Download Volleyball Final Exam Review Ch 1-3 With 100% Correct Answers 2023 and more Exams Physical Activity and Sport Sciences in PDF only on Docsity!
Volleyball Final Exam Review Ch 1-3 With 100%
Correct Answers 2023
- Ace - Correct answer A served ball that leads directly to a point for the serving team.
- Approach - Correct answer A fast stray toward the net by a attacker before they jump in the air Footwork used to run and jump to attack the ball.
- Attack - Correct answer The attempt by the offensive to end play by hitting the ball to the floor of the defensive team; high speed, med speed, slow speed.
- Back Row Attack - Correct answer Allows the offensive to use a powerful hit that disturbs the block.
- Back Row Player - Correct answer Player 1, 6, or 5 position. Cannot attack ball or block beyond the 10ft line. Only behide it.
- Back Set - Correct answer Set deliver to a person behide the setter.
- Block - Correct answer First line defense against an attack.
- Dig - Correct answer Is a forarm pass to play a hard hit attack. Primary ingredient to convert a Defensive play into a Attack.
- Dump - Correct answer Instead of setting the ball, the offensive player dinks the ball over the net. 10)Emergency Technique 11)dive and slide OR dive and catch - Correct answer A method to retrieve, aka extension roll, a ball that is ouside the player's range of effectiveness. Way to play or to retrieve a ball outside of the players way of effectiveness. 12)Floater Serve - Correct answer A serve which has little or no spin, there by creating a "wiggling" effect. 13)Forearm Pass - Correct answer Normally, a team first contact with the serve ball, most basic skill to pass the ball. Key beginning any team offense 14)Free Ball - Correct answer A ball return by the opposing team with little speed and high tragectory. Free to run our offense. 15)Isolation Play - Correct answer design to use an attacker as a dekoi to draw in the oppoising blockers.
16)Joust - Correct answer Ball held between two players above the net; play continues. 17)Libero - Correct answer a defensive specialist, the most skilled defensive person on a team. also can substitute for any back court player. 18)Lift - Correct answer illegal hit cause by the ball coming to rest on hands or arms. aka carry. 19)Middle Back - Correct answer defensive scheme which use Middle Back Player to cover the deep spikes. (deep back) 20)Middle Up - Correct answer defensive scheme which use Middle Back player to cover the dinks & short shots. 21)Off-Speed Attack - Correct answer a spiked ball that has topspin but less than its maximum force. 22)Overhead Pass (Set) - Correct answer player contacts the ball with both hands to control & allow the team to attack. It directs ball with most accury & usually the center person who runs offensive. 23)Overhead Topspin Serve - Correct answer travels in a predicable path and drops quickly. 24)Overlap - Correct answer extending over covering part of the court of a jast player (person next to you) at time of serve. illegal. determen by the placement of feet. if feet or legs overlap the person next to you it is illegal. if feet or legs are just next to the person beside you it is legal. 25)Platform - Correct answer a form of bring hands together extending the arms to make a forearm pass. 26)Power Tip - Correct answer attacking the ball by pushing or directing the ball with your finger tips. 27)Quick Set - Correct answer usually 2ft above net, in which the hitter is apprached the setter, may even be in air before the set deliever the ball. 28)Rally - Correct answer time of serve untill play has ended. point is score after each rally. 29)Rally Point Scoring - Correct answer a point is scored when either team wins the rally. 30)Root - Correct answer ball is completely covered during the block.
31)Rotation - Correct answer play move clockwise in each change of service. 32)Side-Out - Correct answer serving team loses ball, after a rally. 33)Tip (tipping or dink) - Correct answer gently placing the ball behide or around the block. aka dink 34)Turning In - Correct answer techinque where the outside blocker turns body to face opposing court to ensure the blocked ball is delect into the court. Outside blocker turning their body inward to face opposing team court to deflect the ball into their court. 35)Wipe - Correct answer technique used by the offensive to rebound the ball from the off the hands of the blocker so the ball will land out bounce. 36)Court: 37)court positions and corresponding numbers: 38)Court dimensions: 39)w: 40)L: 41)Center line: 42)Attack Line: 43)Attack Zone: 44)net heights: 45)men 46)women 47)co-ed - Correct answer 5 left back......4 left front......| center 48)6 center back 3 center front | line! 49)1 right back....2 right front...| 50)wide: 30ft 51)Long: 60ft 52)is the net... it divides the court into two equal parts and extends from one sideline to the other. 53)10ft line. 54)located at 9'10" from center line.
