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A comprehensive set of whnp 5 exam questions and answers, covering a wide range of topics relevant to women's health. It includes questions on pregnancy, gynecology, endocrinology, and more, with detailed explanations for each answer. This resource is valuable for students preparing for the whnp 5 exam, offering a thorough review of key concepts and clinical scenarios.
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A 24 year old woman comes in for evaluation because of darkening of her nipples and increased breast sensitivity. The NP orders what test? a) beta HCG b) serum prolactin c) testosterone level - Precise Answer ✔✔Beta HCG NOB patient has cystic fibrosis. The fetus is at risk for... a) growth restriction b) respiratory failure c) pulmonary hypoplasia - Precise Answer ✔✔Growth restriction (d/t lack of oxygen & poor dietary intake) Patient complains of RUQP that radiates to scapula. The NP suspects? a) cholelithiasis b) pancreatitis c) duodenal ulcer - Precise Answer ✔✔Cholelithiasis - radiates to scapula
What hormone is responsible for breast changes in pregnancy? a) estrogen b) progesterone c) HCG - Precise Answer ✔✔Estrogen During PE, you palpate a nodule in the posterior cul-de-sac, this makes you suspicious for... a) endometriosis b) adenomyosis c) adhesion - Precise Answer ✔✔Endometriosis- nodule, posterior cul- de-sac Spermatocele is defined as: a) painless cystic mass located superior to testes b) mass between the layers of the scrotal sac that surrounds testes c) a palpable "bag of worms" - Precise Answer ✔✔Painless cystic mass located superior to testes Having a woman raise her arms during a breast exam will help... a) discern symmetry b) observe for retraction c) see breast lump - Precise Answer ✔✔Observe for retraction- check for dimpling
Beta HCG should approximately _____ every 48 hours? a) rise 25% b) rise 50% c) rise 75% - Precise Answer ✔✔50% A 6 week newly pregnant patient has an HCG of 120,000, this indicates what? a) ectopic pregnancy b) molar pregnancy c) fetal demise - Precise Answer ✔✔Molar pregnancy It is common to order a reticulate count for... a) sickle cell b) treatment for anemia c) iron overload - Precise Answer ✔✔Tx of anemia- 4 weeks after starting iron 1 - hour GTT is 161, what's your next step? a) nothin, this is normal b) order a 3-hour GTT c) order a HgbA1C - Precise Answer ✔✔ 3 - hour GTT (130-145) The most accurate tool to evaluate the endometrium is...
a) EMB b) D&C c) Sonogram - Precise Answer ✔✔D&C (gold standard to diagnose) Treatment for syphilis is... a) PCN b) Erythromycin c) Zithromax - Precise Answer ✔✔PCN D-dimer is used to diagnose.... - Precise Answer ✔✔DVT A firm mobile breast mass if found on exam in a 40 year old. What is the first step? a) order sonogram b) order bx c) order mammogram - Precise Answer ✔✔Mammogram Type 2 DM is characterized by insulin resistance and... a) decreased insulin production b) defections in insulin secretion c) low pancreatic beta cell reserve - Precise Answer ✔✔Defections in insulin secretion
Epigastric pain is a hallmark for... a) GI bleed b) Peptic ulcer c) Duodenal ulcer - Precise Answer ✔✔peptic ulcer Nasal congestion, postnasal drip, headache, fever, and yellow green nasal discharge are characteristics of... a) sinusitis b) rhinitis c) allergies - Precise Answer ✔✔sinusitis A sign of excess insulin is.... a) Shakiness & diaphoresis b) nausea & headache c) dry mouth, fruity breath - Precise Answer ✔✔shakiness & diaphoresis Graves disease is... a) an autoimmune disorder b) indication of hypothyroidism c) causes bradycardia - Precise Answer ✔✔autoimmune disorder Alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea are signs of.... a) IBS
b) Crohn's disease c) ulcerative colitis - Precise Answer ✔✔IBS This picture represents.... - Precise Answer ✔✔Shingles A hemorrhoid is dilated varicose vein that develops from persistent venous... a) stasis b) pressure c) congestion - Precise Answer ✔✔Pressure Exercise impacts health by... a) decreases osteoblast activity b) improves mineral content c) reduces bone absorption - Precise Answer ✔✔Improves mineral content &... increases osteoblast activity, & increases bone absorption Which would not be an option for a woman with vaginal dryness with an intact uterus... a) Estrogen cream b) Femring c) E-String - Precise Answer ✔✔E string- Because she needs progesterone
