Download Vocabulary Unit 3: Using the context clues in the sentence ... and more Exercises Art in PDF only on Docsity! SNAP: Something New And Purposeful Vocabulary Unit 3: Using the context clues in the sentence, write the definition of the BOLD word in your own words. Identify the Part of Speech for the BOLD word (i.e. noun, verb, adjective, adverb). Underline ALL context clues. 1. Journalists at the time were eager to interview survivors of the Chicago holocaust. Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a large-scale destruction, especially by fire; a vast slaughter; a burnt offering. Synonyms: devastation, annihilation 2. It is best to store flour in a container with a plastic cover that is impervious to moisture. Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: not affected or hurt by; admitting of no passage or entrance. Synonyms: impenetrable, resistant, proof against 3. The coming of winter gave a new impetus to the appeals for food and clothing for needy families. Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a moving force, impulse, stimulus Synonyms: impulse, spur SNAP: Something New And Purposeful Vocabulary Unit 3: Using the context clues in the sentence, write the definition of the BOLD word in your own words. Identify the Part of Speech for the BOLD word (i.e. noun, verb, adjective, adverb). Underline ALL context clues. 1. Experienced mountaineers know that a single mistake can put an entire expedition in serious jeopardy. Part of Speech: Noun Definition: danger Synonyms: risk, hazard, peril 2. If you have a full-time job outside the home, you may find it exceedingly difficult to be a meticulous housekeeper. Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Extremely careful; particular about details Synonyms: Fastidious, fussy 3. Looking at old scrapbooks and reading old letters can bring on a vague sense of nostalgia for days gone by and friends no longer near. Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a longing for something past; homesickness.