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Wisconsin Real Estate Exam Questions with Correct Answers 2025 Latest Update., Exams of Real Estate Management

Wisconsin Real Estate Exam Questions with Correct Answers 2025 Latest Update. The foundation upon which real estate brokerage is practiced - Correct Answers ✅Agency A legal and ethical relationship created between a real estate firm and a party to a transaction; the party may be a buyer, seller, landlord, or tenant - Correct Answers ✅Agency Relationship A written agreement between a firm and a client; the client authorizes the firm to provide brokerage services to the client - Correct Answers ✅Agency Agreement What are two agency agreements? - Correct Answers ✅Listing Agreement Buyers Agency Agreement

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Wisconsin Real Estate Exam Questions with Correct Answers

2025 Latest Update.

The foundation upon which real estate brokerage is practiced - Correct Answers


A legal and ethical relationship created between a real estate firm and a party to a transaction; the party may be a buyer, seller, landlord, or tenant - Correct

Answers ✅Agency Relationship

A written agreement between a firm and a client; the client authorizes the firm to provide brokerage services to the client - Correct Answers ✅Agency Agreement

What are two agency agreements? - Correct Answers ✅Listing Agreement

Buyers Agency Agreement

Laws to protect consumers; helps explain agency to consumers; consumer’s rights and obligations; licensee’s rights and obligations - Correct Answers ✅Agency Disclosure

Duties owed to all parties involved in a transaction; duties owed to clients; roles in agency relationships; creation and termination of agency - Correct Answers

✅Agency Law

Any person licensed under WI statutes Chapter 452 - Correct Answers ✅Licensee

The WI statute that governs real estate practice - Correct Answers ✅Chapter 452

What are the 5 parts of the definition of broker? - Correct Answers ✅Negotiation

Pattern of Sales

Shows Property

Advertised Property

Opinion of Value

What are the three parts of broker-negotiation? - Correct Answers


Complete Forms

Presents Proposals

For another, and for commission, money, or other thing of value, negotiates, or

offers to negotiate - Correct Answers ✅Broker as Negotiator

Negotiator = - Correct Answers ✅For someone else

Facilitating or participating in communications between parties related to the parties interest in a transaction; agents talking to each other about a buyer or

seller's interest in a transaction - Correct Answers ✅Broker-Negotiator-Acting as Intermediary

Completing approved forms or other writings to document the party's proposal consistent with the party's instruction; Drafting an offer for a buyer; drafting a

counter-offer for a seller - Correct Answers ✅Broker-Negotiator- Complete Forms

Presenting to a party the proposals of other parties to the transaction and giving the party a general explanation of the provisions of a proposal; a listing agent presents a buyer's offer to the seller and explains the provisions - Correct Answers ✅Broker-Negotiator-Presents Proposals

A person engaged wholly or in part is in the business of selling or exchanging interest in real estate or business to the extent that a pattern of sales is

established; 5 sales in 1 year; 10 sales in 5 years - Correct Answers ✅Broker- Pattern of Sales

What are the two ways to create a pattern of sales? - Correct Answers ✅5 sales in 1 year

10 sales in 5 years

A person who for another person and for commission, money, or other thing of

value shows real estate or a business - Correct Answers ✅Broker-Shows Property

Does a property manager who does not negotiate or sign leases need a real estate license? If they sign or negotiate leases do they need a real estate license? -

Correct Answers ✅Does not negotiate or sign - No

Negotiates or signs - Yes

A person who for another person and commission, money, or other thing of value promotes the sale, exchange, purchase, option, rental, or leasing of real estate, a time share, or business; does not apply to a person who only publishes or disseminates verbatim info provided by another party (Newspaper for example) -

Correct Answers ✅Broker-Advertises Property

Issues a written report of property value that is prepared for another person and

that is not an appraisal - Correct Answers ✅Broker-Opinion of Value

What can you do with your license? - Correct Answers ✅Residential Sales


Options to Purchase

Business Sales

Can be a tax planning tool used in a trade or a business that then defers capital

gains - Correct Answers ✅Exchange

Why might someone exchange a property instead of buying/selling? - Correct

Answers ✅Defer capital gains taxes

An agreement to open, for a period of time, an offer to sell or lease real property; can be used to collect several parcels of land; gives a buyer time to resolve zoning, financing, title, etc. issues before commitment to purchase the property - Correct

Answers ✅Option to Purchase (WB-24)

