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VOLLEYBALL RULES FINAL EXAM Questions with Verified Answers, Exams of Psychology of Games

VOLLEYBALL RULES FINAL EXAM Questions with Verified Answers

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The winner shall choose to or. - Answer- - Serve or recieve


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A match shall consist of the best sets. - Answer- - 3 out of 5 The first team to win sets shall be the winner of the match. - Answer- 3 The and sets shall not be played, unless it is necessary to determine the winner of the match. - Answer- 4th and 5th The interval between sets is a maximum of minutes, unless an intermission for promotional or special recognition activities is used. Any intermission shall not exceed minutes. - Answer- - 3

  • 5 Each team is allowed time-outs per set. - Answer- 2 The serve/receive for set No. 1 are determined by a coin toss conducted during the conference. If a deciding set is required, the serve/receive and playing area are also determined by a coin toss. - Answer- Prematch First set - During the prematch conference, a captain shall call the toss.
  • Answer- - visiting team Deciding set - If necessary, prior to the deciding set, a team captain shall call the toss. The winner shall choose to serve/receive or the playing area. The of the toss shall be given the remaining choice. - Answer- - home
  • Loser Scoring is done by scoring. - Answer- rally When a team commits a fault, the result is a of a rally and the opponent shall receive a point. - Answer- loss If the serving team wins the rally, it scores a point and continues to. If the receiving team wins the rally, it scores a and gains the serve. - Answer- serve
  • points

) The winner of the coin toss selects or. - Answer- - serve serving. - Answer- clockwise A loss of rally/point is awarded each time a vacant position rotates to serve in the

. - Answer- right back position The first four sets shall be points, must win by points, no cap. - Answer- 25

  • 2 The set (deciding set) shall be to points, must win by points, no cap. - Answer- - 5th
  • 15th
  • 2 A team that has scored the required points and has at least a - point advantage is the winner. If the leading team does not have a - point advantage, play shall continue until one team has a two-point advantage (no cap). - Answer- - 2
  • 2 Upon entering the facility, the team selects its team bench. - Answer- - home Prior to timed warm-ups, a conference will be conducted between the captain(s) and the coach of each team. - Answer- head C) The captain calls the coin toss. - Answer- visiting
  • recieve E) If a deciding set is played, the team captain calls the toss. The winner shall choose serve, receive or. The other captain chooses from the remaining options.
  • Answer- - home
  • side
  1. Suspension and Forfeit: A) A match can be suspended for: Power failure. Host management failing to deal with spectators in a reasonable amount of time. Unforeseen circumstances. - Answer- unruly Each time a team gains the serve, it must rotate one position before

A forfeit occurs for:

  1. _ A team refuses to play when directed to do so by the first referee.
    1. A coach is removed for unsporting conduct and no authorized school personnel is present to assume responsibility for the team. (Note: School personnel refers to faculty or school administrators. School assistant, principal (Disqualified, no tolerance, will tolerate head coach with a warning)
  2. Less than players to begin the match. - Answer- - team refuses
  • 6 If the set has not started, the score is 25-0 (15-0 in the deciding set). If the set is in progress, the offending team keeps their score while the opponent scores 25 points ( points in the deciding set) reflecting a point advantage. - Answer- - 2 Music/Sound Effects/Artificial Noisemakers: A) Artificial noise makers are. B) Music and/or sound effects are only permitted before and after the match, during time-outs between sets, and following the competition. - Answer- - prohibited The Court and Markings: Court dimensions: 60' x 30'. The court and adjacent playable area must be flat, smooth and free of , other than required equipment and padding. - Answer- obstructions C) Boundary lines shall be " wide and one clearly visible color contrasting to the color of the floor. - Answer- 2 There should be at least 6' of room/unobstructed space outside of the boundary lines. The centerline should be a continuous 2 inch wide solid or boarded - line. - Answer- shadow boarded Each attack line should be 10' from the center line, and parallel to it. The serving area should be laterally limited by two 6" x 2" wide lines, placed 8" behind the court. The serving area should be at least feet deep. If space is not available, the serving area shall extend, whatever distance necessary, the court to provide the minimum depth. - Answer- 6 feet deep
  • into The zone is the area between the attack line and the center line near the sideline. - Answer- substitution The libero (free, backline player that enters in a special zone) replacement zone is the area between the attack line and the line. - Answer- end line

the court boundary lines - Answer- unobstructed The playable area outside of the court boundary lines shall be to all team members and officials. - Answer- visible Non-playable area is the space located beyond the court and surrounding playable area. Includes walls, bleachers, team benches, area the team benches. - Answer- area

