Download WEEK#9:I-HUMANCASE26-YEAR-OLD Best Reviews I Human Casestudy Week #9 26 Year Old Female Re and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!
Best Reviews I Human Casestudy Week
26 Year Old Female Reason For Encounter:
Frequent Severe Headache
Location;Outpatient Clinic Case Study{
• Name
• Age:26yearsold
• Height:5'6"(168cm)
• Weight:122lbs(55.5kg)
• Location:Outpatient
• ReasonforEncounter:
More frequent severe
Head:novisiblescaliness,edema, masses,lumps,ordeformi琀椀 es – nontender
Eyes: eyelids- no ptosis, erythema, or swelling, conjunc 琀 椀 vae pink with no discharge. Sclerae anicteric,orbitalarea—noedema, redness,ortendernessnoted. Noextraoculareyemovement. PERRLA
Ears:normalappearingexternalstructures,nodeformi 琀椀 esoredema,nodischargenoted. Tympanic membrane pearly gray without erythema, building or loss of landmarks bilaterally.
Nose:nodischargeorpolypsnoted.Nodeviated septum,edema,ortendernessoverthefrontal and maxillary sinuses.
- Throat: trachea midline, no erythema, lesions, or deformi 琀椀 es. No cervical paraspinal musclestendernesstopalpa 琀 椀 on. Nomassorregionallymphadenopathy. Thyroidmoves with swallowing.
- Respiratory: symmetricalexpansionandanterior-posterior(AP)diameterisnormal. Noadven 琀椀琀椀ousbreathsoundsoruseofaccessorymuscles. Nocrepitus,tenderness, thrills,orrashes noted anterior or posterior of chest. Lung sounds clear to ausculta 琀椀 on.
- Cardiac:NosignsofJVD, heartpalpita 琀 椀 onormurmurs. S1, S2notedwithregularrateand rhythm.
- Abdomen: is 昀氀 at and symmetric with no scars, deformi 琀 椀 es, striae, or lesions. Bowel soundsarenormoac 琀椀 ve. Nopain, tenderness,masses,orpulsa 琀 椀 ons. Noguardingor rebound tenderness. No signs of hepatosplenomegaly. Liver span normal and spleen is no palpable.
- Musculoskeletal: No swelling or deformi 琀 椀 es, no cyanosis, edema, or clubbing noted on extremi琀椀 es. Notenderness,muscularresistanceorrigidity.Strengthintactbilaterallyin upper and lower extremi 琀椀 es.
- Neurologicalexam:
- Balancetest-Gait intact
- Pointtopointtestarms (昀椀 ngertonose): 昀椀 ngertonoseintactbilaterallywithoutpast- poin 琀椀 ng
- Point-to-pointtestleg(heeldownshin): heeltoskinintactbilaterallywithoutpast-poin琀椀 ng
- Rapidalterna 琀椀 ngmovement-昀椀 nger: rapidalterna 琀椀 ngmovementathandsintact bilaterally
- Romberg’sandpronatordri昀琀 stest- nega琀椀 veRombergtest,nopronatorsdri昀琀
- Re 昀氀 exesdeeptendon – triceps,biceps,brachioradialis,knee/patella, ankle/achilles – 2 bilaterally
- GU:normal.Nomassesortenderness,normalpelvicexam
- Rectal: novisible昀椀 ssures,indura琀 椀 onor lesion
- Bebe Babbi琀琀 s26y/ofemale
- 5’6’’122lbs
- Reasonforencounter:Morefrequentsevereheadaches
- How can I help you today? – Ive been having these really bad headaches over the last few months.Idon’thaveonenowandhaven’thadoneinaboutaweek,butIthought I’dhaveit checked out anyway.
