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A wide range of rules and regulations related to volleyball, including details on the coin toss, ball handling, player attire, and referee responsibilities. It provides comprehensive information on various scenarios that can occur during a volleyball match, such as ball contact with the backboard or officials, player substitutions, and penalty enforcement. The document aims to ensure a clear understanding of the official rules and guidelines that govern the sport of volleyball, enabling players, coaches, and officials to make informed decisions and maintain the integrity of the game.
Typology: Exams
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Who calls the coin toss before the match? A) Home captain, B) Visiting Captain, C) Ref's choice B The winner of the pre-match coin toss may select: A) Whether to serve or receive; B) Which court they will play on; C) Either A or B, but not both A Previous Play Next Rewind 10 seconds Move forward 10 seconds Unmute 0: / 0: Full screen Brainpower Read More Who calls the coin toss before the deciding set of the match? A) Home captain, B) Visiting Captain, C) Ref's choice A The winner of the coin toss before the deciding set may select: A) Whether to serve or receive; B) Which court they will play on; C) Either A or B, but not both C (but not if the teams haven't been switching courts) What happens if the head coach is ejected from the match and there is no authorized school personnel available to take over? A) Coach is allowed to remain in charge, but must remain seated and may not
speak to the referees; B) Coach may remain in charge, but must sit out the next match unless the state has a different rule; C) The coach's team must forfeit the match. C What is the penalty if a disqualified individual continues to violate conduct rules? A) Their team forfeits the match; B) Their team forfeits the set, but not the match; C) There is an additional point penalty for each violation. A May a team begin a match with fewer than 6 players? A) Yes, they just lose the point every time the empty space rotates around to serve; B) No, they must forfeit the set and continue forfeiting sets if a 6th player does not arrive in time. B Which team gets to select their bench? A) Home; B) Visitor; C) Winner of coin toss. D) Loser of coin toss A Where may the head coach stand during a live ball? A) In the libero replacement zone, but at least 6 feet back from the sideline.; B) In the libero zone, no set distance from sideline but must not interfere with any official's view; C) Anywhere from attack line back, but 6 feet from sideline and sideline extended; D) Anywhere from attack line back, can be closer than 6 feet once past the endline. C What happens if the ball touches a fan or other non-team member who is not interfering with a player's ability to legally play the ball? A) Replay; B) Ball is out B What happens if a served ball hits a backboard that is hanging vertically over a playable area? A) Replay; B) Ball is out; C) Ball is out unless R1 believes a player would have played the ball, in which case it's a replay B What happens if a ball (not served) hits a backboard that is hanging vertically over a playable area? A) Replay; B) Ball is out; C) Ball is out unless R1 believes a player could have played the ball, in which case it's a replay C What happens if a ball that is tossed for serve hits a backboard that is hanging vertically over a playable area? A) Replay; B) Ball is out
What happens if a ball hits the cables or poles used to retract a ceiling-suspended net system? A) Replay; B) Ball is out; C) Ball is out if R1 believes ball would not have remained in play but for the cables C A player may play a ball that is over a non-playable area if A) both feet are still in playable area; B) any body part is in contact with a playable area; C) never -- this ball may not be played B True or false: a player may legally enter a nonplayable area after playing a ball. True What is the rule that applies if there is play scheduled on an adjacent court? A) Players may play a ball that is over the court, but may not enter that court at any time; B) The ball is out as soon as it breaks the vertical plane of that court.; C) Players may not enter that court before, during, or after playing a ball; D) Both B and C apply D What if the ball touches R1's platform? A) Replay in all cases, B) out in all cases, C) Replay if a player would have had a legal play on the ball. B What if the ball hits a wall when a player would have been able to play it? A) Always out; B) Always replay; C) Replay if the wall is closer than 6 feet to the court C What happens if a player has a play on the ball but it hits an official (or the official gets in the way of the player)? A) Ball is out; B) Replay B Can a player wear a hard brace, cast, etc., at any point below their elbow? A) Yes, no restrictions; B) Yes, but only if it's covered with padding; C) No C Can a player wear a hard brace, cast, etc., at any point on or above their elbow? A) Yes, no restrictions; B) Yes, but only if it's covered with padding; C) No B
Can a player wear a hard protective face mask? A) Yes, no restrictions; B) Yes, but it must be molded to the face with no protrusions; C) Yes, but it must be padded; D) No B Hair adornments like ribbons A) Can be worn in all cases; B) Can be worn if they are secure and do not pose an injury risk to anyone; C) Cannot be worn B Head coverings for religious purposes A) may not be worn; B) may be worn with permission from the state association; C) may be worn without restrictions; D) may be worn if they are soft and fit securely D Head coverings for medical purposes A) may not be worn; B) may be worn with permission from the state association; C) may be worn without restrictions; D) may be worn if they are soft and fit securely B What jewelry may be worn above the chin? A) None; B) Any -- no restrictions; C) small stud or post jewelry C What jewelry may be worn below the chin? A) None; B) Any -- no restrictions; C) small stud or post jewelry A True or False: Jewelry may be worn if it is taped down. False Medical alert medals A) May be worn if taped down -- may be visible; B) May be worn if taped down under the uniform; C) May be worn with no restrictions; D) May not be worn A Religious medals A) May be worn if taped down -- may be visible; B) May be worn if taped down under the uniform; C) May be worn with no restrictions; D) May not be worn B May players wear body paint and/or glitter? No