  1. Playable Overhead Obstructions: A ball remains in play if it hits an overhead obstruction on the same side of the net as the team that last played the ball, and that team can legally play the ball. Ceiling-suspended net system cables, located on only one side of the net are overhead obstructions. - Answer- Out of Bounds: When is a ball out-of-bounds? a wall , curtains serving as a wall, objects mounted flush with wall, objects outside the court. The ball touches the floor outside the boundary lines. - Answer- - Touches
  • completely Touches the net cables, net supports or the first referee's platfrom. Touches a non-team member who is not interfering with a player's legitimate effort to play the ball (line judge) . - Answer- platform
  • not Touches the ceiling or overhead obstructions beyond the vertical plane of the net. Touches a non-playable area or adjacent courts scheduled for play. Touches vertical backboards or its supports over a playable area by a ball (always assess court) or ball, that in the judgment of the referee would not have remained in play had the backboard not been there. - Answer- - served Touches any part of a backboard or its supports hanging in a vertical position over the service area when tossed for serve and shall be subject to a re-serve. Ceiling suspended net systems are considered play. Allows the referee to determine if the ball would have been playable if the cables/poles had not been there.
  • Answer- not
  • restricted PENALTY - Point/loss of rally to opponent.
  1. Restricted Play: The playable area includes the court and the unobstructed outside of

Stop play when: A legitimate play on the ball is not possible. An illegal advantage is gained. (Uses a floor obstacle, team bench, officials' table, bleachers, wall or team members.) To prevent injury. The ball contacts a vertical backboard or its supports. Ball contacts the cables/poles used to retract a ceiling suspended net system. - Answer- A ball may played over a non-playable area if the player has a body part in playable area after playing the ball. EXCEPTION: Scheduled play on an adjacent court- ball is dead when it breaks the plane of an adjacent court, or a player enters the adjacent court before, during or after play of ball. - Answer- PENALTIES: Replay if player had a legitimate play that is less than 6' from boundary. If the ball would have remained in play had the vertical backboard not been over the playable area, is granted. All other situations - point/loss of rally to opponent. - Answer- Non-Team Members: A) Include, but are not limited to all authorized officials, media personnel (equipment), and spectators located in playable areas. - Answer- The Net and Markings: The net should be 3'x (at least) 31'6" up to 33'. It is permissible to place the school name , insignia, school mascot and/or advertising along the top of the net or net sleeve by way of a decal or professional printing.

  1. No markings are permitted on a side tape, vertical tape markers or other net supportive straps other than the manufacturer's name/logo/trademark or reference. The standards should be 3' outside the court. - Answer- The standards, first referee's platform and floor/wall supports shall be padded. Standards must be padded to at least feet feet with at least 1" thick shock- absorbing material. The same for the sides and front of the first referee's platform. ½" thick padding is required for any guy cables or rigid braces up to a minimum height of feet. - Answer- - 5 1/2 feet The net height shall be fee and inches. The net measured at the ends shall not exceed this by more than inch. contact with a playable area at the time of contact. May enter the non-

of the sideline. - Answer- 7 and 4 1/8inces

  • 3/4th PENALTY: When the host school does not pad the standards, floor/wall cables and first referee's platform, the match shall not be played, and the state association shall be notified. - Answer- The Ball: All panels of the ball shall be white or a maximum combination of 3 solid colors, with at least one third of the panels should be all white. Should have _12 or more pieces and be made of leather (genuine or simulated). It shall be 25-27" in circumference and be inflated with to pounds per square inch of air pressure. Home team shall provide. Should have the NFHS logo on it. - Answer- - laceless
  • 4.3 to 4. Scoresheet and Scoreboard: The score sheet shall be provided by the team at least 20 minutes before the match and kept at the officials' table throughout the match.
  1. The team may maintain a second scoresheet at the officials' table, but that supplied by the host team is official unless the first referee determines otherwise. The scoreboard shall be visible to all. - Answer- - home
  • visiting The Officials' Table: Should be at least feet out-of-bounds (10'is preferred). Team Benches: Should be on same side of the court as the officials' table. Should be no closer than 6feet from sideline. Should be no closer to center line than 10feet (the attack line). PENALTY: When game equipment, other than required padding, does not meet rule specifications, the match shall be conducted, and the improper conditions reported to the appropriate authority as determined by the state association. - Answer- Rule 4 - Player Equipment and Uniform Prior to the match, head coaches shall verify that all players are legal and wearing legal uniforms and equipment. Net antennas shall be attached to the net in line with the outside edge Should be round and. Should be opposite the first referee. - Answer- 6feet