55)men: 7' 11 (5/8)" 56)women: 7' 4 (1/8)" 57)co-ed: 7' 11 (5/8)" 58)Rules: A. Lenght of times outs; B. Number of time outs allowed, C. Time server has to put the ball in play: D. Substitutions: E. Line violations/net violations F. Touching net G. legality of hits - lifts, double contact, playing the ball off your body - Correct answer A: time-out are 30 seconds max 59)B: each team have 2 time-out per set. 60)C: Server must put the ball in 8 secs in play. if not, side out and point goes to the other team. 61)D. Each team allows 15 subs per set 62)E. A player may not step over the end line while serving the ball. Can reach over the net to play ball only if the other team finish attacking.You can follow through with ball, but no touching the net. 63)F. Players are not allowed to touch the net. this includes shirt or body. if do point goes to the other team. 64)G. lifts, double contact, playing the ball off your body. 65)It is legal to play off your body. Same player cannot contact the ball in two consentive hits. 66)Basic skills of the game - Correct answer 1. server (First skill)- is the most esstent offensive for the team. 67)2. forearm pass- first defense 68)3. set of overhead pass- redirect the ball to offensive. use only thumb, index, and middle fingers. 69)4. set center- set and control offensive. 70)Basic Sets: - Correct answer 1. Four set- set that goes high to the outside hitter. 71)2. Two set- set in middle to court usually middle hitter. 72)3. One set- quick set to the middle hitter. 73)4. Ten set- set to backrow attacker. 74)Attack - types of attack - Correct answer 1. Offspeed - not hard / not soft/ not max 75)2. Spike - hard as you can 76)3. Tip or dink - gentle over net 77)4. Power tip - tip finger directing the ball
78)blocking (fifth skill) - Correct answer doesn't count as one of the 3 hits. If fail to block, can still forearm pass. 79)all Blocks should be micky mouse ears starting position: ready to jump.
- control block - to slow it down the speef of the ball so backrow can play ball.
- commit to block - everytime in the other team best hitter.
- attack block - aim down to opposing team's court
- multipule block - only 2 to 3 poeple can block frontrow. 80)Dig p.93 - Correct answer a foream attack. A primary ingredient to convert a defensive play into a Attack. 81)Characteristics of the Libero - page 3 - Correct answer 1. Does not count as a subs 82)2. Can replace any play on the Backrow 83)3. Does not have to report to offical (second referee) 84)4. wear contrast jersey to the rest of the team. 85)5. Are use to pass the ball and play defense. 86)6. Cannot black or attack a ball 87)7. can set only if behide attack line. 88)8. internation - cannot serve in 5 position, will be auto sub. High school and college can serve. 89)Emergency Techniques - Correct answer 1. dives 90)2. slide 91)3. extend roll 92)Movement zones - Correct answer four basic areas of movement needed for movement in the game of volleyball:
- airborne (spike, block, & jump serve)
- high (overhead serve)
- medium (most fequently use zone) forearm pass, serve rcvd, and overhead
- low (close to the ground example: dig, Emergency Technique). 93)Offensive System - Correct answer 4-2 is the most basic (4=hitters; 2=setters; opposite of each other & front center is main setter) 94)5-1 (5=hitters; 1=setters; always same setter) 95)6-2 (6=hitters; 2=setters; offensive setter on the backrow comes up to set #6 or #3) 96)you make the call - Correct answer determine which team wins the point after a rally situation.
97)Slang terms: - Correct answer 1. Tattoo or facial - player cannot get out of the way/ hit in face. 98)2. passing on dime - making a perfect pass. 99)3. nice hands - set the ball cleanly.
- flipper - contact the ball w/ outstrech hand in flippy motion
- shink - play up the passes the ball in wild manner.
- bump - is forearm pass
- fish - on net/player
- pancake- after diving to the floor. player hand extend plum on floor and ball reflect up after contact of back of hand while plum is on floor.
- Husband and Wife- no communition usually two people. ball fall in between or center players.
- Kong - one handed block
- Camp fire - 3 to 4 people no communition ball fall in center of group.
- Up - making a good play to keep it in play.
- start of play - coin toss options - Correct answer coin win have 3 options, to serve, received, or pick switch side of the court to play in. The loser of the coin toss serve first in the 2nd set.