If a player is seen wearing non-compliant jewelry during warmups A) It is a yellow card for unnecessary delay; B) The referee should tell the player to remove it -- no penalty; C) The referee should tell the coach to have the player remove it -- no penalty C If a player tries to enter the set wearing non-compliant jewelry A) It is a yellow card for unnecessary delay; B) The referee should tell the player to remove it -- no penalty; C) The referee should tell the coach to have the player remove it -- no penalty A If a player is seen wearing non-compliant jewelry during a set A) It is a yellow card for unnecessary delay; B) The player must leave the set unless/until the jewelry is removed or made legal; C) The team may take a time out to allow the player to become legal without leaving the set; D) A and B; E) A, then also B or C E Can a player wear a shirt, etc. that is visible under the uniform top (or some garment under the uniform bottom)? A)Yes, if it is plain and a similar color to the dominant color of the uniform top; B) Yes, no restrictions; C) No A Can a player wear a sports bra that is visible under the uniform top? A)Yes, if it is plain and a similar color to the dominant color of the uniform top; B) Yes, no restrictions; C) No B May the playing captain request verification of serving order/proper server? A) Yes, for either team; B) Yes, but only for their own team; C) No, only the coach may request A Is a player (not the server) allowed to have a foot on the sideline and/or baseline when the serve is contacted? A) Yes, on but not over; B) No, may not touch A When are points won by an incorrect server cancelled? A) In all cases, all points earned by the server are cancelled; B) Only the point just served is cancelled, previous points are retained; C) Points are only cancelled if the error is discovered before the other team serves C
It is an unnecessary delay yellow card if the coach does not give R2 a roster A) At the prematch conference; B) By the beginning of the timed warmup; C) By the time that 2 minutes are left in the timed warmup A What happens if a coach makes a change to their roster after 10 minutes remain on the pregame clock? A) Yellow card for unnecessary delay; B) Loss of point at the start of the set; C) No penalty B What happens if a player not listed on the roster enters/attempts to enter the set? A) Yellow card for unnecessary delay; B) Loss of point; C) No penalty B What happens if a player must change to another jersey number due to blood on the jersey? A) Yellow card for unnecessary delay; B) Loss of point at the start of the set; C) No penalty C It is an unnecessary delay yellow card if the coach does not give R2 a lineup A) At the prematch conference; B) By the beginning of the timed warmup; C) By the time that 2 minutes are left in the timed warmup C What happens if the coach has still not given R2 a lineup by the end of the prematch warmup? A) No further penalty -- just the yellow card; B) Red card and loss of point; C) Red card, no loss of point; D) Red card, loss of point, and coach may not stand during that set B At what point in the interval between sets must the coach give R2 a lineup? A) 2 minutes remaining; B) 1 minute remaining; C) End of the interval B Is the server allowed to be touching the sideline extended (line marking width of serving area) when the ball is struck? A) Yes -- touching okay, can't be outside; B) No -- foot fault just like touching the end line. A If the server foot faults and the receiving team is out of rotation, what happens? A) Illegal serve takes precedence, receivers win the point; B) Out of rotation takes precedence, servers win point; C) Double fault, replay. A
If the server serves out or in the net and the receiving team is out of rotation, what happens? A) Service fault takes precedence, receivers win the point; B) Out of rotation takes precedence, servers win point; C) Double fault, replay. B A team's first contact is a joust. The ball falls to their side of the net. How many touches do they have left? A) 3 (so the joust didn't count); B) 2 (the joust did count) A If two teammates touch the ball simultaneously, how many hits does that count as? A)1; B) 2 A If two teammates touch the ball simultaneously, who can play the ball next (assuming the team still has a touch or two left)? A) Any of the other 4 players on the team; B) Any player on the team, including the two who did the simultaneous touch. B A1 and B1 joust and the ball falls on A1's side of the net. May A1 play this ball? A) Yes; B) No A In order for a play to constitute a block, must the ball be contacted above the net? A) No. As long as the player jumps, it is a block; B) No, the ball doesn't need to be completely above the net. It is a block if any part of the ball is still above the net; C) Yes, the whole ball must be above the net for it to be a block. C A1 (front row player) and A2 (back row player) both jump to block. A1 contacts the ball above the net, but A2 does not contact the ball at all. Is this legal? A) Yes, only the front row player touched the ball; B) No, back row player can't be part of a completed block even if they don't touch the ball. B Can a player play a ball from the other side of the net? A) Yes -- inside the court or outside; B) Only if the ball is between the antennas (so a setter can go up and save the ball back to their side of the net; C) No -- once the ball crosses the vertical plane of the net (or net extended), the team can no longer play it. C Can a back row player attack a ball that is above the net and in front of the attack line if the player is out of bounds? A) Yes, attack line ends at the sideline; B) No, attack line is deemed to continue on outside the court B
