive a notive from the board to dispose all drugs from c2-6 and devices within 15 days What i the pharmacy fails to dispose the drugs and devices? - correct answer✔✔ Board will seize can the pharmacy get the drug back from being seized by the board? - correct answer✔✔ yes, by paying the storage cost and have to provide proper disposition of the drugs within 6 months WHat if a pharmacy is changing its location? - correct answer✔✔ - giving 14 days notice to the board
- being inspected on both the old and new locations What must be done if the hours of operation of the pharmacy change? - correct answer✔✔ If the change last for more than 1 week, has to notify the board and pharmacy must post a conspicuous notice 14 days before to inform the pharmacy pharmacy's patients What must be done if you want to close your pharmacy for more than 1 week? - correct answer✔✔ - post a 30 days notice OR
- mail to inform pts 14 days prior
- date of closing
- name of pharmacy that record will be transferred to If there is a change in ownership (cvs to wag) what records must be transferred? - correct answer✔✔ 2 years of
- dispensing records
- patient records If there is a change in ownership, does the board need to be notified? - correct answer✔✔ - Yes, the board needs to be notified 14 days, and the pic needs to get new permit When a pharmacy is closing, does the board need to be notified? - correct answer✔✔ Yes, pharmacy has to notify the board:
- how its gonna dispose all c2- 6
- who receive the transfer, dispensing records and patient records Are pharmacies required to obtain a DEA registration? - correct answer✔✔ yes, if it possesses c1-5. Does not need if only possesses c What form does a pharmacy complete to obtain DEA registration? - correct answer✔✔ DEA 224 DEA 224a is for registration renewal How often does a pharmacy renew its DEA 224? - correct answer✔✔ every 3 years How does the DEA 224 registrant authorize his agents (other pharmacists) to order CII drugs? - correct answer✔✔ Complete a Power of Attorney form What are the separate business activities that each require their own DEA registration number? - correct answer✔✔ - Manufacturer
- Distributing
- Exporting/importing
- reverse distributing
- dispensing
- research (c1)
- research (c2-5)
- chemical analysis
- narcotic treatment How often does a manufacturer need to re-register with the DEA? - correct answer✔✔ annually Are there any organization that are exempt from paying DEA registration fees (but not exempt from getting the appropriate DEA registration) - correct answer✔✔ Facilities operated by a US agency A facility wants to handle CI drugs for research purposes. The facility already has a DEA number. What else is the facility required to do? - correct answer✔✔ - apply for a modified DEA registration by submitting 3 copies of the research protocol When is a DEA registration considered terminated? - correct answer✔✔ - registrant dies or surrenders the registration to the DEA
- discontinues business
- business ceases legal existence if a pharmacy ceases business, what are its responsibilities to the DEA? - correct answer✔✔ - notify the DEA
- surrenders the registration and unexecuted DEA forms
- dispose properly control substances Can a DEA registration be transferred to new owner after being acquired? - correct answer✔✔ Yes Submit written request to the Deputy Assistant Administrator, office of diversion control in DC
Can a DEA registration be transferred to another registrant after discontinuation of the business? - correct answer✔✔ Yes in person or mail the Special agent in charge of his area a notice 14 days of the proposed transfer What must be included in the transfer notice request? - correct answer✔✔ 1. name, addresses, DEA number, and authorized business activities of both transferring and receiving registrants
- date the transfer of controlled substances will occur
- any quota the transferor had to manufacture or procure c1 or c2 drugs WHat must be done on the date of pahrmacy transfer regarding DEA registration? - correct answer✔✔ - a complete inventory of c1-5 for both sides
- DEA222 if transfer c1- 2
- all required records of controlled substances
- final reports if needed what entities are required to register with the FDA? - correct answer✔✔ - manufacturer
- compounder
- distributer Does pharmacy need to register with FDA - correct answer✔✔ NO COntrolled substances under federal law - correct answer✔✔ c1 to c controlled substances under VA law - correct answer✔✔ c1-c5 and other drugs that require prescription c What federal official assigns drugs to federal schedule? - correct answer✔✔ The United states attorney general
What factors does the us attorney general consider when adding or removing a drug from schedules 1- 5? - correct answer✔✔ - potential for abuse
- history and current pattern of abuse
- scope, duration, and significance of abuse
- scientific evidence of pharmacologic effects
- current scientific knowledge regarding the drugs
- any risk to public health
- potential of physiological dependence dependence
- precursor of a drug that is already schedule Can the VA Board of Pharmacy schedule or deschedule drugs? - correct answer✔✔ Yes Schedule 1 drug under VA law - correct answer✔✔ 1. high potential for abuse