A facemask made of hard material may be worn but must rules to provide reasonable accommodations to individual participants with disabilities and /or special needs, as well as those individuals with unique and extenuating circumstances. The accommodations should not alter the sport, heighten risk to the athlete/others or place opponents at a disadvantage. - Answer- Equipment and Accessories: Most things are not allowed on the fingers, hands, wrist, or upper arm or shoulder must be padded. forearm. Knee/ankle braces, which are unaltered from the manufacturer's original design, do not require any additional padding. - Answer- be molded to the face with no protrusions. Equipment increasing a player's advantage or a safety concern is not allowed. Hair devices must be made of soft material and no more than 3_ inches wide may be worn. than 2" long are also allowed. Jewelry shall not be worn by players during or competition. - Answer- warmups Putting over newly pierced ears is not permitted. Religious and medical alert medals are not considered jewelry. be visible. Religious medals must be worn under the uniform and taped to the body. Body paint, glitter on hair, face, uniform or body is not permitted. - Answer- tape PENALTY: During warm-ups, the player will be directed to remove jewelry. The referee shall address the coach, and the coach will speak with her player wearing illegal equipment. If the player does not remove the illegal equipment/jewelry, the player will be charged with conduct. For a player attempting to enter the set with illegal equipment-the team will be assessed with delay (administrative yellow card-1st offense/administrative red card-subsequent offense) and player can't enter until legal. For a player in the set wearing illegal equipment - the team will be assessed with unnecessary delay. Player must be removed unless the equipment is replaced or made legal. If the team has a time-out remaining, the player Each state association may authorize exceptions to NFHS playing Hard and unyielding items (guards, casts or braces) on the elbow, forearm. An elbow brace shall not extend more than halfway down the Bobby pins, flat clips, and flat barrettes , unadorned and no longer Medical alert medals must be taped to the body and may

may remain in the set provided the illegal equipment is replaced or made legal during the time-out for the player to remain in the set. Subsequent violations by the same team during the match, point/loss of

  • unecessary Legal Uniform: Like-colored shirt and shorts for all teammates except the libero. Free of hard and unyielding items. (No buttons, zippers, snaps, fasteners.) Worn in playing area - removal of any part of uniform is not permitted. (Penalty is unsporting conduct and shall be assessed to the coach ). (Shoes are an exception.) Uniform top must hang below or be tucked into the waistband of the uniform bottom Any visible garment (t-shirt, body suits, etc.) worn underneath the uniform top shall be unadorned and of a single, solid color that is similar to the predominant color of the uniform top. Multiple styles of uniform bottoms may be worn by teammates and may include: A visible undergarment may be worn under the uniform bottom-must be unadorned and of a single, solid color similar to the predominant color to the uniform, and may A single, visible manufacturer's logo and/or single school name or insignia no more than 2 - 1/4 inches are permitted on each visible undergarment. Manufacturer's logo is permitted on each piece of uniform ( no more than 2/ ¼' American flag (2"X3") and either a commemorative or memorial patch, no more than 4" square, is permitted on each item. The libero must wear a uniform top that clearly contrasts from the trim. Shorts must be the same color as the rest of the team. - Answer- The libero uniform top be made solely of the same predominant color of the team's uniform top, even if the like colors are placed differently on the uniform top. Lettering and collars may be different color(s) than the uniform top. placed on the body of the uniform top &/or bottom. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top. - Answer- - cannot Number shall be: rally. - Answer- unsporting Worn as manufacturer designed. No bare midriff. _shorts, spandex, pants , , or skirts. square ). A single school name , nickname, mascot and/or player's name may be predominant color of the team's uniform top, excluding extend below the uniform bottom. - Answer- when the player is standing upright. - Answer-

permanent and clearly visible. More than one solid color may be used in the trim. No more than 2 digits. 4" high on front, 6" high on back. No more than 5" down from shoulder seam; or centered 5" below neckline opening in front. If a visible number is worn on the uniform bottom, it shall be the same as on the uniform top. Appropriate shoes, need to be tied. - Answer- - duplicate PENALTY When a player wearing an illegal uniform attempts to enter the set, delay (administrative yellow card for the first offense or red card for subsequent offense in that set ) shall be assessed to the team. The player shall not enter the set until the illegal uniform is replaced or made legal. B) When player wearing an illegal uniform is discovered in the set, unnecessary (administrative yellow card for the first offense or administrative red card for subsequent offense in that set) shall be assessed to the team. - Answer- - unecessary Player must be removed until the uniform is replaced or made legal. Following the administration of unnecessary delay, if team has a time-out remaining, the player may remain in the set provided the illegal uniform is replaced during the time-out period. C) If a team can't begin with six players in legal uniform, award a point/loss of rally to the match and notify the state association. - Answer- Rule 5 - Officials: Responsibilities and Positions Authorized Officials: line judges. All authorized officials shall be secured by the host school . Line judges, unless determined otherwise by state association policy, shall be provided No use of replay equipment by the referees. Jurisdiction begins upon arrival on floor and extends through second referee's verification of final score. No exchange of duties unless one official is unable to continue. - Answer- Officials Hand Signals Mechanics: After a referee whistles to signal the end of the rally, that referee indicates the decision No numbers. delay. First referee, Second referee, scorekeeper, libero tracker, timer, and with the official hand signals. by the host school.

