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Vocabulary (C1) Exam 20242025 with 100% Verified Correct Answers, Exams of English Literature

A list of vocabulary words and their definitions, suitable for c1 level english learners. It includes a variety of words, covering different aspects of language, and can be used for self-study or preparation for exams. The document also includes a section with example sentences for each word, which can help learners understand the context and usage of the words.

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Available from 11/01/2024

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Download Vocabulary (C1) Exam 20242025 with 100% Verified Correct Answers and more Exams English Literature in PDF only on Docsity!

Asset (noun) (n.) Something of value; a resource; an advantage ÖÖ Accomplish (verb T) To do something by making an effort; to complete successfullyÖÖ Circumstance (noun) A condi@on or fact that affects a situa@onÖÖ Chore (noun) A job or piece of work that is oCen boring or unpleasant but needs to be done ÖÖ regularly Pursue (verb T) ÖÖ To chase in order to catch; to strive to achieve; to carry out Empirical (adj) ÖÖ Based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory Facilitate (verb T FORMAL) ÖÖ To make easier; to assist




Plagiarize (verb I or T) ÖÖ To copy someone else's work and say it is your own, generally in wriQen form Tremendous (adj) ÖÖ Very great in amount or level, or extremely good Resemble (verb T) ÖÖ To look like or be like someone or something Reluctant (adj) ÖÖ Not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it. Compromise (noun) ÖÖ An agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demands or change their opinion in order to agree Get out of handÖÖ To get out of control Find one's feetÖÖ To become familiar with and confident in a new situa@on Give someone the cold shoulderÖÖ To deliberately ignore someone in an unfriendly way Confront (verb) ÖÖ

(v.) To meet face-to-face, especially as a challenge; come to grips with Formulaic (adj) ÖÖ Containing or consis@ng of fixed and repeated groups of words or ideas Sociology (noun) ÖÖ The study of the rela@onships between people living in groups, especially in industrial socie@esÖÖ Inevitable (adj) Certain to happen; unavoidableÖÖ Consump@on (noun) The amount of something that someone uses, eats, or drinks consumoÖÖ Counsellor (noun) Someone who is trained to listen to people and give them advice about their problemsÖÖ Passionate (adj) Having very strong feeling or emo@onsÖÖ Venture (noun) A new ac@vity, usually in business, which involves risk or uncertaintyÖÖ An@cipate (verb)

  1. (Expect) to image or expect that something will happen;
  2. (Take ac@on) to take ac@on in prepara@on for something that you think will happenÖÖ Overlook (verb)
  3. (View) to provide a view of, especially from above
  4. (Not no@ce) to fail to no@ce or consider something or someone Redundancy (noun) A situa@on in which something is unnecessary because it is more than is needed. Assure (verb) 1.(Say with certainty) to tell someone confidently that something is true, especially so that they do not worry;
  5. (Make certain) to cause something to be certain. Eliminate (verb) To remove or take away someone or something Sigh (verb/noun) To breathe out slowly and noisily, expressing @redness, sadness, pleasure Be fond of To like Literal (adjec@ve) The literal meaning of a word is its original, basic meaning Endure (verb) To suffer something difficult, unpleasant or painful To glare at=to scowl at To look directly and con@nuously at someone or something in an angry way Glare (noun/verb, LOOK)

A long angry look Glance (verb/noun, LOOK) To give a quick short look, a quick short look DriC (verb) To move slowly, especially as a result of outside forces, with no control over direc@on Reassure (verb) To comfort someone and stop them from worrying Confide (verb) To tell something secret or personal to someone who you trust not to tell anyone else Stumble (verb) To step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or begin to fall Vicinity (noun) The immediately surrounding area Get on (RELATIONSHIP) Have a good rela@onship Enhance (verb) To improve the quality, amount, or strength of something Elaborate (verb) To add more informa@on to or explain something that you have said Authen@c (adj) If something is authen@c, it is real, true, or what people say it is Convincing (adj) Able to make you believe that something is true or right Anxious (adj) Worried and nervous

Privilege (noun)

