Download VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CO and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Delegation for effective task management. - CORRECT ANSWERS A nurse is responsible for providing clear directions when a task is initially delegated and for periodic reassessment and evaluation of the outcome of the task. RNs must delegate tasks so that they can complete higher level tasks. RNs may delegate to other RNs, PNs or APs. PNs may delegate to other PNs or APs. Predictability of outcome: Is this routine, or is this new, is there potential for complications Potential for harm: Is the client stable? Risks? Aspiration, Bleeding Complexity of Care: Does the delegatee have the license to perform the task, and the training? Need for problem solving: Does this require the nursing process? Assessment skills or judgment Level of client interaction: Is there psychosocial support needed? VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ TO PN - CORRECT ANSWERS Monitoring findings Reinforcing client teaching Tracheostomy Care Suctioning NG tube patency Enteral Feedings Insert Catheter Administering Meds TO AP - CORRECT ANSWERS ADLs Bathing, Grooming, Dressing, Toliet Ambulating Feeding Positioning Routine tasks Bed making Specimen Collection, I and Os VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Fidelity: - CORRECT ANSWERS Keeping one's promise to the client about care that was offered Justice: - CORRECT ANSWERS Fair treatment in matters related to physical and psychosocial care and use of resources Nonmaleficence: - CORRECT ANSWERS The nurse's obligation to avoid causing harm to the client Veracity: - CORRECT ANSWERS The nurse's duty to tell the truth Examples when an incident report should be filed: - CORRECT ANSWERS Medication errors, Procedure/treatment errors, Equipment related injuries/errors, Needlestick injuries, Client falls, Visitor/Volunteer injuries, Threat made to client or staff, Loss of property. VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Establishing Priorities---Facility Protocols: Triage evaluation of peds - CORRECT ANSWERS Emergent: Urgent Nonurgent: Expectant: Emergent: - CORRECT ANSWERS Highest priority, life threatening injuries but also have high survival rate once stable Urgent: - CORRECT ANSWERS Second highest priority can wait 40- 60 mins for treatment Nonurgent: - CORRECT ANSWERS Minor injuries that are not life threatening and do not need immediate attention Expectant: - CORRECT ANSWERS Lowest priority, expected to die, Comfort care, but not restorative care VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Determining Priority Care for a group of clients - CORRECT ANSWERS Prioritizing Care for multiple home care clients - CORRECT ANSWERS Life before limb Acute before Chronic Actual problems before potential problems Listen carefully to clients and don't assume Trends vs Transient findings Complications vs expected findings Prioritizing Care for post op clients - CORRECT ANSWERS Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Examination/Exposure Maslow's Hierarchy - CORRECT ANSWERS Physiological, Safety and Security, Love and Belonging, Self-esteem, Self-Actualization VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Cover area of cast with plastic Use mole skin over rough areas Provide skin and perineal care The cast will feel warm but will not burn client Report pain that is not relieved in one hour Turn client every 2 hrs to dry Monitor for drainage Teach the parent to perform neuro checks Preparing the body for viewing - CORRECT ANSWERS Maintain privacy Remove all tubes Remove all personal belongings to be given to the family Cleanse and align the body supine with a pillow under the head Place the arms outside of the blanket palms down, Keep dentures in place VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Close eyes Apply fresh linens with absorbent pads on bed and a gown Brush the client's hair, Place hair pieces Remove excess supplies, equipment, and soilded linens Dim the lights and minimize noise Necessary Loss: - CORRECT ANSWERS A loss related to a change that is part of the cycle of life Actual Loss - CORRECT ANSWERS : Any loss of a values person, item or status Perceived loss: - CORRECT ANSWERS Any loss that is not obvious to others Maturational or developmental loss: - CORRECT ANSWERS Any loss expected of life. (Child leaving for college) VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Situational loss: - CORRECT ANSWERS Any unanticipated loss caused by an external event (home loss by tornado) Anticipatory loss: - CORRECT ANSWERS Experienced before the loss happens Stages of grief - CORRECT ANSWERS Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. Advance directives: - CORRECT ANSWERS Legal documents that direct end of life issues Living Will: - CORRECT ANSWERS Directive documents for medical treatment per the client's wishes Health Care Proxy/Durable Power attorney: - CORRECT ANSWERS A document that appoints someone to make medical decisions when the client is no longer able to do son on his own behalf. VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Discharge on the fact that some will likely be able to stay Handling Hazardous and Infectious materials Cancer treatment options: Implanted internal radiation device - CORRECT ANSWERS Follow protocol for proper removal of dressings and bed linens from the room Waste products should not be touched by anyone Place the client in a private room and keep the door closed as often as possible Place a