When a double fault occurs, either referee indicates the Review duties with second referee and line judges. Designate scorer, libero tracker, timer and line judges. If the fault is whistled by the first referee, they will indicate the result of the play (point or replay) followed by the nature of the fault. signals. Exception: The second referee does not mirror the signal for a net serve. If a fault is whistled by the second referee, he or she will indicate the nature of the fault and the player at fault if necessary. The first referee , if in agreement, will then indicate the result of the play (point or replay), followed by the player at fault, if necessary; the second referee will mirror the signal of point or replay. - Answer- nature of the faults and, if necessary, the players at fault. mirrored by the second referee. - Answer- Officials Uniform and Equipment: White CVOA polo shirt, black slacks, solid black athletic shoes and black socks. For first referee: whistle, coin, watch , and a set of yellow and red cards. For second referee: a whistle, line-up card, pencil/pen, a set of yellow and red cards, a Whistles should be black (fox sporting). - Answer- First Referee Responsibilities: Pre-match: Be in uniform at site no less than 30 minutes before starting time. Check game ball(s). Inspect court markings, net supports, first referee's stand and measure the net height. Establish non-playable areas and ground rules (odd situations - ask home team - still have final say). - Answer- Call and the head coach from each team together at the official's table for a prematch conference by a double whistle and raising a coin in the air. Check players for open wounds , bleeding or any blood on the uniform. Verify with head coaches that players have legal equipment and uniforms. During conference, conduct coin toss between the head coaches and captains from each team. Inform scorer who will serve first. - Answer- captain The second referree mirrors the first referee's The first referee then indicates the result of the play, which is coin, and a watch.

Administer cards for unnecessary delay warning &/or Position: Up on the first referee's stand. Unobstructed view of both playing areas of the court. During the Set: First referee is the head official Make decisions not specifically covered by the rules, and/or when officials disagree. Promptly handle any unexpected situation. - Answer- May replace a scorer, libero tracker, timer or line judge not performing their duties. Check that captains and officials are ready to start set, after time-outs and after dead balls, then sound whistle and signal for serve. - Answer- The first referee shall: respective end lines prior to the first set only; then again to direct them onto the court to begin play. Blow the whistle for and balls. Recognize time-out and substitution requests after giving second referee the first opportunity. Give visible signals, as described in the manual for each loss or rally/point, serve, violation, penalty, replay/re-serve, end-of-set and change of courts. Signal at the end of each time-out, how many each team has used. Determine hits. For the serving team, determine illegal alignment , screening and serving violations. - Answer- serves Dead

  • time outs
  • illegal Determine net faults, back row player faults, violations in serving area, double faults, number of hits per team, ball in play and dead ball, loss of rally/point. Whistle a warning at seconds if the second referee is still checking the scoresheet. Call an time-out when a player exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion. Administer cards for misconduct by players, coaches or team members, including requests by the second referee. - Answer- 45
  • injury penalty by a coach, player, substitute, replacement or team and inform them of such actions. Notify (or request the second referee to notify) the appropriate coach of reason for any disqualification. Whistle and signal "end-of-set," & directing players to their respective . Whistle and direct only the starting players to their

Visually confirm the score of each set with the second referee, then whistle and direct teams to the appropriate team benches. - Answer- Court Protocol: To start match: The first referee blows the whistle to direct starting players to their end lines. When all officials are ready, blow whistle to direct players onto the court, At the end of the set, the first referee blows their whistle, signals "end of set." The first referee then whistles and directs the teams to switch or move to the appropriate team benches. The timer begins the three-minute timed interval on the second whistle. - Answer- If a deciding set is to be played, the first referee: Whistles, signals the end-of-set and directs the teams to their benches. The second referee double whistles and raises coin in the air to signal the captains to go near the officials table for the deciding set coin toss. The home team calls the toss. the team to serve first and giving the appropriate signal indicating if teams will remain on their own sides or change courts. The first referee whistles and gives the appropriate signal indicating whether the teams will remain on their current sides or will change courts (3minutes to start)