  1. An advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because of their posi@on or because they are rich
  2. An opportunity to do something special or enjoyable Immaterial (adj) Not important, or not rela@ng to the subject you are thinking about Ample (adj) More than enough Incredible (adj)
  3. Impossible, or very difficult, to believe
  4. Extremely good Foreseeable (adj) A foreseeable event or situa@on is one that can be known about or guessed before it happens Keen (adj EAGER) Very interested, eager, or wan@ng (to do) something very much Enchant (verb)
  5. To aQract or please someone very much
  6. To have a magical effect on someone or something Endure (verb EXPERIENCE) To suffer something difficult, unpleasant or painful Manifest (verb) To show something clearly, through signs or ac@ons Mortality (noun)
  7. The way that people do not live for ever
  8. The number of deaths within a par@cular society and within a par@cular period of @me

Commitment (noun)

  1. A willingness to give your @me and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise or firm decision to do something
  2. Something that you must do or deal with that takes your @me Exhibit (verb) To show something publicly Invaluable (adj) Extremely useful Theore@cal (adj) Based on the ideas that relate to a subject, not the prac@cal uses of that subject Excessive (adj) Too much; more than is reasonable Equity (noun VALUE, C or U) The value of a company, divided into many equal parts owned by the shareholders, or one of the equal parts into which the value of a company is divided. Tedious (adjec@ve) Boring Scenario (noun C) A descrip@on of possible ac@ons or events in the future Excel in sth (verb) To be extremely good at something Exhaus@ve (adj) Complete and including everything Paradigm (noun) A model of something, or a very clear and typical example of something

Dad hand (noun) Someone who is very good at a par@cular ac@vity Insomnia (noun U) The condi@on of being unable to sleep, over a period of @me Narcolepsy (noun U) A medical condi@on that makes you go to sleep suddenly and when you do not expect it Diagnosis (noun C or U) A judgement about what a par@cular illness or problem is, made aCer examining it Hallucina@on (noun C or U) Chronic (adj) (especially of a disease or something bad) con@nuing for a long @me Snooze (verb I) To sleep lightly for a short @me On occasion (adv) Some@mes, but not oCen Occasion (noun C) A par@cular @me, especially when something happens or has happened. Symptom (noun C) Any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a par@cular disease Paralysis (noun C) A condi@on in which you are unable to move all or part of your body because of illness or injury Prejudiced (adj) Showing an unreasonable dislike for something or someone

Inebriated (adj) Having drunk too much alcohol Resign (verb I or T) To give up a job or posi@on by telling your employer that you are leaving. Allege (verb T) To say that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof Amnesia (noun C) A medical condi@on that makes you unable to remember things Versa@le (adj) Able to change easily from one ac@vity to another or able to be used for many different purposes Persist (verb I)

  1. If an unpleasant feeling or situa@on persists, it con@nues to exist.
  2. To try to do or con@nue doing something in a determined but oCen unreasonable way. Eliminate (verb T) To remove or take away someone or something Reconcile (verb T) To find a way in which two situa@ons and beliefs that are opposed to each other can agree and exist together. Squad (noun C) A small group of people trained to work together as a unit Suspicion (FEELING, noun C) A belief or idea that something may be true Suspicion (BELIEF IN SOME ONE'S GUILT, noun C) A feeling or belief that someone has commiQed a crime or done something wrong.

Shun (verb T) To avoid Devotee (noun C) A person who strongly admires a par@cular person or is extremely interested in a subject Oddity (noun C) Someone or something that is strange and unusual Congenital (adj)

  1. Describes a disease or condi@on that exists at or from birth. 2. Describes someone who always shows a par@cular bad quality Anguish (noun U) Extreme unhappiness caused by physical or mental suffering Superficial (NOT COMPLETE, adjec@ve) Not complete and involving only the most obvious things Obsolete (adj) Not in use any more, having been replaced by something newer and beQer or more fashionable. Quaint (adj) AQrac@ve because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned Amuse (verb, I/T) To entertain someone, especially by humorous speech or ac@on or making them laugh or smile Arouse (verb, T) To cause someone to have a par@cular feeling Nostalgia (noun U) A feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about thing that happened in the past

Nuisance (noun C/U) Something or someone that annoys you or causes trouble for you Culpable (adj) Deserving to be blamed or considered responsible for something bad Conceive (verb INVENT) To invent a plan or idea Conceive (verb IMAGE) To image something Vivid (adj)

