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Vita 2024 Advanced Exam With 100% Correct And Verified Answers 2024, Exams of Advanced Education

Vita 2024 Advanced Exam With 100% Correct And Verified Answers 2024 VOLUNTEER STANDARDS OF CONDUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 1. Prior to working at a VITA/TCE site, ALL VITA/TCE volunteers (greeters, client facilitators, tax preparers, quality reviewers, etc.) must: - Correct Answer-a. Annually pass the Volunteer Standards of Conduct (VSC) certification test with a score of 80% or higher. b. Sign and date the Form 13615, Volunteer Standards of Conduct Agreement, agreeing to comply with the VSC by upholding the highest ethical standards. c. Pass the Advanced tax law certification. d. All of the above.

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Vita 2024 Advanced Exam With 100%

Correct And Verified Answers 2024


  1. Prior to working at a VITA/TCE site, ALL VITA/TCE volunteers (greeters, client facilitators, tax preparers, quality reviewers, etc.) must: - Correct Answer-a. Annually pass the Volunteer Standards of Conduct (VSC) certification test with a score of 80% or higher. b. Sign and date the Form 13615, Volunteer Standards of Conduct Agreement, agreeing to comply with the VSC by upholding the highest ethical standards. c. Pass the Advanced tax law certification. d. All of the above. e. Both a and b <<< CORRECT
  2. Can a volunteer be removed and barred from the VITA/TCE program for violating the Volunteer Standards of Conduct? - Correct Answer-Yes
  3. If a taxpayer offers you a $20 bill because they were so happy about the quality service they received, what is the appropriate action to take? - Correct Answer-Thank the taxpayer, and explain that you cannot accept any payment for your services.
  4. Jake is an IRS tax law-certified volunteer preparer at a VITA/TCE site. When preparing a return for Jill, Jake learns that Jill does not have a bank account to receive a direct deposit of her refund. Jill is distraught when Jake tells her the paper refund check will take three to four weeks longer than the refund being direct deposited. Jill asks Jake if he can deposit her refund in his bank account and then turn the money over to her when he gets it. What should Jake do? - Correct Answer-Max has violated the VSC because he is using the information he gained about Ali to further his own or another's personal benefit.
  5. Max prepares a tax return for Ali at a VITA/TCE site. He finds out during the interview that Ali has no health insurance. After Ali leaves the site, Max writes her name and contact information down to take home to his wife who sells health insurance for profit. Which of the following statements is true? - Correct Answer-Max has violated the VSC because he is using the information he gained about Ali to further his own or another's personal benefit.
  6. Bob, an IRS tax law-certified volunteer preparer, told the taxpayer that cash income does not need to be reported because the IRS does not know about it. Bob indicated NO cash income on Form 13614-C. Bob prepared a tax return excluding the cash income. Jim, the designated quality reviewer, was unaware of the conversation and therefore unaware of the cash income and the return was printed, signed, and e-filed.

Who violated the Volunteer Standards of Conduct? - Correct Answer-Bob, the tax law- certified volunteer who prepared the return.