- no accepted medical use Schedule 2 drugs under VA law - correct answer✔✔ 1. high potential for abuse 2 currently accepted medical use
- may lead to severe psychic or physical dependence schedule 3 drugs under VA law - correct answer✔✔ 1. lower potential for abuse
- currently accepted medical use
- may lead to high psychic and moderate/low physical dependence Schedule 4 under VA law - correct answer✔✔ 1. lower potential for abuse
- accepted medical use . may lead to limited psychic and physical dependence schedule 5 under VA law - correct answer✔✔ 1. lower potential for abuse
- accepted medical use
- may lead to limited psychic and physical abuse schedule 6 under VA law - correct answer✔✔ Rx only drugs or devices, not listed in c1- 5 DEscribe situations in which a drug would be considered adulterated - correct answer✔✔ - contaminated
- the drug or its container contain harmful substances
- unsafe color additives
- facility that makes the drug do not conform with cGMP
- drugs subjected to insanity conditions
- doesnt contain strength, quality, purity that claimed to contain
- differ from USP conpendium of requirements
- mixed with something that reduces its quality or strength Describe situations in which a drug is misbranded - correct answer✔✔ - false or misleading labeling
- missing name of manufacturer, packer, distributor
- label missing required information
- missing "warning..mabe habit forming" on habit-forming drugs
- missing generic name (established name) or not at least half size of brand (proprietary) name
- missing quantity (mg) of active ingredient
- missing direction for use
- not label as described in the usp compendium
- drug is dangerous when use according to labeling or advertising
- missing a required batch certificate of release in effect in INSULIN, ABX
- counterfeit trademark
- missing side effects, CI, effectiveness as described by FDCA What practitioners can write valid prescriptions for controlled substances in VA? - correct answer✔✔ MD DO (osteopath)
DPM (podiatrist) DDS (dentist) DVM (veterinary) NP PA (physician assistant) OD (optometrist) Which practitioners have unrestricted prescribing authorities without the need for an aggreement with other practioners in writing c2-6? - correct answer✔✔ except for NP, PA and OD can a VA pharmacy fill Rxs written by out of state practitioners? - correct answer✔✔ except for written by NP, PA, or OD if they dont have a license in VA Are there any restrictions on the prescribing of drugs by MD, DO, DDS, DPM, and DVM? - correct answer✔✔ 1. cannot write Rx for animal if not DVM
- cannot write for human if a DVM
- DDS only can do for mouth conditions
- DPM only can write for foot and ankle What are the prescribing restriction on NP and PA? - correct answer✔✔ NP: based on agreement with a patient care team physician PA: based on agreement with a licensed physician or podiatrist How will you know if a NP or PA is prescribing a drug that is NOT allowed under his agreement with a team care physician, physician or podiatrist? - correct answer✔✔ May not be able to tell but you should examine the practice the prescriber is in. Are Np and PA allowed to write c2-c6? - correct answer✔✔ Yes What medications are OD allowed to prescribe and administer? - correct answer✔✔ - oral C3-6 for eye
- topical c
- intramuscular admin of epinephrine to treat emergency case of anaphylactic shock What certification does an optometrist (OD) need in order to prescribe? - correct answer✔✔ TPA certification (therapeutic pharmaceutical agents What conditions are TPA certified optometrists allowed to treat? - correct answer✔✔ diseases of the eyes and itsadnexa (tissues adjoining the eye) Are there any conditions that TPA-certified optometrists are specifically prohibited from treating? - correct answer✔✔ Yes
- cannot treat infantile or congenital glaucoma
- can only treat closed angle glaucoma in emergency situation Are medical interns and residents who work in a hospital allowed to write Rx? - correct answer✔✔ Yes, only with their duties as part of their residency program What is a prescription under VA law? - correct answer✔✔ an order for drugs or medical supplies given to a pharmacist by a practioner authorized to prescribe What prescriber information must every VA prescription contain? - correct answer✔✔ 1. name 2, address
- Phone
- signature (except for oral rx)
- DEA if c2- 5 SInce interns and some residents do not have their own DEA number, what do they use in place of their own number? - correct answer✔✔ - use hospital DEA number plus a suffix assigned to them
- include the inter/resident name/address/phone number
WHich practioners are exempt from registering with the DEA? - correct answer✔✔ - employees of a dea registrant
- practitioners affilated with a dea registrant
- law enforcement officers What patient information must be on a prescription? - correct answer✔✔ - first and last name
- address (can be added by the dispenser) WHat if the patient is an animal? - correct answer✔✔ - owner's name
- owner's address