  1. To produce very clear, powerful and detailed images in the mind 2. Very brightly coloured Arid (adj) Very dry and without enough rain for plants Intrepid (adj) Extremely brave and showing no fear of dangerous situa@ons Voyage (verb) To travel Voyage (noun) A long journey, especially by ship Scenery (noun COUNTRYSIDE) The general appearance of the natural environment, especially when it is beau@ful Scenery (noun THEATRE) The large painted pictures used on a theatre stage to represent the place where the ac@on is Idyllic (adj) An idyllic place or experience is extremely pleasant, beau@ful, or peaceful

Stroll (verb I) To walk in a slow, relaxed manner, especially for pleasure Exquisite (adj) Very beau@ful and delicate Summit (noun MEETING) An important formal mee@ng between leaders of governments from two or more countries Summit (noun HIGHEST POINT) The highest point of a mountain Wrinkle (noun) A small line in the skin caused by old age Work placement (noun) A period of supervised work, where you'll have the opportunity to experience working in a specific role with a company Jus@fica@on (noun) A good reason or explana@on for something Me@culous (adj) Very careful and with great aQen@on to every detail Hospitality industry (noun) Broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, event planning, theme parks, transporta@on, cruise line, and addi@onal fields within the tourism industry. Genuine (adj)

  1. Real and exactly what it appears to be 2. (People) honest and sincere Delegate (verb I or T GIVE) To give a par@cular job, duty, right, etc. To someone else so that they do it for you

Delegate (verb T+obj+to+infini@ve CHOOSE PERSON) To choose or elect someone to speak, vote, etc. For a group, especially at a mee@ng Scarcity (noun U) A situa@on in which something is not easy to find or get Taboo (noun C) (an ac@on or word) avoided for religious or social reasons Resort (PLACE noun C) A place where many people go for rest, sport, or another stated purpose Resort (ACTION noun U) The fact that you have to do something because there is no other way of achieving something Sprawl (CITY noun C (usually singular) DISAPPROVING) A large area of land covered with buildings that have been added at different @mes so that it looks un@dy Berserk (adj) Very angry or out of control Outburst (noun C) A sudden forceful expression of emo@on, especially anger Air rage (noun U) An airline passenger's verbal or physical assault of crew members or other passengers Road rage (noun U) The uncontrolled anger of a motorist incited by the ac@ons of another driver and expressed in aggressive or violent behaviour Deceive (verb T)

To persuade someone that something false is the truth, or to keep the truth hidden from someone for your own advantage Destruc@ve (adj) Causing or wan@ng to cause damage Faint (adj SLIGHT) Not strong or clear; slight Faint (adj UNWELL) To feel weak, as if you are about to become unconscious Asser@ve (adj) Describes someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe Composure (noun U) The feeling of being calm, confident, and in control Irritate (verb T MAKE ANGRY) To make someone angry or annoyed Irritate (verb T MAKE SORE) To make a part of your body sore or painful Irritable (adj) Becoming annoyed very easily Tantrum (noun C) A sudden period of uncontrolled anger like a young child's Throw a tantrum To become very angry and unreasonable Go berserk To become very angry and violent in a crazy way Let off stream

Do something to get rid of strong feelings like anger or excitement by expressing them without harming anyone Set out to do something To begin an ac@on with a par@cular goal in mind Disrupt (verb T) To prevent something, especially a system, process, or event, from con@nuing as usual or as expected Dingy (adj) Dark and oCen also dirty Airy (adj) With a lot of light and space CluQer (verb T) To fill something in an un@dy or badly organised way Cramped (adj) Not having enough space or @me Strenuous (adj) Needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy Delicate (adj EASILY DAMAGED) Needing careful treatment, especially because easily damaged; needing to be done carefully Sensa@on (noun S EXCITEMENT) Something very exci@ng or interes@ng, or something that causes great excitement or interest Sensa@on (noun C/U FEELING)

  1. The ability to feel something physically, especially by touching, or a physical feeling that results from this ability 2. A general feeling caused by something that happens to you, especially a feeling that you cannot describe exactly