- playing positions and service (rotational) order. - Correct answer In traditional indoor volleyball, there are six players on the court at a time for each team. Each of these players starts in a specific location which is aptly named by its placement on the court. The front row players are the left front, middle front and right front. The back row players are the left back, middle back and right back.
- These locations are not to be confused with the position you play -- setter, middle blocker, outside hitter, opposite or libero. The locations are your starting positions, meaning that is where you start before the ball is served. Each player, with the exception of the libero will rotate to each position on the court, both front row and back row.
- Front row players play at the net and are responsible for blocking and hitting, while back row players play deep in the court and are responsible for digging and defense. Back row players (with the exception of the libero) can attack the ball as long as they take off for their jump behind the ten foot line.
- Each time a team wins a side out, or gets possession of the serve, the new serving team rotates clockwise. Each player rotates one spot -- the left front rotates to the middle front position, the middle front rotates to the right front position, the right front rotates to the right back position and so on. The new right back serves the ball.
- If you are a middle blocker and you start the match in the left front position, you can move to the middle position just after the serve is contacted. If
you switch to your position before the ball is served, you will get called for an overlap or for being out of position which is a point for the other team.
- Volleyball players always need to be mindful of their position on the court and make sure they are in the right place in relation to their teammates.
- In the six person game, each player must keep track of where they are in relation to the players around them. When a player leaves before the ball is served or is in the wrong position in relation to her teammates, it is called an overlap.
- To comply with the rules, left and right side players need to be wary of the players directly ahead and behind them in the rotation. For example, the left back needs to make sure that she is behind the left front and to the left of the middle back. A good rule of thumb is to think of it as an "L" shape. In the diagram above, the blue arrows correspond to the players the left back must be mindful of. Similarly, the right back needs to make sure she is to the right of the middle back and behind the right front. An upside down "L" shape also applies to the left front and right front.
- Middle front and middle back players have to be mindful of the players on both sides of them and directly behind them. A middle front has to be to the right of the left front, to the left of the right front and in front of the middle back. Think of this as a "T" shape, the red arrows in the diagram.
- These rules apply before the ball is put in play both for the serving team and the receiving team. Many different formations can be used to receive serve as long as these rules are followed. If a team does not follow these rules, they will be called for an overlap and the other team scores a point.
- There are five positions to play in volleyball and each position is mirrored in the front and back row. For instance, in the rotation in the diagram above, the outside hitters play opposite each other -- one is in the left front and the other is in the right back. If the team starts the game here, this is rotation one. A coach can start each game in any rotation as long as the players remain in the same spot in relation to each other.
- When one outside hitter goes to the back row to serve, the other outside hitter comes from the back row to the front. This way there is always an outside hitter, a middle blocker and either a setter or an opposite in the front court at all times.
- The two middle blockers in the diagram start at middle front and middle back. The setter is in the left back and the opposite is in the right front position. As the game goes on and the players rotate, the player's positions in relation to the others will stay the same. Barring a substitution, the setter will always be flanked by the same middle blocker and outside hitter the entire game.
- No matter what formation the players are in, once server serves order must be maintain that order in the set. Except forserver, all players mush start rally or play inside that court. Can more around in court but must return after set.
- serve receive: "W" formation: 2 -1-3 - Correct answer "w" pattern - a five- player service reception pattern; their court positions resemble the letter "W".
- most basic defense formation: - Correct answer 2-1-
- serve - Correct answer one of the basic vollyball skills. it is used to begin a game or put the ball in play.
- primary responsibilities of the referee and umpire - Correct answer The first referee R1 is on the stand. The R1 has complete control of the match and can overrule anyone. The primary duties of the R1 are the ball handling calls and discipline. Control the start of play. decides if hit is legal or not. also rules on any infracters. (too many subs)
- In volleyball, the umpire is sometimes called the second referee, R2 or down official(on the floor aka court). Always oposite side of the court of the ball. His duties include watching the net, team alignment on service, center lines voliation, back row attacks, manage the coaches, substitutions, score sheet, and to generally help the R1.
- Volleyball match: two out of three sets - Correct answer team win two set to win match. in each set must get 25 points and be ahead two points of the opposing team. If 3 set, call decide set, play to 15 points during that decide when one team reach 8 points, the teams will switch sides.