A back row player steps on the attack line, jumps, and attacks the ball completely above the height of the net. This is the team's second hit. The ball goes into the net and bounces out. May a teammate play this ball? A) Yes, it's not illegal until the ball goes over the net or is blocked; B) No, it's an illegal attack as soon as the player hit the ball. A May a libero complete a (legal) back row attack? A) Yes, the libero is like any other back row player and can do this; B) No, the libero may never attack a ball above net height. B From where may a libero overhead set a ball (if it is then attacked while above the net)? A) Anywhere on the court; B) Anywhere behind the attack line; C) Nowhere B A1 (front row player) and A2 (libero) jump to block. Neither player touches the ball. A) This is legal because no block occurred; B) This is illegal because the libero may not even attempt to block. B Is it legal if a player's toe is across the center line and the rest of her foot is above the line, but not touching? A) No, part of the foot must be touching the line; B) Yes, above the line is the same as on the line. B A1 runs out of bounds, saves the ball back into the court, but then crosses outside the net to Team B's side. A) This is legal in all cases; B) This is illegal in all cases; C) This is legal as long as A1 does not interfere with Team B's play. C A1 lands with her foot partially on the center line and partially over. B2 steps on her foot, trips, and falls. A) Legal because A1 was not completely over the line; B) Illegal because A1 interfered with B2, even though her foot was otherwise legal. B When may a player on Team A block a ball that is entirely on Team B's side of the net? A) When B has already used up all 3 hits; B) When the referee believes Team B has directed the ball towards A's court; C) When the ball is falling and ref believes no member of Team B can make a play on it; D) Never; E) A and B only; F) A, B, and C F
When may a player attack a served ball? A) Never; B) As soon as it is completely on the player's side of the net; C) Once any part of the ball is below the top of the net. C If a player attacks a served ball that is entirely above the net, the play is A) Illegal and must be immediately blown dead; B) Legal until the ball crosses the net or is legally contacted by an opponent B What is the call if a player gains advantage by contacting the net standard or R1's platform? A) Legal in all cases; B) Legal as long as the contact does not endanger R1; C) Illegal -- unsporting conduct; D) Illegal, call is net fault. D What is the call if a player makes contact with an opponent which interferes with opponent's legitimate effort to play the ball? A) Legal as long as the contact occurred in the plane of the net (not on opponent's side) B) Illegal, call is net fault; C) Illegal, unsporting conduct is the call; D) Illegal, attacking over is the call B What happens if there is a double fault during a dead ball situation? A) Nothing -- it's offsetting penalties; B) Each team loses a point (actually, other team gains), both teams rotate, serving team keeps the ball; C) Each team loses a point, no rotation, serving team keeps ball; D) Each team loses a point, serve changes sides with new serving team rotating. B If one team commits multiple infractions during a dead ball A) only the first one is penalized; B) All applicable penalties should be assessed B During a timeout, a team may huddle up A) Anywhere, as long as they are back on the court when the TO ends; B) In the court area; C) At their bench; D) B and C only -- penalty is unnecessary delay D Penalty for first delay YC is A) point, but coach may continue to stand; B) point, coach must sit the rest of the set; C) Warning only C Penalty for second delay YC in the same set is A) point, but coach may continue to stand; B) point, coach must sit the rest of the set; C) Warning only
If a team commits repeated delay violations over multiple sets; A) it's a point penalty each time, but coach may still stand; B) R1 may issue unsporting conduct cards. B Who may request a substitution? A) Head coach; B) Assistant coach; C) playing captain; D) player entering the sub zone; E) Player on the court who will be subbed out; F) All of these; G) A and D only G Which of these constitute unnecessary delay violations? A) Coach withdraws sub request after it has been granted; B) Sub does not immediately enter the sub zone once sub request is recognized; C) Sub does not enter court immediately after R2 permits entry; D) All of these; E) A and B only; F) B and C only. D If a player is substituted after being injured, may they reenter the set? A) Yes; B) No A If an exceptional substitution is needed, can the libero act as that substitute? A) Yes, but only in the back row; B) Yes, must change into a regular top and play all the way around; C) Yes, can still wear libero top but can no longer act as a libero; D) No B (and this is last resort -- only if libero is the only player on bench able to play) What is the penalty for an illegal sub attempting to enter the game? A) Loss of point; B) Delay yellow (or red for subsequent) B What is the penalty if an illegal sub is discovered after the serve (or beckon)? A) Loss of point; B) Delay yellow (or red for subsequent) A What if an illegal sub is discovered after having played some number of points? A) Only the last point is lost in all cases; B) All points earned by the team while the illegal sub was playing are cancelled; C) B is correct unless the the serve has alternated and first serve has been struck, in which case no points are cancelled. C Say that #5 comes out for the libero. When libero rotates to front row, coach wants to put #14 in instead of #5 (which would be a legal substitution). A) #14 can go directly in for the libero; B) #5 must return and then #14 can replace #5 as a charged substitution.
