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Wastewater Treatment: B Test Questions and Answers, Exams of Advanced Education

A collection of questions and answers related to wastewater treatment, covering topics such as sludge characteristics, treatment processes, and regulatory requirements. It is a valuable resource for students and professionals in the field of environmental engineering, particularly those studying wastewater treatment operations.

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Wastewater B Test Questions And Answers

Rated A+ 2024/25.

Percent of volatile solids normally in sludge - correct answer. 70-80% D.O. levels in a primary clarifier - correct answer. 0.5-1.0 MG/L Why are precautionary measures needed around an aeration basin? - correct answer. undertow and turbulence O.S.H.A. approved trench - correct answer.greater than the width; the width must be less than 15 feet narrow excavation in which the depth is

What causes bulking? - correct answer. 1. Excessive hydraulic loading,

  1. Solids not promptly removed from clarifier
  2. Inadequate weir length
  3. Improper ratio of depth to surface area of the final clarifier What are the 5 elements of a trickling filter? - correct answer. 1. Floor
  4. under drain
  5. Wall containing the filter bed
  6. media5. filter distribution arm

When and where are monthly reports submitted? - correct answer. by the 20th of the following month; submitted to Austin How and when do you report a bypass? - correct answer. as soon as possible by phone within 24 hours; followed by in writing within 5 working days What are the 5 events of stream purification? - correct answer. 1. Pollution

  1. Degradation3. Decomposition
  2. Recovery
  1. Clear What are the 2 methods for measuring D.O.? - correct answer.2. meter 1. Winkler method

What is needed for good communication? - correct answer. good listening How much chlorine gas comes from one part liquid chlorine? - correct answer. 450 What does the "F and M" stand for in the F:M Ratio? - correct answer. Food to Microorganism What feeds the nitrification organisms? - correct answer. fatty volatile acids An explosive atmosphere contains what 2 things? - correct answer. 1. Oxygen

  1. flammable gas vapor or dust How deep should the drying bed sludge be? - correct answer. 8-12 inches Why is a low flow rated important when filling a drying bed? - correct answer. to prevent undigested sludge from breaking through the ripe sludge blanket in the digester Under a microscope what 2 organizms should be predominant? - correct answer.SILIATE 1.
  2. rotifers The detention time in a contact stabilization plant is more or less than other extended aeration plants? - correct answer. Less What 2 things are chlorine used for? - correct answer. 1. disinfection
  3. odor control What will a leaking chlorine container do? - correct answer. freeze up How are plant goals best accomplished? - correct answer. planning, PM, records, analysis What is the function of the bottom float in a lift station? - correct answer. turns the pump off What must be used when connecting a potable water supply to a lift station? - correct answer. an air gap between the pump and the water line twice the diameter of the water line or at least 1", whichever is greater What is the problem if the supernatant in the settleometer is clear but the effluent is not?
  • correct answer. 1. Bulking
  1. An equipment malfuntion such as a plugged R.A.S. or W.A.S. line
  2. problem in secondary clarifier Why does flow through a clarifier move up slowly? - correct answer. to keep floc particles from coming over the wiers when should a manhole be placed? - correct answer. at least every 500 feet or whenever necessary Where should the sludge in the clarifier be kept in the activated sludge process? - correct answer. bottom quarter An S.V.I. of 180 represents what? - correct answer. old bulking sludge What should be done to remove micro organisms from an activated sludge plant? - correct answer. waste What is the preliminary treatments main purpose? - correct answer.solids remove large

what are the considerations for writing a permit? - correct answer. impact on receiving stream What is an adequate B.O.D. for the contact stabilization ponds best function? - correct answer. at least 35 lbs/acer/day what is fecal coliform measured in? - correct answer. a geometric mean how should the bell end of a pipe be laid? - correct answer. uphill what 5 types of pipe are commonly used in collection systems? - correct answer. 1. PVC

  1. concrete
  2. asbestos concrete4. ductile iron
  3. clay what are 3 characteristics of fresh domestic sewage? - correct answer. 1. dishwater color2. slight fecal odor
  4. 99.9 percent water What test should be run within 15 minutes of grabbing the final effluent sample? - correct answer. PH test What does S.V.I. mean? - correct answer. sludge volume index

what is the formula for S.V.I.? - correct answer. 30 minute settled sludge volume in ML/L, times 1000, divided by the M.L.S.S. concentration in MG/L x 1000 What are the 3 different cycles of decay? - correct answer. 1. nitrogen

