Download Understanding Wind Energy: Origins, Blade Theory, and Power Extraction - Prof. Matt Ryan A and more Study notes Agricultural engineering in PDF only on Docsity!
AGR 225 Day 3
- Partner Presentations – topic by Friday
- Review
- Where does wind come from?
- Basic Blade theory
Wind and Turbine Blades
Laymen’s Perspective Or As much aero engineering as the average person cares to know
Review: Estimating Costs
- A household appliance is used 10 hours per week. It is plugged into a household outlet (assume 120V) and draws 1A when it is running. The utility charges $.10/kWh. How much money is spent over one year?
Review: Estimating Costs
- A household appliance is used 10 hours per week. It is plugged into a household outlet (assume 120V) and draws 1A when it is running. The utility charges $.10/kWh. How much money is spent over one year?
120V * 1A = 120W
120W * 10 hrs/wk = 1200 Wh/week 1200 Wh/week * 52 weeks/yr = 62,400 Wh/yr 62,400 Wh/yr * 1 kWh/1,000 Wh = 62.4 kWh/yr
62.4 kWh/yr * $.10/kWh = $6.24/yr
Electricity conversion Wheel O’ Fun
Where does wind come from?
- On a macro/global scale, the magnitude and direction of wind is a result of:
Uneven heating of earth’s surfaces -> jet streams and cells (Hadley, Ferrell, polar) between equator-> 30, 30-60, 60-90 degrees
Coriolis Effect -> in the Northern Hemisphere, things veer right
Where does wind come from?
ISU Farm 2009 met tower energy rose
ISU Farm 2009 met tower energy rose
Where does wind come from?
- On a micro/regional scale
- Uneven specific heat capacity of various surfaces, especially water v. land -Water has a higher specific heat capacity than land. Warm air over land rises during the day. Warm air over water rises at night.
Effect of Height
- Height affects wind speed!
- “Boundary Layer” - > drag/friction near Earth’s surface (same as in a hydraulic pipe)
Height affects wind speed!
ISU Farm (Lexington, IL) 2008 wind shear profile Power Law Fit: Ux = Uy * (Zx/Zr)^a
Height affects wind speed!
- Power Law Fit: Ux = Ur * (Zx/Zr)^a
- a = Wind Shear Exponent
- Generic a = 1/7 = 0.143, but site-specific!
- Measured a for ISU Farm in 2008 = 0.
- Higher a -> greater wind shear (forest, large obstructions, etc.)
Wind “Mixing”
- Mixing occurs to different degrees depending on the amount of incident solar radiation
- Daytime with high solar irradiation -> “well- mixed” conditions because of updrafts
- Night-time with no solar radiation -> “stratified” conditions
Wind “Mixing”
ISU Farm 2008 Diurnal Average Wind Speed Profile
Wind Seasonal Variation
- Created by interactions between cells (Hadley, Ferrel, polar)
- Jet stream is stronger in winter months
Wind Seasonal Variation
ISU Farm 2008 Seasonal wind velocity profile
Power Available in the Wind
- So power is proportional to the density of air, the square of blade length, and the cube of wind velocity
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Blade Basics
- Betz limit = the maximum fraction of the power in the wind that can theoretically be extracted
- Betz limit = 59.3%
Power Converted to Electricity
- is the Coefficient of Performance
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Blade Basics
- Bernoulli’s Principle = a re-statement of Conservation of Energy (First Law of Thermodynamics)
- Kinetic energy + Stored energy (height, compression, chemical) = constant
Blade Basics
- Another important concept in blade theory: Newton’s 3rd^ Law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction -> Angle of attack is important
- Blade Force diagram – be able to show the forces acting on a blade
Blade Basics
- Vortex generators: act to create turbulent flow
air flow “sticks” to blade surfaces -> postpones the onset of stall
Blade Basics
- Velocity at blade tip is higher -> to maintain efficient angle of attack, blade profile must “twist”
- What is maximum tip speed?
Blade Basics
- What is maximum tip speed?
- About 150-200 mph (depends on model). For GE 1.5 sle w/ 37m blades, max tip speed = about 165 mph