  1. Sue, a VITA/TCE coordinator, was watching the local news when she saw Aaron, a new tax law-certified volunteer, in a story about several bank employees being arrested for suspicion of embezzlement. She saw Aaron being led out of the bank in handcuffs. Three days later, Sue is shocked when she sees Aaron show up at the site ready to volunteer, apparently out on bond. She pulls Aaron aside and explains that his arrest on suspicion of embezzlement could have a negative effect on the site and therefore she must ask him to leave the site. Sue removed his access to the software, she then uses the external referral process to report the details to SPEC headquarters by sending an email to [email protected]. Did Sue take appropriate actions as the coordinator? - Correct Answer-Yes
  2. Heidi, a VSC-certified volunteer, is working at the intake station. As part of her duties, she is required to explain to the taxpayer what they are expected to do today as part of the return preparation process. What should Heidi tell them? - Correct Answer-a. Form 13614-C, Intake/Interview & Quality Review Sheet, must be completed prior to having the return prepared. b. You will be interviewed by the return preparer and asked additional questions as needed. c. You need to participate in a quality review of your tax return by someone other than the return preparer. d. All of the above. <<< CORRECT
  3. During the intake process, the volunteer should verify the taxpayer (and/or spouse, if applicable) has photo identification. Additionally, taxpayers must provide verification of taxpayer identification numbers (SSN or ITIN) for everyone listed on the tax return. - Correct Answer-True
  4. Mary, a VSC-certified greeter, reviews the taxpayer's completed Form 13614-C, page 2, to identify what potential volunteer certification level is needed for this tax return. Mary sees the taxpayer has checked the "yes" box indicating they have self- employment income and the certification level next to the question is (A). All other questions answered "yes" have a (B) certification. When Mary assigns the return to a tax preparer, what tax law certification level does the tax preparer need? - Correct Answer-Advanced INTAKE / INTERVIEW AND QUALITY REVIEW TEST QUESTIONS
  5. All IRS-certified volunteer preparers participating in the VITA/TCE programs must use Form 13614-C along with an effective interview for every return prepared at the site. - Correct Answer-True
  1. What should the certified volunteer preparer do before starting the tax return? - Correct Answer--Make sure all questions on Form 13614-C are answered -Change "Unsure" answers to "Yes" or "No" based on a conversation with the taxpayer. -Complete all applicable Certified Volunteer Preparer shaded-area questions on Form 13614-C.
  • All the Above <<< CORRECT
  1. When reviewing Form 13614-C, you see the "Interest" question is marked "Yes" and the taxpayer gives you a Form 1099-INT. You should ask the taxpayer if they had any other interest income. - Correct Answer-True
  2. VITA/TCE sites are required to conduct Quality Reviews: - Correct Answer-Of every return prepared at the site
  3. You do not need to see proof of cash donations made by a taxpayer if you feel that the information is not unusual or questionable. - Correct Answer-True
  4. In most cases a volunteer must review photo identification for every taxpayer(s) to deter the possibility of identity theft. - Correct Answer-True
  5. When does the taxpayer sign the tax return? - Correct Answer-After quality review and after being advised of their responsibility for the accuracy of the information on the return.
  6. The site is busy with many taxpayers waiting for assistance. All volunteers are busy preparing tax returns. Can you quality review the return you just prepared instead of waiting for someone else to quality review the return? - Correct Answer-No, self review is never an acceptable quality review method.
  7. Which of the following is true? - Correct Answer-a. Quality review can be conducted by a volunteer preparer certified at Basic when the tax return required an Advanced certification to prepare. b. Quality review is conducted after the taxpayer signs the tax return. c. Quality review is an effective tool for preparing an accurate tax return. <<< CORRECT d. Taxpayers do not need to be involved in the quality review process.
  8. As part of the intake process, each site must: - Correct Answer--Have a process to ensure a return is within the scope of the VIT/TEC -Identify the certification level needed to prepare a return. -Have a process to ensure volunteers have the certification needed for the returns they prepare. -ALL OF THE ABOVE <<< CORRECT ADVANCED COURSE SCENARIOS AND TEST QUESTIONS
  1. What is the most beneficial of the following filing statuses that Chris is eligible to claim on her 2022 tax return? - Correct Answer-Head of Household