In an option to purchase, who is the option or and who is the optioned? - Correct

Answers ✅Option or = Seller

Optioned = Buyer

If the option is not exercised, what happens to the option fee? If the option is

exercised? - Correct Answers ✅Not Exercised = Option fee is non-refundable and the seller retains it

Exercised = Option fee is applied to the purchase price

Can an option be recorded? - Correct Answers ✅Yes

If, during the term of the option, the buyer chooses to exercise the option, what is

the obligation of the seller? - Correct Answers ✅The seller must sell

Include the goodwill of a business and all the assets; does not necessarily include

the business in which the business is located - Correct Answers ✅Business Sales

A licensed individual broker acting as sole proprietorship or a licensed broker

business entity - Correct Answers ✅Firm

Any person associated with a firm other than a broker or a person who is not required to hold a license; must be licensed according to the state licensing process; practices real estate under the supervision of the supervising broker; extension of the firm - Correct Answers ✅Salesperson

Does a sales person have to be associated with a firm in order to practice real estate? - Correct Answers ✅Yes

Acts on behalf of a principal (buyer, seller, tenant, or landlord) and carries out the

directions of the principal - Correct Answers ✅Agent

A seller/buyer hires a firm who then hires a salesperson, what is the relationship between the buyer/seller, firm, and salesperson? - Correct Answers

✅Buyer/Seller = Principal

Firm = Agent of buyer/seller

Salesperson = Agent of the firm

A party to a transaction who has an agency agreement, such as a listing contract or buyer's agency agreement, with a firm for brokerage services - Correct Answers


Engages a subagent to provide brokerage services in a transaction - Correct

Answers ✅Principal Firm

A firm that is engaged by a principal firm to provide brokerage services in a transaction, but that is not associated with the principal firm - Correct Answers


A party to a transaction who receives brokerage services, such as drafting an offer to purchase, from a firm; does not enter into an agency agreement; receives brokerage services on behalf of and for the benefit of another - Correct Answers ✅Customer

What are the different agency models? - Correct Answers ✅Single Agency

Multiple representation with designated agency

Multiple representation without designated agency

When a firm represents either the buyer or the seller, but never both in the same

transaction - Correct Answers ✅Single Agency

Can a client withdraw consent to multiple representation? If so, when? - Correct

Answers ✅Yes, at any time

The buyer and seller are both clients of the same firm; the firm and all agents associated with the firm must remain neutral in the transaction; no agent can say or do anything that would give one party an advantage over the other party; can

be one or two agents - Correct Answers ✅Multiple representation without designated agency

What must the agents do if one party chooses multiple representation without designated agency and the other chooses multiple representation with

designated agency? - Correct Answers ✅The agents must remain fully neutral

Firm represents both parties in the transaction; each party gets his or her own agent; agents are NOT neutral, but rather negotiate on behalf of the agents'

respective clients - Correct Answers ✅Multiple representation with designated agency

A person who is responsible for the property of another - Correct Answers


A listing firm and a buyers firm work together on behalf of their respective clients; a listing firm and a subagent work together on behalf of the listing firms client and the buyer-customer; what is the relationship between the two firms? - Correct Answers ✅Cooperating Firms

The firm that the seller hires with the listing contract - Correct Answers ✅Listing Firm

The agent of the listing firm that executes the listing contract on behalf of the firm

  • Correct Answers ✅Listing Agent

The firm that procures a buyer and writes the offer - Correct Answers ✅Selling Firm

The agent of the selling firm that procures the buyer - Correct Answers ✅Selling Agent

What do we know for sure if we see selling firm or selling agent? - Correct

Answers ✅The buyer is a customer

The firm that the buyer signs a buyer agency agreement with - Correct Answers

✅Buyers Firm

The agent who drafts the offer for the buyer client - Correct Answers ✅Buyers Agent

Licensees have legal duties to all parties in a transaction, regardless of the party

that the licensee represents - Correct Answers ✅Agent's Duties

Provide brokerage services honestly and fairly

Provide brokerage services with reasonable skill and care

Disclose material adverse facts in a timely manner, in writing

Keep confidential info confidential

Provide accurate market info and conditions affecting the property

Safeguard trust funds

Present proposals in an objective and unbiased manner - Correct Answers

✅Duties to all parties in a transaction

Significantly and adversely affection the value of the property; significantly reducing the structural integrity of improvements to real estate; presenting a significant health risk to occupants of the property; info that indicates a party is not able to or does not intend to fulfill contract or agreement - Correct Answers