  1. sulfur
  2. carbon What percent of moisture should the sludge from a primary clarifier contain? - correct answer. 94-96% What is sludge in a trickling filter that goes to a clarifier called? - correct answer. humous sludgeWhat dis dB.O.D. din dan dextended daeration dactivated dsludge dprocess dreduced dby? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d90-95% What dproblems dcan dchlorine dbe dused dto dtreat? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dbulking; dfoaming How dmany dgallons dof dwaste dwater dare dcontributed deach dday dper dperson? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d 100 dgallons what dare d 4 dcharacteristics dof dwater? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d1. dphysical d 2.3. ddchemicalbacteriological
  3. dradiological How dmany dMG/L dof dB.O.D. ddoes draw ddomestic dwaste dwater dhave? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d100-300 dMG/L How dmany dpounds dof dB.O.D. dare dcontributed ddaily dby deach dperson? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d0.17 dlbs How dmany dhours ddoes da dC.O.D. dtest drequire? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d2- What dis dthe dminimum dvelocity dof dwaste dwater din da dcollection dsystem? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d 2 dfeet dper dsecond d (3 dft/sec drecommended) what dgrade dis d (^) called?da ddepressed d- d dcorrect dsewer danswer. dthat dcrosses d d dInverted dunder dsiphon da droad dor dcreek dand dhas da dreversal din

what dshould dstorm dsewers donly dcarry? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d drainwater How danswer. dmany d d d 9 dfeet dfeet dshould dwater dand dsewer dlines dbe dkept dapart din dall ddirections? d- d dcorrect

what dis dthe dmain dpurpose dof dsewage dtreatment? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dto dstabilize dand ddispose dof dorganic dmaterial what dis dthe dbest dway dto dhook dup dpotable dwater dto dthe dpacking dgland don da dpump? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dby dan dair dgap dor dnot dat dall what dis dthe dmost dimportant dthing dprotected dby dpretreatment? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d demployees what dare dthe d 3 dexceptions dto dturning din da dmonthly dpermit? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d1. dunder dconstruction

  1. da dnew dplant
  2. dnot drunning dyet B.O.D. dor dC.O.D dis dwhat din dthe dF:M dratio? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dF d- dFood when ddenitrification doccurs dwhat dis dused dinstead dof doxygen? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dnitrate What ddoes da dtrickling dfilters defficiency ddependant don? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d drecirculation When dshould da dmanhole dbe dlocated? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d1. dchange dof dpipe dsize
  3. dpipe dintersections
    1. ddchangeevery d 500 dof dddepthfeet dor dslope d

why dis dgrit dwashed? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d ddecrease dthe dconcentration dof dorganic dmatter what dis dthe dsimpler dactivated dsludge dprocess dto doperate? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dextended daeration what d 2 dthings dare dsludge dvolume dreadings dused dto dobserve? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d1. dsludge dquality

  1. dclarity what dshould dsludge dhauled dto dthe dlandfill dbe? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d20% dsolids what dshould da dplant dmanager dbe dmost dconcerned dabout? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dplant deffluent what dshould dyou ddo dif da dchlorine dcylinder dis dleaking dliquid dchlorine? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d drotate dthe dcylinder dto dposition dthe dfrosted darea don dthe dupper dmost dside dso dthat dit dbecomes da dgas dleak dinstead dof da dliquid dleak What ddomestic dlaw ddprovideswastewater dthe dtreatment dTexas dWater dplants? dCommission d- d dcorrect d withdanswer. dthe d authorityd d dTexas ddWaterto dregulate dCode

If da dwaste dwater dspill doccurs dthat dendangers dhuman dhealth dor denvironmental dsafety, dwhen dmust dthe dTexas dWater dCommission dbe dcontacted? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dwithin d 24 dhours dby dphone; dwithin d 5 ddays dby dwritten dreport What d 4 dreasons dcan dresult din dup dto d$10,000/day dfines dlevied dagainst da dwastewater dfacility dby dthe dTexas dWater dCommission? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d1. dViolation dof dthe dTWC drule, da dwaste dpermit dor dorder dof dthe dcommission

  1. dexpansion dFailure dto dof dseek da dfacility dan damendment dof da dpermit dor dsecure dan dorder dto dconstruct dprior dto
  2. dFailure dto dsubmit dmonthly dself dreporting dforms
  3. dBypassing dan dessential dtreatment dunit dwithout dauthorization What d- d dcorrect dis dthe danswer. d 2 dhour d d d dpeakThe ddflowmaximum ddetermination dflow dsustained dat da ddomestic dfor da dtwo dwastewater dhour dperiod dtreatment dduring dthe dplant? dperiod dof ddaily ddischarge What dis dthe ddaily daverage dflow dreported dfor da ddomestic dwastewater dplant? d- d dcorrect d danswer.period dof d d d donearithmetic dcalendar daverage dmonth dof dall ddeterminations dof dthe ddaily ddischarge dwithin da