. (3 minutes starts now). - Answer- At the end of the match, the first referee will_blow the whistle give the end-of-set signal, then whistle and release the players. The second ref verifies the by initialing the score sheet. (no changes are allowed after this). - Answer- Second Referee Responsibilities: Pre-match: Be in uniform at site no less than 30 minutes before the match. Assist the first referee in pre-match duties, collect eachteam's rosterduring the timed prematch conference,& supervise the placement of the officials' table and team's benches. Review duties with scorer, libero tracker and timer. Verify the starting lineups with the scorer. - Answer- Position: In a standing position on the floor opposite the first referee, outside the sideline boundary and back from the standard. At the moment of serve, stand away from the net on the side of the receiving team. (a) Observing the receiving team for illegal alignment, and illegal block or attack of first set only. The second ref checks the lineups. Upon completion of the deciding set coin toss, the second referee communicates the results of the toss to the first referee by extending an outstretched arm on the side of

the serve. During play, move to the side of the net without the ball when appropriate and concentrate on play at the net by both teams. - Answer- During the set: Assist the first referee with judgment calls clearly out of the first referee's view. Whistle and give the signal for calls initiated by the second referee including time- out - , substitutions and ball out of bounds for an antenna fault on second referee's side of the net. Assist by making sure a whistle is blown for each dead ball. serve. Determine back-row player faults, particularly back row block. Control substitutions. libero may enter the set. Ensure head coaches remain in the libero replacement zone , no closer than 6 feet. - Answer- Manage illegal replacements. Grant serving order requests (lineup checks), time outs and substitutions. Whistle a warning at 45 seconds and instruct the timer to sound the audio signal (horn) at 60 seconds to end a time-out or whistle if both teams are ready to play prior to 45- second warning whistle, instruct timer to sound the horn; indicate how many each team has used. In coordination with the timer, time _30 seconds for an injury/illness. Signal at the beginning and at the completion of a charged time-out, how many team- Notify the coach when a team has used its 15th,16th, 17th, and 18th sub.

. - Answer- Check the score sheet for accuracy during time-outs and at the end of each set. Verify and confirm, using the informal signal, to the first referee that the 24th point has been scored (14th point in the fifth set.) to the first referee. Whistle a warning at 2minutes and 45 , seconds (4:45 when intermission is used) followed by the timer sounding the audio signal at 3 minutes ( minutes when intermission) unless both teams are on the court, - Answer- Determine and notify the first referee of unsporting conduct violations. ( informal signals page 68 RB , signals). Determine alignment on the recieiving team at the moment of Check team lineups before each set. Once verified, the outs each team has used. Initial the sheet after each set and give the end-of-set signal Determine net faults and centerline faults by both teams. Mirror the first referee's signals. - Answer-

Confirm illegal uniforms, equipment and unsporting conduct violations with the scorer. and second and subsequent unnecessary delay penalties during a set by a coach, player, sub, replacement or team and confirm with the first referee. Answer- Assist with timing time-outs if necessary. serving team and proper benches to first referee. - Answer- Scorer Responsibilities: Pre-match: Report no less than 20 minutes before the start of the match. At conclusion of the prematch conference, receive each team's roster from the when discovered. No later than 2 minutes prior to the start of the match and 1_ minute prior to each subsequent set, enter the starting players numbers in _scoring the first referee's and second referee's names on the official scoresheet. - Answer- Position: Be seated between the official timer and the libero tracker

. - Answer- During the set: Record individual and team score, and notify the second referee during the first dead ball when there is a discrepancy. referee. Sound a signal when the ball is contacted for serve when it is the wrong server. Keep a record of time-outs charged to each team. Record in the Comments section of the score sheet all warnings, penalties and disqualifications for unsporting conduct violations, notify the second referee of any Record in the Comments section all penalties for unecessary delay warning &/or penalties. Notify the second referee if this is the second or subsequent unnecessary delay for a team in the same set. Record in the Comments section all uniforms/ equipment violations . Record in the Comments section the number of a player leaving the set because they are under concussion management. Confirm with the scorer initial unnecessary delay warning Conduct the coin toss prior to the deciding set , and indicate second ref. Report inaccuracies to either referee Verify the serving order to the first referee or second previous unsporting conduct_violations - Answer- sheet. Notify appropriate coach of reason for disqualification. -

Notify the second referee of illegal time-out requests. Record substitutions and notify the second referee immediately of a request for an illegal substitution. (See case book for numerous situations.) - Answer- Notify second referee if: A substitution is a request for 15rt_, 16 , 17_, 18 substitution. 19th sub entry (illegal). Re-entry in wrong service position Re-entry of a disqualified player. Re-entry of an injured/ill player during the same set in which they were replaced by exceptional sub. Player not listed on roster. - Answer- Shall not count an illegal substitution as one of the 18 entries allowed. If there is a discrepancy between the scorer and timer, or between the official scorer and another scorer, the individual points in the official scorebook shall be considered correct. - Answer- Libero Tracker Responsibilities: Pre-match: Report no less than 20 minutes before the start of the match. Enter the starting players on the tracking sheet in proper tracking order. Position: During the set: At the beginning of each time-out, inform the second referee of each team's libero status. Notify the second referee during a dead ball when there is a discrepancy with a replacement. Notify the second referee if the libero replacement isn't out of the set for one rally between replacements, except when replacing the next server. Have the horn blown at the moment of contact of serve when there is an illegal replacement. - Answer- Timer Responsibilities: Pre-match: Report no less than _20 minutes before the start of the match. Time the pre-match warm-up. Position: and a re-designated libero. - Answer- Record the number of a player replaced by an exceptional substitute Notify the second referee when a team reaches set point. Be seated next to the. - Answer- Record libero replacements and during the match.