✅Adverse Facts

A fact that a party indicates or is recognized by a competent licensee as being of such significance that it affects or would affect the terms of a contract or

agreement - Correct Answers ✅Material Adverse Fact

Brokerage services provided before a customer decides whether to be a client or a customer; includes showing properties; must remain neutral; no negotiations; no advice or opinions that would be contrary to another party's interests - Correct

Answers ✅Pre-Agency

If there is every a conflict between the duties owed to all parties and duties owed

to a clients, what duties must the licensees observe? - Correct Answers ✅Duties owed to all parties

Provide, when requested, info and advice

Disclose material information

Fulfill any obligation required by agency agreement - Correct Answers ✅Duties owed to a client

Can be waived in full or in part

Must be waived in writing

Firm must give written disclosure of what is being waived

Written Notice to the client that the client may need an attorney or other

assistance to fulfill client's goals and duties - Correct Answers ✅Duty to Negotiate

Owe the duties owed to all parties in a transaction

Only involved in the transaction because of the authority the seller granted to the listing firm

Cannot tell the buyer the property is overprices or advise the buyer to offer less than the list price

Can provide negotiation services such as drafting offers or presenting counter offers

Must provide disclosure of agency to buyer-customer - Correct Answers ✅Duties for Subagents

Are licensees required to discuss agency relationship with buyers/sellers before

providing brokerage services? - Correct Answers ✅Yes

Do you have to provide agency disclosure if the principal is a customer? If so, how

and when? - Correct Answers ✅Yes, with a separate document no later than the time of entering into an agency agreement

Can firms and licensees associated with the firms provide legal advice? - Correct

Answers ✅No

In what transactions must a licensees provide agency disclosure? - Correct

Answers ✅Any and all transactions

Do parties have to sign agency disclosures? - Correct Answers ✅Yes, although they can refuse

What happens if a party refuses to sign agency disclosures? - Correct Answers

✅Make a note in your file stating when and how agency disclosure was provided and that the person chose not to sign

When can a licensee act on behalf of their immediate family? - Correct Answers

✅With prior written consent of all parties in the transaction

Licensees acting as agents in transactions cannot receive referral fees from

individuals or entities UNLESS... - Correct Answers ✅the licensee discloses in writing that the licensee might receive compensation for the referral or that the license has an interest in the person or entity providing services

Can a listing firm pay compensation or an incentive to a licensee who is acting as a

buyer in a transaction? - Correct Answers ✅Yes, but only with written consent from the seller

Are tie-in arrangements illegal in WI? - Correct Answers ✅Not fully, most are illegal under antitrust laws, but there are exceptions

The sale of one product is conditioned on a consumer purchasing another product

  • Correct Answers ✅Tie-in Arrangement

What are the two categories of people in the real estate office? - Correct Answers

✅Licensed Agents

Unlicensed Assistants

Only licensed individuals can perform tasks such as: - Correct Answers



Negotiating Offers

What happens if you practice real estate without a licensee? - Correct Answers

✅Up to a $1000 fine or imprisoned up to 6 months or both

How long do you have to report termination of association with a firm to the

DSPS? Can you continue practicing during this time? - Correct Answers ✅10 days

No, you must be associated with a firm

Formal written or formal verbal agreement (must be in writing for real estate) -

Correct Answers ✅Express Agency

Created through actions of the parties; typically accidental; may lead to

undisclosed multiple representation relationship - Correct Answers ✅Implied Agency

Agency agreements are always between... - Correct Answers ✅The client and the firm

Without written consent from the licensee's supervising broker, the licensee

cannot - Correct Answers ✅Terminate

Shorten the term

Reduce commission

What are the 6 requirements of a valid agency agreement? - Correct Answers

✅Describe the property

State the price

State the commission

State the term

Be in writing

Signed by the person agreeing to pay the commission

Is the buyer/sellers signature a legal requirement for a valid agency agreement? -

Correct Answers ✅No

What are the 2 types of agency contracts? - Correct Answers ✅Special Agency

General Agency

Authority to represent principal in one transaction - Correct Answers ✅Special Agency

Authority to represent principal in more than one transaction - Correct Answers

✅General Agency

What are the 4 types of listing contracts? - Correct Answers ✅Exclusive right to sell

