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Women's History in Sports: A Journey Towards Equality and Participation, Lecture notes of Art

The history of women in sports, focusing on the historical context, traditions, feminist movement, and theorists who have influenced the development of women's sports. From ancient civilizations to modern times, this document sheds light on the struggles and achievements of women in sports, as well as the societal and cultural influences that have shaped their participation.

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Download Women's History in Sports: A Journey Towards Equality and Participation and more Lecture notes Art in PDF only on Docsity! Women and Sports (Kinesiology and Women’s studies) The history of women in sports History tradition and feminist movement History Sports tends to be for a male audience Focuses of competitiveness (men's sports are still considered more dramatic/more exciting) Very statistically based When women rebel, women call for men to notice and be aware of them Tradition Male dominated societies Political ideology (Olympics) Sports is a recommended activity Feminist movement For many years exercise was considered unnatural for women (which is obviously not true) Womans body considered weak In modern Olympics, women's first time was not a success Governing and power struggles of women's sport Behavior and social changes and influences Journals magazines other media made for women by women Class structure issues Redefining sports for women First competitions were spinning yarn...... Participation was key at first skill level was not important just tried to bond and grow women's sports Competitiveness was not important “play for plays sake” What is participation? Being involved in an activity Defined the same way no matter the gender But can be perceived differently Theorists Verte sky 1800s reactions to some who exercise males need to control and dominate Once women went throug menopause, they were no longer useful Lenskyj Tried to explain why male experts rationalized restriction in women based on religion or body differences Cahn Femininity means heterosexual What is sport? Organized game Competition Can have spectators Ancient world sport Can be seen through cave drawings and hieroglyphics Worship of goddesses Some cultures had more partnerships When it comes to survival less differences Ancient Greece Borrow ideas from other cultures No real power in society but some power in family Sparta Very progress Women were considered bold strong masculine Head of households much of the time Gender equality based on necessity Women could own land THE MIDDLE ages Start of past times like swimming aerobics Women wanted to be more active Tuesday 4th 17th-19th century Europe (Britain) Major differences between men and women Women have no economic or political rights Puritan Subdays-no activity Women did get involved in boxing 1768 Bruising peg 1799 spectators to women's boxing Mrs ruff vs Ms. Glass Women were able to win money 40 pounds Success in women's wrestling Margaret Evans wrestled into her 70s Other women's activities Hunting, cockfights, horse racing, co-Ed cricket 17th/18th Century 90% of population was commoners This led to little to no time for recreational activities In Germany- hunts dancing skating Evidence of sports in holland, Venice, and Sweden for women as well Views on Physical education Locke (1693)- sound mind, sound body, tabla rosa There are no real differences between men and women Equal ability Rousseau(1770)- devote time to PE, excessive, games Promoted activity to all population In Spain during (1790)- attention to better diets and excessive for girls and women Troy female seminary 1821 Emma hart Willard- daily PE walking ride dance Hartford Female Seminary 1824 Catherine Beecher- vigorous calisthenics Western Frmalr institute 1833-37 Beecher Mount Holyoke 1862 Lewis - new gymnastic Normal Institue Lewis- trained women to teach physical activity Gymnastics Therapeutic gymnastics Calisthenics based Open air gymnastics More dance German system Rings, balance beam, tight rope Sargent gymnastics Combination of all types plus added strength Many people still believed it was indignities for women to develop muscles and to show athletic prowess Beliefs in 1850s-WW1 Intellectual education was considered overtaxing to women Loss of energy and reproductive strength due to blood flow to brain Lost strength through evolution Lose energy more quickly. May be true due to. It letting women exercise ( no edurance) Studying- big brains and little bodies Contradictory The idea of being athletic would make women more manly 1860s-1900 Archery,lawn tennis, golf, horseback riding, bowling, boating, canoeing, roller skating, swimming, bicycling, field hockey Lawdy Dawn- helped to change garments for women, didn't like her long dress so she lifted her hemline Industrialization Women were allowed to be more economically involved Especially during WW1. 26% in workforce Gymnasiums for women too YMCA/YWCA Women could have independence and meaning Gibson Girl 1880s, 1900s Artist who showed a tall vigorous commanding women On cover of Life magazine Symbol of new woman Active , sports encouraged, freedom of behavior, in workforce The roots of women's suffrage began here Intro of Women's Collegiate sport Vasser, smith, Welles.ey, Bryan Mawr Schools with priority in PE 1882 finds college girls to be more healthy 1890s almost all colleges had PE More opportunity to women and sports 1886 Croquet Craze Becomes team sport Co-Ed teams Bicycling -real changes Mobility, transportation, makes things faster roads are improved Clothing changes Liberated women from corsets and hoop skirt Danger! Bicycle face 1895- considered national past time 1819 velocipedeno pedals 1876 high wheel bike 1880 tricycle - expensive 1890s low wheel bicycle (safety bike) Fight for bloomers and shortened hemlines Basketball 1821 Springfield, MA start of ball 1892 Sarah Benson Smith introduces to women. It idiocies rules No contact 1960 led to end of modified rules 1896 first Collegtiate game cal vs Stanford 1899 official women's rule book Was very competitive and popular Idea of persistence and team work Female physical educators Normal Institute 1861 Boston normal school of gymnastics 1889 Cambridge 1881 American assoc. for advancement of PE 18856/45 founders were female