  2. Based on the information provided, Chris qualifies for the earned income credit. - Correct Answer-True
  3. What amount of Chris's unemployment compensation is taxable? - Correct Answer- $1, (100% of unemployment income)
  4. What is the maximum amount Adam and Lisa are eligible to claim for the child tax credit? - Correct Answer-$2,
  5. The Garcias qualify for the child and dependent care credit. - Correct Answer-False
  6. Form 8889, Part 1 is used to report HSA contributions made by - Correct Answer-a. Jenny b. Jenny's employer c. Jenny's mother d. All of the above <<< CORRECT
  7. Jenny is eligible to contribute an additional $1,000 to her HSA because she is age 55 or older. - Correct Answer-True
  8. What is the total unreimbursed qualified medical expenses reported on Form 8889, Part II? - Correct Answer-$3, No gym membership
  9. For the purpose of determining dependency, Nancy could be the qualifying child of - Correct Answer-Either Alice or Linda
  10. Linda is not eligible to claim Nancy for the earned income credit because her filing status is Married Filing Separate. - Correct Answer-False
  11. Ellen can claim the $400 she donated to her friend's personal GoFundMe campaign as a deduction on her Schedule A. - Correct Answer-False
  12. What amount of gambling losses is Ellen eligible to claim as a deduction on her Schedule A? - Correct Answer-$2, $3,000 gambling losses --> limited to $2,000 gambling winnings
  1. John is not eligible to claim the lifetime learning credit on his 2022 tax return. - Correct Answer-False
  2. Which of the following is not a requirement for John to claim the earned income credit with no qualifying children in 2022? - Correct Answer-John must be a full-time student.
  3. What is the taxable portion of Emily's pension from Maple Enterprises using the simplified method? - Correct Answer-$18, Combined ages = 121 310 life annuity payments (joint and survivor annuity table) $14,500 / 310 = 46.77 * 12 = $561. $19,350 - $561 = $18,
  4. All of Emily's social security income is taxable. - Correct Answer-False
  5. What is the total amount of other income reported on the Lincoln's Form 1040, Schedule 1? - Correct Answer-$5, $4,414 gambling winnings + $175 lottery winnings + $850 debt cancellation
  6. Robert is eligible to deduct qualified educator expenses in the amount of - Correct Answer-$ ($733 unreimbursed classroom exp. --> limited to $300)
  7. What is the Lincoln's standard deduction on their 2022 tax return? - Correct Answer- $27, $25,900 (MFJ) + $1,400 (Emily 65+ age)
  8. Which is not a qualifying expense for the American opportunity credit? - Correct Answer-Parking pass
  9. Which of the following credits are the Lincolns eligible to claim on their tax return? - Correct Answer-a. Child tax credit b. Credit for other dependents c. American opportunity credit d. Only b and c <<< CORRECT
  10. What is the Lincoln's total federal income tax withholding? - Correct Answer-$7, $3000 + $1935 + $
  1. What is the net long term capital gain reported on Joanne's Schedule D? - Correct Answer-$2, $2,100 LTCG + $350 distributions
  2. Which of the following can be claimed as a business expense on Joanne's Schedule C? - Correct Answer-Tolls
  3. What is the amount Joanne can take as a student loan interest deduction on her Form 1040, Schedule 1? - Correct Answer-$2, $3,250 loan interest --> limited to $2,
  4. How many miles can Joanne use to calculate her standard mileage deduction? - Correct Answer-2,
  5. What is the amount of Joanne's lifetime learning credit? - Correct Answer-$ $2,400 * 20%
  6. Joanne will have to pay $________ additional tax because she received the early distribution from her IRA. - Correct Answer-$ $2,500 * 10% penalty
  7. How can Joanne prevent having a balance due next year? - Correct Answer-a. She can increase the withholding on her Form W-4. b. She can make estimated tax payments. c. She can use the IRS withholding calculator to estimate her withholding for next year. d. All of the above <<< CORRECT
  8. What is Thomas's most advantageous filing status? - Correct Answer-Head of Household
  9. Thomas's adjusted gross income on his Form 1040 is - Correct Answer-$41, $41,000 + $130 - $
  10. Thomas can claim the following credits on his tax return. - Correct Answer-Child Tax Credit Child and Dependent Care Credit Premium Tax Credit All of the above <<< CORRECT
  11. Thomas's Retirement Savings Contributions Credit on Form 8880 is - Correct Answer-$

$1,000 401(k) contribution * 10%

  1. The total amount of Thomas's advanced payment of premium tax credit for 2022 is - Correct Answer-$4, Form 1095-A Part III: Annual Totals C. Monthly advance payment of premium tax credit
  2. Thomas's child and dependent care credit from Form 2441 is reported as a non- refundable credit on Form 1040, Schedule 3. - Correct Answer-True