During the set: Beginning with the official's signal, time each charged time-out and sound the horn at the end of 60_ seconds or as instructed by the second referee for a time-out ending earlier. Every time-out ends with a warning whistle by the official followed by the audio signal (horn) sounded by the timer. Time injury time-out on a timing device other than the visible scoreboard. Notify the second referee when have elapsed unless play has resumed or the referee indicates a decision has been made. Time the interval between sets, minutes and minutes-, if intermission, beginning with the first referee's whistle signaling the teams to report to the appropriate team benches. Give an audio signal (horn) at the end of minutes Line Judges Responsibilities: Pre-match Report no less than 20 minutes before the start of the match. Review duties with the s. Position clear view of both the end line and sideline. NOTE: If the server serves from the left 3rd of the service area, the line judge on the serving team's side shall move a few steps to the side in line with the extension of the end line until the ball is contacted for serve. Then moves quickly back into position at the intersection. - Answer- Hold the same position throughout match. During time-outs, stand at the attack line and sideline near the first ball. Answer- During the set indicate: Service foot faults. When the ball touches the net, net antennas, and/or net supports not entirely between the net antennas. Inbounds and out-of-bounds calls near their lines (be aware of pancakes). Touches when the ball is going out of bounds. Assist with balls contacting overhead obstructions/ceiling. Flags maybe used. - Answer- Rule 6 - The Team: Composition and Positions Team Members: Be seated next to the official scorer. - Answer- ( ) unless both teams are on the court. - Answer- Stand near the intersection of left sideline and end line. Move to have a referee. The line judge on the serving team shall hold the Balls crossing the net not entirely within the net antennas. Remain in a neutral area between sets (they may be seateed ). -

athletic trainers and the players. Team Players: A team shall consist of six players to begin the match. If a team has less than , a forfeit will be declared. (Reality - bus problem) A team may play with fewer than six players after the start of the match due to injury, illness or disqualification. - Answer- - 6 The Captain: This is the only player that may communicate with the officials. If they are replaced by a substitute, the coach shall designate a new captain until the original playing captain returns. The captain may request the following during a dead ball: . Verify the number of time-outs used. Verify serving order for their team, also known as a a check May request verification of the proper for the opponent. *Most officials will allow the captain to ask about a call they don't understand, but not question or argue judgment calls - Answer- - Time out Line up

  • serving order Player Positions (Alignment): The positions are RB, RF, CF, LF, LB, and CB The libero is a defensive specialist who only plays in the row. Only libero may be designated per set. The libero must be designated on the lineup sheet prior each set. They may be the team captain. They may be used as an exceptional substitute for an injured player if no other legal sub is available. They may replace a disqualified teammate. They may serve in one position in the serving order. - Answer- - back
  • one
  • not At the moment of serve: All players, except the server, must be within the playing area and may be in contact with a boundary line, but may not have any body part touching outside those lines. The players, including the libero, shall be in correct serving order. - Answer- Each right side player must have at least part of one foot touching the floor closer to the right sideline than both feet of the center player in their corresponding row, except the Team members consist of coaches , teammates, managers, certified

server. The same is true of the left sided players. Each front row player must have at least one foot touching the floor closer to the centerline than their corresponding back row player. After the ball has been contacted on the serve, the players may move from their positions. - Answer- After a loss of rally, the team serving the next ball will rotate clockwise one position. A point is awarded as this team rotates. If a team is legally playing with fewer than six players due to illness, injury, disqualification, a loss of rally will be awarded the opponent each time the vacant The playing captain or head coach may request a lineup check during a dead ball. - Answer- PENALTY For illegal alignment - point/loss of rally. For improper server or illegal replacement found in the set - loss of rally: When discovered prior to contact for serve by the opponent, all points earned by the improper server are canceled. If improper server isn't discovered until after the serve has alternated, and the first serve has been contacted, no penalty. Proper serving order shall be regained immediately. - Answer- Screening: A) Players on the serving team must not prohibit the opponents from seeing the contact of the serve or the path of the served ball. B) When a player(s) on the serving team waves arms, jumps, moves sideways or stands close to the server and the ball is served directly over the player(s). C) A group of 2 or more teammates stand close and the ball is served directly over them. Note: The receiver is not guaranteed a "specific spot" on the floor. If they can't see they should move. If the "screener" moves with them, an illegal screen should be called. (See the casebook- pg 115 - 116). PENALTY - point/loss of rally. - Answer- Rule 7 - Roster and Lineup Roster and Lineup: A coach from each team shall submit in writing to the 2nd ref the all players at the time prematch conference. position rotates to serve in the right back position. - Answer- roster including names and uniform numbers_ of

the pre-game clock. Any libero player may be listed on the roster with one or two numbers. The first number listed is the non-libero number; the second is their libero number. The number cannot be a duplicate of any other player on the roster. - Answer- PENALTY