Erra@c (adj) Not regular, uncertain, or without organisa@on in movement or behaviour Bungalow (noun C) A house that has only one storey Mud (noun U) Earth that has become wet and s@cky Ditch (noun C) A long, narrow open holes that is dug into the ground, usually at the side of a road, used especially for supplying or removing water or for dividing land Obscurity (noun U NOT KNOWN) The state of not being known to many people Obscurity (noun U NOT CLEAR) The state of being not clear and difficult to understand or see Be prone to sth/do sth (adj TENDING) Likely to suffer from an illness or show a par@cular nega@ve characteris@c Shabby (adj BAD CONDITION) Looking old and in bad condi@on because of being used for a long @me or not being cared for Shabby (adj NOT FAIR) Not honourable or fair; unacceptable Belated (adj) Coming later than expected Frail (adj) Weak or unhealthy, or easily damaged, broken, or harmed Vulnerable (adj) Able to be easily physically, emo@onally, or mentally hurt, influenced or aQacked

Reliance (noun U) The state of depending on or trus@ng in something or someone Interfere (verb I) To involve yourself in a situa@on when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful Bizarre (adj) Very strange and unusual Modest (adj, NOT LARGE) Not large in size or amount, or not expensive Modest (adj, QUIETLY SUCCESSFUL) Not usually talking about or making obvious your own abili@es and achievements Rec@fy (verb T CORRECT) To correct something or make something right Rec@fy (verb T MAKE PURE) In chemistry, to make a substance pure Ambivalent (adj) Having two opposing feelings at the same @me, or being uncertain about how you feel Racket (noun S NOISE) An unpleasant loud, con@nuous noise Squeaky (adj SOUND) Making a very high sound Incessant (adj) Never stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way Burglary (noun C/U) The crime of illegally entering a building and stealing things

Vandalism (noun U) The crime of inten@onally damaging property belonging to other people Occupant (noun C) A person who lives or works in a room or building Amicable (adj) Rela@ng to behaviour between people that is pleasant and friendly, oCen despite a difficult situa@on Enterprise (noun C/U) An organisa@on, especially a business, or a difficult and important plan, especially one that will earn money Entrepreneur (noun C) Someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity Anecdotal (adj) Based on personal accounts rather than facts or research Jubilant (adj) Feeling or expressing great happiness, especially because of a success Deafening (adj) Extremely loud Breeze (noun C WIND) A light and pleasant wind Torren@al (adj) Used to refer to very heavy rain Blare (verb I/T) To make an unpleasantly loud noise Fabric (noun C/U CLOTH) Cloth or material for making clothes, covering furniture

Fabric (noun STRUCTURE) The structure of parts of something Crease (verb I/T) If cloth, paper, etc. Creases, or if you crease it, it gets a line in it where it has been folded or crushed. Loathe (verb T) To hate someone or something Ironing (noun U) The ac@vity of making clothes flat and smooth, using an iron Garment (noun C) A piece of clothing Sacred (adj)

  1. Considered to be holy and deserving respect, especially because of a connec@on with a god; connected with religion 2. Considered too important to be changed Intricate (adj) Having a lot of small parts or details that are arranged in a complicated way and are therefore some@mes difficult to understand, solve, or produce Dedicate (verb T GIVE TIME/ENERGY) To give all of your energy, @me, etc Dedicate (verb T BOOK, ETC) If you dedicate a book, play, performance, etc. To someone or something, you publicly say that it is in their honour Dedicated (adj)
  2. Believing that something is very important and giving a lot of @me and energy to it 2. (SPECIALIZED) designed to be used for one par@cular purpose Stale (adj)

No longer new or fresh, usually as a result of being kept for too long Narra@ve (noun C/U) A story or a descrip@on of a series of events Avail (noun U) Use, purpose, advantage or profit Solidity (noun U FIRM) The quality of being hard or firm, not liquid or gas Solidity (noun U CERTAIN) The quality of being certain or strong Righteous (adj) Morally right On no account Not for any reason Arrogant (adj) Unpleasantly around and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than other people Turnover (noun C/U BUSINESS) The amount of business that a company does in a period of @me Deprived (adj) Not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life, such as enough money, food, or good living condi@ons Upbringing (noun C usually singular) The way in which someone is treated and educated when they are young, especially by their parents, especially in rela@on to the effect which this has on how they behaved and make moral decisions. Detrimental (adj) Causing harm or damage