- animal species Does a prescription need to be dated? - correct answer✔✔ yes, date and sign by prescriber What drug information must go on the Rx? - correct answer✔✔ Name/strength/dosage form/quantity/direction *quantity is NOT required for c6 in VA How long are prescription for c2-5 valid? - correct answer✔✔ 6 months from the date of issuance How long are Rx for c6 are valid? - correct answer✔✔ 1 tear, unless specified by prescriber Can a rx be written in pencil? - correct answer✔✔ No Must be ink, typed, or printed How many medications can be on a single prescription form? - correct answer✔✔ One per Rx What are the exceptions to the general rule? - correct answer✔✔ 1. chart order for patients in hospitals
- chart orders for pts in LTCF
- home infusion services
- hospice patients
- Rx being filled at: corrections, juvenile justice, health, behavioral health and development services What about the rx written as chart orders for a hospital or LCTF whip is then being discharged? - correct answer✔✔ These hart orders can be filled at a outpatient pharmacy if:
- the pahrmacist has all the information necessary for a valid outpatient prescription
- there is a written or verbal directions indicating that the chart orders are intended to serve as prescription order
- the orders include some directions related to the quantity to be dispensed or duration of the orders WHen can a prescriber use a completely preprinted prescription form? - correct answer✔✔ only for c6, and need to sign Can a pharmacist accept oral or telephone presription for c3-6 in VA? - correct answer✔✔ yes WHo is allowed to call in an oral prescription? - correct answer✔✔ prescriber or his authorized agent WHo may act as the prescriber's authorized agent? - correct answer✔✔ - and employee under the prescriber's supervision
- a nurse or a pharmacist directed by the prescriber Can a c2 be phoned in? - correct answer✔✔ Yes if
- Emergency phoned in with the according quantity
- the prescriber phones it in directly
- written rx has to follow within 7 days What if the prescriber fails to provide a written rx in 7 days? - correct answer✔✔ 1. contact the prescriber
- contact the DEA
Who are allowed to phone in c2 in a hospital? - correct answer✔✔ - a hospital nurse or pharmacist
- written rx within 72 hours Can a prescriber write multiple c2 prescriptions for the same drug for a single patient on the same day and place the instructions on the prescriptions as to when they may be filled? - correct answer✔✔ yes What are the requiremetns for the issuance of multiple c2 prescriptions at the same time? - correct answer✔✔ - each rx must indicate the earliest date it can be filled
- max day supply for multiple issued prescriptions is 90 days Are veterinarians allowed to write c2 rx for animals? - correct answer✔✔ YEs Are pharmacists allowed to make any changes to a written c2 prescriptions? - correct answer✔✔ Yes
- add or correct a pt's name after verifying it
- add a pt's address after verifying it
- add the prescriber's DEA number
- add or change dosage form, strength, quantity, issue date, direction for use after direct consultation and agreement with the prescriber What two changes are prohibited for c2 prescriptions? - correct answer✔✔ 1. drug name (other than generic)
- add prescriber's signature Are there any special requirements for a rx written for a gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (rohypnol)? - correct answer✔✔ - need to state MEDICAL NEED Are computer generated prescriptions allowed in VA? - correct answer✔✔ Yes, with hand signed
Does an order on a chart need to contain all the same information as a written prescription? - correct answer✔✔ No if:
- information on the chart order is readily achievable
- follow pharmacy's policy and procedure
- compliant with state and federal law Can precriptions for c3-6 drugs be faxed to a pharmacy? - correct answer✔✔ Yes, with prescriber's signature Can a prescriber give an oral prescription to his agent to be faxed - correct answer✔✔ - Yes, the faxed order must have prescriber's name and signature
- oral rx does not need a signature Additional requirements for a faxed prescription - correct answer✔✔ - date the prescription is faxed
- name, address, phone number and fax number of prescriber
- name, address, phone and fax number of the institution Where can a faxed prescription originate? - correct answer✔✔ - the prescriber's practice location
- home hospice, hospice care
- if the fax came from an authorized agent of a LCTF, the hard copy must be delivered within 7 days When can a c2 prescription be faxed? - correct answer✔✔ For informational purpose only. This is to give the pharmacy time to prepare for the prescription. Are there time when a c2 can be faxed and filled? - correct answer✔✔ Yes if:
- home infusion
- medicare certified hospice pts (with MD note "hospice" on Rx)
What schedules of drugs can be transmitted electronically? - correct answer✔✔ c2- 6 What does a prescriber need to prescribe c2-5 electronically in VA? - correct answer✔✔ - federally approved Credential Service Provider (CSP) OR
- CErtification authority (CA) THese certificates will give prescriber a two-factor authentication credential or a digital certificate Does an electronic prescription have to be manually signed? - correct answer✔✔ No the electronic or digital signature that identify the prescriber as the source of the prescription and indicate his approval of the information on the Rx What federal requirements do electronic prescriptions have to meet? - correct answer✔✔ 1. security and authentication
