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What is the golden hour? The first hour of care. Distance 1 mile What is your primary exam?
- Scene is safe 2. Moi 3. Bsi 4. Loc (avpu)
- A.b.c.d.e What areas do you check while doing your chuck check?
- Head
- Back 3.pelvis 4.chest 5.femur What is your secondary exam?
- PaMent history
- Set of vitals
- PaMent exam, detailed (head to toe), focused exam (1 part) What does your paMent history consist of? S. Signs/symptoms
a. Allergies (how to treat, how bad, what happened. M. Meds (what's it for?) P. Past perMnent hx (comparison 1-10) l. Last in's/outs e. Events (leading up) Normal heart rate (50-100) rhythm, quality. Hand on chest Normal skin
- Color (pink) 2.temp (warm) 3.moist (moist or dry) Average respiratory rate (12-20) hand on chest What should eyes be when observing them? P. Pupils e. Equal r. Round r. ReacMve l. Light What is loc (a+o) 4
- Name
- Where
- Time
- Event Desired blood pressure Sys- 120 dia- 80 How high should you pump a blood pressure cuff? 200mm When is c.p.r needed?
- Unresponsive
- No pulse Primary assessment while expecMng (cpr)
- Scenes safe
- Bsi
- Loc- if unconscious go to step c.
- A. B. C How do you preform adult (cpr)? 30 compressions, 2 breaths for 2 minutes. When should you give up preforming cbr in the urban world? 30 minutes with no change in vitals. When should you give up preforming cbr in the wild?
30 min or more. How do you preform (cpr) on a child? 2 rescuers 15 comps, 2 breaths. 1 rescuer 30 comps 2 breaths. How do you preform cpr on a infant?
- No pulse or breathing
- Breakeoles vitals
- Head Mlt
- 30 two finger compressions 2 (small breaths) when alone. What are the 4 quadrants of the heart?
- Right atrium 2.right ventricle
- Le\ atrium
- Le\ ventricle What is the sinus node? Basically the pace maker of the heart 60-80 Mmes per minute. What is the av node? 40 - 60pm regulates the top of the heart What is nsr (normal sinus)? Normal heart beat rhythm What is a-fib (irregular) An irregular heart beat in the atrium
What is astole? Dead, no heart beat What is v-fib Heart seizing, (shock, restart) What is the primary assessment while using a aed and cpr?
- Scene safe
- Bsi
- Loc - unresponsive
- Pulse- none
- A. Aed applied b. Shock c. Cpr 2 mins d. Allow aed to analyze How breaths do you take while breathing for an adult? 12 Mmes a minute or 1 every 5 seconds. Shock definiMon Shock is any event in which an injury can cause a drop in blood pressure. How much blood do you have in the body? 5l=10 pints=1 pints= 1 unit What is the set blood pressure range for men?
120 over 80 What is the set blood pressure range for women? 100 over 65 What is cariogenic shock? Pump failure (too slow, too fast) What is hypovolemic shock? Low blood volume. (blood loss) (dehydraMon) What is distribuMve shock? First check, neurogenic shock What is neurogenic shock? Spinal shock 3 secMons of spinal cord
- Cervical
- Thoracic
- Lumbar How many vertebrates are in the cervical # 7 How many vertebrates are in the thoracic # 12 How many vertebrates are in the lumbar # 5 What is in the thoracic area? SympatheMc responses What are signs and symptoms of sympatheMc response?
- Loc- anxiety
- Hr (high, weak)
- Rr (high, shallow)
- Skin- pale/cool/clammy
- Nausea/vomit
- Appending signs of doom. What are the causes for distribuMve shock?
- Pipes get too big
- Drugs
- Diabetes
- AnflacMse shock
- SepMc (infecMous blood, blood When are vitals expected to be checked every 5 min? When your hr is under 50 or over 100 How many sets of vitals are required while doing a scenario? At least 3 How you can tell between blood and spinal fluid? Spinal fluid will make a halo
What is tracheal shi? Collapsed lung How do you palpate an abdomen? Upper right, then upper le, lower le, then right. What are c.s.m? CirculaMon sensaMon moMon What is an ectopic pregnancy? FerMlized egg develops in the fallopian tubes. What does o p q r s t mean? Onset palpate/provoke quality radiate/refer severity
Mme What does s.o.a.p stand for? S. Subject o. ObjecMve a. Assessment p. Plan for assessment What does asr stand for? Acute stress reacMon What are some signs of sprains & strains
- Swelling
- Discolorment
- Tender/pain
- Dull/ achy/ throbbing
- Warm
- Loss of mobility
- Bearing weight
- Pops What is the treatment for sprains and strains? P. Protect r. Rest i. Ice c. Compression e. Evaluate s. Sterilize How long do you do p.r.i.c.e.s for normally? 45 min What are some signs & symptoms of a fracture?