Avid (adj) Extremely eager or interested Excursion (noun C) A short journey usually made for pleasure, oCen by a group of people Eclec@c (adj) Methods, beliefs, ideas, etc. That are eclec@c combine whatever seem the best or most useful things from many different areas or systems, rather than following a single system Unequalled (adj) BeQer or more extreme than any other Inadvertent (adj) Not inten@onal Fu@le (adj) (of ac@ons) having no effect or achieving nothing Fer@lity (noun U PEOPLE/ANIMALS/PLANTS) The quality of being able to produce young or fruit Incen@vise (verb T) To make someone want to do something Narra@ve (noun C) A story or a descrip@on of a series of events Ethical (adj) Rela@ng to beliefs about what is morally right and wrong; morally right Deteriorate (verb I) To become worse Paramount (adj) More important than anything else; supreme Parsimonious (adj)

Not willing to spend money or give something Alert (adj) Quick to see, understand, and act in a par@cular situa@on Piiall (noun C) A likely mistake or problem in a situa@on Viable (adj) Able to work as intended or able to succeed Intervene (verb I) To inten@onally become involved in a difficult situa@on in order to improve it or prevent it from gejng worse Phenomenon (noun C plural phenomena EXISTING THING) Something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or interes@ng Per@nent (adj Formal) Rela@ng directly to the subject being considered Delicate (adj) Easily broken or damaged Hesita@on (noun C or U) The act of pausing before doing something, especially because you are nervous or not certain Tricky (adj DIFFICULT) If a piece of work or problem is tricky, it is difficult to deal with and needs careful aQen@on or skill Trivial (adj) Having liQle value or importance Obstacle (noun C)

Something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or ac@on is prevented or made more difficult Appe@te (noun Cor U FOOD) The feeling that you want to eat food Raging (adj) Very severe or extreme Quench (verb T) To drink liquid so that you stop being thirsty Infinite (adj) Without limits; extremely large or great Mi@gate (verb T FORMAL) To make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad Encompass (verb T FORMAL) To include different types of things Impera@ve (adj URGENT) Extremely important or urgent Compliance (noun U) The act of obeying an order, rule, or request Mi@gate (verb T) To make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad Decay (verb I or T) To (cause something to) become gradually damaged, worse, or less Cons@tuent (noun C PART) One of the parts that a substance or combina@on is made of Necessity (noun U) The need for something Necessity (noun C)

Something that you need, especially in order to live Self-esteem (noun U) Belief and confidence in your own ability and value Adverse (adj) Having a nega@ve or harmful effect on something Degrada@on (noun U SPOILING) The process in which the beauty or quality of something is destroyed or spoiled Revise (verb T CHANGE) To look at or consider again an idea, piece of wri@ng, etc. In order to correct or improve it Revise (verb I STUDY) To study again something you have already learned, in prepara@on for an exam Confine (verb T) To limit an ac@vity, person, or problem in some way; to keep someone closed in a place, oCen by force. Conceive (verb I or T IMAGE) To image something Negate (verb T FORMAL) To cause something to have no effect Reversible (adj) If something is reversible, it can be changed back to what it was before. Replicate (verb T FORMAL) To make or do something again in exactly the same way Disturbance (noun C or U) Something that interrupts someone or makes them feel worried; violence or trouble Piiall (noun C usually plural)

A likely mistake or problem in a situa@on Hypocri@cal (adj DISAPPROVING) Saying that you have par@cular moral beliefs but behaving in a way that shows these are not sincere Hypocrite (noun C DISAPPROVING) Someone who says they have par@cular moral beliefs but behaves in way that shows these are not sincere Conscience (noun C or U) The part of you that judges how moral your own ac@ons are and makes you feel guilty about bad things that you have done or things you feel responsible for Debt (noun C or U) Something, especially money, that is owed to someone else, or the state of owing something Owe (verb T HAVE DEBTS) To need to pay or give something to someone because they have lent money to you, or in exchange for something they have done for you Sympathize (verb I SUPPORT) To support and agree with someone or something Sympathize (verb I UNDERSTAND) To understand and care about someone's problems Descendant (noun C) A person who is related to someone and who lives aCer them, such as their child or grandchild Evolve (verb I or T) To develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually Tenant (noun C)