thesymptomsthatIalwayshavehadwiththeseheadaches, likenausea
and vomi 琀椀 ng
study when I have one of my bad headaches, and I usually have
tosleeptheheadacheo 昀昀. Itsreallymessingwithbothmyschoolandwork responsibili 琀椀 es. And I
know this might sound crazy, but imafraid it might be something
really serious, you know. Like a slowlygrowing brain tumor
inadarkroomandtrytosleepito 昀昀. Andde 昀 椀 nitelylightandnoise
make the pain worse
whenivebeenea 琀椀 ngjunkfood pre 琀 琀 ymuchonthele 昀琀 behindmyeye
doesn’tmove anywhere else
my HA starts, it’s a 2 or a 3 and it becomes an 8 or even 10 when
itreallygetgoing. IjustcantdoanythingwhenIhaveoneofmybadHA.They
can last up to 15 hours which means the en 琀 椀 re day is shot
- NoHAatnight
- Sleephelps
- Howquicklydose yourHAcome on?– onceitstriggered,itsteadily
increases.Itsnotlikeawhackoftheheador anything.
- Howsevere ( 1 - 10 ) isyourHA? – ohit’spre 琀 琀 yunbearable. When
- Whenmorepreciselyisthepaininyourhead? – whenIget aHA,its
- Whatdoesthepaininyouheadfeellike?–throbbing
- DoseanythingmakeyourHAbe 琀 琀 erorworse?- ithelpsifIliedown
- Doyouhaveanyothersymptomsorconcernsweshoulddiscuss?– just
- Whatsymptomisthemostdistressingforyou? – well,Ican’tworkor
- DoanyfoodseemtobringtheHA on?–well,Iseemtogetthem more
- Doesthepaininyourheadradiatesomeplaceelse?Where?–noit
- Isthereanypa 琀 琀 erntowhenyourHAoccurs? – theyusually
the HA begins? – o 昀琀 en my vision in both eyes get blurry at theedgesbeforetheHAactuallycomeson. Icans 琀 椀 llsee;
Myeyesotherwiseokay;itsnotlikethey’reswollenorwatering or anything.
My vision is just blurred. But that’s pre 琀 琀 ymuch it seen by a doctor for this. I use acetaminophen but by the 琀 椀 me
Itake it. I can’t keep it down because I am so nauseated. Same
Acetaminophenandibuprofenusedtoworkbutnowtheyreally don’t help
notmuchtotell. Theusuallychildhoodstu 昀昀 椀 onorge 琀 ngangrypalpita 琀 椀 on?
- – no
- Doyouhaveanyallergies?–no
- Areyourimmuniza 琀椀 onuptodate? – Ithinktheyhadtobein
ordertostartgradschool. Ialsogotmycovid-19vaccineseriesandannual
昀氀 u shot
- Haveyouhadanysigni 昀 椀 canttrauma 琀 椀 cinjuriesoraccidents? –
noIhavenot..neverbeenknockedoutoranythinglike that
- Areyoutakinganyprescrip 琀椀 onmedica 琀椀 ons? – no
- Are you taking any OTC or herbal medica 琀 椀 on? – some 琀椀
mesBenadrylforsleeparound 昀 椀 nals 琀椀 me.
Itakeacetaminophenoribuprofen some 琀椀 mes for some of my HA
- Doyoudrinkca 昀 昀 einatedbeveragesoreatchocolate? – Ilike
- Canyoutellmeaboutanycurrentorpastmedicalproblemyouhad?–
- Whattreatmentshave youhadforyouHA?-well,Ihaven’treallybeen
- Doyouhaveanyawarenessorwarningsymptomsthatoccurs before
- Doyouexperiencechestpaindiscomfortorpressure;painwithexer 琀
- MaybeIoverdoitabit
- Doyoudrinkalcohol?Ifso,whatdoyoudrinkandhowmanydrinkperday? –
every now and then I have a glass of redwine at the end of my
waitressingshi 昀琀. Workingpar 琀 meandbeinggradstudentcansome琀椀
mesbestressful.Iusuallyhave2-3glassesofwineaweek;theymaybeabout6oz each
- Doyouuseanyrecrea 琀 椀 onaldrugs?Ifsowhat? – maybeali 琀 琀 le
marijuanainthepast,that’sall.Nothing lately
- Do you have new HA that you have not experienced previously? – not really.