radiation warning sign on the door Wear a dosimeter film badge that records personal amount of radiation expose Pregnant nurses or children should not come into contact with the client or radiation source Limit visitors to 30 min visits and maintain 6 feet from the source Wear a lead apron while providing care keeping the front of the apron facing the radiation source VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Keep a lead container in the client's room if the delivery method could allow spontaneous loss of radioactive material. Tongs should be available for placing material into this container Brachytherapy: - CORRECT ANSWERS This can be placed in vagina, abdomen or IV with radionuclide iodine which is absorbed by the thyroid. Standard Precautions---- - CORRECT ANSWERS 1. All body fluids, except sweat 2. Nonintact skin and mucous membranes 3. These apply to all clients regardless of condition 4. If hands are not viably soiled alcohol hand rub should be used 5. Antimicrobial soap should be used if hands are soiled or contaminated with spores 6. Remove gloves and complete hand hygiene between each client 7. Masks, eye protection, and face shields are required when care might cause splashing or spraying of body fluids 8. This client does not require a private room unless they are unable to maintain appropriate hygienic practices VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Isolation Guidelines: - CORRECT ANSWERS 1. Hand hygiene and the use of barrier precautions 2. These precautions apply to every client, regardless of the diagnosis 3. Change PPE after contact with each client and between procedures with the same client, if in contact with large amounts of blood or blood fluids (compromising the PPE) 4. Higher risk for loneliness explain the reason for isolation and provide sensory stimulation Airborne Precautions - CORRECT ANSWERS 1. Private room 2. Masks and respiratory protections (N95 for TB) 3. Negative pressure airflow exchange of at least 6-12 exchanges per hour 4. If splashing or spraying is possible wear full face protection 1. - CORRECT ANSWERS Private room VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 5. The prescription must include the reason for the restraints, the type of restraints, the location, and how long to use and the type of behavior that warrants using restraints 6. The prescription allows only 4hrs of restraints for an adult, 2 hrs for clients ages 9 to 17, and 1 hour for clients under the age of 9 7. These prescriptions can be renewed for a max of 24 consecutive hours. 8. Providers cannot write PRN prescriptions for restraints 9. Explain the need for the restraints to the client and family, emphasizing that the restraints keep the client safe and are temporary 10. Ask the client or guardian to sign a consent form 11. Assess skin integrity, provide skin care every 2 hours 12. Offer food and fluids, Provide hygiene and elimination VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 13. Monitor Vitals, and offer range of motion exercises 14. Pad bony prominences to prevent skin breakdown 15. Use a quick-release knot to tie the restraints to the bed frame where they will not tighten when raising and lower the bed. 16. Fit two fingers between the restraint and the client 17. Never leave the client alone without the restraints Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies Expected actions/outcomes of Parkinson's: Effects of Levodopa Levodopa is a - CORRECT ANSWERS Dopaminergic Due to medication tolerance and metabolism the dosage, form and administration times must be adjusted to avoid periods of poor mobility VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ NURSING ACTION: Monitor for the "wearing off" phenomenon and dyskinesias, which can indicate the need to adjust the dosage, time, or medication holiday Dopaminergics may be - CORRECT ANSWERS combined with carbidopa to decrease peripheral metabolism of levodopa requiring a smaller dose to make the same amount available to the brain Medication administration Cystic Fibrosis: Teaching about pancrelipase - CORRECT ANSWERS Monitor stools for adequate dosing (1/2 stools/day) Administer capsules WITH ALL MEALS AND SNACKS Client can swallow or sprinkle capsules on food Teach about diet and ways increase calorie intake With what type of foods should enzymes increase? - CORRECT ANSWERS Increase dosage of enzymes when eating high fat foods VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Medication Administration Bipolar: Teaching about mood stabilizers - CORRECT ANSWERS 1. Monitor plasma lithium levels during treatment, at least 5 days after starting and after any dosing changes until therapeutic level has been achieved then every 1 to 3 months 2. Blood for monitoring should be obtained in the morning usually 12hrs after the last dose 3. Maintenance level range is between 0.4 and 1.0, Greater than 1.5 can be toxicity 4. Hemodialysis may be indicated for toxic lithium levels 5. Monitor CBC, serum electrolytes, renal function tests, and thyroid function tests 6. Advise clients to take lithium as prescribed 7. Taking lithium with food can help decrease gastric distress 8. Advise clients that effects take 7 to 14 days 9. Encourage clients to adhere to lab appts 10. Emphasize the high risk of toxicity due to the narrow therapeutic range VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ 11. Provide nutritional counseling, Stress the importance of adequate fluid and sodium intake 12. Instruct clients to monitor for manifestations of toxicity and