  1. Failure to submit a roster to the second referee at the prematch conference results in an the start of the set.
  2. Corrections made to the roster after 10 remain on the pre-game clock results in - Answer- loss of rally/point aware to the opponent when the inaccuracy is discovered.
  3. Failure to list on the roster a player/substitute entering the set results in a loss of rally/point being awarded the opponent. The player/substitute may enter the set after the roster is corrected . When a player's number changes because the player must change a uniform with blood on it, the roster is corrected and _no penalty is assessed. A written lineup of the starters listed in their proper serving order must be turned in to the second referee no less than 2 minutes before the end of timed warm-ups. Thereafter, the written lineup shall not be changed except between sets of a match (no later than one minute remaining in the timed interval), for a legal substitution prior to the start of the set, or to replace a starting player who is ill or injured prior to the start of the set. - Answer- Written rosters and current lineups must remain at the scorer's table throughout each set. A written lineup listing the starting players in proper serving less than _1minute minute before the start of subsequent sets, or intermission if used. If a team submits its lineup and lists a starting number that no team member is wearing the team shall: team is Change the incorrect libero number to the legal libero number (no penalty assessed). - Answer- Changes to the rosters may be made until _10 minutes remain on unnecessary delay ( administrative yellow card ) at order must be submitted in writing to the second referee in no charged with a substitution. Legally substitute a player with a legal number into that position. The

If the same player number is listed more than once in the lineup, one legal substitution shall be made to ensure six unique, legal player numbers start the set_ . Change the listed libero with the duplicate number to a different . Use a to change the starting player to a different legal number into that position. - Answer- PENALTY Failure to submit to the second referee no later than 2_ minutes prior to the end of timed prematch warmup, a written, accurate numeric lineup results in loss of rally/point being awarded to the opponent at the start of that set. Failure to submit a complete and written, accurate numeric lineup to the second referee no later than 1minute minute remaining in the timed interval or intermission when used results in a loss of rally/point being awarded to the opponent at the start of the next set. - Answer- Rule 8 - The Serve Definition: A serve is contact with the ball to initiate play. The ball shall be served within 5 seconds of the first referee's signal. The server shall hit the ball with one hand, or arm while the ball is held or after it's released. The server's body can be in the in the air over or beyond the serving area touching any part of the boundary lines. A team's term of service begins when a player assumes the right back position as the server and ends when a loss of rally is awarded. For teams with fewer than six players, each time a vacant position rotates to serve in the right back position, a loss of rally/point is awarded to the opponent. - Answer- A player's term of service begins when the player assumes the right back position as the server and ends when a loss of rally_ is awarded or a substitution for the player is made prior to the end of the team's term of service. Each player may have one re-serve per team's term of service. - Answer- A re-serve shall be called when the server releases the ball for service, then catches it or drops it to the floor. The first referee shall cancel the serve and direct a second and last attempt at serve. The server is allowed a new 5 seconds for the re-serve. The server must serve from the serving area. - Answer- at the point of contact as long as they are not

re-serve. A re-serve is considered to be a part of a single attempt to serve. out, service order, lineup, substitution, libero replacement, etc...) may be recognized until the ball has been served. - Answer- General: The first server of the set is the RB. Thereafter, the RF will rotate to become the next server. A team continues serving until it loses the rally or the set ends. The serve alternates when the serving team loses the _rally. The team not serving first in the previous set of a match shall serve first in the next set. The serving team for a deciding set is determined by coin A serve is illegal if the server: - Answer- Hits the ball illegally. serving area at the time of contact. Doesn't hit the ball within 5 seconds. Is the wrong server. Deliberately serves before the first referee's signal to serve. (Unsporting conduct) Releases and catches or drops the ball more than once per one term of service (re-serve). - Answer- Tosses the ball for serve and the ball touches any part of a backboard or its A service fault occurs when the ball: Does not legally cross the net. Passes under the net. Touches the floor on the server's side of the net. (All of the above will be signaled as Signal 6, Net Fault or Net Serve.) Crosses the net not entirely between the antennas or lands out of bounds. (Signal 13) When a receiving team player is out of position on the serve and:

  1. A service fault occurs, the recieving team is penalized. PENALTY The serving team is penalized for an illegal serve or the serving team being out of position when there is an illegal serve. Loss of rally/point is awarded to the recieving team. position over the serving area is an illegal and not eligible for a A tossed ball that contacts a backboard or its supports hanging in a vertical toss. Is touching the end line or the the floor outside the supports hanging in a vertical position over the serving area. Touches the ceiling or an obstruction. (Signal 13) - Answer-
  2. The ball is served illegally, the serving team is penalized. Touches one of the server's teammates. Therefore, after the first referee calls for serve, no request (time-