If the libero is injured, A) A replacement libero may enter the game immediately; B) A replacement libero may be designated, but the injured libero must first be replaced by the player they went in for B If the libero is injured, when may the coach designate a replacement? A) Not until the next set, only one libero per set; B) Must be done immediately; C) Can be done at coach's discretion C May a libero be used to sub for a teammate who has been ejected? A) Yes; B) No B If the libero is ejected, can another libero be designated? A) Yes; B) Yes, but not until the next set; C) No, team must play without libero. C May an assistant coach request a time out? A) Yes -- any coach as well as the playing captain; B) No -- only HC or playing captain may request. B What is the penalty for calling a time out when you don't have one? A) No penalty; B) Delay YC; C) Delay RC so loss of point B May a coach ask for (and receive) a review of a ref's decision? A) Yes, in all cases; B) No, in any circumstance; C) Only if requested in the deadball immediately following the play in question; D) Only about decisions that are NOT judgement calls; E) Both C and D E May a coach ask for a review of a decision if their team has no timeouts left? A) Yes, but if they lose the review, they get a point penalty; B) No, must have timeout(s) left A What must the coach do within 30 seconds if an athlete is injured? A) Have the athlete off the floor so play can continue; B) Make a decision about whether/whom to sub for the injured player; C) Call timeout if their team has one; D) B or C D
Which of these is true of special injury timeout? A) It may be called whenever a player is badly injured; B) It is up to 3 minutes long; C) If the player cannot continue after 3 minutes, they must be substituted; D) Only one such timeout per team per match; E) All of these are true B (this TO only for use when there is no sub, even exceptional, available. If player cannot continue, play continues with 5 on that team) If a player is listed as a starter but becomes ill or injured before the beginning of the set,, they may be replaced A) without a substitution being charged; B) with a substitution being charged A May players warm up (using a ball) on the court during the time between sets? A) Yes, only on their own side; B) No A If a conduct RC is charged to any coach or to the bench, who may not stand for the rest of the match? A) Head coach only; B) Whoever the guilty party is; C) All coaches If coaches are required to remain seated, they may still stand in order to do all of the following EXCEPT A) Request subs; B) Request TO; C) Ask about score, etc during dead ball; D) Request clarification of a ref's decision; E) Greet players subbing out D May a head coach designate an assistant to stand in the HC's place (like if the coach is hurt or something)? A) Yes; B) No B Which of the following is unsporting conduct by a player? A) Using a teammate's body or any other object for support while playing a ball; B) Spitting anywhere other than the proper receptacle; C) Addressing any official (if the player is not the playing captain; D) All of these; E) Only A and B E A player may be ejected (disqualified) for A) Their 3rd minor offense; B) Second serious offense; C) First flagrant offense; D) Any of these; E) B or C only D May R2 administer YC or RC? A) Yes, B) No -- only R1 may do this. B If a player is ejected, must they leave the vicinity of the team bench? A) Yes, in all cases; B) Yes, but only if there is "authorized school personnel" available to supervise them
Unsporting conduct cards A) Carry over from set to set within the match; B) Are limited to the set in which they were issued A If R2 hears unsporting conduct from the bench but cannot identify the specific culprit A) no card may be issued because the offender is not known; B) the head coach is charged with the conduct and receives the sanction B Is the playing captain allowed to discuss unsporting conduct cards with R1? A) Yes, as long as they are respectful; B) They may respectfully ask what the reason was, but no further discussion is allowed B If a spectator "becomes unruly or interferes with the orderly progress of the set," R1 should A) Eject the spectator from the gym; B) Play on as refs do not have jurisdiction over spectators; C) Suspend the set until the host school's management deals with the situation C If there is an issue with a spectator and there is no designated representative (AD, principal, etc) from the host school, what should be done? A) R1 has the authority to deal with the situation; B) the match must be suspended until the spectator voluntarily fixes their behavior; C) this is a forfeit due to lack of control by the host school; D) the home head coach must deal with the situation D