when to contact the provider 13. Clients should withhold medication and seek medical attention if experiencing diarrhea, vomiting or excessive sweating 14. Conditions that cause dehydration such as exercising in hot weather, or diarrhea, put client at risk for lithium toxicity Intravenous Therapies Assessing the IV site - CORRECT ANSWERS Infiltration or extravasation Pallor, local swelling at the site, decreased skin temperature around the site, damp dressing, slowed rate of infusion Phlebitis or thrombophlebitis VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Edema, throbbing, burning or pain at the site, increased skin temperature, erythema, a red line up the arm with a palpable band at the vein site, slowed rate of infusion Hematoma Ecchymosis at the site Fluid overload Distended neck veins, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, SOB, crackles in the lungs, edema, additional finding varying with the IV solution Cellulitis Pain. Warmth edema, induration, red streaking, fever, chills, malaise Catheter embolus Missing catheter tip on removal, severe pain at the site with migration, absence of findings if no migration VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Airway Obstruction - CORRECT ANSWERS Swelling or spasm of the larynx or trachea, mucus in the airway or relaxation of the tongue into the nasopharynx Nursing Considerations: for airway obstruction - CORRECT ANSWERS Monitor for choking, noisy irregular respirations, decreased ox stats, cyanosis Implement a head tilt, chin lift, to open the airway Keep emergency equipment at the bedside in the PACU Notify the anesthesiologist, elevate head of bed if not contraindicated, provide oxygen, and plan for reintubation with endotracheal tube Hypoxia - CORRECT ANSWERS Decrease in ox stats Nursing Considerations: VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Monitor ox stat and admin ox as prescribed Encourage coughing and deep breathing to prevent atelectasis Position client with head of bed elevated and turn every 2hr to facilitate chest expansion Decrease in ox stats - CORRECT ANSWERS Nursing Considerations: Monitor ox stat and admin ox as prescribed - CORRECT ANSWERS Encourage coughing and deep breathing to prevent atelectasis - CORRECT ANSWERS Position client with head of bed elevated and turn every 2hr to facilitate chest expansion - CORRECT ANSWERS VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Hypovolemic shock - CORRECT ANSWERS Post op shock can result from a massive loss of circulating blood volume Nursing Considerations: Monitor for decreased blood pressure and urinary output, increased heart and respiratory rates, narrowing of pulse pressure, and slow cap refill Administer oxygen Place the client in a supine position with legs elevated Administer IV Fluids and vasopressors as prescribed Post op shock can result from a massive loss of circulating blood volume - CORRECT ANSWERS Nursing Considerations: - CORRECT ANSWERS VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ to reinsert organs, place in a low fowlers position with hips and knees bent monitor for shock, and notify the provider immediately Causes for Deep vein thrombosis - CORRECT ANSWERS Caused by dehydration, stress response that leads to hypercoagulability of the blood, immobility, obesity, trauma, malignancy, history of thrombosis, hormones, and use of indwelling venous catheter Nursing considerations: for DVT - CORRECT ANSWERS Prophylactic measures include administration of low molecular weight heparin, low dose heparin or low dose warfarin, antiembolism stocking, pneumatic compression devices, range of motion, exercises, and early ambulation Avoid any form of pressure behind the knee with a pillow or blanket, which can cause constriction of blood vessels and decreased venous return Avoid dangling the client's legs for long periods of time VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Provide adequate hydration by administering IV fluids or encouraging increased oral fluid intake Health Promotion and Maintenance Priority Assessment: Membrane Rupture Ante/Intra/Post-Partum and newborn care Early Onset of Labor - CORRECT ANSWERS Premature rupture of membranes (PROM): Spontaneous rupture of the amniotic membranes 1hr or more prior to the onset of true labor. Temperature elevation Increased maternal heart rate or FHR Foul smelling fluid or vaginal discharge Abdominal tenderness Assess for a prolapsed umbilical cord Abrupt FHR variable or prolonged deceleration Visible or palpable cord at the introitus A positive nitrating paper test (blue, pH6.5 to 7.5) or VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Positive ferning test is conducted on amniotic fluid to verify rupture of membranes Nursing Care: for early rupture of membranes - CORRECT ANSWERS Prepare for birth if indicated: Evidence of infection or fetal or maternal compromise Obtain vaginal and rectal cultures for strep B Obtain vaginal culture for chlamydia and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Avoid vaginal exams Provide reassurance to reduce anxiety Assess vital signs every 2hrs, Notify the provider of a temperature greater than 100 Assess FHR and uterine contractions Advise the client to adhere to bed rest with bathroom privileges Encourage hydration Obtain a CBC Instruct the client to perform daily fetal kick counts and notify the nurse of uterine contractions VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Inversion of the uterus - CORRECT ANSWERS Assess for an inverted uterus - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Visualize the introitus - CORRECT ANSWERS Perform a pelvic exam - CORRECT ANSWERS Maintain IV Fluids - CORRECT ANSWERS Administer Oxygen Stop oxytocin if it is being administered at the time uterine inversion occurred - CORRECT ANSWERS VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Avoid excessive traction on the umbilical cord - CORRECT ANSWERS Anticipate surgery if nonsurgical interventions and management are unsuccessful - CORRECT ANSWERS Retained Placenta - CORRECT ANSWERS Nursing Care: Monitor the uterus for fundal height, consistency, and position - CORRECT ANSWERS Monitor lochia for color, amount, consistency, and odor. - CORRECT ANSWERS Monitor vital signs - CORRECT ANSWERS Maintain or initiate IV fluids - CORRECT ANSWERS VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Provide oxygen at 2-3L/min per nasal cannula - CORRECT ANSWERS Anticipate surgical interventions, such as a D&C or hysterectomy, if post-partum bleeding is present and continues - CORRECT ANSWERS Lacerations and hematomas - CORRECT ANSWERS Assess Pain - CORRECT ANSWERS Visually or manually inspect the vulva, perineum and rectum for lacerations and or hematomas - CORRECT ANSWERS Assess an episiotomy for extension into a third- or fourth-degree laceration - CORRECT ANSWERS Evaluate lochia - CORRECT ANSWERS VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Apply dressing - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Nonadherent:Fine-mesh gauze - CORRECT ANSWERS Hydrocolloid: Occlusive dressing Provide Warmth - CORRECT ANSWERS Treat additional medical care - CORRECT ANSWERS Provide analgesia - CORRECT ANSWERS Check immunization status: Administer tetanus cassine if it has been more than 5 years - CORRECT ANSWERS Educate the family to avoid using greasy lostions on burns - CORRECT ANSWERS VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Educate to monitor for manifestations of infections - CORRECT ANSWERS Major Burns - CORRECT ANSWERS Maintain airway and ventilation - CORRECT ANSWERS Provide humidified 100% supplemental oxygen - CORRECT ANSWERS Monitor vitals - CORRECT ANSWERS Maintain cardiac output - CORRECT ANSWERS Initiate IV access with large-bore catheter Multiple access points may be necessary - CORRECT ANSWERS VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Fluid replacement is important during the first 24 hours - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Isotonic crystalloid solutions during early stages - CORRECT ANSWERS Colloid solutions, used after the first 24-48 - CORRECT ANSWERS Be prepared to administer blood products Urine output of 0.5/1ml/kg/hr below 30kg - CORRECT ANSWERS Urine output of 30ml/hr for more than 30kg - CORRECT ANSWERS Monitor for manifestations of septic shock and notify the provider - CORRECT ANSWERS VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ - CORRECT ANSWERS Increase caloric and protein intake - CORRECT ANSWERS Administer vitamins A and C to facilitate cell growth and zinc for wound healing Restore mobility - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Maintain correct body alignment, splint extremities and facilitate position changes to prevent contractures - CORRECT ANSWERS Maintain active and passive range of motion - CORRECT ANSWERS Assist with ambulation as soon as the child is stable VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ - CORRECT ANSWERS Apply pressure dressings to prevent contractures and scarring - CORRECT ANSWERS Closely monitor areas at high risk for pressure sores Provide psychological support - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Provide developmentally appropriate support for the child Assist with coping - CORRECT ANSWERS Use family centered approach - CORRECT ANSWERS Make referrals as needed - CORRECT ANSWERS Wound Care - CORRECT ANSWERS VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Premediate - CORRECT ANSWERS Remove previous dressings - CORRECT ANSWERS Assess for odors, drainage, and discharge - CORRECT ANSWERS Cleanse the wound as prescribed - CORRECT ANSWERS Assist with debridement - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Provide hydrotherapy Once or twice a day - CORRECT ANSWERS Use mild soap or detergent to gently wash burns, and then rinse with tepid water VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ Safe for breastfeeding mothers - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Decreased menstrual pain and less bleeding Can increase the risk of PID, ectopic pregnancy and can be expelled - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Does not protect from STIs Risk of bacterial vaginosis, uterine perforation or uterine expulsion - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Must be removed in the event of pregnancy Implantable progestin: - CORRECT ANSWERS VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023/2O24 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+ - CORRECT ANSWERS Avoid trauma to the area of implantation Effective continuous contraception for 3years - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Reversible Can be used by mothers that are breast feeding - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Does not protect against STIs Irregular and unpredictable menstruation - CORRECT ANSWERS - CORRECT ANSWERS Provide adequate fluid replacement VIRTUAL ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 224QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2023 ALL ANSWERS 1005 CORRECTLY/VERIFIED ANSWERS RATED A+