What dshould dbe dused dto drecord dpermanent ddata din da dtreatment dplant's dlog? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dBlack dink The delectric dcurrent dflowing din da d 120 dvolt dcircuit dthat dlights da d 75 dwatt dbulb dis dsufficient dto dcause dwhat? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dsevere dmuscular dcontractions How doften dshould dthe dself-contained dbreathing dapparatus dbe dchecked? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dMonthly dand dafter deach duse Never dwork din dconfined dspaced dwhere dthe doxygen dpercent dis dless dthan dwhat? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d19.5% Why dare dthe dpresence dof ddangerous dgases dnot dalways didentified dby dan dunpleasant dodor? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dSome ddangerous dgases dhave dno dodor What d 2 dmajor ddefects dcan dcause dhydraulic doverloading dof dwastewater dcollection dsystems dand dtreatment dplants? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d1. dInfiltration d

  1. dInflow What dshould dbe ddone dwhen dutility dlines dare dencountered din dthe dexcavation dof da dtrench? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dcontact dthe dutility dcompany dand duse dextreme dcare dto dsupport dthe dutility dline dduring dconstruction How dcan droots din da dsewer dbe dcleared? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dpower drodders

what dis dthe dminimum dflow dvelocity drequired din dsewage dcollection dand dtransfer dsystems din dorder dto dkeep dthe dsolids din dsuspension? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d2.0 dfeet dper dsecond When ddoes dalgae din da dfacultative dpond dconsume doxygen? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dDay d- dsunlight The dchlorine ddemand dis dthe ddifference dbetween dwhat? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d damount dof dchlorine dadded dand dthe damount dof dchlorine dremaining dafter da dcontact dperiod An defficient dprimary dclarifier dis dexpected dto dremove dwhat dpercent dof dthe dinfluent dsettleable dsolids? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d90% dor dmore What doverloading dis done (^) ddshortof da dstabilization dterm dcorrective dpond? dmeasure d- d dcorrect dfor ddanswer.the dsubsequent d d dsodium dloss dnitrate dof dD.O. dcaused dby

What dhas dthe dleast dinfluence don dthe dsettle-ability dof dsolids din da dclarifier? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dsoluble dB.O.D. Proper doperation dof da dfacultative dpond dsystem drequires dwhat? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dadequate dD.O. dat dthe dsurface dat dall dtimes What dwould dcause da dcolored ddye dsolution dadded dto draw dwastewater dentering da dprimary ddsettlingcorrect ddanswer.tank dto dbe d d dWastewater dnoticeable d indis d 15 dpasseing dminutes dthrough dbut dpassed dthe dtank dthrough dso dfast dwithin dthat d (^40) dsettling dminutes? dis d- d dprobably dnot deffective. the damount dof dorganic dmatter dremoved dby da dtrickling dfilter dis ddependant don dwhat? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d drecirculation dratio What dis dthe dbest dmethod dof dpreventing dthe drecurrence dof dsmall, ddense, dpinpoint dfloc din dthe dsecondary dclarifier dof da dconventional dactivated dsludge dplant? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dmaintain dthe dF:M dratio dnear d0.5 d(based don dB.O.D. danalysis), dand dD.O. dbetween d 1 d- d 3 dml/L What dshould dyou ddo dto dthe dplates dof da dflame darrester din dthe dgas dline dbetween da dwaste dgas dburner dand dan danaerobic ddigester? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dinspect dand dclean dperiodically How ddegrees dshould dbelow? dthe d properd- d dcorrect dtemperature danswer. d d d dbeas d achieveddslow das d (^) possibledif dthe danaerobic ddigester dis dseveral

A dpredominance dof dwhat d 2 dthings din dthe dM.L.S.S. dis da dsign dof dgood dsludge dquality? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dCiliates dand drotifers What dcauses dthe dwhite dthick dbillowing dfoam dcommon dduring dthe dstartup dof dan dactivated dsludge dwastewater dtreatment dplant? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dlow dM.L.S.S.

Why dare dthe dvolatile dacids/ dalkalinity drelationship duseful din ddigester dcontrol? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dthey dare dthe dfirst dindicators dthat dthe ddigestion dprocess dis dgoing dsour What dis dthe dbest dsolution dto dan dexcessively dthick dscummy ddark dtam dfoam dthat doccurs don dthe daeration dtank dsurface din da dconventional dactivated dsludge dplant? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dincrease dW.A.S. drate What dsteps dshould dbe dtaken dwhen dvolatile dacids din dan danaerobic ddigester dbegin dto dincrease dbeyond dtwice dthe dbuffering dalkalinity dcapacity dof dthe ddigester dwhile dboth dpH dand dgas dproduction dare ddecreasing? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d ddecrease dsludge dfeeding drate dand dtemperature What dequipment dmay dbe dused dby dmaintenance dto dinspect dsewer dlines? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dcamera What d 5 dthings dcan dchlorination dbe dused dfor din dwastewater dtreatment? d- d dcorrect d2.answer. dpre-chlorinate d d d1. ddisinfection dinfluent dfor dcontrol dof dhydrogen dsulfide