Exclusive agency

Open listing contract


Seller hires one firm to act as the seller's agent in the transaction; if the buyer is found, firm earns a commission regardless of who found the seller - Correct

Answers ✅Exclusive right to sell

What is the only state approved listing contract? - Correct Answers ✅Exclusive right to sell

The seller hires one firm to represent the seller in the transaction; the firm earns a commission UNLESS the seller finds the buyer - Correct Answers ✅Exclusive agency listing

The property is listed with several firms; the firm that fined the buyer earns the commission; if the seller finds the buyer, no commission is owed - Correct

Answers ✅Open listing

The firm earns a commission only if a named buyer buys the property - Correct

Answers ✅One-Party Listing

The firm's commission is any dollar amount over a minimum sales price agreed

upon by the firm and the seller; ILLEGAL IN WI - Correct Answers ✅Net-Listing

An employment agreement that creates a relationship between a firm and the buyer; buyer hires the firm to assist in negotiating an option, purchase, or exchange; usually the firm is retained to both locate and negotiate the deal -

Correct Answers ✅Buyer Agency Agreement

What are the 7 ways that agency is terminated? - Correct Answers ✅Death or incapacity of the principal

Destruction or condemnation of the property by eminent domain

Expiration of the term of the contract

Mutual agreement


Operation of law (Eminent domain, foreclosure, bankruptcy)


Is specific performance a remedy for breach of contract - Correct Answers ✅no?

If an agent breaches contract, the principal may... - Correct Answers ✅Rescind

Withhold commission

Sue for damages

Parties act as though the contract never existed and forfeit their right to sue -

Correct Answers ✅Rescind

Commission is a ______________ _________________ ___________ unless the

parties agree otherwise. - Correct Answers ✅Seller's closing cost

To maintain business competition - Correct Answers ✅Sherman Antitrust Act

When two or more firms agree to refuse cooperation or offer to work with limited guidelines with another specific firm that offers a certain type of business model -

Correct Answers ✅Group Boycott

An agreement among competing firms to set a fixed commission - Correct

Answers ✅Price Fixing

Commissions can only be paid to whom? - Correct Answers ✅An individual holding a real estate license

Undisclosed closing gifts may be constituted as what unless they are of nominal

value? - Correct Answers ✅Fee-Splitting

A voluntary service between firms that facilitates the cooperation and

compensation of subagents and buyer's firms - Correct Answers ✅Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

Are commissions calculated from the purchase price or the listing price? - Correct Answers ✅Purchase price

Commission = - Correct Answers ✅Purchase price x commission percentage

When are commissions paid? - Correct Answers ✅At closing or the date set for closing

Who can the buyer's firm be paid by? - Correct Answers ✅Listing firm

The buyer

The seller

Drafting approved forms to accomplish the instruction of the party

Understanding laws affecting real estate practice

Avoid transactions in which the licensee does not have experience, unless assisted

by a competent licensee or attorney - Correct Answers ✅Competent Practice

Negotiations with a seller must go through the listing firm unless.... - Correct

Answers ✅The listing firm consents to directly contacting the seller

The listing firm/agents are unavailable

Unmodified, does the WB-36 create an exclusive right to locate and negotiate

interest on a property? - Correct Answers ✅No, the buyer can still negotiate and locate

How should the list price be shown in a listing contract? - Correct Answers

✅Written out in words followed by the numbers in parenthesis

What constitutes as enforceable title? - Correct Answers ✅All contingencies are removed/satisfied and the parties are waiting for closing

The buyer essentially writes a full price (or above) cash offer with no contingencies and the seller rejects it anyway - Correct Answers ✅Mirror image offer - commission to be paid

Once earned, is the commission still due and payable even if the transaction does

not close? - Correct Answers ✅Yes

Are licensee's responsible for verifying a buyer's financial capability to purchase a

property? - Correct Answers ✅No

buyers/someone acting on behalf of the buyer, who during the term of a listing, delivers an offer to purchase/exchange/option to seller or firm, vies property/negotiates potential terms directly with the seller, attends an individual

showing/communicates terms with the firm. - Correct Answers ✅Protected Buyer

When must a firm have a protected buyer list to the seller? - Correct Answers

✅Within 3 days of expiration or termination of the listing contract

How long does the listing contract follow protected buyers of a property? -

Correct Answers ✅1 year

If a protected buyer purchases a property within the one year extension, what

happens? - Correct Answers ✅The firm earns the commission they would have if the listing contract was still valid

If the deadline on the listing contract is listed in days, what days are counted for the deadline? - Correct Answers ✅All days including weekends, holidays, snow days, etc.

