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Vocational Counseling and Career Theory: A Comprehensive Guide, Exams of Advanced Education

An overview of vocational counseling, including the history of the field, key concepts, and various theories that inform career choice. Topics covered include the steps in job counseling, influential career theorists such as frank parsons and john holland, and different career theories like social learning and cognitive theories. The document also discusses holland's typology and its significance in career counseling.

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Available from 03/19/2024

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Download Vocational Counseling and Career Theory: A Comprehensive Guide and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! Vocational Quiz 1 And Answers 2024 Who is the father of vocational counseling? - Answer>>Frank Parsons What are the steps in job counseling? - Answer>>1) Understand yourself, aptittude, abilities, and resources 2) know the requirements for getting the job you want--Career goal 3) know about the pluses and minuses of your career choice how often do workers change jobs in the US? - Answer>>every 4.6 years career theory - Answer>>a set of concepts that suggest what is true about vocational behavior What are the four categories of theories? - Answer>>I. Trait Oriented II. social Learning and Cognitive III. Developmental IV. Person-environment Trait oriented theories - Answer>>Trait factor John Holland's Typology Holland's is the most recognized career theorist Trait Factor Theory - Answer>>Matching the individuals traits with the requirements of the job developed by Frank Parsons most durable of all career counseling theories What are traits? - Answer>>characteristics about yourself that are fairly permanent over the life span (as opposed to states) -eg. math aptitude, interest in history, sociability, introversion, etc John holland : A typology approach - Answer>>Career choice is an expression/extension of personality into the world of work. Individuals search for environments that will elt them exercise their skills and abilities, express their attitudes and values, and take on agreeable problems and roles. There are six kinds of occupational environments and six matching personal orientations. -Inds are products of their environment -stability of career choice depends on dominance of personal orientation -inds who fit a pure personality type will express little resemblance to other types -clts who have many occupational goals have low identity -congruence occurs when clts personality type matches the corresponding work envion. What are Holland's six themes in his typology? - Answer>>RIASEC 1. Realistic 2. Investigative 3. Artistic 4. Social 5. Enterprising 6. Conventional 1. Realistic - Answer>>May lack social skills; prefers concrete vs abstract work tasks; may seem frank, materialistic, and inflexible; usually has mechanical abilities --> skilled trades such as plumber, electrician, tech skills like airplane mechanic, photographer 2. Investigative - Answer>>Very task oriented; is interested in math and science; may be described as independent, analytical, and intellectual; may be reserved and defers leadership to others --> scientitic such as chemist, physicist, and mathmatacian; technician such as lab tech, comp programmer, etc (social learning and cog) - Answer>>Two overarching assumptions facilitating the growth of information processing skills and enhancing the clients ability to solve problems and make career decisions -career problem solving is a primarily a cognitive process. -info processing can be improved through learning -effective info processing skills can empower individuals to determine their own destiny -making career choices is a problem-solving activity Life Span, Life space approach--donald Super (developmental theory) - Answer>>Career dev is multidimensional. there are dev tasks throughout the lifespan. vocational maturity is acquired through successfully accomplishing dev tasks within a continuous series of life stages. individuals implement their self-concepts into careers that will provide the most efficient means of self-expressions. success in one life role facilitates success in another. -career dev occurs in stages throughout life -self-conept is shaped through life exp -clts are involved in many roles, all of which affect eachother *Career maturity: attitudes and competencies that are related to career growth -one of the most comprehensive career theories Career construction (Person-environment Perspective, PEP) - Answer>>-focuses attn on contextual interactions over the life span. one's career dev is constructed as individuals influence and are influenced within environmental systems. clts are viewed as products of their environment. -focuses on helping ppl with dev tasks over the lifespan. -helps ppl construct and manage their careers. -one goal is to help ind's increase their realism in making career choices and transitions (eg you don't like blood, probs not going to be a dr. then) What are the most prevalent mental health disorders? - Answer>>-anxiety -depression Depression - Answer>>1. number one reason people go to counseling 2. Depression may be treated with counseling or medical intervention (drugs) 3. Number one presricption in America? 4. Difficult to seperate mental health from vocational success Measured with Beck Depression inventory and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Personality Disorder - Answer>>Enduring pattern on inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the individual's culture, is pervasive and inflexible over time, and leads to distress or impairment Not very amenable to tx clts need to learn about themselves -major reason for job loss What are some of Bolle's rules for the Interview? - Answer>>1. 50/50 rule: 50% listening, 50% speaking 2. Two minute rule: don't speak over 2 minutes each time 3. Solution: be a part of the SOLUTION 4. Sampling: a sampling of who you are 5. know your prospective employer 6. stick to time frames (don't be a gabber) 7. empathize with your interviewer What turns 'em off? - Answer>>1. your appearance (or tone if phone interview) 2. mannerisms 3. over self confidence 4. consideration toward others 5. your values What are psychological barriers to employment? - Answer>>1. Depression 2. Anxiety 3. Personality Disorders 4. drugs What are the important career counseling models? (not the theories) - Answer>>1. Person/environment Fit (PEF) 2. Developmental 3. Learning theory 4. cognitive information processing model (IPM) PEF Person Environment Fit - Answer>>objective: to find congruence between person and work environment major goal: enhancement of self knowledge physically, psychologically, intellectually, background (ed and training) What are the stages of PEF? - Answer>>1. Intake Interview 2. Id developmental variables (gender, minority status, perception of self and environ) 3. Assessment (abilities, values, interests, skills) 4. Id and solve problems (affective status. self-knowledge needs, level of info processing skills) 5. Generate PEF Analysis (cognitive schema, criteria on which to base choice, optimal prediction) 6. Confirm, Explore and Decide (counselor and clt confirm analysis, clt explores potential work environs and makes decision) 7. Follow-up (evaluate process, recycle if necessary)