  1. dremove dnitrogen dby dbreakpoint dchloination
  2. ddose dR.A.S. dfor dcontrol dof dbulking dfoam
  3. dreduce dplugging din dtrickling dfilter for da d 5 dM.G.D. dpriamry dplant, dif dthe draw dsludge dsolids dvolatile dcontent dis d81% dand dthe ddigested dsludge dsolids dvolatile dcontent dis d69%, dwhat dpercent dof dthe dvolatile dsolids dare dbeing dconverted dinto dgas? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d15% A dtreatment dplant dreceives da dflow dof d3.5 dM.G.D., dif dthe dclarifier dis d 100 dfeet dwide dand d 15 dfeet ddeep, dwhat dis dthe dsurface dloading drate? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d 1170 dgal/ft.2/day Primary dsludge dcontaining d5% dsolids dis dpumped dinto da ddigester dcontinuously dat da drate dof d 25 dG.P.M. dHow dmany dpounds dof dvolatile dsolids dare dadded dto dthe ddigester deach dday dif dthe dvolatile dsolids dcontent dis d73% dof dthe dtotal dsolids? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d 10969 dlbs/ dday A dtrench d 2 dfeet dwide, d 500 dfeet dlong dand dan daverage dof d 10 dfeet ddeep dwill dproduce dwhat damount dof dexcavated dmaterial? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d 370 dcubic dyards LxWxH= dcubic dfeet/27 d= dcubic dyards What dis dmeant dby dS.V.I.? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d 30 dmin dsettled dsludge dvolume din dMG/L dx d1000, ddivided dby dthe dM.L.S.S. dconcentration din dMG/L What d 3 dthings dcould dbe dthe dcause dof da d 30 dminute dsettling dtest dwith dhigh dS.V.I. d, ddark d dcolorbulking dsludge dsludge dand dclear dsupernate dthat dtook da dlong dtime dto dform? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d1.
  4. dpresence dof dfulking dfilamentous dbacteria
  1. dlow dD.O. din dthe daeration dbasin An dindicates doxygen dthe duptake dpresence drate d dthatof dwhat? dis dfalling d- d dcorrect dwhich dperformed d d dtoxic din d (^) materialsdan daeration dchamber

Why dis dit dbest dto duse das dfew ddifferent dtypes dof dlubricants din da dplant das dpossible? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dreduce dthe dchances dof dmaking dan derror din dapplication What d 3 dthings dcan daquifer drecharge dwith dplant deffluent dbe dused dfor? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d1. dprevention dof dsalt dwater dintrusion

  1. dreduction dof dsubstance d
  2. dreplenishing dground dwater if da dforce dmain dsize dis dtoo dsmall dwhat dcan dresult? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dvelocity dwill dincrease How dcan dyou dtell dthat dan danaerobic ddigester dis dfunctioning dwell? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dCO2 dconcentration ddecreases dCH4 dincreases What ddoes dbio-monitoring dtest? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dtoxicity dof dwater dby dexposing dliving dorganisms dto dplant deffluent How duptake, dcan dalum dphosphates dprecipitation, dbe dremoved dand dlime dfrom dprecipitation dsecondary deffluent? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dLuxury

What dare d 3 dindications dof ddenitrification d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d1. dgas dbubbles

  1. dchunks dof dsludge drising din dthe dsecondaryy dclarifier
  2. dS.S.T. dinverts din d1-4 dhours what dis dthe dmost dimportant dfunction dof dthe dmanagement dat da dtreatment dplant? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dmaintaining dtreatment dand dmaintenance drecords What dis dthe dreason dfor dslow dmovement dof dgrit dby dway dof da dscrew don dan dincline din da dgrit d dwashinggrit dtype dremoval dsystem? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dremoval dof dorganic dmaterial dfrom

In dthe dcontact dstabilization dmode dof dactivated dsludge dthe dcontact dtank ddetention dtime dis ddesigned dto dbe dless dthan dwhat? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dother dactivated dsludge dprocesses the dsludge dis dbulking dif dthe dS.V.I. dequals dwhat? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d 180 what dis dthe dpurpose dof dreturn dactivated dsludge? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d dremove dsolids daccumulating din dthe dclarifier; dreseeding daeration dtank dwith dbiologically dactivated dsolids 450 dparts dgas dchlorine dis dyielded dby dhow dmuch dliquid dchlorine? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d d 1 dpart

the dnitrifying dbacteria dwill dtend dto dmake dthe dmixed dliquor dPH dwhat? d- d dcorrect danswer. d d ddecrease