- Required recordkeeping by the prescriber and the pharmacy How will a pharmacy know that the application provide is certified? - correct answer✔✔ The application provider must provide a copy of its certification report to the pharmacy Can a pharmacy process an electronic prescription and dispense a c2-5 drug before the certification report is received? - correct answer✔✔ NO Can an electronic prescription be converted to a fax and printed out on the pharmacy's fax machine? - correct answer✔✔ - only c6
- VA law prohibited the printing and converting c2-5 to a faxed prescription What information does an electronically transmitted prescription need to include? - correct answer✔✔ - all of the info required for a written rx
- full name of the authorized agent if needed
- date of transmission
What does a pharmacist have to do when she receives a paper or oral prescription that was originally electronically transmitted to the pharmacy? - correct answer✔✔ - check to make sure that the electronic version was not received and dispensed
- if both were received, void one of the prescription What does a pharmacist have to do when she receives a oral prescription that was originally electronically transmitted to ANOTHER pharmacy? - correct answer✔✔ - check with the other pharmacy to determined if it was received and dispensed by the other pharmacy
- if they did not dispensed, they need to void the rx
- if they already dispensed, must void and return the med to stock What are the intangible prescription requirements in VA? - correct answer✔✔ A rx is not valid unless it was?
- issued for a medicinal or therapeutic purpose
- bone fide practictioner-patient relationship What does the practictioner have to do to create a bone fide practictioner-patient relationship? - correct answer✔✔ 1. obtain a medical or drug history
- provide information to the patient about the benefits and risks of the drug being prescribed
- perform an appropriate examniation of the patient, either physically or by using equipment to electronically transmit images and medical records
- follow up care What are the potential consequences for a pharmacist who knowingly fill an invalid prescription? - correct answer✔✔ may be criminally prosecuted for drug distribution What does VA law require a pharmacist to do when presented with a questionable rx? - correct answer✔✔ rph must contact the prescriber or his agent and verify:
- patient's identity
- name of medication prescribed
- quantity of med prescribed
If a pharmacist satisfies VA requirements for handling a questionable prescription, are the federal DEA requirements satisfied? - correct answer✔✔ NO, except for c6 WHich practioners are allowed to treat almost any human condition - correct answer✔✔ MD and osteopath (DO), even with their specialty (like psychiatrist or surgeon) What must a pharmacist do if he declines to fill a rx? - correct answer✔✔ 1. write :DEcline
- name/address/phone # of the phamracy
- date it was declined
- rph signature What is a pharmacist required to do if he determines that a prescription is a forgery? - correct answer✔✔ 1. refrain from retuerning the rx to the pt
- maintain the rx for min of 30 days before destroying it
- provide the rx to a law enforcement official who is investigating the forgery How long is a c2 valid in VA and how many times can it be refilled? - correct answer✔✔ 6 months 0 refill HOw long are c3-5 rx valid in VA and how many times it can be refilled? - correct answer✔✔ 6 months 5 refills How long is c6 valid in VA and how many times can be refilled? - correct answer✔✔ 1 year if no additional notations (up to 2 years) no specific limits What can a rph do if the patient needs a refill for a c6 drug and the prescriber is not available? - correct answer✔✔ VA allows a c6to be refilled without authorization if
- the pharmacist makes a reasonable effort to contact the prescriber and
- patient's health would be in imminent danger without the drug
Are there any other requirements for unauthorizes refill of c6? - correct answer✔✔ Yes, pharmacist has to:
- inform pt that the refill is made without the prescriber's authorization
- inform the prescriber the refill
- Document on the back of the rx: date and quantity of refill, prescribers unavailability, and reason for refill Are pharmacist allowed to refill c3-6 any time the patient requests a refill? - correct answer✔✔ NO, has to follow prescriber's direction of use. Pharmacist can refill early with documentation of the reason Does VA allow you to partial fill c3-5? - correct answer✔✔ Yes, is:
- quantity dispensed NOT exceed quantity written
- all partial dispenses done before expiration date (6 months)
- follow direction for use
- record each partial fill as an actual refill CAn a prescriber fax a c3-6 refill authorization? - correct answer✔✔ Yes
- date of authorization
- pt's name and address
- drug name, strength and quantity, direction for use
- prescriber's names, signature or agnet's first and last name for an oral rx Are community pharmacists allowed to partially fill a prescription for a c2? - correct answer✔✔ yes if pharmacy doesnt have enough What are the specific requirements for partial fill of c2? - correct answer✔✔ the remainder has to be filled within 72 hrs