What happens if a property is sold while it is still under a lease? - Correct Answers

✅The lease survives the sale of the property and all security deposits/prepaid rents must be transferred to the buyer

Is a licensee required to disclose sex offenders in the area? - Correct Answers

✅No, unless there is already prior knowledge about one...otherwise, advise them to look into that information themselves it is all online

What is needed in the property description, in addition to the property address,

for a condo listing? - Correct Answers ✅Unit number, the building the unit is located in, and the name of the condo

An aspect of a condo that is considers the HOA's property and not the occupants;

can be inside or outside the condo - Correct Answers ✅Limited Common Elements

What are some examples of limited common elements? - Correct Answers





How long does the seller have to provide the buyer with condo disclosures? -

Correct Answers ✅Within 10 days of acceptance and no later than 15 days prior to closing

What does a Real Estate Condition Report apply to in a condo? - Correct Answers

✅Condo Unit

Common Elements

Limited Common Elements

How is the purchase price stated on the Buyer's Agency Agreement? - Correct

Answers ✅As a range instead of a set number

How long is a property protected after expiration of the Buyers Agency

Agreement? - Correct Answers ✅One year

Emphasizing the benefits of a property - Correct Answers ✅Puffing

Is puffing legal? - Correct Answers ✅Yes

A false statement; concealment of a material fact; made with the intention of

inducing some action by another party - Correct Answers ✅Misrepresentation

What should a licensee do when asked about info relating to tax and legal advice

and zoning info? - Correct Answers ✅Avoid liability and refer them to experts (attorneys, accountants, surveyors)

What must be included in a firm's advertisement of a property? - Correct Answers

✅The name of the firm in a clear and conspicuous location of the advertisement

How should a licensee inspect vacant land? - Correct Answers ✅Observe the property from at least one vantage point on or adjacent to the property

Seller disclosure law, establishes the seller's obligations relating to real estate transactions; declares which sellers need to complete and RECR and what info a

seller needs to include - Correct Answers ✅Chapter 709

For vacant land, a seller does not need to fill out an RECR but instead needs to complete what? - Correct Answers ✅Vacant Land Disclosure Report

A structure or a part of a structure that is presently used or is intended to be used in the future as a home, residence, or sleeping place by a person or by two or

more persons maintaining a common household - Correct Answers ✅Dwelling Unit

What types of properties are considered dwelling units? - Correct Answers

✅Single Family Home



Summer Cottages

Vacant Land

Do personal representatives or trustees have to complete an RECR? - Correct

Answers ✅No

Does a person holding a Power-of-Attorney have to complete an RECR? - Correct

Answers ✅Yes

Does a landlord selling a duplex that he never lived in have to complete an RECR?

  • Correct Answers ✅Yes

What happens if a defect is realized after the completion of the RECR? - Correct

Answers ✅Amend the RECR with the new defect

How long does a seller have to provide a buyer with the RECR once an offer is

accepted? - Correct Answers ✅10 days or the seller can rescind

Does the licensee still have to inspect and disclose material adverse facts in an "as-is" sale? - Correct Answers ✅Yes to inspection and disclosure

Do licensees have to disclose reputation problems, location of group homes, nursing homes, or community based residential facilities? - Correct Answers


Requires owners of a condo in WI or owners of a condo being advertised in WI to follow certain disclosure requirements; balances rights of unit owners and

association as a whole; encourages reserves - Correct Answers ✅Chapter 703

User friendly index for the large volume of disclosure docs buy creating easy-to- read, consumer-friendly index; prepared by declarant (developer) or the association either explains items listed in the statue in plain, clear language or specifically references the location of the info in the condo docs; located directly

after the condo docs index - Correct Answers ✅Executive Summary

When did lead based paint begin to be phased out of residential properties? -

Correct Answers ✅ 1978

Anything built before 1978 or for which the building permit was issued before

1978 - Correct Answers ✅Target Housing

How long must firms, sellers, and lessors retain Lead Based Paint records? -

Correct Answers ✅3 Years

Used for storage of fuel or heating oil for non-commercial use - Correct Answers

✅Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

Underground storage tanks must be registered with what department? - Correct

Answers ✅Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP)