The receiving team is penalized for being out of position during a service fault. Point is awarded to the serving team. A second re-serve during the same team's term of service results in a loss of a rally point (practive signal #3 illegal hit)4. - Answer- Rule 9 - During Play Team Benches: Team personnel shall be seated on the team bench during the set. The head coach may stand during the set in the libero replacement zone, subject to Rule 12- 2 - 6. The home team shall choose their bench for the first set. Court Protocol: The location and use of the devices shall not be in a restricted area as determined by host management. The first referee may restrict the use of the devices if it is determined the device interferes with the contest. - Answer- Teams shall change playing areas and benches immediately after being directed by the first referee after sets 1, 2, 3, and 4. At the conclusion of each set;

  1. When directed by the first referee, the players will proceed immediately to change courts or to their respective team benches.
  2. When directed by the first referee to change courts, the teams shall proceed to their new team benches and the players shall proceed counterclockwise along the sideline past the standard to their new team benches. (Players are not allowed to stop at their bench before crossing mid-court) - Answer-
  3. When directed by the first referee following the coin toss for a deciding set , the teams shall remain at their respective team benches or shall change courts immediately, as signaled by the first referee. PENALTY - can be unnecessary delay or unsporting conduct. - Answer- Live and Dead Balls: A live ball is in play from contact of a kegal serve until a dead ball is declared. A live ball becomes dead when the ball: them. Lands out-of-bounds. A team may use electronic devices during the match. Touches the net attennas or doesn't cross entirely between

team. Contacts the ceiling or overhead obstruction after the third Contacts the wall or an overhead obstruction over a non-playable Becomes motionless. Touches the floor. Passes completely under the net. Breaks a non-playable plane out of the players reach. Answer- Contacting the ball: A contact is any touch of the ball except by the player's hair. A team is allowed 3_ contacts before the ball crosses the net. When the team's first contact is simultaneous contact (2 or more) by opponents, or an action to block, the next contact is considered the team's first hit. A ball crosses the net when: It completely passes the vertical plane of the net. It is contacted by an opponent after partially crossing the net. Legal contact is a touch of the ball by any body come to a rest or involve prolonged contact. Simultaneous contact is more than one contact made at the same instant. One player, two or more body parts at the same time. Teammates at the same instant. A joust. Opposing players contact the ball at the same instant, the player on the opposite side of the net from which the ball falls shall be considered the player to have touched the ball last. - Answer- Successive contacts are two or more separate attempts to play the ball by one player. Successive contacts are permitted when there is: Simultaneous contact by opposing players. Successive contacts by a player whose first contact is a. - Answer- Contacts the ceiling or obstruction and is not legally played next by the same area. - Answer- Contacts a non-team member in a playable area. It is legally blocked. - Answer- part , which does not visibly allow the ball to Simultaneous contact by. In the referee's judgment, a timer's audio signal interrupts play. - A referee's whistle sounds. hit.

Multiple contacts are more than one contact by a player in one attempt to play the ball. Multiple contacts are permitted: When the first ball over the net rebounds from one part of the player's body to one or more other parts in one attempt to block. PENALTY - loss of rally/point Loss of rally/point is awarded to the opponent when a team has more than three hits. Loss of rally/point is awarded to the opponent when there is any illegal contact, illegal successive contacts and/or illegal multiple contacts of the ball. - Answer- Player Actions: Definitions Pass - ball is hit into the air so another player can get into position to contact the ball. (Forearm, overhead, set, and dig). Attack - ball is directed toward the opponents course (spike, tip, dump, overhead pass) Block - player(s) close to the net, deflecting the ball coming from the opponent by reaching higher than the top of the net. The block may include wrist action providing there is no prolonged contact. Block attempt - act of blocking without touching the ball, this does not constitute a block. Completed block - the ball is touched by a blocker. Only front row players are allowed to complete a block Collective block - a block by more than one player in close proximity. It is completed when one of the players touches the ball. It is a blocking fault if a a completed collective block. - Answer- Front-row players may contact the ball from any position inside or outside the court provided the ball has not completely crossed the vertical plane of the net or net extended. C) Back row player limitations:

  1. While behind the attack line, may contact the ball above or below the top of the net.
  2. Cannot complete an attack when the ball is completely above the height of the net when they are standing on or in front of the attack line or it's out-of-bounds extension. NOTE: An illegal back-row attack shall not be called until the ball has completely crossed the net or is contacted by the opponent. - Answer- The libero shall not:
  3. Complete an attack above the height of the net from anywhere on the court. On any first ball over the net. back row player or libero participates in
  4. May not participate in a completed block.