- Snaps/cracks sounds
- Swelling 3.hard deformiMes/ open/ closed
- DislocaMon
- No weight
- Sharp pain
- Crepitus
- Warm
- Guarding What are some moi's for a spinal injury?
- Rapid deceleraMon
- Fall 3 Mmes body height
- Twist/tumble
- Compression (vial loading)
- Direct blow
- ?????? What steps do you need to do to clear spine? (gates)
- Tx all distracMng injuries.
- A+o *3 (reliable)
- Csm
- Roll palpate
- Range of moMon test (side to side, up, down) What are the signs and symptoms of spine compromise
- Step off
- Paralysis
- Pain
- Csms
- Bruising
- Paraerthis (weakness or pins and needles)
- Swelling
- Locked (classic car)
- Spinal shock
- Instability
- Lowered levels of conciseness. What dislocaMons can you relocate?
- Relocate anterior shoulder
- Knees
- Fingers/toes
- Jaws What dislocaMon should you not reamempt relocaMon?
- Posterior shoulders
- Hips
- Wrists
- Ankles
- Elbows What is the treatment for dislocaMons?
- Rest 2. Ibp 3. H20 4. First Mme evac What are the signs and symptoms for head trauma?
- Bleeding (faceholes)
- Csf (cranial spinal fluid)
- DeformiMes
- Swelling
- DiscoloraMon (bamles signs, raccoon eyes)
- Lack of balance What is the treatment for head trauma?
- Bulky dressings on wounds
- Demobilize neck/ spinal
- Abcs
- Evac What is the farman magnum? Only hole to the brain How long can the brain survive without oxygen? 6 minutes What is the circle of willis Main call d sac of 4 vanies use to distribute blood throughout the brain. What is the definiMon of tbi? TraumaMc brain injury What are the signs and symptoms of a tbi?
- Lower loc
- Nausea/vomiMng
- Cushing triad What is cushing triad symptoms
- Increase in systolic and pulse pressure.
- ReducMon in heart rate (bradycardia),
- Irregular respiraMons (cheyne stokes, kussmauls) What is the definiMon of cheyne stokes? Periods of fast and shallow breaths then nothing at all, then repeated. What are kusmauls? Deep signing breaths When arriving on the scene of a tbi what do you do?
- Abc's
- Ppv (posiMve pushing venMlaMon) 1/3 seconds
- Evac What does d.i.c.c stand for? D. DisorientaMon i. Irritable c. Confused c. CombaMve What does m.t.b.i stand for? Mild traumaMc brain injury What are concussions not? Not bruises on the brain What are the signs and symptoms of mtbi
- Headache
- Nausea
- Dizzy
- Fine motor
- Memory loss
- Photo sensiMve What is the treatment for a mtbi
- Rest
- Monitor loc Head trauma will never cause what? Shock What is visceral pleura? Ling of the lungs What is parietal pleora? The fluid against the chest walls What is amino thorax? Hole in lung What is pneumothorax? Collapsed lung What is tension pneumothorax? Compressed air that will not allow the lung to expand.
What is the word test (vitals)? Count to 10 while holding your breath. What is flail chest? When you brake 2 or more ribs in 2 or more places. What is hemothorax? Blood in the lungs What are the 3 layers of the skin?
- Epidermis (scraps)
- Dermis (veins)
- Subcutaneous (arteries) There's a high chance of what with sM? (so\ Mssue infecMon) InfecMon What are the three ways you can control bleeding?
- Bsi
- Direct pressure
- Digital pressure
- Tourniquets What is a clavicle? A collar bone What are two ways you can decompress a lung? You can use a pen or a knife and a camel back. What is the proper way to remove a tourniquet?
You have one chance of removing the tourniquet but you must do it very slowly. What are two hemostaMc agents?
- Quickclot
- Celox How do you clean a sM?
- Bsi
- Evacuate wound with iodine water (weak tea) in a pressurized water bomle.
- Pick out stuff le\ in the wound.
- Scrub then cover. How long should a bandage be on before you should replace it and check on it? Every 12 hours What are two spiders that will get you in north america
- Brown recluse
- Black widow What are the signs and symptoms of a black widow bite?