Bone loss is affected mostly by a) weight b) diet c) age - Precise Answer ✔✔Age Symptomatic fibroids are related to... a) size b) number c) location - Precise Answer ✔✔Location ACOG recommends first pap smear screening based on... a) Age of 1st intercourse b) Age c) hx of STI - Precise Answer ✔✔Age The length of a menstrual cycle is affected by.... - Precise Answer ✔✔Follicular (Luteal is constant) Night sweats is a sign of... - Precise Answer ✔✔Vasomotor instability (decreased estrogen and increased FSH)
Ph of vagina during menopause does what.... - Precise Answer ✔✔increases Endometriosis is confirmed by... - Precise Answer ✔✔laparoscopy Women with a greater risk for endometrial cancer have.... - Precise Answer ✔✔prolonged unopposed estrogen Chronic ovulation causes.... - Precise Answer ✔✔AUB What is associated with BV... - Precise Answer ✔✔decrease in lactobacilli Women who are hyperandrogenic have.... - Precise Answer ✔✔increase in testosterone Vaginal atrophy is caused by.... - Precise Answer ✔✔lack of cellular glycogen GnRH pulsation is r/t FSH/menstrual cycle- cellular turnover because of glycogen Chancroid appears in higher rates in women with a hx of... - Precise Answer ✔✔multiple partners
Symptoms of chancroid are... - Precise Answer ✔✔painful, red bumps With extended COC use, your patient may experience... - Precise Answer ✔✔breast tenderness Continuous birth control pills help with... - Precise Answer ✔✔improves hirsutism A sign of disseminated gonorrhea is.... - Precise Answer ✔✔swollen joints Detrusor overactivity is the main cause of.... - Precise Answer ✔✔urge incontinence A solid round rubbery breast mass is... - Precise Answer ✔✔fibroadenoma A 32 year old with unscheduled bleeding on COCs should be evaluated for... - Precise Answer ✔✔STDs A CA-125 is used to evaluate - Precise Answer ✔✔monitor (Ovarian) Cancer
If the patient has Trich on the wet prep, the next step is.... - Precise Answer ✔✔Screen for other STDs It is common for follicular cysts to... - Precise Answer ✔✔cause change in a menstrual cycle A yellow green discharge is.... - Precise Answer ✔✔Trich The drug known to change the effectiveness of COCs... - Precise Answer ✔✔St. John's Wart The most common form of birth control is... - Precise Answer ✔✔Sterilization What is true regarding premenstrual symptoms? - Precise Answer ✔✔Typically begin the week prior to menses and resolve completely at the onset of bleeding. They are cyclic and NOT variable. They occur monthly. What is the first pharmacology choice for PMD - Precise Answer ✔✔SSRIs Transient increase in infection rates occurs in the first 20 days after IUD insertion, true or false? - Precise Answer ✔✔True
ECP is effect up to how many hours? - Precise Answer ✔✔ 120 What is the most effective emergency contraceptive? - Precise Answer ✔✔Copper IUD emergency contraceptives can hard a fetus if the patient becomes pregnant after taking it, true or false? - Precise Answer ✔✔False Depo Provera is FDA approved for treatment of endometriosis, true or false? - Precise Answer ✔✔True If women are given Depo off cycle, what is the length of time she should use backup methods? - Precise Answer ✔✔7 days Done mineral density reverses after DMPA discontinuation, true or false? - Precise Answer ✔✔True Which is not a noncontraceptive benefit of Depo? - Precise Answer ✔✔It increases the risk of endometrial cancer- FALSE is reduces seizures with epilepsy patients It reduces sickle cell crisis Most common side effect of Nexplanon? - Precise Answer ✔✔unscheduled bleeding- will stabalize after 3 months
It takes how many months for fertility to return after Depo? - Precise Answer ✔✔ 9 - 10 months Caya is a nonlatex diaphragm that does not need any fitting, true or false? - Precise Answer ✔✔True Diaphragm users have no increased risk for UTIs, true or false? - Precise Answer ✔✔False Which uterus position is a problem for diaphragm use? - Precise Answer ✔✔Retroverted The thyroid will increase in size during pregnancy due to which hormone? - Precise Answer ✔✔HCG- it mimics FT4. TSH is decreased during pregnancy The ovary produces progesterone until the placenta matures, true or false? - Precise Answer ✔✔True Where is the fundus at 20, 16, and 12 weeks? - Precise Answer ✔✔At 12 it is just above symphysis pubis At 16 it is half way from symphysis pubic and umbilical At 20 it is at umbilicus
Oxygen-enriched blood flows back through the umbilical vein to the fetus, true or false? - Precise Answer ✔✔True Physiological anemia in pregnancy is the result of? - Precise Answer ✔✔Increase in plasma The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, producing urinary frequency until what gestational age? - Precise Answer ✔✔14 weeks What is the most common emotional feeling at the beginning of pregnancy? - Precise Answer ✔✔Ambivalence- A mixture of feelings What pressure interferes with returning blood flow and produces marked decrease in BP with dizziness, pallor, and clamminess? - Precise Answer ✔✔Vena Cava Syndrome The circumference of the chest decreases by as much as 6 cm and diaphragm elevates in pregnancy, true or false? - Precise Answer ✔✔True. The circumference increases Which hormone causes nasal stuffiness and nose bleeds in pregnancy? - Precise Answer ✔✔progesterone Women are more prone to blood clots in pregnancy - Precise Answer ✔✔True