Ihave been having HA every 1-2 months for the past 10 years, but the past
2weeks,whichiswhyIam here. The pain is also worse
- Doyoufeelconfusedat 琀椀 mes? – like,withmybadHA, notreally
- DoyourHAoccurwhenyourca 昀 昀 eineintakechange? – Idon’tknow. Idon’thave
that much ca 昀 昀 eine on a daily basis
- General:Patientappearswell-nourishedandinno
- VitalSigns: o BloodPressure:[Insert value] o HeartRate:[Insert
Temperature:[Insertvalue] [Insertvalue] motorstrengthinallextremities. papilledemaobserved. orrubs. crackles. value] o RespiratoryRate: [Insertvalue] o o OxygenSaturation:
- HeadandNeck:Notraumaordeformities.Neckis supplewithoutlymphadenopathyorthyromegaly.
- Neurological: o CranialnervesII-XIIintact. o Normal o Deeptendonreflexesarenormaland symmetric. o Nosensorydeficitsnoted. o Gaitisnormal.
- Eyes:Pupilsareequal,round,andreactivetolight.No
- Cardiovascular:Heartsoundsareregular,nomurmurs
- Respiratory:Lungsareclearbilaterally,nowheezesor
- Abdomen:Soft,non-tender,nohepatosplenomegaly.
ASSESSMENT (differentiatingbetweenthetwomaydependonfurther history and testing).
- Migraine:Unilateral,pulsatingheadachewitha ssociated nausea, photophobia, andphonophobia.
- Tension-type headache: Bilateral,pressing/tighteninginquality,withoutsig nificantnausea or vomiting.
- Cluster headache: Unilateral, severe periorbitalpain,oftenassociatedwithlacrimationa ndnasalcongestion.
- Cervicogenic headache: Originating from thecervicalspine,oftenworsenedbyneckmovement .
- Secondarycauses:Tumor,aneurysm,orinfection(r equiring imaging for confirmation). TESTRESULTS
- PrimaryDiagnosis:Tensionheadachesormigraines
- DifferentialDiagnoses:
anemiaorinfection] includingabnormalitiesinsodium,potassium,orbloodglucose] applicable] areabnormalitieslikemassesorhemorrhages] abnormalities. performed,focusonCSFresults] PLAN
- Acute Pharmacologic: acetaminophenformildheadaches.
- CompleteBloodCount(CBC):[Insertvalues,focuson
- ElectrolytesandGlucose:[Insertrelevantfindings,
- ThyroidFunctionTests(TFTs):[Insertresults,if
- BrainImaging(CT/MRI):[Indicateifnormalorifthere
- Electrocardiogram(ECG):Normalsinusrhythm,no
- LumbarPuncture(ifindicated):[Insertfindingsif Management: o NSAIDs(e.g.,ibuprofenornaproxen)or
sumatriptan50mgPO). ondansetron4mgPO). include:
- Non-Pharmacologic: Stressmanagementinterventions,including migrainetriggers(e.g.,caffeine,certainfoods).
- Follow-Up: symptomsworsenornewneurologicalsignsde velop,immediateimagingwillbeordered(MRI brain, CT head). frequencyandeffectivenessoftreatment. o If biofeedback,cognitive-behavioraltherapy). o Triptansforsuspectedmigraines(e.g., Antiemeticsifnauseaispresent(e.g., o Preventivetherapyforfrequentmigrainesmay Beta-blockers(e.g.,propranolol). Antidepressants(e.g.,amitriptyline). Anticonvulsants(e.g.,topiramate). o MuscleRelaxants:Fortension-typeheadaches. o Encouragerelaxationtechniques(e.g., adequatesleephygiene. o Dietarychangestoavoid o Returnvisitin2-4weekstoreassessheadache