- Flue w/ abdominal cramps 48-72 hours
- Increase blood pressure
- Headache
- Nausea vomiMng
- SMffness in the abdomen. What is the treatment for a black widow bite?
- EvacuaMon asap
- Monitor signs and symptoms watch for the rise and fall of the symptoms. ( hour window)
- Muscle relaxer if you have any What are the signs and symptoms of a brown recluse bite?
- A coin size welt at the bite site
- Extreme pain What is the treatment for a brown recluse? Watch the area and evac! What are the signs and symptoms of a Mck bite?
- Bulls eye red mark on the arm and flue like symptoms What is the treatment for a Mck bite?
- Remove Mck with tweezers
- Clean the area well What is hymenoptera? Its any sMngs by bees, hornets, wasps, fire ants What are the signs and symptoms of a hymenoptera sMng?
- Pain
- Local swelling
- Redness
- Itching What are the dangers of people who have sever allergic reacMons? A global, massive histamine release.
- Hives
- Weird swelling
- Dyspnea
- Lower loc
- Shock s/sm What is the treatment for an allergic reacMon from a sMng?
- Give anM-histamine (double adult dose)
- Epi-pen (1 to 2 words per breath)
- Give anM-histamine What is the amount in a adult epi- pen? 0.3 mg 1:1000 ep What is the amount in a epi jr? 0.15 mg 1:
What epi pen should you give no mamer what when in doubt? Adult epi pen. What is the window for an epi? 30 minutes What is an ic? Who helps the ic the most? S.o (safety officer) What is the safety officers job? What is the max number 1 person can be in control of? 7 people What 4 categories would you start under the i.c?
- Med control
- Resource team leader (building limers)
- CommunicaMons team
- LogisMcs team (gesng in and out.) What is diabetes? What does iddm mean? Insulin, dependent, diabetes, mellitus. What are some signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia diabetes?
- High blood sugar.
- Slurred speech
- Dizzy
- Thirst
- Sweet odor What is normal blood sugar level? From 80 to 120 What does diabeMc dka mean? DiabeMc ketones asidonic What is hyperglycemia? High blood sugar What are the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia diabetes?
- P/c/c 2. Lower loc 3. Hunger 4. Lower levels 5. Not thirsty What is the treatment for hypoglycemia diabetes?
- Give sugar
- Evac! What is the treatment for hyperglycemia?
- Hydrate
- Evac! What are two types of strokes?
- Tia
- Cva What does Ma stand for?
Transient ischemic amach What does cva stand for? Cerebrovascular accident (a diseases that effects the circulaMon of blood to the brain. What are the signs and symptoms of a stroke?
- Loss of memory
- Inability to speak
- Facial paralysis
- FrustraMon
- Headache
- One-sided weakness
- One sided paralysis
- Unequal pupils
- Arm dri
What causes cva? (70%) Cva is caused by an interrupMon of blood supply to part of the brain due to a sudden vascular catastrophe caused by a clot. What does f.a.s.t stand for? Face, arms, speech, Mme
What is the treatment acMon for a stroke?
- Maintain abc's
- Place the paMent in a posiMon of comfort
- Evac! What is the most important thing to know while dealing with a stroke vicMm in the wilderness? Time symptoms started. What causes Ma strokes? (30%) These strokes are temporary strokes caused insufficient blood flow to the brain that spontaneously resolves within 24hours. What seizure are we most conceded about? Grand mal What are the signs and symptoms of a seizure?
- Unresponsive
- Convulsions (the longer, the worst) (2-3 minutes)
What is a status epilepMcs seizure? A seizure consisMng of 30 minutes or more of convulsion or two or more seizures not separated by a period of consciousness. What is the correct treatment for a seizure?
- Protect
- Recovery posiMon
- Breathing (posiMve, pressure, venMlaMon) (wait 20-30seconds) before venMlaMng.
- Diastat medicaMon if the paMent has it. What are the causes for chest pain?
What do you want to have before you administer nitro? A peedle pulse What does costochondriMs mean? (kos-toe-kon-dry-Ms) An inflammaMon of the carMlage that connects a rib to the breastbone (sternum) What are the signs and symptoms of asthma?
- History of asthma
- Word dyspnea
- Wheeze
- ProducMve cough What is the proper treatment for asthma?
- Calm
- Focus on breathing
- Mdi inhaler (albuterol) (buffs equal one dose) up to 4 doses before hospital. What does m.a.r.c.h stand for?