Cholesterol levels should be checked in pregnancy is the patient has a hx of dyslipidemia, true or false? - Precise Answer ✔✔False- it will increase with pregnancy, No Lipitor during pregnancy! What vaccines can be given safely during pregnancy? - Precise Answer ✔✔Flu, Tdap, Moderna If both parents are rh negative, the baby will be? - Precise Answer ✔✔rh negative accelerations and decelerations on the fetal heart rate monitor are based on their relationship to... - Precise Answer ✔✔fetal heart baseline An increase in nuchal translucency indicates? - Precise Answer ✔✔increase in chromosomal anomaly A GBS culture was obtained at 35 weeks, when should it be repeated? - Precise Answer ✔✔These are good for 5 weeks, so rpt at 41 weeks. What is an increased risk for placenta accreta? - Precise Answer ✔✔previous c/s
Gestational diabetes increases a woman's likelihood to develop type 2 DM, true or false? - Precise Answer ✔✔True- 80%, so check every 3 years All HPV lesions should be treated in pregnancy? - Precise Answer ✔✔False Can use TCA to treat. Antiretroviral tx should begin at what gestational age? - Precise Answer ✔✔36 weeks A pregnant patient is spotting, no pain at 7 weeks, the next step is? - Precise Answer ✔✔Schedule for a sono and reassure- DO NOT send to ER unless pain The pathophysiology of preeclampsia is... - Precise Answer ✔✔vasospasm PP depression can occur how long after delivery? - Precise Answer ✔✔ 1 year Which immunoglobin is transferred in breast milk? - Precise Answer ✔✔IGA IGG-through placenta IGM- no crossing from placenta, but synthesis begins in early gestation
IGE- in small amounts of serum and secretions, major for allergic reactions What is typical of candida of the breast with breast feeding? - Precise Answer ✔✔Pain What is the treatment for breast candida - Precise Answer ✔✔Fluconazole (Diflucan) 400mg loading dose, then 200mg/day for 14 days TREAT baby TOO! The patient returns 4 days after being treated for mastitis, and has a tender breast mass, what is your next step? - Precise Answer ✔✔Order sonogram What is polypharmacy? - Precise Answer ✔✔use of multiple medications What is bioavailability? - Precise Answer ✔✔Fraction of administered drug that reaches site of action or drug's intended targets If there is a liver/kidney dysfunction, the half life of a drug would be... - Precise Answer ✔✔Prolonged
Half life... - Precise Answer ✔✔length of time for the concentration of the drug to decrease by half 100mg with half life of 15 min 15 min- 50 mg is left 30 min- 25 mg is left Define Distrubution - Precise Answer ✔✔Movement of drug into body fluids and tissues Influenced by: blood brain barrier, placenta barrier, half life, volume distribution, permeability of capillaries and tissues, etc. What is the treatment for trich? - Precise Answer ✔✔metronidazole 2 g PO x 1 dose treat sex partner, avoid sex till complete What is the treatment for chlamydia? - Precise Answer ✔✔doxycycline or azithromycin treatment for syphilis - Precise Answer ✔✔PCN injection Define beneficence - Precise Answer ✔✔The actions one takes as a healthcare professional should promote good
Descriptive research studies.... - Precise Answer ✔✔describe and explore a phenomena in real situations correlational research design - Precise Answer ✔✔systematic investigation of relationships between two or more variables. does not examine the cause and effect though quasi-experimental design - Precise Answer ✔✔explains relationships and clarify why events happen, especially between independent and dependent variables. experimental design - Precise Answer ✔✔provides greatest amount of control to examine probability and causality of independent and dependent variables to predict and control the phenomena. What labs do you order before starting statins? - Precise Answer ✔✔Liver function studies Repeat after 2 months Optimal goal for HDL is? - Precise Answer ✔✔50 or higher Desirable cholesterol is.... - Precise Answer ✔✔< Dyslipidemia increases the risk for - Precise Answer ✔✔atherosclerosis
_______ presents the greatest risk faction for the development of coronary artery disease? - Precise Answer ✔✔Dyslipidemia Best answer Obesity and hypertension do also