Underground storage tanks that are 1100 gallons or greater must have a tightness

inspection how often? - Correct Answers ✅Every 2 years

Underground storage tanks that are no longer in use must be closed, what does this mean? - Correct Answers ✅They must be removed from the ground (unless removal will damage the building)

Naturally occurring mineral found in soil and rock in some areas of the U.S. -

Correct Answers ✅Asbestos

If asbestos can be maintained in good condition, the EPA recommends doing

what? - Correct Answers ✅Leaving it alone

A mineral used in construction insulation and potting soils - Correct Answers


Radioactive gas believed to cause lung cancer - Correct Answers ✅Radon

The WI Department of Natural Resources identifies what 4 contaminants as the

most important to test for inside of a well? - Correct Answers ✅Bacteria




Found in the intestines and feces of humans and other warm blooded animals, in

soil, on vegetation, and in surface water runoff - Correct Answers ✅Coliform Bacteria

To avoid discrimination, a licensee shall: - Correct Answers ✅Treat all people fairly and consistently

Maintain accurate and detailed records of all customer and client interaction

Develop routines and procedures to ensure fair treatment

Local governments can _______ fair housing classes, but cannot ___________

them. - Correct Answers ✅add; remove

A person's membership in a group possessing characteristics and traits

transmitted by descent - Correct Answers ✅Race

A person's religious and spiritual beliefs and practices, or his or her

denominational affiliations - Correct Answers ✅Religion

The country where a person or his or her ancestors came from - Correct Answers

✅National Origin

Whether persons are members of families in which one or more children are under 18 years of age with a parent, a person who has legal custody, or the

designee or the parent or legal custodian - Correct Answers ✅Familial status

A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; a record of having such an impairment; include hearing, mobility and

visual impairments, chronic alcoholism, chronic mental illness, AIDS, HIV, cognitive or intellectual impairments, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis,

cerebral palsy, or epilepsy - Correct Answers ✅Disability

What is not included as a disability? - Correct Answers ✅a person who CURRENTLY uses illegal drugs/controlled substances

A person's racial and ethnic background - Correct Answers ✅Ancestry

Preferring heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality or having a history of such a preference or being identified with such a preference - Correct Answers ✅Sexual Orientation

A person is single, married, divorced, separated, or widowed - Correct Answers

✅Marital status


Profit from financial investments

Food stamps

Social security

Public assistance

Unemployment compensation

Worker’s compensation payments - Correct Answers ✅Lawful Sources of Income

What are the 13 protected classes under Wisconsin's fair housing laws? - Correct

Answers ✅Race



National Origin


Familial Status




Sexual Orientation

Marital Status

Lawful source of income

Status of a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking

Refusing to enter into, or by exacting different terms, conditions, or privileges

with respect to a contract of insurance of a dwelling - Correct Answers ✅Red- lining

Falsely representing that housing is unavailable for inspection, rental, or sale -

Correct Answers ✅Steering

Inducing or attempting to induce a person to sell or rent housing by representations regarding the present or prospective entry into the neighborhood of a person of a particular economic status or a member of a protected class -

Correct Answers ✅Blockbusting (aka panic sales)

Is the use of secular terms or symbols, such as Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and

Merry Christmas, against the Fair Housing Act? - Correct Answers ✅No

Who is responsible for providing accommodations/auxiliary aids and services? -

Correct Answers ✅The Real Estate Office

An opinion of value for which a property would likely sell to the buyer - Correct

Answers ✅Market Value

An estimate or opinion of value based on supportable evidence and approved

methods - Correct Answers ✅Appraised Value

An independent person trained to provide an unbiased estimate of value for a fee

  • Correct Answers ✅Appraiser

Building value in an area is higher if the building are of the same age, construction, use, and size - Correct Answers ✅Conformity

Properties dissimilar in value in a neighborhood affect the value of all property - Correct Answers ✅Regression/Progression

Maximum value of a property tends to be established by value of similar

properties - Correct Answers ✅Increasing/Decreasing Returns

Maximum value of a property tend to be established by value of similar

properties - Correct Answers ✅Substitution

Value is going to be affected by anticipated events in the future; can either have a

positive or negative affect - Correct Answers ✅Anticipation

Any improvements made to a property are worth only what the improvements

add to a property's market value - Correct Answers ✅contribution

The greater the demand of an item and the smaller the supply, the higher the

price - Correct Answers ✅Supply and Demand

No physical or economic condition remains the same due to natural disaster,

economic conditions, or market activity - Correct Answers ✅Change